Thursday, April 3, 2014

the types of pollution and pollution impact environments

the types of pollution and pollution impact environments
A. Types of Pollution
Environmental pollution is divided into three types , based on place of occurrence , ie air pollution , water pollution and soil contamination . In Indonesia, the environmental damage caused by pollution of air , water and soil have been very critical . Particularly in London and the surrounding areas , ever environmental disasters such as waste, flood and much more . This paper will discuss about the types of pollution and its causes and solutions offered to the environmental damage caused by pollution can diminimalisisi
I. Air Pollution
a. Definition
Air pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things , matter , energy , or other components into the air or changing the order of the air by human activity or by natural processes so that the air quality drops to a certain ketingkatan which causes the air to become less or cease to function in accordance with peruntukanya .
example :
Air pollution caused by exhaust fumes such as CO2 , SO , SO2 , CFC , CO , and smoke cigarettes . CO2 gas that comes from the factory , the machines that use fossil fuel and wood burning result . CO2 levels are increasing in the air can not be readily converted into oxygen by plants because many of the world forests felled each year .

b . Impact Air Pencemara
1 . Impact of Air Pollution In Economics
One example of the impact of air pollution in economics as in widespread forest fires in eastern Java so that the smoke haze that pollutes the air very disturbing human activities , especially in the field of flight , Karna smog so thick that eventually cost becomes sparse unlike usual days , and his income was reduced to about 40 % / day .
In addition smog also affects human activity , less human activity outside the home because fear will in respiratory disease , it can cause economic loss to the community because we are not able to search for the necessities of life .
2 . Impact of Air Pollution In Flora And Fauna scope space
The impact of air pollution on plants ( flora ) greatly influenced the development of plant air , if the air is contaminated then interfere with the growth of flora , can become dry and may eventually lead to death , and the effect on the breeding process . Because plants need oxygen for the process of development .
The impact of pollution on Animals ( fauna ) as CFC gases that rise to the top to reach the stratosphere . In the stratosphere there is a layer of ozone gas ( O3 ) , which is the protective earth from the effects of ultra violet radiation . UV radiation can lead to death of the organism , plants become stunted , causing genetic mutations , causing skin cancer and eye cancer . When CFCs reach the ozone layer gas reaction will occur between CFCs and ozone , the ozone layer is perforated so -called ozone hole . SO and SO2 gas is also produced from the combustion of fossil . This gas can react with NO2 gas and rain water and cause acid rain . The rain resulted in plants and animals die land , agricultural production slumped , easily corroded iron and metal , as well as the buildings so quickly fade .
3 . Impact of Air Pollution on Health Human
CO gas inhalation will interfere with breathing . This gas is very reactive so disturbing reminder of oxygen by hemoglobin in the blood . If it continues, can lead to death . CFC gas is used as a gas developers , because not bereaks , odorless , tasteless and harmless . Many used to develop a foam seat , for air conditioning , refrigeration refrigerators and hair spray . However , there was also the ugliness of this gas . CFC gases that rise to the top to reach the stratosphere . In the stratosphere there is a layer of ozone gas ( O3 ) , which is the protective earth from the effects of ultra violet radiation . UV radiation can lead to death of the organism , plants become stunted , causing genetic mutations , causing skin cancer and eye cancer .
4 . Against Air Pollution Impact Esetika
The impact of air pollution on aesthetics is an example in air polluted by smog is very disturbing view of beauty . Because the thick smog that our visibility hindered by smog .
II . Air pollution
a. Definition
Water pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things , matter , energy , and or other components into the water and changing the order of water by human activities or natural processes and the other so that water quality decreases to the level which can lead to certain water can be less or no longer function according intended.
example :
Industrial pollutants include organic pollutants ( liquid waste ) , inorganic pollutants ( solids , heavy metals ) , remaining fuel , kerosene and oil tumpaham is a major source of water pollution , especially ground water . Besides deforestation , good for growing crops , housing and other construction lead to groundwater contamination . Household waste such as organic waste ( food scraps ) , inorganic waste ( plastic , glass , cans ) and chemicals ( detergents , batteries stones ) also plays a major role in the pollution of water , both surface water and ground water . Pollutants in water include chemical elements , pathogens / bacteria and the changing nature of the physics and chemistry of water . Many chemical elements are toxins that pollute the water . Pathogens / bacteria result in water pollution causing disease in humans and animals
b . Impact of Air Pollution
1 . Air Pollution Impact Economy
As in ocean water contaminated by industrial waste the water surrounding the fish will die discredited / migrate or move to another place because the water is not suitable for these fish live , and it greatly affects the fisherman catch fish catches because they will be reduced , and it is mengaurangi income and their income .
Other examples such as the recreation area at the beach if the sea is polluted by garbage it would interfere with the view of the place , it will make the recreational visitors looking for another place / lazy to visiting the place . This makes the Coast Guard or the person who has the tourist income is declining because of the shortage of visitors .
2 . Impact of Air Pollution Flora And Fauna Scope
The impact of pollution on the flora and fauna of the ecosystem when sample fauna in the sea when the sea is polluted with sewage sample , then the oil will affect the fish will live around these waters , and the fish that live around the waters are polluted by sewage will moved to another place and also die because of water contaminated with the waste.
3 . Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health
Water contaminated by E. coli bacteria is very annoying to human health because if human contaminates the water so people can be exposed to the disease dysentery .
Other examples of Cadmium ( Cd ) is becoming popular as a dangerous heavy metals after the onset of river pollution in the region of Kumamoto Japan that caused toxicity in humans . Cadmium contamination in drinking water in Japan causing disease " itai - itai " . Symptoms are characterized by abnormalities of bone and some organs of the body becomes dead . Chronic poisoning caused by Cd is damage to the body's physiological systems such as breathing , blood circulation , olfactory , and damage to the reproductive glands , kidneys , heart and fragility
4 . Against Air Pollution Impact Aesthetics

Aesthetics is the impact of such pollution on the pollution that occurs in coastal recreation area , when the place is polluted with it will be very disturbing to the venue Estetikadi .

Other examples such as the river if the many rivers in the garbage polluting it will be very disturbing aesthetics of the river because the river will look dirty , because the pool of waste that pollute the river .
III . Soil pollution
a. Definition
Contamination of land is entered or the inclusion of living things , matter , energy , and or other components into the soil and changing the order of the land by human activities or natural processes so that the quality of the soil and the other descending to the level which can lead to certain soil can be less or no longer function according intended.
example :
The pollution caused by a lot of trash , both organic and nonorganic . The organic waste can be described by soil microbes into the top layer of soil called humus soil . However , inorganic / nonorganic can not be described . Pollutants that remained intact up to 300 years to come . Waste substances that seep into the soil also can not be lost in the long term . Waste substances that enter the soil and absorbed by plants remained settled in the body of the plant , because the plant can not describe it . Industrial waste that contaminates the soil usually is excessive fertilizer and the use of herbicides and pesticides . Contaminants that settle on the plants , continues to move through the food chain and food web . So that it causes a displacement of pollutants in any body of organisms that carry out the process of the food chain . This will cause a decline in the quality of the organism , such as a lack of robustness against interference from outside .
b . Impact of Soil Pollution
1 . Impact of Soil Pollution In Economics
the impact of soil contamination in the economy such as the shortage of soil nutrient elements due to the disposal of plastic waste that can not be broken down by bacteria , can make the soil less fertile due to excessive spraying of pesticides into the soil also can make the soil less fertile , because the bacteria decomposers in ground die because toxic pesticides , and if the farmers grow crops in places such good results are less clear because the land is not fertile , and it reduces the income of farmers .
2 . Soil Pollution Impact on flora and fauna
Examples of the impact of pollution on the flora ( plants ) on land contaminated toxic substances such as pesticides that are in the soil due to excessive use made ​​of plants grown in place not fertile and well developed . Because these plants absorb pesticide substances in the soil . And even these plants can not survive the ground .
3 . Soil Pollution Impact on human health
Industrial waste that contaminates the soil usually is excessive fertilizer and the use of herbicides and pesticides . Contaminants that settle on the plants , continues to move through the food chain and food web . So that it causes a displacement of pollutants in any body of organisms that carry out the process of the food chain . This will cause a decline in the quality of the organism , such as a lack of robustness against interference from outside .
4 . Impact of Soil Pollution In aesthetics
The impact of land pollution directly by humans is the impact of the disposal of organic solid waste from households and industrial activities . Directly impacted by other land pollution is solid waste dump large amounts that will cause the unpleasant sights , dirty and rundown . This often occurs in Final Disposal ( TPA ) or dump station causes scenery around looks less unsightly and affects population psychic around .
- Www . ?
- Http:// ; December 3, 2007
- Hadi Siswanto , MPH , Dictionary of environmental health , publisher of medical books ECG , Jakarta , 2003
- Budiman Candra , Introduction to Environmental Health , publisher of medical books ECG , Jakarta , in 2006

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