The factors in the method of disposal of excreta
The factors to be considered in the method of excreta disposal among other non-technical factors ( Notoatmodjo , 2003) .
a. Technical factors include :
1 ) factor decomposition of human excreta
The phenomenon of human excreta decomposition holds a very important role in the planning system is a means of excreta disposal . Many excreta disposal facilities are planned capacity and the working principle based on this phenomenon . Decomposition of excreta which is a process and this occurred naturally carry 3 main activities :
1 ) Solving complex organic compounds such as proteins and urea into forms more simple and stable .
2 ) Measurement of volume and mass ( sometimes up to 80 % ) even decompose to produce gases such as methane , carbon dioxide , ammonia , and nitrogen is released into the atmosphere and to produce materials that are soluble in certain circumstances seep into the ground .
3 ) The destruction of pathogenic organisms which in some cases do not survive in the processes of decomposition or against biological attack that life is very much present in the mass decayed . Bacteria play a major role in the decomposition and the activity of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria carry out this decomposition process .
2 ) Factors quantity of human feces
The quantity of human waste produced is influenced by local conditions , not only physiological factors , but also cultural factors and religion . If not available in an area of local research data planning purposes it can be used a total number of excreta production of 1 kg (net weight ) per person / day .
3 ) . Factors of soil and groundwater contamination
In soil and groundwater contamination by excreta is important information that should be considered in the planning of excreta disposal facilities , particularly in relation to planning the location of sources of drinking water available . Distance transfer of bacteria in soil is influenced by many factors , one important factor is the factor parositas ground . Movement of groundwater bacteria usually reach a distance of less than 90 cm , and vertically downward less than 3 m in hole open to heavy rain and no more than 60 centimeters normally on porous soil .
4 ) Factor placement fecal water facilities
There are no definite rules to determine the distance between the latrines and safe drinking water , because it is influenced by many factors , such as slope and height of the ground water and soil permeability .
5 ) . Factors flies breeding in excreta
It should be avoided or prevented the occurrence of breeding flies on feces in the pits. Conditions dark pits and covered actually been able to prevent the breeding of flies , both because of its density and the nature of the phototropisme positive flies ( attracted to light and away from darkness or dark surfaces ) .
6 ) Factors pits closed
Should the effort to close the pits to encourage users privy to the proper functioning properly . In the simplest possible construction until the wearer is not too difficult to use .
7 ) technical factors engineering
In the planning and construction of excreta disposal facilities in order to be pursued :
a) The application of knowledge engineering techniques , such as in choosing the type of installation in accordance with the conditions of the existing soil layer .
b ) pengguanaan local building materials to be able to cut costs significantly , eg the use of bamboo for the collapse of the retaining walls of the hole , to the bone slab amplifier and so on .
c ) Selection and determination of building design installations that can be handled by local workers , skilled workers are also available should be utilized as much as possible .
b . Non-technical factors :
1 ) The human factor
In the matter of disposal of excreta , human factors are as important as technical factors . People will not want to use the latrines of the type that does not like or that does not provide sufficient privacy to him , or that can not be kept clean. The first stage in planning excreta disposal system in an area is the improvement of the existing system . Further development of the system should always seek the provision / creation is sufficient privacy for prospective users .
Application of this principle is the need for a clear separation between the privy chamber to the other sex , the need for latrines provided sufficient amount of space in accordance with the number of users . One pit latrine enough for a family of 5 or 6 people . Latrines are used for camping , markets or places like should be provided at least one hole for 15 people and 1 pit to school for 15 women and one hole + 1 urinal for 25 men .
2 ) The cost factor
Type of latrine is recommended for people and families should be simple , acceptable , economical development , maintenance and replacement . This cost factor is relative , because the most expensive system of manufacture can be the least expensive for the calculation of long-term , given a longer period of use because of its strength as well as the most convenient and economical in terms of maintenance .
In planning and the selection of the type of latrine , the cost should not be a dominant factor . We need to find a middle ground based on careful consideration of all related elements , which can create an environment that is sanitary and can be accepted by the family .
The factors to be considered in the method of excreta disposal among other non-technical factors ( Notoatmodjo , 2003) .
a. Technical factors include :
1 ) factor decomposition of human excreta
The phenomenon of human excreta decomposition holds a very important role in the planning system is a means of excreta disposal . Many excreta disposal facilities are planned capacity and the working principle based on this phenomenon . Decomposition of excreta which is a process and this occurred naturally carry 3 main activities :
1 ) Solving complex organic compounds such as proteins and urea into forms more simple and stable .
2 ) Measurement of volume and mass ( sometimes up to 80 % ) even decompose to produce gases such as methane , carbon dioxide , ammonia , and nitrogen is released into the atmosphere and to produce materials that are soluble in certain circumstances seep into the ground .
3 ) The destruction of pathogenic organisms which in some cases do not survive in the processes of decomposition or against biological attack that life is very much present in the mass decayed . Bacteria play a major role in the decomposition and the activity of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria carry out this decomposition process .
2 ) Factors quantity of human feces
The quantity of human waste produced is influenced by local conditions , not only physiological factors , but also cultural factors and religion . If not available in an area of local research data planning purposes it can be used a total number of excreta production of 1 kg (net weight ) per person / day .
3 ) . Factors of soil and groundwater contamination
In soil and groundwater contamination by excreta is important information that should be considered in the planning of excreta disposal facilities , particularly in relation to planning the location of sources of drinking water available . Distance transfer of bacteria in soil is influenced by many factors , one important factor is the factor parositas ground . Movement of groundwater bacteria usually reach a distance of less than 90 cm , and vertically downward less than 3 m in hole open to heavy rain and no more than 60 centimeters normally on porous soil .
4 ) Factor placement fecal water facilities
There are no definite rules to determine the distance between the latrines and safe drinking water , because it is influenced by many factors , such as slope and height of the ground water and soil permeability .
5 ) . Factors flies breeding in excreta
It should be avoided or prevented the occurrence of breeding flies on feces in the pits. Conditions dark pits and covered actually been able to prevent the breeding of flies , both because of its density and the nature of the phototropisme positive flies ( attracted to light and away from darkness or dark surfaces ) .
6 ) Factors pits closed
Should the effort to close the pits to encourage users privy to the proper functioning properly . In the simplest possible construction until the wearer is not too difficult to use .
7 ) technical factors engineering
In the planning and construction of excreta disposal facilities in order to be pursued :
a) The application of knowledge engineering techniques , such as in choosing the type of installation in accordance with the conditions of the existing soil layer .
b ) pengguanaan local building materials to be able to cut costs significantly , eg the use of bamboo for the collapse of the retaining walls of the hole , to the bone slab amplifier and so on .
c ) Selection and determination of building design installations that can be handled by local workers , skilled workers are also available should be utilized as much as possible .
b . Non-technical factors :
1 ) The human factor
In the matter of disposal of excreta , human factors are as important as technical factors . People will not want to use the latrines of the type that does not like or that does not provide sufficient privacy to him , or that can not be kept clean. The first stage in planning excreta disposal system in an area is the improvement of the existing system . Further development of the system should always seek the provision / creation is sufficient privacy for prospective users .
Application of this principle is the need for a clear separation between the privy chamber to the other sex , the need for latrines provided sufficient amount of space in accordance with the number of users . One pit latrine enough for a family of 5 or 6 people . Latrines are used for camping , markets or places like should be provided at least one hole for 15 people and 1 pit to school for 15 women and one hole + 1 urinal for 25 men .
2 ) The cost factor
Type of latrine is recommended for people and families should be simple , acceptable , economical development , maintenance and replacement . This cost factor is relative , because the most expensive system of manufacture can be the least expensive for the calculation of long-term , given a longer period of use because of its strength as well as the most convenient and economical in terms of maintenance .
In planning and the selection of the type of latrine , the cost should not be a dominant factor . We need to find a middle ground based on careful consideration of all related elements , which can create an environment that is sanitary and can be accepted by the family .
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