Saturday, April 5, 2014


The use of biological agents in agriculture deserves to be developed following the massive recall that the balance of the ecosystem functions . Bacteria reported to suppress the growth of pathogens in the soil naturally , some genus Agrobacterium lot of attention , namely , Bacillus , and Pseudomonas ( Hasanuddin , 2003)
Bacillus sp . is a group of gram-positive bacteria are often used as biological control root diseases . Members of this genus have advantages , because the bacteria form spores that are easily stored , has a long life durability , and relatively easy inoculated into the soil . Bacillus sp . has been shown to have potential as biological control is good , for example against pathogenic bacteria such as R. solanacearum ( Soesanto , 2008) .
Bacillus sp . can produce phytohormones potentially to develop sustainable agricultural systems . Phytohormones produced soil bacteria can affect plant growth , either directly or indirectly . Fitohormon indirectly inhibit the activity of bacterial pathogens in plants , whereas the direct effect is to increase the phytohormones plant 's growth and can act as a facilitator in the absorption of some nutrients from the environment ( Greenlite , 2009) .
Several species of Bacillus sp . which produce antibiotics can be used as a biological agent . The type of antibiotic that produced , among others, in the form of iturin , surfactin , fengicin , polymyxin , difficidin , subtiline , and mycobacilin ( Todar , 2005) .
Function of Bacillus spp . ( such as Bacillus subtillis ) , among others, can control the disease on potato and potato tuber yield increase up to 160 % . Bacillus spp . can control the disease and lincat on tobacco bacterial wilt disease in tomato seeds caused by Ralstonia solanacearum in tobacco plants
Baker et al in Hasanuddin ( 2003) states when the sterile filtration of cultures of Bacillus subtilis was applied three times a week to control rust diseases on field pea crops markedly better than mancozeb fungicide applications once a week .

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