Process Waste Handling and Processing Industry InWaste treatment aims to eliminate polluting elements from waste water
and effluent from processing to get the quality that has to be accepted
by the receiving water body without any physical disorder , chemical or
biological ( Soedjono , 1991) .
Waste treatment is basically an effort to reduce the volume , concentration or hazard waste , after the production process or activity , through a process of physical , chemical or biological . In the implementation of waste management , the first attempt to do is preventive measures that reduce the volume of waste produced hazard to the environment which includes efforts to reduce waste at the source , as well as efforts to use waste . Waste minimization program in Indonesia only began in earnest , which aim to reduce the amount of waste and sewage treatment still have economic value .
Similarly, hospital waste treatment also requires special handling , as hospital waste have privileges compared to the waste generated by industrial or other activities . The hospital is a place of activities ( in accordance with the role ) some people are prone to be dealt with . Vulnerable or ill person is an agent of the disease without producing any waste already carrying germs , in other words if the sick people waste the waste is the accumulation of germs ( depot ) that can bring adverse effects to the environment . ( David , 1982) .
In wastewater fats and oils are a major component . So that waste water can be managed with either the composition and nature of the waste water should not be ignored , because it can be difficult at the time or during the processing stream . For example, the waste water contains a lot of fat that is part of the wastewater components have properties which coagulates and will be attached to the wall of the channel when the normal air or cold air and will turn into a liquid at warmer temperatures .
Fat in the form of liquid when discharged to the sewer will accumulate on the cumulative sewerage due to cooling and the fat will stick to the walls of the sewer will eventually be able to block the flow of waste water . In addition to the blockage will be also be damage to the place where the fat attached can cause a leak . To overcome the difficulty of the presence of fat in the waste water , it is necessary the existence of buildings recommended grease catcher before throwing their waste water into the sewer . ( Sugiharto , 1987) .
b . Industrial Wastewater Treatment
The existence of Wastewater Treatment in each hospital is very important to treat wastewater generated in the hospital in the hope not cause negative impacts on society and the environment .
Wastewater treatment must have been confirmed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health No.173/MENKES/PER/VII/1977 in article 5, paragraph 2 , states that :
" The use of water bodies of class A or class B or class C as a media receiver or mining and industrial waste and household waste or in liquid form is processed by means of carefully disposal " .
The same is also mentioned in the Government Regulation No. . 20 of 1990 on Water Pollution Control in article 17, paragraph 1 states that :
" Any person or entity who obey wajim liquid waste effluent quality standard as specified in the wastewater discharge permit is set for him " .
Broadly speaking wastewater treatment activities can be grouped in pengolaha preliminary stage ( pre-treatment ) , the first processing stage ( primary treatment) , the second processing stage ( secondary treatment) , the third processing stage ( tertiary treatment) and advanced processing stage (ultimate disposal ) .
a. processing Introduction
At first, the waste water is collected and conducted cleanup in order to expedite the process further processing . The activities on the preliminary processing is sorting gravel and mud then removes solids and fat separates .
b . First processing
The first treatment is done to remove the solids are mixed by precipitation or flotation . At this stage of processing requires the deposition of a building consisting of feeder area , regional and local deposition expenses .
So that all the sediment can settle in the area of deposition , the flow rate of wastewater sludge must be harmonized with the speed according to the depth of the depositional basin . Thus the deposition velocity and flow rate of the particles must be equal in achieving basic bath and regional spending .
Given this deposition will reduce the biological oxygen demand in the next processing .
c . Both Pengolaha
This stage is influenced by many factors including the amount of waste water , the level of impurities , dirt types and others. Further processing of the two is a biological process as jazad microscopic work , in addition to outlining the BOD also outlines other parameters such as suspended solids , color , odor and more.
d . Third processing
The third processing is done to enhance the reduction of chemicals / pollutants that are not able to do the first and second processing . At this stage there is a process chemistry, physics and chemical physics .
e . Advanced processing
The results of all the stages in the form of sludge that needs to be processed on advanced treatment . For example, in the process of sedimentation on the processing of the first and second treatment produces sludge that often cause problems because they contain high levels of contaminants .
Waste treatment is basically an effort to reduce the volume , concentration or hazard waste , after the production process or activity , through a process of physical , chemical or biological . In the implementation of waste management , the first attempt to do is preventive measures that reduce the volume of waste produced hazard to the environment which includes efforts to reduce waste at the source , as well as efforts to use waste . Waste minimization program in Indonesia only began in earnest , which aim to reduce the amount of waste and sewage treatment still have economic value .
Similarly, hospital waste treatment also requires special handling , as hospital waste have privileges compared to the waste generated by industrial or other activities . The hospital is a place of activities ( in accordance with the role ) some people are prone to be dealt with . Vulnerable or ill person is an agent of the disease without producing any waste already carrying germs , in other words if the sick people waste the waste is the accumulation of germs ( depot ) that can bring adverse effects to the environment . ( David , 1982) .
In wastewater fats and oils are a major component . So that waste water can be managed with either the composition and nature of the waste water should not be ignored , because it can be difficult at the time or during the processing stream . For example, the waste water contains a lot of fat that is part of the wastewater components have properties which coagulates and will be attached to the wall of the channel when the normal air or cold air and will turn into a liquid at warmer temperatures .
Fat in the form of liquid when discharged to the sewer will accumulate on the cumulative sewerage due to cooling and the fat will stick to the walls of the sewer will eventually be able to block the flow of waste water . In addition to the blockage will be also be damage to the place where the fat attached can cause a leak . To overcome the difficulty of the presence of fat in the waste water , it is necessary the existence of buildings recommended grease catcher before throwing their waste water into the sewer . ( Sugiharto , 1987) .
b . Industrial Wastewater Treatment
The existence of Wastewater Treatment in each hospital is very important to treat wastewater generated in the hospital in the hope not cause negative impacts on society and the environment .
Wastewater treatment must have been confirmed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health No.173/MENKES/PER/VII/1977 in article 5, paragraph 2 , states that :
" The use of water bodies of class A or class B or class C as a media receiver or mining and industrial waste and household waste or in liquid form is processed by means of carefully disposal " .
The same is also mentioned in the Government Regulation No. . 20 of 1990 on Water Pollution Control in article 17, paragraph 1 states that :
" Any person or entity who obey wajim liquid waste effluent quality standard as specified in the wastewater discharge permit is set for him " .
Broadly speaking wastewater treatment activities can be grouped in pengolaha preliminary stage ( pre-treatment ) , the first processing stage ( primary treatment) , the second processing stage ( secondary treatment) , the third processing stage ( tertiary treatment) and advanced processing stage (ultimate disposal ) .
a. processing Introduction
At first, the waste water is collected and conducted cleanup in order to expedite the process further processing . The activities on the preliminary processing is sorting gravel and mud then removes solids and fat separates .
b . First processing
The first treatment is done to remove the solids are mixed by precipitation or flotation . At this stage of processing requires the deposition of a building consisting of feeder area , regional and local deposition expenses .
So that all the sediment can settle in the area of deposition , the flow rate of wastewater sludge must be harmonized with the speed according to the depth of the depositional basin . Thus the deposition velocity and flow rate of the particles must be equal in achieving basic bath and regional spending .
Given this deposition will reduce the biological oxygen demand in the next processing .
c . Both Pengolaha
This stage is influenced by many factors including the amount of waste water , the level of impurities , dirt types and others. Further processing of the two is a biological process as jazad microscopic work , in addition to outlining the BOD also outlines other parameters such as suspended solids , color , odor and more.
d . Third processing
The third processing is done to enhance the reduction of chemicals / pollutants that are not able to do the first and second processing . At this stage there is a process chemistry, physics and chemical physics .
e . Advanced processing
The results of all the stages in the form of sludge that needs to be processed on advanced treatment . For example, in the process of sedimentation on the processing of the first and second treatment produces sludge that often cause problems because they contain high levels of contaminants .
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