Saturday, April 5, 2014

PEST CONTROL WHITE FAKE Cnaphalocrosis medinalis

Although fake white pests ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) not major pests and pests harmful to plants rice but still fake white pests will impact detrimental to farmers . From experience maspary fake white pests occurs when plants are still in the vase vegetative ( young plants ) although not rule also sometimes occurs when the plant is out of panicles . And usually the attack which means that when damage occurs when the leaves of rice entering the maximum tillering phase and maturation phase reaches > 50 % .

Are the leaves of rice plants you suddenly become thin white vertical roll and a lot of that ? If yes , it means a fake white pest attack symptoms . Damage from the larvae / caterpillar pests fake white look with the white color on the leaves in the crop . The larvae eat the leaves of green tissue in the folds of the leaves leaving the lower surface of the leaves that are white . The life cycle of this pest ranges from 30-60 days .Before the fake white pests are usually preceded by the presence of the moth / butterfly yellow brown which has three black bands with incomplete or interrupted line on the front wing . At rest , the moth is triangular . If the planting area of our arrival white moth pests false as shown below then we must be vigilant .
Fake white pest control measures :
To control pests fake white needs to be done the following steps :

Fake white pests if left unchecked will usually stop on their own and rarely resulted in crop failure . Rice plant pests can be recovered when water and fertilizer properly managed .
Try to reduce the attack of plant maintenance as possible so that the plants can grow good , healthy , and uniform .
Perform air drying to reduce moisture around rice
Use insecticides ( if necessary ) active ingredient fipronil or dimehipo .

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