Saturday, April 5, 2014


11 diseases that often attack citrus diperkebunan including :

Woody gall ( Vein Enation )
Cause : Citrus Vein virus vector Enation with Toxoptera citridus , Aphis gossypii . Part of being attacked : Orange juice , sweet , siem , Rough lemon and Sour Orange . Symptoms : irregular protrusion of bone leaves scattered on the leaf surface . Control : use of virus-free eye patch and note the environmental sanitation .

Cause: The bacterium like organism with leafhopper vector D. citri . Part of being attacked : the central cylinder ( phloem ) rods . Symptoms : leaves narrow , small , pointy , small fruit , acid , broken seeds and orange fruit base . Control : use the plants healthy and free GO . In addition to the placement location of the garden at least 5 miles of orange groves were attacked GO . Use of insecticides for vector and noticed a good garden sanitation .

Cause : Citrus tristeza virus vector Toxoptera . Part of being attacked sweet orange , lemon , and a large Japanese citroen orange rootstock . Symptoms : the curve of the stem , leaf discoloration rigid , veins of leaves , stunted growth .Control : note field sanitation , destroy the affected plants , and vector control with insecticide Supracide or Cascade .

Root and stem rot
Cause: The fungus Phyrophthoranicotianae . Part of being attacked is the root and stem and leaves at the ends of the branches are yellow . Symptoms : no fresh shoots , dried plants . Control : treatment and good water , soil sterilization at the time of planting , make a minimum height of 20 cm patch of ground .

Cause: The fungus Diplodia natalensis . Part of being attacked is the stem or branch . Symptoms : underarm skin branch generates interest gum beetles , so the wood color grayish , dry skin and flaking .Control : the branch cuts are infected , the cut given karbolineum or Cu fungicides . and fungicides Benomyl 2 times a year .

powdery mildew
Cause: The fungus Odidium tingitanium . Part of being attacked are the leaves and young stems . Symptoms : white flour in the leaves and young stems . Control : use fungicides Pyrazophos ( Afugan ) and Bupirimate ( Nimrot25 EC ) .

mushrooms policeman
Cause : Upasia salmonicolor . Part of being attacked is the stem . Symptoms : transverse cracks on the trunk and discharge gums , dry and tough stems exfoliated . Control : infected skin exfoliated and disaput fungisidacarbolineum . Then cut the infected branch .

Cause: The fungus Sphaceloma fawcetti . Part of being attacked are the leaves , stems or fruit . Symptoms : small spots that turn into cork clear yellow or orange . Control : trimming teratur.Kemudian use Dithiocarbamate Fungicide / Benomyl ( Benlate ) .

rotten fruit
The cause : Penicillium spp . Phytophtora citriphora , Botryodiplodia theobromae . Part of being attacked is a fruit . Symptoms : There are flour - solid bluish green powder on the surface of the skin . Control : avoid mechanical damage , dip fruit into hot water / fungicide benpmyl , pelilinan fruit and trimming the bottom of the tree .

Cause: The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris Cv . Citri . Part of being attacked are the leaves , stems , fruit . Symptoms : Small patches of dark - green or yellow along the edges , and enlarged the wound looks like a cork broke with a diameter of 3-5 mm . Control : Fungicides such as porridge Bordeaux Cu , Copper oxychlorida . In addition to preventing attacks peliang caterpillar leaves the eye patch is to dip into the 1,000 ppm Streptomycin for 1 hour .

Fruit fall prematurely
Cause: The fungus Fusarium sp . Colletotrichum sp . Alternaria sp . Part of being attacked : fruit and flower symptoms : a two - four weeks prior to harvest fruit autumn . Control : Fungicides Benomyl ( Benlate ) or Caprafol .

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