Friday, April 4, 2014

Medical waste treatment technology ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /

Medical Waste Trash hospital medical
A. Definition of Medical Waste
Ad medical waste / litter derived from medical, nursing , dental , veteranary , pharmaceutical at / birds of a feather , research , treatment , care , research at / education that uses materials that are toxic, infectious , dangerous or potentially dangerous unless done certain safeguards .
According to the MOH . Medical Waste ad / various types of hospital discharges resultant & health care units according to which interchangeable harm and cause health problems for the visitors , especially public officials handle y .
Medical Waste ad / generally 10-15 % of waste that is generated o / health care facilities .
B. Categories of Medical Waste
? ? Waste pharmaceuticals ad / waste that contains pharmaceutical ingredients . Exemplarily : drugs that expire at / not needed anymore , which contaminated items at / containing the drug .
? ? Pathological waste ad / network at / pieces of the human body . Example : body parts , blood and other body fluids that termaasuk fetus .
? ? Waste citotoksik ad / material that is contaminated at / may be contaminated with citotoksik drugs during compounding , transporting at / action citotoksik therapy .
? ? Chemical Waste ad / generated from chemical use within the medical act , vetenary , laboratory , sterilization process and research . Example : reagents in the laboratory , the film u / x-rays , disinfectants which expired at / been dispensable , solen . This waste category of hazardous waste if it has some properties ( toxic , corrosive ( PH12 ) , absolute burning , reactive (explosive , react dg water , prone gocangan ) , genotoxic .
? ? Radioactive waste ad / material that is contaminated with radio-isotopes derived from medical use at / research radionukleida . Origin is a waste / l of acts of nuclear medicine , radio immunoassay and bacteriological pervasive form of solid , liquid , and gas . Example : Unresponsive unused liquid from terapiradioaktif at / research in the laboratory .
? ? Waste plastic ad / plastic material cast- o / clinics , hospitals and other health care facilities such as dissposable goods which is made of plastic and also coating equipment and medical supplies .
? ? Waste with high content of heavy metals such as battery weight , which broke the thermometer , blood pressure gauges .
? ? Pressurized containers such as anesthetic gas cylinders , gas cartridges gas , aerosol cans , respiratory therapy equipment , gaseous oxygen at / liquid .
C. Management of Medical Waste
1 . Hoarding ( Separation & Reduction )

The process of selecting and waste reduction should be a continuous process that must take into consideration that its implementation : the smooth handling and waste collection , treatment with a reduction in the volume of waste separation and non B3 B3 and B3 avoid the use of chemicals , packaging & labeling that is clear from the various types of waste u / cost efficiency , personnel and disposal .
2 . reception
The waste collection containers that are strong , easy morbidly leak at / mossy , avoid tearing at break, having closed and morbidly overload .
Polling conducted within medical management waste treatment standards such as bags and containers by using a variety of colors such as bags that have been established within Permenkes RI no . 986/Men.Kes/Per/1992 where yellow bag with biohazard emblem u / trash infectious , purple bag with symbol citotoksik u / citotoksik waste , red bag with symbol raioaktif u / radioactive waste and black bag with the words " domestic "
2 ) External Transportation :
ü Transportation to place medical waste disposal outside ( off-site ) .
ü Transportation memerluakan external implementation procedures that must be followed precisely and that the officer involved .
ü These procedures include meeting local transportation regulations .
ü medical waste transported within a special container , to be strong and ill leak .
3 ) . Treatment & Disposal
The method that is used u / processing and dispose of medical waste depends pd special factors peculiar to the institutions with which associated with the prevailing regulations and environmental aspects that affect the community .
Medical waste treatment technology ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
3 ) The technology of processing medical waste ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
? ? Incenerasi
? ? With hot steam sterilization / autoclaving ( pd -temperature saturated steam conditions of 121 ° C )
? ? Sterilization with gas ( gas that is used in the form of ethylene oxide at / formaldehyde )
? ? Chemical disinfection process with grinding ( to use as a chemical liquid ( disinfectant )
? ? High temperature inactivation
? ? With ultraviolet radiation at / ionizing radiation such as Co60
? ? microwave treatment
? ? Grinding and shredding ( homogenization process at the shape / size of the bins )
? ? Compression / compaction , with the goal u / reduce the volume of which is formed

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