Thursday, April 3, 2014

Idealism understanding of education

Idealism understanding of education
Idealism education in principle have a clear goal with the program and can be realized through formal and informal education . Realization of formal and informal education in the context of Indonesia obviously carry on towards the fulfillment of Indonesian human resources who are able to be utilized . It was all done in order to achieve high competency includes creative , innovative , skilled , intelligent , devoted to God Almighty , noble , and intelligent and able to compete globally .
Idealism education is necessary for Indonesia to pursue any pace across various sectors with other developed countries , including the neighboring countries . Idealism is education is that education should reflect the ideals of order of a society
the civilized , nurturing and respecting rights of fellow human beings .
Quality of Indonesian human resources and also the quality of education in Indonesia as seen from the macro indicators , namely the achievement of Human Development Index ( HDI ) and micro indicators ( in terms of the ability to read and write ) we still ranks 110 of 177 countries in the world . Even the ratings are declining year after year . As stated by Ilham Y. Wika ( 2007:1 ) reports that berdasarlkana Human Development Report 2005 by UNDP , HDI Indonesia increasingly slump since 1997 (ranked 99 ) , 2002 ( order of 102 ) , and in 2004 ( the order 111 ) . And by The World Economic Forum 2000 Swedish competitiveness Indonesia ranks 37 out of 57 countries in the world . Meanwhile , based on the Survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultant , the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12 of 12 countries in Asia . This ranking indicates that the field of education in Indonesia is still predicated as followerbukan as leader .
The education process is a process to educate and be educated . There is a process of learning and teaching , so evident in the educational process of the formation of a more human man or often called humanizing process . This is what confirms that
education has a fundamental nature of the so-called humanism intelectual . The process of educating and educated is a fundamental act ( fundamental ) , because in it there is a process and actions that change and determine a course of human life , both in terms of learners ( students ) and learners ( educators ) . In this process a learner ( educator ) means the people who make up the attitude , intelligence and personality , and learners ( educated ) is an established attitude , intelligence and personality as well as receiving an education to grow into complete human beings .
Many educational idealism becomes a chore we all , especially for the president as national stakeholders to achieve the MDG target of universal basic education so that it can be realized in 2015 , among others : the important agenda include ; ( 1 ) education and competencies of educators , ( 2 ) the professionalism of educators , ( 3 ) financial management education and human resource management , ( 4 ) political education , ( 5 ) education paradigm , ( 6 ) the development of educational organizations , ( 7 ) quality assurance education , and ( 8 ) education and gender equality .
Seriously an apparent effort by the government today is to increase the competence of educators . In Article 1 paragraph 6 of the National Education Law lays out the qualifications of educators are teachers , professors , counselors , officials learned , lecturers , tutors , instructors , facilitators and other designations are in accordance with peculiarities as well as participate in the educational menyelenggarkan . In an effort to improve the quality of education as an instrument to measure the competence of teachers and lecturers , for example , issued laws of teachers and lecturers that implementation is the implementation of teacher certification and certification of lecturers ,
In the context of the continued professionalism of teachers needed , Baedowi (2008 ) mentions , that the professional educator is an educator who has a lot of ability in ; 1 ) to plan , implement , and evaluate learning outcomes ; 2 ) improve the academic qualifications and competence on an ongoing basis ; 3 ) act in an objective and non-discriminatory on the basis of gender, religion , ethnicity, race , and specific physical conditions , or family background , and socioeconomic status of the students in learning ; 4 ) uphold the laws and regulations , and code of ethics of teachers , as well as religious values ​​and ethics ; and 5 ) maintain and foster national unity .

Qualifications ability of teachers as mentioned Baedowi (2008 ) above will be synergistic and supportive role as a teacher educator as if the terms of a good professional teacher can be met . Bebeberapa terms of professionalism among them ; 1 ) certified ; 2 ) physically and mentally healthy ; 3 ) piety to God Almighty and good conduct ; 4 ) responsible ; 5 ) the national spirit ( Ngalim Purwanto ( 2006:139-142 ) .
In terms of financial management education , the program must continue to be improved and maintained kestabilitasiannya is how to arrange all the activities of educational organizations that can continue to fund unmet needs and no clear process of how to obtain funding and manage the assets according to the educational level of the organization as a whole . Therefore , there must be done school management process and implementation of educational activities are planned and implemented vigorously reasonabl thorough and continuously conduct training on the operational costs of the school . So that educational activities more effectively and efficiently and help meet the goals of education through a good school management procedures , including ; input fund management , budget planning ( budgetting ) , the implementation process ( throw put) , and results (output ) .
Education related to financial management is the management of human resources should be an important factor in an organization . According to Schuler and Smart ( 1989 ) in Burhanuddin ( 2003 ) stated that human resource management is to be aware of ; 1 ) Planning human resource requirements , 2 ) the procurement of human resources and staff , 3 ) valuation and compensation , 4 ) appraisal and development , and 5 ) the creation and development of an effective working relationship . These five functions of human resource management is becoming earnest attempt field personnel who need a serious run and managed effectively and as well as procedural in order to achieve the expected goals .
In terms of political education that there is a common thread linking politics with education , because their relationship is not just mutual influence but also have a functional relationship . Educational institutions into places where setiapindividu , especially the younger generation learn the attitudes and feelings about the political system and the political role that is expected of them .
Talk politics of education , the politics of education in Indonesia is still not fully independent . It can be seen from the government's commitment that still must continue to be pumped in order to continue to improve access and equity in education , and MDG education for all should be the targets and priorities . Strategic Plan ( Strategic Plan ) government to education in 2008-2009 focused on three national educational development goals to be achieved , namely ; 1 ) improvement and expansion of educational equity , 2 ) increasing the quality and relevance of education , and 3 ) increased governance ( governance ) , accountability and public image we have of monitoring and evaluation .
Our only question is how far the success is to be achieved ? If not then there must be a channel of communication and control system that is accessible to the public and to the government .
Government efforts to realize continuous run political education , but education policies and practices in the field is still far from desirable . Data Enrollment ( AMP ) in 2008 showed that AMP SD / MI reached 95 % , SMP / MTs by 71.83 % while the Gross Enrolment Ratio ( GER) at the level of SMA / MA / SMK 2006 have amounted to 55.22 % and Higher Education APK only reached 16.70 % . Dropout rates at the primary level reaches 2.9 % , junior high school dropout rate of 2.42 % , 3.06 % and PT SMA 5.9 % . The high number of illiterate people of Indonesia recorded a total population of 15.4 million 211 063 000 population aged 15 years and above are illiterate with a ratio of 5.8 % of men and 12.3 % women were distributed in urban areas and 4.9 % 12.2 % rural . This situation illustrates that the political reality of education in Indonesia is not yet independent and well behind the demands of global competitiveness . Therefore, our education policy in the future to be able to provide concrete expectations of the progress of the nation in the future .
Paradigm of education in Indonesia must continue to prioritize new educational paradigm , because the old educational paradigm emphasizes education as a basic human need and right , then the paradigm of modern education now ( new ) promoting education as a future investment needs someone to gain prosperity alive .
Through education, the future of the nation , can be designed in a way to prepare the best possible quality human resources . With this basis we should strive for ; First , create a system of national education and democratic climate and quality , in order to
strengthen noble character , creative , innovative , insightful nationality , intelligent , healthy , disciplined , responsible , skilled and master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human . Second , improve the quality of the educational institutions developed by various parties effectively and efficiently , especially in the development of science and technology , arts and culture , thus stimulating a pro - active , creative , and always creative in all components . Third , develop human humanizing education , education which can develop human dignity , and prepare people become caliph . Fourth , in facing the actual tendencies no other alternative than to need realignment for education since primary education .
Education as a process of personal formation learner implemented in a systematic and systemic , and systematic . Therefore , an educational process takes place gradually and continuously ( procedural ) and systemic due to take place in situations in all environments dankondisi good family , school and community . Therefore , the challenges that must be done in the field of education should be pursued primarily improve the low quality of education in Indonesia at all levels and units of education, especially primary and secondary education as well as encouraging people to be fully aware that education is a fundamental requirement for any human life . If this is successful , then the government through the president's policies will gradually be able to complete the education for all .
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