Friday, April 4, 2014

Factor - Factor Affecting Knowledge

Factor - Factor Affecting Knowledge
Nanda (2005 ) , explains that the factors associated with lack of knowledge ( deficient knowledge) consists of : a. Exposure to information , b . Memory / rote , c . Interpretation of information ( information misrepresented ) , d . Cognitive , e . Interest in learning , f . Familiarity will be a source of information .
Meanwhile, according Notoadmodjo (2007 ) , knowledge is influenced by several factors , including: a . Education , education " is a process of changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of mature business man and also through teaching and training efforts , then obviously we can kerucutkan a vision of education that is to educate people, so a person's level of knowledge of an object is determined olehtingkat education , b . Media , the media specifically designed to reach a very wide public . So an example of the mass media is television , radio , newspapers , and magazines , c . Exposure information was "that of which one is apprised or told : intelligence , news" . But there is also information that emphasizes the transfer of knowledge . In addition the term information also has other meanings as defined by the bill of information technology which interpret it as a technique for collecting , preparing , storing , manipulating , publish, analyze , and disseminate information for specific purposes . Whereas own information includes data , text , images , sounds , codes, computer programs , databases . The big difference in the definition of information because the information per se can not be described (intangible ) , whereas the information encountered in everyday life , which is derived from data and observations of the world around us and passed on through communication .
Here are some internal factors that can also affect the knowledge that :
1 . educationEducation means a person given guidance on the development of other people heading towards certain ideals which determine people to do and fill to reach the safety of life and happiness . Education is necessary to obtain information , for example the things that support health so as to improve the quality of life . According to the cited mantra Notoadmojo YB ( 2003) , education may affect a person, including a person's behavior will also lifestyle especially in motivating to participate in the development of attitudes . ( Nursalam , 2003) in general, the higher a person's educational environment more receptive to the information .
2 . jobAccording to Thomas cited by Nursalam ( 2003) , the work is to be done primarily vices to support life and family life . Work is not a source of pleasure , but more of a way of making a living that boring , repetitive and many challenges . While the work is generally a time-consuming activity . Working for mothers will have an influence terhadapkehidupankeluarga .
3 . ageAccording to Elisabeth cited Nursalam BH ( 2003) , age is the age of the individual starting at birth until her birthday . Meanwhile, according Huclok (1998 ) is getting quite the age , level of maturity and strength of a person will be more mature in thinking and working . In terms of public confidence in someone who is more mature than those who have not believed the high maturity . This will be a life experience and maturity

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