Thursday, April 3, 2014

difference between the classical theory and the theory keynes
classic viewSubsistence pattern of economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the subsistence economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

The style of modern economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the modern economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

3 flow savings

4 flow loans

5 investment flows

Factors Determining the Interest Rate

danatuk amount of investment demand and savings , and the vertical axis shows bunga.keseimbangan tribes and among households desire to offer their savings and the desire of employers to invest in E.pada level achieved at the point of equilibrium is the sum of all the savings that will be made by households is equal to the entire investment will be done by entrepreneurs in the amount equal to Io So at this equilibrium level of interest rates is Ro.menurut classical economists , the state of balance between savings and investments as this is a state that always occurs in perekonomian.oleh because the amount of household savings in time the economy reaches full employment will always be equal to the whole number equal to the entire investment will be made by the employer , mak agrigat spending in the economy at full employment will always reach offer the same level with the use of labor agrigat full
in modern financial theory that was developed by keynes , the interest rate is determined by demand and supply of money the central bank and the banking system is the institution which will determine the amount of money at a time deals tertentu.sedangkan demand for money is determined by the public's willingness to hold money .
tringkat wages may undergo changes and this is another factor that will ensure the achievement of the level of energy use penuh.keynes also criticizes this and further show that , from the point of fact contained in a theory of society and that opinion is not true .

when compared perndapat classical economists that the actual reality in the form of a modern economy , it can be seen that the wage level is not easy to experience the consequences of unemployment penurunan.sebagai be preferred to abolish in the modern economy are labor unions always defend and fight for improvements nasiub workers . This effort termusuklah attempt to lower the wage rate that is given to the pekarja . This power causes the wage rate is not easy to be scaled .
expert view of classical economists regarding the determination tinkat negara.ia economic activity is considered as one of the leading economists in the history of economic thought because keynes shrinkage also create a new approach to economic analysis , namely yes analyze the activities undertaken in the economy as a whole sutu , and instead of analyzing small bagin bagin daripadanya.dan more importantly , keynes argued sutu theory that describes tentangbagaimana tinkat in a depressing economic activity in the country tntukan , and the factors that determine economic activity tersebut.pandanganya tinkat is very different from the classical economists expert


spending way to note is perhituingan or erabot value of finished goods that are sold at furniture store


calculation of net product that needs to consider additional values ​​embodied 4 kegatan economy due to avoid counting upwards 2 times the value of goods and services in produksikan and counted in national income

if personal income in kurngi by taxes to be paid by the recipient of the income , the value remaining in the call diposebel.dengan disposebel adalh income thus income used by the recipient , that all existing -home household in the economy , for goods and services mambeli services they ingin.tetapi not all income is used for tijian disposebel consumption , most of it in most other tubes used to pay interest on loans used to purchase goods in installments as been in terankan before this , consumers interest payments on loans to buy goods in installments is not included in national income because the loan was not made ​​by the consumer to create the National pandapatan
v difference between national income accounts

of the above can be concluded that
Ø How spending

National income data calculated by means spending picture will be members of the
a. Problems of the extent to which the poor economy in the face or the extent to which good growth rates achieved and the level of prosperity that is being enjoyed.
b . Provide information and data needed in the analysis of macroeconomic
Ø How the net product

In this way economic development in calculating national income by adding additional value embodied by Integration - companies in various business fields in the economy .
a. To determine the magnitude of the contribution in the various economic sectors in delivering national income .
b . As one way to avoid double counting is to simply calculate the net value of production embodied in the various stages of the production process .
Ø How income

The way of calculating the value of spending in the way of national income is obtained GNP or GNP GNP.terdapat on relationships and how to generate income calculation NI.sedangkan income ( national income) or NI .

To obtain a range of national income not to be deducted directly from the national product neto.sedangkan subsidies added .
v Relative differences in the classical theory and Keynesian theory
1 . Keynes's view of the relationship and get to know the level of investment
2 . Comparison of classical and Keynes's views on the major factors that determine the savings
3 . Keynes view of the determinants - the interest rate
4 . Keynes view of the wage rate .
1 . Differences classical theory and Keynesian theory
- The view of classical economists
In the opinion of the classical economists , the economy is set by market forces full employment level will always be achieved .
This view is based on the belief that in the economy there will be no shortage of demand .
- The views of economists Keynes
As an alternative Keynes put forward a different view of the process of determining the level of economic activity in a country .
In Keynes 's theory aimed that the level of economic activity does not always reach the level of full employment , sebiknya that always applies is : the economy is always facing Problems of unemployment and full employment is rarely applicable .

From the above it can be determined that there is a difference of opinion between the classical theory and Keynesian theory .
- Classical theory , namely : that the use of full employment in the economy will always be achieved .
- Theory Keynes argued : full employment is a rare condition , and it is caused due to lack of demand in the economy agrigat that form .
Their differences lie in the following two issues :

Factors - factors that determine the level of abungan , of interest rates in the economy .
Properties - properties between wages and related employment by employers

3 Ways to national income accounts there are three cara.jelaskan lies the difference .
v Method I calculation : how spending .
The calculation of national income by way of expenditure on goods and services to the right results in the economy in the A components namely :
- Household consumption
- Government spending
- Private sector capital formation ( investment ) and
- Net exports ( exports less imports ) .

Example : based on items that apply POB Indonesia in 2002 reached 1.610 trillion RP . Net factor income - appreciating the negative factors of production is equal to RP 77.8 trillion . GNP is smaller than POB only reached 1,532,2 RP trillion .

The largest component of aggregate expenditure is household consumption is as much as RP 1,138,3 billion which includes many POB.infetasi 70.7 percent from 20.2 percent of GDP include government expenditures role is smaller , covering only 8.2 percent of the POB .

PNB and PN data expressed by the equation .
Formulation is :
- PN : PNB - indirect taxes + subsidies - depreciation
But in the calculation of subsidies in Indonesia are not counted into :
v Method II calculation : how prodak net

Product net \ \ ( net ootcot ) means changing the value created in a second produksi.cara process for calculating national income is a way of calculating the value of

By summing the added value realized by companies diberba


Gai efforts in the fields of economy .
Example of calculating the value of the additional
- Cutting timber RP 50 RB
- Sawing board RP 200 - RP 50 : RP 150 RB
- Furniture maker RP 600 - RP 200 : RP 400 RB
- Prominent furnishings RP 800 - RP 600 : RP 200 RB
* The differences in calculation

In the way of spending that needs attention is the value of finished goods ( furniture ) that are sold in stores in the way of product net perabotan.sedangkan to note is the additional value embodied by economic activity above 4 .
v Calculation method III : how revenues

In microeconomics book has been explained that , factor - factor production in differentiated into 4 groups :
- Land
- Labor
- Capital
- Expertise keusahawan

If factors - factors of production used to create goods and services will be obtained in various types of income .

An example of such a form of income is earned income in the company - the company perseorangan.untuk a private company to a restaurant for example in kelolah 1.yang family members in their business profits is meant : a combination of salary , wages , interest, rent , and profits actually of the business done by the family .

In general, the classification of factor income follows:
1 . workers' earnings are: salaries and wages
2 . revenue from individual businesses ( sole proprietorships )
3 . income from rental
4 . net interest
5 . corporate profits
which are summarized in the two reflects the amount of salary and upah.bunga , rents and profits obtained company - a company run by the owner himself and his family .

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