Wild Ginger ( Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza . ) Is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump . In West Java called as koneng big ginger while in Madura called the meeting radish . Indo - Malaysian region is a place where turmeric is spread throughout the world . Currently this plant apart in Southeast Asia can be found also in China , Indochina , Bardabos , India , Japan , Korea , the United States and some European countries .
2 . PLANT DESCRIPTION2.1 ClassificationDivision : SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeClass : MonocotyledonaeOrder : ZingiberalesFamily : ZingiberaceaeGenus : CurcumaSpecies : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb .2.2 DescriptionQuasi-trunked plants with high herb until more than 1m but less than 2m , green or dark brown . Formed rhizomes and strong branching , dark green . Each stem has leaves 2-9 strands with a round shape extending to wake lanceolate , leaf color green or purplish light to dark brown , leaf length 31 - 84cm and a width of 10 - 18cm long, including the petiole strands of 43 - 80cm . Inflorescence lateral , slender stalks and line-shaped scales , stem length 9 - 23cm wide and 4 - 6 cm , leafy protector much longer than or comparable with a crown of flowers . Fluffy white petals , length 8 - 13mm , tubular flower crown with an overall length of 4.5cm , the strands of elongated circular flower white with red edges or red dice , 1:25 length - 2cm wide and 1cm
3 . BENEFIT PLANTIn Indonesia, the only part that is used to make herbal ginger rhizome godog . The rhizomes contain starch from 48 to 59.64 % , from 1.6 to 2.2 % and from 1.48 to 1.63 % curcumin and essential oils are believed to enhance kidney function and anti- inflammatory . Another benefit of the rhizome of this plant is as acne medication , increased appetite , anti- cholesterol , anti- inflammatory , anemia , antioxidant , cancer prevention , and anti- microbial .
4 . PLANTING CENTERThis plant is grown conventionally on a small scale without utilizing standard cultivation techniques , because it is difficult to determine where the center of ginger cultivation in Indonesia . Almost every rural area , especially in medium and high plains , especially ginger can be found in shady land .
5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) Naturally ginger grows well in shady land and protected from the hot sun . In the natural habitat of this family of plants thrive in the shade of bamboo or teak . However, ginger can also be easily found in places like the scorching dry land . In general, this plant has a high adaptability to various weather in the areatropical climate .2 ) The air temperature is good for the cultivation of these plants between 19-30 ° C3 ) These plants require annual rainfall between 1000-4000mm / year .5.2 . Growing MediaGinger root can adapt well to a variety of soil types both calcareous soils , sandy , sandy and heavy soils are clayey . However, to produce optimal rhizome needed fertile soil , loose and well drained . Thus inorganic and organic fertilizer is needed to provide sufficient nutrients and maintain soil structure to remain loose . Soils containing organic matter is needed to keep the soil is not easily waterlogged .5.3 . The altitudeGinger can be grown at altitudes 5-1000 m / asl with optimum altitude is 750 m / asl . The highest starch content in rhizomes obtained in plants grown at an altitude of 240 m / asl . Ginger is grown in the highlands produce rhizomes that contain only small amounts of essential oils . This plant is more suitable to be developed in the middle latitudes .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . NurseriesGinger plant propagation is done using either rimpangrimpangnya parent rhizome ( the main rhizome ) and rhizome tillers ( rhizome branch ) . Purposes is the parent rhizome 1500-2000kg / ha and rhizomes branch 500-700 kg / ha .1 ) Requirements SeedsRhizomes to plant seeds taken from healthy elderly aged 10 -12 months .2 ) Preparation of SeedParent plant was dismantled and clean the roots and soil attached to the rhizome . Separate from the parent rhizome rhizome children .a. Seed parent rhizomeParent rhizome split into four sections containing 2-3 buds and dried for 3-4 hours for 4-6 days in a row . Once the rhizomes can be planted immediately .b . Seed rhizomes childrenSave the new child rhizomes taken in damp and dark place for 1-2 months until new bud . Preparation of seed can also be done with the hoard rhizomes in the ground in the shade , meyiraminya with clean water every morning / afternoon until bud . The roots have sprouted immediately cut into pieces that have 2-3 buds are ready to be planted . Seedlings originating from the parent rhizome rhizome better than puppies . Seedlings should be prepared just before planting so that seed quality is not reduced as a result of storage .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Preparation of LandPlanting site can be cultivated land , plantation or yard . Preparing land for ginger plantation should be done 30 days before planting .2 ) Land OpeningLand cleared of other plants and weeds that may interfere with the growth of turmeric . Land dug as deep as 30 cm to the soil becomes loose .3 ) Establishment of BedsLand made beds 120-200 cm wide , 30 cm high and 30-40 cm spacing between beds . In addition in the form of beds , can also be formed into a land plot - plot rather wide moat surroundedintake and discharge of water , especially if ginger will be planted in the rainy season .4 ) Organic Fertilization ( before planting )Mature manure incorporated into the planting hole as much as 1-2 pounds . Purposes manure for one hectare is 20-25 to because on one acre of land there are 20,000-25,000 plants .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Plant PatternPlanting is done in monoculture and better done at the beginning of the rainy season except in areas that have water all the time . Initial growth phase is when the plants need plenty of water .2 ) Planting Hole PembutanPlanting hole made on the beds / plot with a hole the size of 30 x 30 cm with a depth of 60 cm . The distance between holes is 60 x 60 cm .3 ) How PlantingThe seeds inserted into the planting hole with the position of the buds facing up . After the seeds covered with soil as deep as 10 cm .4 ) Planting PeriodGinger planting period at the start of the rainy season to the dry season next harvest . Planting early in the rainy season allows for sufficient water supply for the young plants need water is very early in its growth .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) StitchingPlants damaged / dead replaced by healthy seedlings which are seed reserves .2 ) WeedingWeeding weeds do morning / afternoon that grow on the beds or plots aiming to avoid competition for food and water . The first and second Peyiangan performed on two and fourmonths after planting ( along with fertilization ) . Further weeding can be done as soon as the weeds grow . To prevent damage to the roots , weeds weeded with the help kored / hoe with caution .3 ) PembubunanPembubunan activities need to be done on rimpangrimpangan planting rhizomes growing medium to give pretty good . Pembubunan done with the hoard back to the root area of land falling water-borne . Pembubunan done routinely after weeding .4 ) Fertilizationa. Organic fertilizationIn organic farming does not use chemicals including fertilizers and drugs , it is organic fertilizer by using organic compost or fertilizerperformed more frequently than the cage when we use artificial fertilizers . The organic compost fertilizer at the beginning of the planting is done during the making of the mounds as fertilizerbasis as much as 60-80 tons per acre are stocked and mixed soil processed . To save the use of compost can also be done by way of filling each planting hole at the beginningplanting as much as 0.5 - 1kg per plant . Fertilizer insertion is then performed at the age of 2-3 months , 4-6 months , and 8-10 months . The insertion of fertilizers as 2-3 kg per plant . Compost fertilizer is usually done after kegiata weeding and along with pembubunan activities .b . Conventional fertilization- Early FertilizationGiven basic fertilizer at planting is SP - 36 as much as 100 kg / ha which is deployed in the array 5 cm between the rows of plants or incorporated into a hole as deep as 5 cm at a distance of 10 cm from the newly planted seedlings . Bolt or manure pit is then covered with soil . Shortly after pemupuka direct plant watered to prevent drying buds .- Fertilization aftershocksAt the age of two months , the plants fertilized with manure as much as 0.5 kg / plant ( 10 to 12.5 tonnes / ha ) , 95 kg / ha of urea and 85 kg / ha KCl . Fertilizer was given back at the time the plant is in the form of urea and four months KCl with each dose 40 kg / ha . Fertilizer is given by way of evenly distributed in the array at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the plant stem and covered with soil .5 ) Irrigation and WateringWatering is done routinely in the morning / afternoon when the plant is still in the early growth period . Watering subsequently determined by the soil and climatic conditions . Usually watering will be done in the dry season . To maintain growth remains good , the land should not be in a dry state .6 ) Time Pesticide SprayingSpraying pesticides have done if symptoms develop pest attack .7 ) MulchingWherever possible mulching with straw planting is done early in order to avoid soil dryness , damage soil structure ( be loose / dense ) and prevent excessive growth of weeds . Straw is spread evenly cover the surface of the soil in the planting holes .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pestPests of ginger are :1 ) caterpillar inch ( Chrysodeixis chalcites Esp . ) ,2 ) Black cutworm ( Agrotis Ypsilon Hufn . ) And3 ) Flies rhizome ( Mimegrala coerulenfrons Macquart ) .Control : spraying insecticide Dimilin Kiltop 500 EC or 25 WP at a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .7.2 . disease1 ) The fungus FusariumCause : F. oxysporum Schlecht and Phytium sp . and Pseudomonas sp .The potential to invade the roots and rhizomes of ginger either in the garden or after harvest .Symptoms : Fusarium root rot causing rhizome with Daum symptoms of yellowing , wilting , shoot dry and dead plants . Rhizomes become wrinkled and blackish color and the center rot . Phytium fungus causes yellowing leaves , stem and rhizome rot , it turns brown and eventually the whole plant to rot .Control : ent crop rotation is not to plant crops after harvest from the family Zingiberaceae . Fungicides that can be used is Dimazeb 80 WP or Dithane M - 45 at a concentration of 80 WP 0.1 - 0.2 % .2 ) wiltCause :Pseudomonas sp .Symptoms : kelayuan bottom leaf yellowing that begins the leaves, stem and rhizome is cut wet mucus like sap .Control : with crop rotation and spraying Agrimycin 15/1.5 or grept WP 20 WP at a concentration of 0.1 -0.2 % .7.3 . weedsPotential weeds in cropping meeting buffoonery is a weed garden, among others -grass , reeds , ageratum , and other broadleaf weeds .7.4 . Control of pests / diseases organicallyIn organic farming does not use harmful chemicals but with materials that are environmentally friendly is usually done in an integrated manner from the beginning of planting to avoid the pest and the disease known as IPM ( Integrated Pest Management ) which components are as follows :1 ) Ensuring healthy plant growth is selecting healthy seed free from pests and diseases and pests resistant to attack from the start cropping2 ) Utilize as much as possible natural enemies3 ) Using the improved varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases .4 ) Using physical controls / mechanics is by human power .5 ) Using the techniques of cultivating a good example by choosing intercropping cultivation of plants that support each other , as well as a rotation crop in each cropping period to break the cycle of potential spread of pests and diseases .6 ) The use of pesticides , insecticides , herbicides and environmentally friendly natural pose no toxic residues on both ma harvested plant material and soil . Besides, the use of this material only in an emergency by cedar economic damage derived from the observations . Some of the plants that can be used as a pesticide plant andused in pest control include:1 ) Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) is a contact insecticide containing nicotine to a toxic fumigant or stomach . Applications for such small insects Aphids .2 ) Piretrum ( Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium ) containing pyrethrin, which can be used as a systemic insecticide that attacks the nerve center of the application by spray . Applications on insects such as houseflies , mosquitoes , fleas , pests warehouses , and fruit flies .3 ) Tuba ( Derris elliptica and Derris malaccensis ) containing rotenone to contact insecticides formulated in the form of blowing and spray .4 ) Neem tree or neem ( Azadirachta indica ) containing azadirachtin are quite selective operation . Applications are particularly toxic to insects such as leafhoppers and insect pests chewers like leaf roller (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) . This material is also effective to cope with respiratory syncytial virus attacks , GSV and Tungro .5 ) Yam ( Pachyrrhizus erosus ) whose seeds contain pakhirizida rotenoid which can be used as insecticides and larvicides .6 ) Jeringau ( Acorus Calamus), which contains the main components asaron rhizomes and is usually used to poison insects and fungi exterminator and pest Callosobrocus warehouse .
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestRhizomes are harvested from plants that have been aged 9-10 months . Plants are ready to harvest has leaves and plant parts that have yellow and dry , has a large rhizome and brownish yellow .8.2 . How to HarvestExcavated soil around the clump and clump together lifted roots and rhizomes .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done at the end of the plant growth is in the dry season . When the harvest is usually marked by the top soil dries . However, if it is not harvested in the dry season was the first year this should be done in the dry season next year . Harvesting during the rainy season causes damage to the rhizome and rhizome associated with low- quality active ingredients as more water content.8.4 . Estimated YieldHealthy plants and maintained fresh rhizome yield 10-20 tons / hectare .
9 . postharvest9.1 . Wet Sorting and WashingSorting on fresh ingredients made to separate the rhizomes of impurities such as soil , crop residues and weeds . Once completed , weigh the amount of material sorting result and place it in a plastic container for washing . Washing is done with water , if necessary sprayed with high pressure water . Bilasannya water and if it still looks dirty doing flushing once or twice more . Avoid washing too long so that the quality and the active compound contained herein is not soluble in water .Use of river water should be avoided for fear of polluted dirt and a lot of bacteria / disease . After washing is complete , drain the tray / container belubang - hole that is left behind the rest of the washing water can be separated , then place it in a plastic container / bucket .9.2 . perajanganIf necessary perajangan process , done with stainless steel blades and line material to be sliced with a cutting board . Perajangan rhizome conducted across a thickness of approximately 5 mm - 7 mm . After perajangan , weigh the results and put it in a plastic container / bucket . Perajangan can be done manually or with the mower .9.3 . dryingDrying can be done in 2 ways , namely by sunlight or a heater / oven . rhizome drying is done for 3-5 days , or after the water level is below 8 % . drying in the sun is done on a mat or frame dryer , make sure the rhizome is not overlapped . During the drying must be inverted approximately every 4 hours in order drying evenly . Protect the rhizome of water , moist air from the surrounding material that could contaminate .Drying in an oven at temperature of 50oC - 60oC . Dried rhizome placed on an oven tray and make sure that the rhizome is not overlapped . After drying , weigh the amount of rhizomes produced9.4 . Dry sorting .Further sorting is done on dry material that has been dried by separating the materials from foreign objects such as gravel , dirt or other impurities . Weigh the amount of rhizome sorting results ( to calculate rendemennya ) .9.5 . packagingOnce clean , dry rhizomes collected in plastic bags or sacks containers clean and airtight ( have not been used before ) . Give a clear label on the container, whichexplains the name of the material , part of the plant material, the number / production code , name / address of the producer , net weight and method of storage .9.6 . storageConditions warehouse must be kept moist and the temperature does not exceed 30oC and warehouses must have good ventilation and smooth , no leaks, avoid contamination of other materials that degrade the quality of the material is concerned , have adequate lighting ( avoid direct sunlight ) , and net and free of pests warehouse .
referensi :http://www.gerbangpertanian.com/
Wild Ginger ( Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza . ) Is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump . In West Java called as koneng big ginger while in Madura called the meeting radish . Indo - Malaysian region is a place where turmeric is spread throughout the world . Currently this plant apart in Southeast Asia can be found also in China , Indochina , Bardabos , India , Japan , Korea , the United States and some European countries .
2 . PLANT DESCRIPTION2.1 ClassificationDivision : SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeClass : MonocotyledonaeOrder : ZingiberalesFamily : ZingiberaceaeGenus : CurcumaSpecies : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb .2.2 DescriptionQuasi-trunked plants with high herb until more than 1m but less than 2m , green or dark brown . Formed rhizomes and strong branching , dark green . Each stem has leaves 2-9 strands with a round shape extending to wake lanceolate , leaf color green or purplish light to dark brown , leaf length 31 - 84cm and a width of 10 - 18cm long, including the petiole strands of 43 - 80cm . Inflorescence lateral , slender stalks and line-shaped scales , stem length 9 - 23cm wide and 4 - 6 cm , leafy protector much longer than or comparable with a crown of flowers . Fluffy white petals , length 8 - 13mm , tubular flower crown with an overall length of 4.5cm , the strands of elongated circular flower white with red edges or red dice , 1:25 length - 2cm wide and 1cm
3 . BENEFIT PLANTIn Indonesia, the only part that is used to make herbal ginger rhizome godog . The rhizomes contain starch from 48 to 59.64 % , from 1.6 to 2.2 % and from 1.48 to 1.63 % curcumin and essential oils are believed to enhance kidney function and anti- inflammatory . Another benefit of the rhizome of this plant is as acne medication , increased appetite , anti- cholesterol , anti- inflammatory , anemia , antioxidant , cancer prevention , and anti- microbial .
4 . PLANTING CENTERThis plant is grown conventionally on a small scale without utilizing standard cultivation techniques , because it is difficult to determine where the center of ginger cultivation in Indonesia . Almost every rural area , especially in medium and high plains , especially ginger can be found in shady land .
5 . GROWTH CONDITIONS5.1 . climate1 ) Naturally ginger grows well in shady land and protected from the hot sun . In the natural habitat of this family of plants thrive in the shade of bamboo or teak . However, ginger can also be easily found in places like the scorching dry land . In general, this plant has a high adaptability to various weather in the areatropical climate .2 ) The air temperature is good for the cultivation of these plants between 19-30 ° C3 ) These plants require annual rainfall between 1000-4000mm / year .5.2 . Growing MediaGinger root can adapt well to a variety of soil types both calcareous soils , sandy , sandy and heavy soils are clayey . However, to produce optimal rhizome needed fertile soil , loose and well drained . Thus inorganic and organic fertilizer is needed to provide sufficient nutrients and maintain soil structure to remain loose . Soils containing organic matter is needed to keep the soil is not easily waterlogged .5.3 . The altitudeGinger can be grown at altitudes 5-1000 m / asl with optimum altitude is 750 m / asl . The highest starch content in rhizomes obtained in plants grown at an altitude of 240 m / asl . Ginger is grown in the highlands produce rhizomes that contain only small amounts of essential oils . This plant is more suitable to be developed in the middle latitudes .
6 . RAISING GUIDELINES6.1 . NurseriesGinger plant propagation is done using either rimpangrimpangnya parent rhizome ( the main rhizome ) and rhizome tillers ( rhizome branch ) . Purposes is the parent rhizome 1500-2000kg / ha and rhizomes branch 500-700 kg / ha .1 ) Requirements SeedsRhizomes to plant seeds taken from healthy elderly aged 10 -12 months .2 ) Preparation of SeedParent plant was dismantled and clean the roots and soil attached to the rhizome . Separate from the parent rhizome rhizome children .a. Seed parent rhizomeParent rhizome split into four sections containing 2-3 buds and dried for 3-4 hours for 4-6 days in a row . Once the rhizomes can be planted immediately .b . Seed rhizomes childrenSave the new child rhizomes taken in damp and dark place for 1-2 months until new bud . Preparation of seed can also be done with the hoard rhizomes in the ground in the shade , meyiraminya with clean water every morning / afternoon until bud . The roots have sprouted immediately cut into pieces that have 2-3 buds are ready to be planted . Seedlings originating from the parent rhizome rhizome better than puppies . Seedlings should be prepared just before planting so that seed quality is not reduced as a result of storage .6.2 . Media Processing Plant1 ) Preparation of LandPlanting site can be cultivated land , plantation or yard . Preparing land for ginger plantation should be done 30 days before planting .2 ) Land OpeningLand cleared of other plants and weeds that may interfere with the growth of turmeric . Land dug as deep as 30 cm to the soil becomes loose .3 ) Establishment of BedsLand made beds 120-200 cm wide , 30 cm high and 30-40 cm spacing between beds . In addition in the form of beds , can also be formed into a land plot - plot rather wide moat surroundedintake and discharge of water , especially if ginger will be planted in the rainy season .4 ) Organic Fertilization ( before planting )Mature manure incorporated into the planting hole as much as 1-2 pounds . Purposes manure for one hectare is 20-25 to because on one acre of land there are 20,000-25,000 plants .6.3 . Planting techniques1 ) Determination of Plant PatternPlanting is done in monoculture and better done at the beginning of the rainy season except in areas that have water all the time . Initial growth phase is when the plants need plenty of water .2 ) Planting Hole PembutanPlanting hole made on the beds / plot with a hole the size of 30 x 30 cm with a depth of 60 cm . The distance between holes is 60 x 60 cm .3 ) How PlantingThe seeds inserted into the planting hole with the position of the buds facing up . After the seeds covered with soil as deep as 10 cm .4 ) Planting PeriodGinger planting period at the start of the rainy season to the dry season next harvest . Planting early in the rainy season allows for sufficient water supply for the young plants need water is very early in its growth .6.4 . Plant maintenance1 ) StitchingPlants damaged / dead replaced by healthy seedlings which are seed reserves .2 ) WeedingWeeding weeds do morning / afternoon that grow on the beds or plots aiming to avoid competition for food and water . The first and second Peyiangan performed on two and fourmonths after planting ( along with fertilization ) . Further weeding can be done as soon as the weeds grow . To prevent damage to the roots , weeds weeded with the help kored / hoe with caution .3 ) PembubunanPembubunan activities need to be done on rimpangrimpangan planting rhizomes growing medium to give pretty good . Pembubunan done with the hoard back to the root area of land falling water-borne . Pembubunan done routinely after weeding .4 ) Fertilizationa. Organic fertilizationIn organic farming does not use chemicals including fertilizers and drugs , it is organic fertilizer by using organic compost or fertilizerperformed more frequently than the cage when we use artificial fertilizers . The organic compost fertilizer at the beginning of the planting is done during the making of the mounds as fertilizerbasis as much as 60-80 tons per acre are stocked and mixed soil processed . To save the use of compost can also be done by way of filling each planting hole at the beginningplanting as much as 0.5 - 1kg per plant . Fertilizer insertion is then performed at the age of 2-3 months , 4-6 months , and 8-10 months . The insertion of fertilizers as 2-3 kg per plant . Compost fertilizer is usually done after kegiata weeding and along with pembubunan activities .b . Conventional fertilization- Early FertilizationGiven basic fertilizer at planting is SP - 36 as much as 100 kg / ha which is deployed in the array 5 cm between the rows of plants or incorporated into a hole as deep as 5 cm at a distance of 10 cm from the newly planted seedlings . Bolt or manure pit is then covered with soil . Shortly after pemupuka direct plant watered to prevent drying buds .- Fertilization aftershocksAt the age of two months , the plants fertilized with manure as much as 0.5 kg / plant ( 10 to 12.5 tonnes / ha ) , 95 kg / ha of urea and 85 kg / ha KCl . Fertilizer was given back at the time the plant is in the form of urea and four months KCl with each dose 40 kg / ha . Fertilizer is given by way of evenly distributed in the array at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the plant stem and covered with soil .5 ) Irrigation and WateringWatering is done routinely in the morning / afternoon when the plant is still in the early growth period . Watering subsequently determined by the soil and climatic conditions . Usually watering will be done in the dry season . To maintain growth remains good , the land should not be in a dry state .6 ) Time Pesticide SprayingSpraying pesticides have done if symptoms develop pest attack .7 ) MulchingWherever possible mulching with straw planting is done early in order to avoid soil dryness , damage soil structure ( be loose / dense ) and prevent excessive growth of weeds . Straw is spread evenly cover the surface of the soil in the planting holes .
7 . PEST AND DISEASE7.1 . pestPests of ginger are :1 ) caterpillar inch ( Chrysodeixis chalcites Esp . ) ,2 ) Black cutworm ( Agrotis Ypsilon Hufn . ) And3 ) Flies rhizome ( Mimegrala coerulenfrons Macquart ) .Control : spraying insecticide Dimilin Kiltop 500 EC or 25 WP at a concentration of 0.1-0.2 % .7.2 . disease1 ) The fungus FusariumCause : F. oxysporum Schlecht and Phytium sp . and Pseudomonas sp .The potential to invade the roots and rhizomes of ginger either in the garden or after harvest .Symptoms : Fusarium root rot causing rhizome with Daum symptoms of yellowing , wilting , shoot dry and dead plants . Rhizomes become wrinkled and blackish color and the center rot . Phytium fungus causes yellowing leaves , stem and rhizome rot , it turns brown and eventually the whole plant to rot .Control : ent crop rotation is not to plant crops after harvest from the family Zingiberaceae . Fungicides that can be used is Dimazeb 80 WP or Dithane M - 45 at a concentration of 80 WP 0.1 - 0.2 % .2 ) wiltCause :Pseudomonas sp .Symptoms : kelayuan bottom leaf yellowing that begins the leaves, stem and rhizome is cut wet mucus like sap .Control : with crop rotation and spraying Agrimycin 15/1.5 or grept WP 20 WP at a concentration of 0.1 -0.2 % .7.3 . weedsPotential weeds in cropping meeting buffoonery is a weed garden, among others -grass , reeds , ageratum , and other broadleaf weeds .7.4 . Control of pests / diseases organicallyIn organic farming does not use harmful chemicals but with materials that are environmentally friendly is usually done in an integrated manner from the beginning of planting to avoid the pest and the disease known as IPM ( Integrated Pest Management ) which components are as follows :1 ) Ensuring healthy plant growth is selecting healthy seed free from pests and diseases and pests resistant to attack from the start cropping2 ) Utilize as much as possible natural enemies3 ) Using the improved varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases .4 ) Using physical controls / mechanics is by human power .5 ) Using the techniques of cultivating a good example by choosing intercropping cultivation of plants that support each other , as well as a rotation crop in each cropping period to break the cycle of potential spread of pests and diseases .6 ) The use of pesticides , insecticides , herbicides and environmentally friendly natural pose no toxic residues on both ma harvested plant material and soil . Besides, the use of this material only in an emergency by cedar economic damage derived from the observations . Some of the plants that can be used as a pesticide plant andused in pest control include:1 ) Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) is a contact insecticide containing nicotine to a toxic fumigant or stomach . Applications for such small insects Aphids .2 ) Piretrum ( Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium ) containing pyrethrin, which can be used as a systemic insecticide that attacks the nerve center of the application by spray . Applications on insects such as houseflies , mosquitoes , fleas , pests warehouses , and fruit flies .3 ) Tuba ( Derris elliptica and Derris malaccensis ) containing rotenone to contact insecticides formulated in the form of blowing and spray .4 ) Neem tree or neem ( Azadirachta indica ) containing azadirachtin are quite selective operation . Applications are particularly toxic to insects such as leafhoppers and insect pests chewers like leaf roller (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) . This material is also effective to cope with respiratory syncytial virus attacks , GSV and Tungro .5 ) Yam ( Pachyrrhizus erosus ) whose seeds contain pakhirizida rotenoid which can be used as insecticides and larvicides .6 ) Jeringau ( Acorus Calamus), which contains the main components asaron rhizomes and is usually used to poison insects and fungi exterminator and pest Callosobrocus warehouse .
8 . HARVEST8.1 . Characteristics and HarvestRhizomes are harvested from plants that have been aged 9-10 months . Plants are ready to harvest has leaves and plant parts that have yellow and dry , has a large rhizome and brownish yellow .8.2 . How to HarvestExcavated soil around the clump and clump together lifted roots and rhizomes .8.3 . Harvest periodHarvesting is done at the end of the plant growth is in the dry season . When the harvest is usually marked by the top soil dries . However, if it is not harvested in the dry season was the first year this should be done in the dry season next year . Harvesting during the rainy season causes damage to the rhizome and rhizome associated with low- quality active ingredients as more water content.8.4 . Estimated YieldHealthy plants and maintained fresh rhizome yield 10-20 tons / hectare .
9 . postharvest9.1 . Wet Sorting and WashingSorting on fresh ingredients made to separate the rhizomes of impurities such as soil , crop residues and weeds . Once completed , weigh the amount of material sorting result and place it in a plastic container for washing . Washing is done with water , if necessary sprayed with high pressure water . Bilasannya water and if it still looks dirty doing flushing once or twice more . Avoid washing too long so that the quality and the active compound contained herein is not soluble in water .Use of river water should be avoided for fear of polluted dirt and a lot of bacteria / disease . After washing is complete , drain the tray / container belubang - hole that is left behind the rest of the washing water can be separated , then place it in a plastic container / bucket .9.2 . perajanganIf necessary perajangan process , done with stainless steel blades and line material to be sliced with a cutting board . Perajangan rhizome conducted across a thickness of approximately 5 mm - 7 mm . After perajangan , weigh the results and put it in a plastic container / bucket . Perajangan can be done manually or with the mower .9.3 . dryingDrying can be done in 2 ways , namely by sunlight or a heater / oven . rhizome drying is done for 3-5 days , or after the water level is below 8 % . drying in the sun is done on a mat or frame dryer , make sure the rhizome is not overlapped . During the drying must be inverted approximately every 4 hours in order drying evenly . Protect the rhizome of water , moist air from the surrounding material that could contaminate .Drying in an oven at temperature of 50oC - 60oC . Dried rhizome placed on an oven tray and make sure that the rhizome is not overlapped . After drying , weigh the amount of rhizomes produced9.4 . Dry sorting .Further sorting is done on dry material that has been dried by separating the materials from foreign objects such as gravel , dirt or other impurities . Weigh the amount of rhizome sorting results ( to calculate rendemennya ) .9.5 . packagingOnce clean , dry rhizomes collected in plastic bags or sacks containers clean and airtight ( have not been used before ) . Give a clear label on the container, whichexplains the name of the material , part of the plant material, the number / production code , name / address of the producer , net weight and method of storage .9.6 . storageConditions warehouse must be kept moist and the temperature does not exceed 30oC and warehouses must have good ventilation and smooth , no leaks, avoid contamination of other materials that degrade the quality of the material is concerned , have adequate lighting ( avoid direct sunlight ) , and net and free of pests warehouse .
referensi :http://www.gerbangpertanian.com/
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