Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Benefits And Advantages of Having Your Own Domain Name

Benefits And Advantages of Having Your Own Domain NameDomain is no longer a luxury and something rare , supported by cheap rents , so that almost all were able to get it . Domain is now a mandatory requirement and is given on the website or blog you want to look professional in the eyes eksist and visitors . If we want to become a serious blogger , we have to consider having your own domain name . Here are some reasons why we should have a domain name sendir .
Address blogs / sites simpler and easier to rememberWe could have a short blog URL address . The domain name we will look more simple without any slashes or dots with frill subdomains , so it's easier to remember .
Reduce competitors with the same nameBuying a domain name can make other people do not use it or to match the domain name that we already have .
Search engine ranking betterThe domain name than subdomain generally have a higher rank in the search engines , especially when optimized properly . Blogs or websites with free domain suspected spam greater potential for the use of a free domain for spam and abuse very high .
Look more professionalBlog / site more visible if not independently associated with subdomains eg Blogspot , Wordpress or another . Most of the successful bloggers start their blog with a free blogging service like Blogger or WordPress as soon as they have got the credibility of the readers and visitors , they moved with their own domain names . By having your own domain name , blog / site will look more professional in the eyes of visitors , readers , and prospective customers.
It is easier to build a business brand / our nameThe new domain name we can develop as a brand name of a product or service our business . With our own domain name , create a brand becomes easier . The problem with subdomain is that it is difficult to create and maintain its own brand identity because of the blogspot or wordpress in it . Using your own domain name will make your blog different from making it easier to build a brand for your blog / site .
It could be the address of a lifetimeAs long as we keep extending the rent , own domain names that we have could be the address of your blog / site for life .
Blogging becomes more secureAs an owner of a domain , you are free to use site with very few restrictions . Meanwhile , free domain usually have restrictions , one of which prohibits the commercial use . Once a breach can cause your domain immediately removed .
By having your own domain name we reduce a lot of risk . Free Domain owner relies heavily on the ability of the primary domain . If the company went bankrupt or decides to shut it down , forced your domain will also be closed , especially if you do not have all the contact information is important to know what is happening or get a blog or browse your blog again .
There are multiple endings and a few words about the meaning of a domain name that is commonly used :

. com ( usually used for company website )
. the net ( usually used for websites Internet Service Provider )
. org ( usually used for the organization's website )
. the info ( usually used for site information )
. biz ( usually used for business site )
. co.id ( usually used for company website )
. net.id ( usually used for site Service Provider )
. ac.id ( usually used for academic sites / university )
. go.id ( usually used for site administration )
. or.id ( usually used for the organization's website )
. web.id ( usually used for individual sites / personal / private )

How to Get a Domain :To get a domain of course, we must first register the domain name registration services at the site domain registration . And required to sign the registration fee , the cost depends on the domain name suffix we choose , so adjust our needs just fine . For domain - pengetahuan.com blog www.kolom I pay rent of Rp . 90.000/ye , and I use the services pusathosting ( fast service , friendly and responsive customernyapun to help create who do not understand ) . The rental fee for the domain my blog you can probably get even cheaper in other registration services domain registration , all over the country because there are many companies that provide domain registration services .
Search in Google search engines with keyword domains , in the list of search list you can find so many registration services domain registration . Want to find cheap domain ? Tanya wrote another type google keyword , google 'll certainly inform the recommendations of places where you can buy a domain at a cheap price .
How to Buy ( Hiring ) Domain :To be able to rent the domain of course you have registered the domain first . Example you want to create a website www.kolom - pengetahuan.com , then the domain you want it to be listed / available . Here I describe the steps to get a domain

Prepare first bank accounts containing balances for the benefit of the transaction
Once you have a bank account , so make sure you have money around 100,000 in your bank account
Having no money , prepare the phone ( for communication with the domain seller )
Then visit the website domain seller
Please specify the domain name you want to register . Lalukan domain registrations and reservations
Follow the procedures provided by the seller of the domain
Once you pay for the domain , then in a few hours you will be able to enter the domain control panel to perform various settings . And you have a new domain can be used

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