Monday, March 31, 2014

Definition and impact of Hospitalization

Hospitalization is a process that for some reason or emergency plans , require the child to stay in the hospital undergoing treatment and care to return back home . During the process, children and parents can experience a variety of events which, according to some studies indicated the experience very traumatic and stressful ( Supartini , 2004) . Feelings that often appear in children , namely anxiety , anger, sadness , fear , and guilt ( Wong , 2000) . The feeling can arise due to face something new and have never experienced before , insecurity and discomfort , feelings of losing something unusual happened, and something that felt painful . If the stress for children in care , the parents become too stressful , and stress parents will make children's stress levels increased ( Supartini , 2000) .
Impact of Hospitalization in children can cause anxiety and stress at all age levels . The causes of anxiety are influenced by many factors , both factors of personnel ( nurses , doctors , and other health professionals ) , the new environment , as well as accompanying family environment during treatment . Families often feel anxious about her state of development , treatment , and maintenance costs . Although the impact is not directly against the child , the child will feel it fisiklogis of behavioral changes that accompany parents during treatment ( Marks , 1998) . Children becoming increasingly stressful and this contributes to the healing process , ie decreasing the immune response . It has been proved by Robert Ader ( 1885) that patients who experience mental shock would be susceptible to disease , as would occur under conditions of stress suppression of the immune system ( Subowo , 1992) . Pediatric patients will feel comfortable during treatment with family social support , therapeutic care environment , and the attitude of the nurse full attention will speed the healing process .
Based on observations of the author , pediatric patients who were hospitalized hospitalization still often experience severe stress , especially fear of the treatment , foreign to the new environment , and the fear of health workers . This fact is an important issue that should get the attention of nurses in nursing care pengelolah ( Nursalam , 2005)

Excretion system disorders and diseases in humans according to experts

There are several disorders / diseases caused by abnormal structure and function of the excretory system , Excretion System Disorders and Diseases in humans according to the experts , among others, nephrosis , nephritis , sistisis , polycystic , and renal failure menueurut experts can be seen in the picture below :

Nephrosis nephroses is a condition in which the glomerular membrane leaky , led to a large number of proteins out of the blood to the urine . Water and sodium accumulate in the body causing edema , particularly in the ankles, legs , abdomen , and eyes . Nephrosis generally occurs in children .
Glomerular nephritis glomerular nephritis is an inflammation of the membrane of glomerular filtration in the renal korpuskulum . The cause of inflammation in general is an allergic reaction to the toxins released by the bacteria streptococcus that infect other parts of the body , especially the throat . The disease is characterized by the increase in the permeability of the membrane filtration and accumulation of white blood cells in the area of ​​membrane filtration . As a result , a large number of plasma proteins into the urine . The existence of plasma proteins increases the osmotic pressure of the urine filtrate , resulting in increased urine volume and lead to kidney failure .
Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the entire kidney . This damage often begins with a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis and then widened to the main part of the kidney .
Sistisis Sistisis is inflammation of the bladder , especially the mucosa and sub- mucosa . Sistisis can be caused by infection with bacteria , chemicals , or injury .
Polycystic disease This disease can be caused by damage to the bile duct system and produce destructive nephron enlargement such as cysts ( lumps ) along this line . Kidney damage is generally declining .
Kidney stones Kidney stones are stones that formed from uric acid , calcium , phosphate , oxalic acid and others formed in the kidneys . The formation of kidney stones can be caused by the urine is too concentrated and less drinking . These stones can also form in the bladder and the kidney itself .
Renal Kidney failure can lose its function so it can not excrete metabolic waste products from the body , even substances that the body can still be used as glucose and proteins can come out of the body . This phenomenon is called kidney failure . This disorder can be caused by conditions that impair kidney function . Acute renal failure that causes a buildup of urea in the blood and acidosis ( blood is more acidic ) . Kidney damage can be caused by severe glomerular nephritis , or it could also be caused by certain ginjal.Racun obstruction resulting from industrial processes cause necrosis ( cell damage ) epithelial nephrons . Severe renal failure caused by permanent damage to many nephrons , so nephron - nephron is not working . This damage is characterized by the inability of the kidneys to excrete excretion results , retention , swelling due to fluid accumulation , increase in potassium content , acidosis , poisoning trash , and ended in death .

Phase and symptoms of HIV and prevention of HIV / AIDS

Phase and symptoms of HIV and prevention of HIV / AIDS infected person , his immune system will decrease , diminish and eventually disappear . People infected with HIV phase I , it seems like a healthy person , yet showing symptoms . This phase lasts 5-7 years , depending on the patient's body immunity . In phase II, the initial symptoms of HIV-related illnesses , such as : loss of appetite , body weakness, excessive sweating at night, raised patches on the skin , swollen lymph nodes , persistent diarrhea , the flu does not heal . This phase lasts about 6 months to 2 years . Stages of AIDS can only be diagnosed after immune greatly reduced and incurred certain diseases such as tuberculosis , pneumonia , herpes , impaired nerve , etc. ) . Keep in mind that not all people who suffer from the disease above definitely suffering from AIDS . This phase lasts 3-6 months . To ascertain whether a person is positive for AIDS or not , should be checking the number of T cells in the laboratory . Until now people can not mention the exact symptoms of AIDS , because AIDS is not a typical symptom . Can be Done For
Prevention of AIDS in the family environment to convey the information that you already know this to other family members , friends and neighbors . Phase and symptoms of HIV and prevention of HIV / AIDS If everyday you find incorrect information about AIDS , immediately align the right way so that people are interested and also correct that information . In the school environment you may be able to propose to the teacher or principal that held discussions or seminars or other activities related to the prevention of AIDS . Activities related to the prevention of AIDS can also do the same with similar activities such as drug prevention , family education , and so on . Why do we bother with the problem of AIDS in Indonesia ? In Indonesia there is a widespread tendency of commercial sex workers , high spread of venereal disease , high urbanization and population migration , the tendency of increasing sex before marriage , the traffic from / to take place freely abroad , as well as the use of syringes , tattoos , piercing unhealthy .

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System composed of external organs which consist of the penis and scrotum . Note the penis serves as a breeding and urinary organs . In addition there is a penis called the scrotum sac in which there are testicles . During puberty , the two testes begin to produce sperm , the male sex cells . Sperm cells to have a single structure composed of head and tail . Serves to propel the sperm tail , while the head of the sperm contains the genetic information . The scrotum also serves to help regulate temperature suitable for the production of sperm .
Some other organs also help in the reproduction is for the transport and storage of sperm in the body . After the resulting sperm from the testicles , will be accommodated in the epididymis . Subsequently transported through the channel that circles the bladder . In addition there is a bladder gland called the seminal glands where sperm mix with fluid that helps sperm move . Mixture of sperm and fluid is called semen . Semen leaves the body through the urethra , which is the same channel for the flow of urine out of the body . However, between the cement and the urine is never mixed . Muscles that are behind the bladder to contract to prevent urine out of the urethra when sperm are removed from the body . In summary organ Male Reproductive System related functions can be arranged as :

Generate testicular sperm through meiosis
Wrapping the scrotum testicles
Channeling the penis into the vagina sperm
Channelling the vas deferens sperm from the testes to the urethra
The seminal vesicles Holds Sperm
Channelling the urethra of sperm and urine out of the body
Seminal Gland Produces easy to move fluids to sperm

Menstrual Cycle Counting

The egg cell produced by the ovaries every 28 days . What controls the cycle ? Menstrual Cycle Counting Some changes in the reproductive system is controlled by hormones . Hormones are chemicals produced by the body to control the metabolic processes in the body . Changes that occur each month on the female reproductive organs is called the menstrual cycle . On a woman's menstrual cycle occurs every certain period , eg 28 days . However, the menstrual cycle varies for each individual , ranging from 20-40 days . The changes that occur during menstruation involves cooking eggs and thickening of the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg cell . If the egg cell in the ovary cook , thicken the uterine wall . More or less on day 14 of the menstrual cycle of 28 days , resulting egg cell from the ovary , and is known as the
ovulation . The egg is kept alive for 24-48 hours , and move along the fallopian tubes toward the uterus or the uterus . The egg can be fertilized when there are live sperm in the fallopian tubes for 48 hours before or after ovulation . If the egg is not fertilized in the fallopian tubes , it will be whole ( broken ) . Uterine lining will shed and bleeding occurs. These events occur every month , and is known as menstruation . The duration of menstruation lasts for 4-6 days . shows the changes during the menstrual cycle . When menstruation takes place , another egg begins to experience cooking . Rahim also began to thicken in preparation for receiving the other egg . Menstruation occurs when the organ started breeding girl started masak.Pada most girls , the first menstruation occurred at the age of 8-13 years old , and continued until the age of 45-55 years . In the 50s Cycle Counting periods become irregular and stop for good , this event is called menopause .