Monday, March 31, 2014

understanding of child

Children are individuals who are in a range of developmental changes starting from infants to adolescents . Childhood is a time of growth and development that starts from infants ( 0-1 years ) , age play ( 1-2.5 years ) , pre-school ( 2.5-5 ) , school age ( 5-11 years ) to adolescence ( 11-18 years ) . In children there is a range of changes in the growth and development of the range that is fast and slow . In the process of development of the child has physical, cognitive , self-concept , coping patterns and social behavior . Physical characteristics are all children physical growth may not be the same but have different and growth. Similarly, cognitive development is also experiencing growth are not the same . Sometimes children with rapid cognitive development and cognitive development are sometimes too slow . It can also be influenced by the child's background . The development of self-concept has been around since the baby , but not yet completely formed and will experience growth with age in children ( Aziz , 2005) .
Children are individuals who are vulnerable because of the complex developments that occur in each stage of childhood and adolescence . Furthermore , children also are physiologically more vulnerable than adults , and have limited experience , which affects their understanding and perception of the world . ( Slepin , 2006) .
Children are not miniature adults , but as a unique individual . Principles and this view implies that the child should not be looked at from the physical size as adults but children as unique individuals who have a pattern of growth and development towards maturity process . The patterns of these are to be used as benchmarks , not only his physical form but the ability and maturity .
As a unique individual children have different needs from one another in accordance with the age growth and development . These needs may include physiological needs such as nutrition and fluid requirements , activity , elimination , rest , sleep , and others . In addition to the physiological needs , children as well as individuals who are also in need of psychological needs , social , and spiritual . It can be seen on the stage of development of the child age ( Aziz , 2005) .

Definition of Diarrhea

Diarrhea is defined as bowel movements are not normal or watery stool form with more frequency than usual . Neonates declared diarrhea if stool frequency is more than 4 times , whereas for infants older than 1 month and the child , if the frequency is more than 3 times . ( Lecturer , 1985)
Diarrhea is one of the major health problems in developing countries , including Indonesia . In Indonesia, diarrheal disease is one of the major causes of death after respiratory tract infection ( Anik Maryunani , 2010) . Diarrhea is an abnormal feces and liquid . It could also be defined as a bowel movement is not normal and is a liquid with more frequency than usual ( Vivian , 2010) .
Diarrhea is fluid loss and excessive elektroit that terjadikarena frequency of once or more bowel movements with watery stool form or liquid ( Suriadi and yuliani , 2001) . Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements or a reduction in the form of stool ( greater looseness of stool ) . Although changes in frequency of bowel movements and stool kelonggara - looseness can vary independently of each other , changes often occur in both ( Admin , 2012) .

Understanding Dehydration according to experts

Dehydration is the loss of fluid and electolyte due to water loss / output more than the intake / input ( Anik Maryunani , 2010) . Dehydration is a disruption in the balance of fluids in the body . This happens because the water spending more than income ( such as drinking ) . Disorders of body fluid loss is accompanied by disturbances of electrolyte balance of the body's substances ( Artisayang , 2009)
Dehydration is a disruption in the balance of fluids in the body . This happens because the water spending more than income ( such as drinking ) . Disorders of body fluid loss is accompanied by disturbances of electrolyte balance of the body's substances . Dehydration , which means the lack of body fluids , which help the body organs work . ( Ariel , 2008) .
1 ) . Dehydration due to lack of fluids and electrolytes , which are divided into : ( a) . Mild dehydration , occurs when fluid loss < 5 % B ; ( b ) . Moderate dehydration , fluid loss in the event of 5-10 % B ; ( c ) . Dehydration weight , in the event of fluid loss > 10-15 % BB .( Vivian , 2011) .
2 ) . Hypovolemic shock due to the decrease in blood volume and blood volume decrease when reaching 15-25 % BB will menyebabkanpenurunan blood pressure .
3 ) . Hypokalemia with symptoms is meteorismus , muscle hypotonia , weakness , bradycardia , and changes in the ECG examination ; 4 ) . Hipokglikemia ; 5 ) . Secondary lactose intolerance due to lactose enzyme deficiency due to damage to the villi of the small intestine mucosa ; 6 ) . Seizures ; 7 ) . Protein-energy malnutrition because in addition to diarrhea and vomiting , patients usually experience hunger ( Vivian , 2011) .
Data and classification of diarrhea which can be used to determine what action should be taken by officers in the field are :
a. Diarrhea with mild dehydration
Diarrhea with mild dehydration has the following signs : ( 1 ) . Restlessness , irritability , or irritability ; ( 2 ) . Sunken eyes ; ( 3 ) . Thirsty , drank with gusto ; ( 4 ) . Rapid pulse ; ( 5 ) . Sunken fontanel ; ( 6 ) . Abdominal skin pinch the return is very slow ( Maryunani A , 2010)
b . Diarrhea with moderate dehydration .
Diarrhea with moderate dehydration have the following signs : ( 1 ) . Restless , whiny ; ( 2 ) . Thirst ; ( 3 ) Eyes sunken ; ( 4 ) . Skin wrinkles , for example, we are pinching the skin on the abdominal wall , the skin does not immediately return to its original position ; ( 5 ) . Decreased blood pressure ; ( 6 ) . Fainting ; ( 7 ) . Strong contraction of the muscles arms , legs , abdomen , and back ( 8 ) . Seizures ; ( 9 ) . Flatulence ; ( 10 ) . Weight loss 25-100gr/kgBB ; ( 11 ) . Fontanel sunken pulse is rapid and weak .
c . Diarrhea with severe dehydration
Diarrhea with severe dehydration have the following signs : ( 1 ) . Letargis or unconsciously ; ( 2 ) . Very sunken eyes ; ( 3 ) . Do not drink or drink lazy ; ( 4 ) . Abdominal skin pinch the return is very slow ; ( 5 ) . Rapid pulse ; ( 6 ) . Fontanel very concave ; ( 7 ) . Weight down to> 100 g / kg .

Prevention and Treatment of Diarrhea

prevention of Diarrhea

1). Give only breast milk for 4-6 months and continue breastfeeding first at least during the first year; 2). Provide a clean nutritious weaning foods at 4-6 months; 3). Give the new food cooked well with clean water; 4). All family members wash their hands with soap water before eating, before preparing food and after defecation; 5). Immediately dispose of feces young children to latrine / toilet.

treatment of Diarrhea

Diarrhea treatment principle is as follows: 1). Giving fluids (rehydration initial and maintenance); 2). Diatetik (feeding); 3). Drugs; (a). amount of fluid administered was 100 ml / kg BW / day 1 time every 2 hours, if diarrhea without dehydration. As many as 50% of this fluid is given dalam4 first hour and the remaining adlibitum; (b). sesuikandengan age children; (1). <2 years given ½ cup; (2). 2-6 years given 1 cup; (3). > 6 years given 400 cc (2 cups). (Admin, 2012).

understanding Neonates

Neonate is the first time in life outside the womb until the age of 28 days , which occur very big change from life in the womb be outside the womb . At this time organ maturation occurs in nearly all systems . Neonates are not miniature adults , nor even a miniature child .
Neonates experienced the change of life in the womb which is too dependent on life outside the mother's womb into a self -paced . The period of greatest change occurred during the first 24-72 hours . This transition includes virtually every organ system but most importantly for anesthesia are respiratory circulatory system , kidneys and it is necessary hepar.Maka of structuring and preparation to perform an action against neonatal anesthesia .
Neonates are individuals who are growing and have just experienced birth trauma and should be able to make adjustments of intrauterine life . ( Vivian , 2011) . Neonates are the initial phase when a man is born into the earth ( Weni , 2010)