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Thursday, April 3, 2014

definition of Animal and Vegetable Food Materials and processing

definition of Animal and Vegetable Food Materials and processing
Broadly speaking , food can be grouped into two general categories of foodstuffs of plant origin ( vegetable ) and foodstuffs of animal origin ( animal ) . Vegetable foodstuffs are food ingredients derived from plants (can be a root , stem , branches , leaves , flowers , fruit or even some parts of the whole plant ) , or processed foods from the basic ingredients of the plant . An animal food ingredients derived from animal ingredients or preparations essentially from the animal . Both of these foods have different characteristics that require different handling and processing as well . further
in this case is described animal food .

Animal food ingredients include milk , eggs , meat and fish and dairy products are the basic ingredients derived from animal produce .

Animal food has a distinguishing characteristic of the vegetable food . Some of them are :

a. Animal food has a shelf life much shorter than vegetable food when in a fresh state ( except eggs ) . In short shelf life is related to the network structure in which the results of animal food animal does not have a strong network and solid protection as the result of plant .

b . Animal food is soft and mushy so easily penetrated by factors external pressure .

c . Characteristics of each animal food is very specific so can not be generalized . The nature of the meat is very different from the properties of the egg . In contrast to the plant-based foods have in common in terms of networks or its components . In animal food , the fat on the meat lies in the fat tissue , the dairy is located in the fat globules and the eggs contained in the yolk .

d . Animal food in general is a source of protein and fat and vegetable food is a source of carbohydrates , vitamins , minerals , fats and proteins .

Based on the above, the processing becomes important . Treatment is important because it can extend the shelf life , meningkatkandaya resistant , improve quality , added value and as a means of product diversification . Thus, a roduk be having more economic power after a touch processing technology .
( Refer from multiple sources )
If all this we know only animal products such as meat , milk and eggs , then we need to know more in the fact that animal food products including anything ? In terms , animal food material is in the form of foodstuffs or animal origin or products processed using basic ingredients of animal origin .As for which is included in the types of animal food is :

a. Milk , which is a product of white liquid produced by mammals and livestock obtained by milking .
b . Fish , in the narrow sense is all kinds of river fish , lake fish , fish marshes , fish pond - reared in ponds , sea and so on . Included in this category are other fishery products are: shellfish , sea cucumber , fish eggs and others.
c . The meat , which is the product obtained by means of slaughter ( mammals and birds )
d . Eggs , which is the main product of the maintenance of laying hens , raising poultry or meat byproducts .
e . Processed products of food mentioned above , for example, is a creamy dairy products , cheese , milk powder and so on . Processed meat products is cured meat , sausage , jerky , and so on . Processed fish products are frozen fish , salted fish , smoked milkfish , and so on . Processed egg products are boiled eggs , salted eggs , powdered eggs and so on .
A. Processed Milk Products
1 . Cream and Skim Milk cream is part of the milk contains a lot of fat . Some are calling it " cream . " While the milk is skim milk portion which contains proteins , sometimes called milk serum .
2 . PasteurisasiSusu milk is pasteurized milk that has undergone a process of pasteurization ( heating process of each component ( particles ) in the milk at a temperature of 62 ° C for 30 min or heating milk at 72 ° C for 15 seconds .
3 . Sterile Sterile Milk Milk is milk that also uses a heating process for sterilizing process . However , only the process of pasteurization kills bacteria aimed pathogenic ( disease-causing ) , sterilization aims to kill all bacteria .
4 . KentalSusu condensed milk is obtained by reducing ( vaporize ) the water content of the milk until the water content is about 40 % live . With the low water content of milk can be stored longer in good condition . When will be drunk , condensed milk should be diluted again with hot water or warm water .
5 . Cheese Cheese is a milk protein that dijendalkan ( compacted ) . In making cheese , to separate the milk protein is done by the addition of acids such as lactic acid , hydrochloric acid or by the addition of a protease enzyme rennet eg , Mucor renin , and so on . Cheese can be made from milk or full cream milk . These materials must be free of foreign objects such as dust , feathers and beads of red blood . The next process in the manufacture of cheese is pasteurized , penjendalan , whey separation and packing .
6 . Butter Butter is a compact mass of fat derived from milk made with some sort of stirring process called " churning . " Component is the largest in butter fat , then water and salt . The basis of making butter is to change the position of the original milk fat in the form of fat emulsion in water emulsion of water in fat becomes .
7 . Ice Cream Ice cream is made from the main ingredients consisting of fat , milk , sugar or sweetening matter , solids not fat , stabilizers and egg yolks . The main process in its manufacture is freezing .
8 . Yogurt Yogurt is milk that has the result of curing specific flavors as fermented by certain bacteria . The stages of making yogurt is heating , cooling and curing .
9 . Cream Cheese Cream cheese ( whey ) is the result of the rest of the cheese-making , still contain milk proteins , primarily albumin and globulin proteins . Cream cheese can still be used for drinks .
10 . Milk Butter Milk serum from the manufacture of butter is butter . Usually taken as the milk serum of butter is churning process ( stirring ) first . Butter milk is also used as butter . B. Processed Meat Products

1 . cured Meat
Cured Meat is salting meat processed products . Salting process known as " curing . "
2 . Kornet ( cornet beef )
The corned beef is processed with spices potatoes , broth ( beef broth ) , red onion , salt , pepper and sodium nitrite ( NaNO2 ) . The formulation of these materials vary depending on the consumer pleasure .
3 . Luncheon Meat
The basic ingredients Luncheon Meat can be beef , pork, lamb or mutton . While the ingredients are mixed salt , sugar and NaNO2 alone .
4 . ham
Ham is a term in English for the thighs large animals in general , but in its use , the term is limited to the pig thigh . This term is used for pig thigh fresh or dried and smoked .
5 . sausage
Sausage is a food made from meat (sometimes fish ) that has been chopped and then crushed spices , put in a wrapper that elliptical form of animal intestines or artificial wrapper , with or without cooking , with or without smoke .
6 . Jerky Jerky is traditionally processed meat . Actually jerky is the result of a process of combination between kyuring and drying .
7 . Canned Chicken Meat
Often also canned chicken , chicken meat while the process is put into cans , while added thereto chicken broth and spices ( chili , pepper , or other types of " spices" are others ) . Sometimes flour is also added into it .
8 . Chicken broth
Chicken broth is water obtained from cooking chicken . Usually this also canned broth . Canned concentrated broth obtained first and then put the tin while still hot ( temperature ± 82 - 88C ) . Sterilization is performed at a temperature of 91.6 ̊ C ( 240̊ F ) for 30-45 minutes .
9 . Smoke Chicken Meat Smoking chicken is done after curing ( salting ) . curing is done by soaking in a solution of spices consisting of salt ( NaCl ) , brown sugar and NaNO2 . Temperature for curing should 4C or lower . After that just smoked by way of cold fogging fogging when the low temperature ( 30 - 40C ) or by thermal fogging fogging when the temperature is higher ( 70 - 90C ) .
10 . Krecek and Rambak
Krecek and rambak actually not a processed meat product but rather a product of the remaining material processed . Krecek and rambak made ​​of leather . Processing stages is boiling , washing , cutting , drying , frying and packaging .
11 . gelatin
Gelatin is also not processed meat products processed product but bones . Gelatin is widely used as a stabilizer ( stabilizer ) in the manufacture of ice cream , or other food ingredient substitutions .
12 . oil Meat
Oil meat obtained either from animal meats or freshly slaughtered meat animals after experiencing cooling and cutting parts of carcass ( meat boned ) . Both kinds of oil can be processed to be used as food oil or not . For example, it can be used for the manufacture of margarine , as cooking oil , for making soap , lubricants , and so forth .
C. Processed Egg Products

1 . Salted Eggs Salted eggs is one egg that manufacture processed products are very easy to do . In principle, the process of making salted eggs are salting . Commonly made ​​salted duck eggs .
2 . Eggs boiled egg Pindang was also salty , but not seasin salted egg . The manufacturing process is also one form of salting but with a slight modification , namely the presence of heating during the salting process .
3 . Pickled Eggs Pickled eggs are eggs that have been cooked and then marinated in a vinegar solution . The concentration of vinegar solution can vary between 1.2 to 6 percent , but it is generally used a solution of acetic acid .
4 . Egg powder is powdered egg albumen powder ( egg white ) , and in general can only be obtained by means of cylindrical dryers .

Balanced Nutrition Pyramid and 13 PM Basic Balanced Nutrition

Balanced Nutrition Pyramid and 13 PM Basic Balanced Nutrition
1 . Eat a variety of foods , which is a source of food energy ( carbohydrates ) , builder substances ( proteins ) , as well as regulating substances ( vitamins and minerals ) .
2 . Eat food to meet energy needs . These needs can be met from three main sources , namely carbohydrates , proteins passage and fat .
3 Eat a carbohydrate source , half of its energy needs . Sugar consumption should be limited to 5 % of the amount of energy sufficiency or about 3-4 scoops per day . Should be approximately 50-60 % of the energy derived from complex carbohydrates or equivalent with 3-4 plates of rice .
4 . Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy adequacy . Consuming excessive animal fats can cause narrowing of the arteries and coronary heart disease .
5 . Use iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders result ( GAKI ) . GAKI can inhibit the development of children's intelligence level , mumps , and cretin ( dwarf ) . It is recommended not to consume more salt than 6 grams ( 1 teaspoon ) per day .
6 . Eat a source of iron to prevent anemia . Good sources are green vegetables , nuts , liver , eggs and meat .
7 . Give only breast milk to infants until the age of 4 months . Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of infants up to the age of 4 months , after which it should be given complementary feeding of breast milk ( MP - ASI ) .
8 . Make a habit of eating breakfast ( breakfast ) to maintain physical endurance and improve labor productivity .
9 . Drink water clean , safe and sufficient in number , ie at least 2 liters , equivalent to 8 glasses every day , so that physiological processes in the body can take place smoothly and balanced .
10 . Perform physical activity and regular exercise to achieve normal weight and offset the excessive energy consumption .
11 . Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages .
12 . Eat foods that are safe for health , free from microbial contamination and harmful chemicals , which can cause pain .
13.Bacalah labels on packaged foods , to determine the composition of the constituent materials ( ingridien ) , nutrient composition , as well as the expiry date .

History of Man

History of ManHumans in the natural world and the unique role that can be viewed in many ways . In humans the exact sciences in view as a collection of atomic particles that make up a network system that is owned by humans human is a collection of baerbagai physical systems are interlinked with each other and is a collection of energy , humans are biological creatures that belong to the mammalian organism . In the social sciences is mahlik man who wants to make a profit or always wanted to account for any activity , humans are social creatures that can not stand alone beings who always want to have the political power , being cultured
Human or person can be interpreted differently depending on the biological , spiritual , and istilahkebudayaan , or in a mixture .
Biologically , humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for humans ) , a primate species of mammal groups include highly skilled brain . In terms of spirituality , they are described using the concept of a varied life where , in religion , understood in conjunction with the power of God or living beings ; in myth , they also often compared to other races . In cultural anthropology , they are described by penggunaanbahasanya , their organization in a pluralistic society and the development of technology , and especially by the ability to form groups and institutions to support one another and help .
Classification is the most important human based on their gender . Naturally , the sex of a newborn child whether male or female . Children younger men known as men and men as men . The young boy known as female and adult women as women .
Penggolonganlainnya is based on age , ranging from fetuses , infants , toddlers , children , adolescents , akilbalik , youth / i , adult , and ( the ) old .
In addition there are many other classifications , based on physical characteristics ( skin color , hair , eyes to nose ; height ) , an affiliate of socio - political - religious ( religion / belief XYZ , XYZ citizens , party members XYZ ) , kinship ( family : immediate family , extended family , step-families , adoptive families , foster families ; friends ; enemies ) and so forth .
Heart and awareness
Subjective experience of an individual centered around consciousness , self-consciousness or the mind , allowing the perception of its own existence and of the passage of time . Consciousness gives rise to the perception of free will , although some believe that free will is illusory misleading perfect , restricted or eliminated by determining the fate or social ataubiologis . The human heart consciousness expanded outward , covering a total mental and emotional aspects of the individual . Psikologimempelajari knowledge of the human heart ( psyche ) , especially the subconscious ( unconscious ) . The practice of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freudmencoba designed by exposing part of the subconscious . Arrange themselves into a human Freud Ego , Superego , and Id . Carl Gustav Jungmemperkenalkan collective unconscious thoughts / joint and a process pengindividuan , poured doubts as to the accuracy of defining individuals ' which means ' .
Philosophy in Historical Perspective
1 . Pre Ages Ancient Greece
Ranged from four million years to 20,000 years BC , also known as the stone age , because at that time people still use stones as tools . Later in the 15th century until 6 BC , humans have found iron , copper and silver for a variety of equipment , which was first used in Iraq . In the 6th century BC in Greek philosophy was born , called the Greek miracle . Some of the factors that precede the birth of philosophy in Greece , namely :
a. Greek mythology
b . Greek literature
c . The influence of science at that time had reached the Ancient East .
2 . Ages of Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is the beginning of the revival of philosophy in general , because the answer to the problems surrounding the ratio and leave the mythology or superstitious beliefs are irrational . Furthermore , When Athens was led by Pericles politics and philosophy can thrive. Last Age of Hellenism , referred to as the golden age of Greek culture , with a meritorious figure is Alexander the Great ( 356-323 BC ) of Macedonia , one of the disciples of Aristotle .
3 . Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages , the philosophy of devoting attention to metaphysical problems . When it is difficult to tell which is which philosophy and the church . While the period of modern history has generally called mental point of view that differ in many ways , especially the fading authority of the church , while the authority of science is getting stronger . I draw this conclusion , that the medieval era is meant for philosophers , especially for European thinkers of the century , is close to a religion , especially Christianity . Because the medieval era and a major figure of the greatest church father of the Patristic age is Aurelius Augustine ( 354-430 ) he was born in thagaste , in Numedia , north africa . And after it is grown kezaman scholastic Thomas Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) .
4 . Modern Ages
The period begins with the advent of modern philosophy renaissance XV and XVI century AD , which intends regenerates classical Greco- Roman culture . The main problem of the renaissance period , as the scholastic period , is a synthesis of religion and philosophy in a different direction . Renaissance era marked by the outpouring of attention in various fields of humanity , both as individuals and social . Among philosophers of the renaissance period was Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626 ) . He argued that philosophy should be separated from theology . Although he believes that the reasoning can demonstrate God's , but he considers that characterized everything else in theology can only be known by revelation , revelation while entirely dependent on reasoning . This shows that Bacon was among those who justify the concept of double truth ( double truth ) , that is the truth of reason and revelation . The peak period of the renaissance era appearing on Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is regarded as the Father of Modern Philosophy and pioneer Rationalism flow . Arguments brought forward aiming to escape the confines of the church . This is evident in the motto " cogito ergo sum " ( I think therefore I am ) . This statement is very well known in the development of modern thought , as it raised the rate and degree of thought as an indication of the existence of every individual . In this case , the philosophy of re- gained glory and defeat the role of religion , because the ratio of men to obtain the truth .
Then came the flow of empiricism , with its main pioneers , Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke ( 1632-1704 ) . Empiricism flow found coming from the introduction of knowledge and experience , both inner and outer experience . It also emphasizes the flow of sensory recognition as a form of perfect introduction . In the middle of the bells gempitanya thought of rationalism and empiricism , a new idea emerged in the UK , which later evolved to France and finally to Germany . This period is known as Aufklarung or Enlightenment or Enlightenment eighteenth century formulated century AD In the presence of separation ratio of religion , sense apart from the confines of the church , so that Voltaire (1694-1778) referred to it as the age of reason ( age reasoning ) . As one consequence is a rapidly growing supremacy ratio which in turn encouraged the development of philosophy and science . Nonetheless , in the era thinkers Aufklarung anyone concerned religion , namely David Hume ( 1711-1776 ) . According to him , religion was born from the hopes and fears ( hopes and human suffering ) . Religion evolved through the process of the original , which is polytheistic , monotheistic religion that . Then Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) fought against the dominance of the materialistic century enlightenment and atheists . He opposed the rationalism that made ​​life barren . He is known for his motto retournous a la nature ( back to state of origin ) , which re- establish intimacy with nature .Other figures are Immanuel Kant ( 1724-1804 ) . Other idealism figure is George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ( 1770-1831 ) .
His philosophy is known with absolute idealism which is monistic , that is all that there is a form of mind which one , the absolute sense ( absolute mind ) .
Positivism of Auguste Comte tried to develop into a religion or as a substitute for religion . This is evidenced by the establishment of Positive Societies in various places that worships humanity instead of worshiping God . Subsequent developments of this genre that gave birth to stream content and relying on facts that are material , known as Materialism .Materialism is Feurbach flow figures ( 1804-1872 ) . He stated that human belief in God is actually derived from the human desire to feel unhappy . Then , create a human Being can be used as a beacon of hope is God , so that Feuerbach stated theology should be replaced with anthropology . Materialism is another character stream Karl Marx (1820-1883) who oppose all forms of spiritualism . He along with Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) builds on the ideas of communism with a manifesto of communism in 1848 . Karl Marx's view that man is free , not bound by the transcendental . Human life is determined by the material . Religion as a projection of the human will , not from the unseen world . The period of modern philosophy in the West indicated a shift , all forms of domination of the church , the clergy and the assumption that scripture as the only source of knowledge was ravaged . Thus , it can be said that the modern age is an age in retaliation against the scholastic era dominated church .
5 . Contemporary Ages
Contemporary Western philosophy ( twentieth century ) is very heterogeneous . This is due partly because of greater professionalism . Many specialist philosopher is a specialized field such as mathematics , physics , psychology , sociology , or economics . Another important thing worth noting is that in the twentieth century old ideas revived . For example , Neotomisme , Neokantianisme , Neopositivisme , and so on . At this time France , Britain , and Germany remain the countries most forward in philosophy . Generally , people share this philosophy to be philosophy konttrental period ( French and German ) ; and philosophy Anglosakson ( UK ) . The most important streams are growing and influential in the twentieth century is pragmatism , vitalism , phenomenology , existentialism , analytic philosophy ( philosophy of language ) , structuralism , and postmodernism .

Pragmatism teaches that the truth is what the consequences bermanfat practical . Thus , pragmatism is the benchmark for the benefit of practical life . Mystical truth is accepted , as long as practically useful . The most important characters is William James (1842-1910) and John Dewey ( 1859-1952 ) . 
Vitalism of the view that the activities of living organisms is driven by power or vital principle with different physical forces , where everything can be analyzed mathematically . Vitalism is the most important figure of the French philosopher Henri Bergson ( 1859-1941 ) .

Respiratory System Anatomy understanding of the human body

Respiratory System Anatomy understanding of the human body1 . . RESPIRATORY SYSTEM

Humans need oxygen suply continuously for cellular respiration process , and remove excess carbon dioxide as a toxic waste product of prosestersebut.Pertukatan between oxygen with carbon dioxide gas is done so that the process of respiration selterus underway . Oxygen is needed for the process of cellular respiration is derived dariatmosfer , which provides oxygen gas content as much as 21 % of all gas yangada . Oxygen into the body through the mediation of a respirator that are outside . In humans , the alveoli are found in the lungs where the exchange serves as permukaanuntuk gas.Jalannya Air Breathing .
1 . Air enters through the nostrils
2 . passes through the nasopharynx
3 . passing oralfarink
4 . passing gloti
5 . entered into trake
6 . entry into the so-called branching trachea bronchus .
7 . entered into branching bronchi called bronchioles
8 . ends at the end of the bronchus air bubbles form called alveoli .
a. Sense of Sight
Visual apparatus consists of eyeballs, optic nerve , and additional tools mata.Bola eyes are round , just bidangdepannya anomalous bolasempurna because menonjolke cornea over the front . This happens because the part of the other parts lebihmelengkung ball mata.Titik front and center field areas belakangdinamakan polar front and rear lines connecting the polar axis is the axis of the eye or the eye can be distinguished penglihat.Bola walls and contents . The walls consist of three layers . Lapisluar is hard membrane , which is in front shifted to cornea . Tengahdinamakan layered membrane that lines the choroid tough membrane from the inside . Forward selaputkoroid not follow the cornea . At the transition point the choroid and iris membranes are thicker shape and is known as the ciliary body .
b . Sense of Hearing
Hearing aids consist of a listener outside , the listener and the listener dalam.Pendengar middle outer ear consists of leaves danliang outer ear . Sebuahlipatan earlobe skin is prone kupingkenyal order form . The outside of the outer ear canal berdindingrawan , the interior has dindingtulang . To the inner lining of the ear canal outside dibatasioleh gendangan.Pendengar gendangan the central cavity consists of a cavity gendangan associated with pharyngitis melaluitabung listeners Eustachian
3 . Digestive System
The digestive system is made ​​up of layers of horn cells flattened , while the innermost layer is called the seed layer which always makes epithelial cells baru.Kulit hides a connective tissue containing blood vessels - nerves dansaraf .
4 . SYSTEM Ekskresi
Humans have an organ or tools that serve excretion hasilmetabolisme dispose of waste products . Substance is the rest of the waste products of metabolism demolition nutrients , for example : carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , water ( H20 ) , ammonia ( NH3 ) , urea and dyes empedu.Zat the metabolic waste is no longer useful to the body and should dikeluarkankarena are toxic and can cause disease .
The nervous system is a coordinate system ( setting body ) form impulsaraf delivery to the central nervous system , nerve impulses and processing orders to give tanggapanrangsangan . The smallest unit of work implementation of the nervous system are nerve cells or nerves neuronCara Openness Work .
Anonymous . 2010.http :/ / / lesson - school / teaching - biology / human - nervous - system / . Online 11 April 2011Staff LIPI.2010.http :/ / / pangankesehatan / documents / artikel_kolesterol / system peredaran_darah_dan_sistem_ekskresi.pdf Online 11 April

Idealism understanding of education

Idealism understanding of education
Idealism education in principle have a clear goal with the program and can be realized through formal and informal education . Realization of formal and informal education in the context of Indonesia obviously carry on towards the fulfillment of Indonesian human resources who are able to be utilized . It was all done in order to achieve high competency includes creative , innovative , skilled , intelligent , devoted to God Almighty , noble , and intelligent and able to compete globally .
Idealism education is necessary for Indonesia to pursue any pace across various sectors with other developed countries , including the neighboring countries . Idealism is education is that education should reflect the ideals of order of a society
the civilized , nurturing and respecting rights of fellow human beings .
Quality of Indonesian human resources and also the quality of education in Indonesia as seen from the macro indicators , namely the achievement of Human Development Index ( HDI ) and micro indicators ( in terms of the ability to read and write ) we still ranks 110 of 177 countries in the world . Even the ratings are declining year after year . As stated by Ilham Y. Wika ( 2007:1 ) reports that berdasarlkana Human Development Report 2005 by UNDP , HDI Indonesia increasingly slump since 1997 (ranked 99 ) , 2002 ( order of 102 ) , and in 2004 ( the order 111 ) . And by The World Economic Forum 2000 Swedish competitiveness Indonesia ranks 37 out of 57 countries in the world . Meanwhile , based on the Survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultant , the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12 of 12 countries in Asia . This ranking indicates that the field of education in Indonesia is still predicated as followerbukan as leader .
The education process is a process to educate and be educated . There is a process of learning and teaching , so evident in the educational process of the formation of a more human man or often called humanizing process . This is what confirms that
education has a fundamental nature of the so-called humanism intelectual . The process of educating and educated is a fundamental act ( fundamental ) , because in it there is a process and actions that change and determine a course of human life , both in terms of learners ( students ) and learners ( educators ) . In this process a learner ( educator ) means the people who make up the attitude , intelligence and personality , and learners ( educated ) is an established attitude , intelligence and personality as well as receiving an education to grow into complete human beings .
Many educational idealism becomes a chore we all , especially for the president as national stakeholders to achieve the MDG target of universal basic education so that it can be realized in 2015 , among others : the important agenda include ; ( 1 ) education and competencies of educators , ( 2 ) the professionalism of educators , ( 3 ) financial management education and human resource management , ( 4 ) political education , ( 5 ) education paradigm , ( 6 ) the development of educational organizations , ( 7 ) quality assurance education , and ( 8 ) education and gender equality .
Seriously an apparent effort by the government today is to increase the competence of educators . In Article 1 paragraph 6 of the National Education Law lays out the qualifications of educators are teachers , professors , counselors , officials learned , lecturers , tutors , instructors , facilitators and other designations are in accordance with peculiarities as well as participate in the educational menyelenggarkan . In an effort to improve the quality of education as an instrument to measure the competence of teachers and lecturers , for example , issued laws of teachers and lecturers that implementation is the implementation of teacher certification and certification of lecturers ,
In the context of the continued professionalism of teachers needed , Baedowi (2008 ) mentions , that the professional educator is an educator who has a lot of ability in ; 1 ) to plan , implement , and evaluate learning outcomes ; 2 ) improve the academic qualifications and competence on an ongoing basis ; 3 ) act in an objective and non-discriminatory on the basis of gender, religion , ethnicity, race , and specific physical conditions , or family background , and socioeconomic status of the students in learning ; 4 ) uphold the laws and regulations , and code of ethics of teachers , as well as religious values ​​and ethics ; and 5 ) maintain and foster national unity .

Qualifications ability of teachers as mentioned Baedowi (2008 ) above will be synergistic and supportive role as a teacher educator as if the terms of a good professional teacher can be met . Bebeberapa terms of professionalism among them ; 1 ) certified ; 2 ) physically and mentally healthy ; 3 ) piety to God Almighty and good conduct ; 4 ) responsible ; 5 ) the national spirit ( Ngalim Purwanto ( 2006:139-142 ) .
In terms of financial management education , the program must continue to be improved and maintained kestabilitasiannya is how to arrange all the activities of educational organizations that can continue to fund unmet needs and no clear process of how to obtain funding and manage the assets according to the educational level of the organization as a whole . Therefore , there must be done school management process and implementation of educational activities are planned and implemented vigorously reasonabl thorough and continuously conduct training on the operational costs of the school . So that educational activities more effectively and efficiently and help meet the goals of education through a good school management procedures , including ; input fund management , budget planning ( budgetting ) , the implementation process ( throw put) , and results (output ) .
Education related to financial management is the management of human resources should be an important factor in an organization . According to Schuler and Smart ( 1989 ) in Burhanuddin ( 2003 ) stated that human resource management is to be aware of ; 1 ) Planning human resource requirements , 2 ) the procurement of human resources and staff , 3 ) valuation and compensation , 4 ) appraisal and development , and 5 ) the creation and development of an effective working relationship . These five functions of human resource management is becoming earnest attempt field personnel who need a serious run and managed effectively and as well as procedural in order to achieve the expected goals .
In terms of political education that there is a common thread linking politics with education , because their relationship is not just mutual influence but also have a functional relationship . Educational institutions into places where setiapindividu , especially the younger generation learn the attitudes and feelings about the political system and the political role that is expected of them .
Talk politics of education , the politics of education in Indonesia is still not fully independent . It can be seen from the government's commitment that still must continue to be pumped in order to continue to improve access and equity in education , and MDG education for all should be the targets and priorities . Strategic Plan ( Strategic Plan ) government to education in 2008-2009 focused on three national educational development goals to be achieved , namely ; 1 ) improvement and expansion of educational equity , 2 ) increasing the quality and relevance of education , and 3 ) increased governance ( governance ) , accountability and public image we have of monitoring and evaluation .
Our only question is how far the success is to be achieved ? If not then there must be a channel of communication and control system that is accessible to the public and to the government .
Government efforts to realize continuous run political education , but education policies and practices in the field is still far from desirable . Data Enrollment ( AMP ) in 2008 showed that AMP SD / MI reached 95 % , SMP / MTs by 71.83 % while the Gross Enrolment Ratio ( GER) at the level of SMA / MA / SMK 2006 have amounted to 55.22 % and Higher Education APK only reached 16.70 % . Dropout rates at the primary level reaches 2.9 % , junior high school dropout rate of 2.42 % , 3.06 % and PT SMA 5.9 % . The high number of illiterate people of Indonesia recorded a total population of 15.4 million 211 063 000 population aged 15 years and above are illiterate with a ratio of 5.8 % of men and 12.3 % women were distributed in urban areas and 4.9 % 12.2 % rural . This situation illustrates that the political reality of education in Indonesia is not yet independent and well behind the demands of global competitiveness . Therefore, our education policy in the future to be able to provide concrete expectations of the progress of the nation in the future .
Paradigm of education in Indonesia must continue to prioritize new educational paradigm , because the old educational paradigm emphasizes education as a basic human need and right , then the paradigm of modern education now ( new ) promoting education as a future investment needs someone to gain prosperity alive .
Through education, the future of the nation , can be designed in a way to prepare the best possible quality human resources . With this basis we should strive for ; First , create a system of national education and democratic climate and quality , in order to
strengthen noble character , creative , innovative , insightful nationality , intelligent , healthy , disciplined , responsible , skilled and master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human . Second , improve the quality of the educational institutions developed by various parties effectively and efficiently , especially in the development of science and technology , arts and culture , thus stimulating a pro - active , creative , and always creative in all components . Third , develop human humanizing education , education which can develop human dignity , and prepare people become caliph . Fourth , in facing the actual tendencies no other alternative than to need realignment for education since primary education .
Education as a process of personal formation learner implemented in a systematic and systemic , and systematic . Therefore , an educational process takes place gradually and continuously ( procedural ) and systemic due to take place in situations in all environments dankondisi good family , school and community . Therefore , the challenges that must be done in the field of education should be pursued primarily improve the low quality of education in Indonesia at all levels and units of education, especially primary and secondary education as well as encouraging people to be fully aware that education is a fundamental requirement for any human life . If this is successful , then the government through the president's policies will gradually be able to complete the education for all .
Burhanuddin . Human Resource Management - Education , management is . Malang : State University of Malang . , 2003.
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Tinuk , Hariati . " Pave the way towards Civil Society Through Education Idealism " . Seminar papers . Malang : UMM MKPP Graduate Program . , 2009.
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development of learners

development of learnersPersonal development is all he needs and requires compliance related issues that can not be equated with other individuals . Therefore , each person will by itself will reveal the typical traits that are different from other personal . In addition , in this life in need of harmony between the physical needs and nonfisiknya . Physical needs of each person needs to fulfill , for example through a person needs to breathe with relief , need to eat well and fairly , need enjoyment and security needs . With regard to the socio - psychological aspects , each person requires the ability to control behavior and emotions as well as a means of communication for socializing . Thus , the problem of private life is a form of integration between physical factors , socio-cultural , and psychological factors . In sampinhg , an individual also requires the recognition of the other party about her self-esteem ,
either from his own family , and from outside the family .
* The factors that influence the development of personal

The development of a person's life is also determined by heredity and environment . Nativism flow states that an individual would be '' the '' as is that has been determined by the ability and nature brought since he was born . While the flow of empiricism to the contrary that an individual described as the paper / wax that is still white. He would be a '' human '' as in wills by the environment. Both flow illustrates that the talent and influence of environmental factors together have an influence on personal development .
* Individual differences in personal development

Socio-cultural environment that affects the lives of an individual's personal development is complex and heterogeneous . Both the natural environment and the environment created for the purpose of personal formation of children and adolescents , each has different traits . Therefore, it can briefly say that the personal development of each individual varies also according to the environment where they are in proportion.
* The influence of the personal development of behavior

Life is a series of continuous process of growth and development . The state of the present life is influenced by previous life , and the circumstances that will come a lot is determined by the current state . Thus , a person's behavior is influenced by the results of the development process in a previous life and his journey to integrate with current events now .

Can say that if since the beginning of the development of private life is formed in an integrated and harmonious , it can be expected that the behavior is a manifestation of personal aspects will be good .
* Efforts to develop private life

Personal life is a series of processes of growth and developments , need to be prepared properly . It is necessary for habituation in terms of :
a. Healthy living and regular as well as a good use of time .
b . Chores and everyday practical work independently and responsibly.
c . Community life by association with fellow
d . Problems of ways of solving in the face .
e . Following the rules of family life with full responsibility and discipline
f . Perform the roles and responsibilities of family life
B. understanding the life and career education


Education is life experience learning in biological processes throughout his life , both inside and outside the education track school . In connection with the development of learners , educational life in good faith experienced by adolescents as learners within the family , school , and community or life . While the life of one's career is a life experience in the world of work . Events of a teen 's entry into the world of work is an early work experiences in life ( career ) . Both in the educational life and career life , the teens gain experience illustrates the ups and downs .
* Karasteristik educational life and career
Teenagers already have a clear interest in the particular type of work . For that adolescents consciously knew that in order to achieve a desirable type of work that requires a means of knowledge and skills that should be owned . In addition to an introduction to the education system , young people have a colleague tetrsebut wider environment and he started to get to know other children with a variety of backgrounds family circumstances .
Teens have three living environments that all three have a different style and each assume responsibility in the administration of education . Third it is a family- educational environment , schools and communities .
* The factors that influence the development of educational life and career
a. Socioeconomic factors

Many family socioeconomic conditions influence the development of children's educational life and career . Economic factors include economic ability of parents and state economic conditions . Many children of high intellectual capability can not enjoy a good education , caused by the limited economic resources of their parents.
b . environmental factors

Mean that in the environment here includes three kinds . First , the environmental community life , second , home life environment , and the third , the life peer environment .

c . Factors outlook on life


View of life itself formed part because of the sunshine . View of the embodiment shown in the establishment of a person's life , especially his stated ideals . Thus in choosing the type of education oriented towards the type of education that can bring a lot of money , for example medicine , economics , and engineering experts .
* The effect of education and career development of life on behavior and attitudes .
Many of the view that it is less beneficial to the school of life , the view that the school can not provide a benefit for him . Teen attitudes towards school education in the paint by karasteristik many teachers are teaching . Though the school , in this case teachers , provide guidance and assess on the basis of objectivity that is not accompanied faktoremosional .
* Individual differences and the development of educational and career

As is described in another section , about the development of intelak , that educational attainment is influenced by the level of intelligence or aq . In fact iq each individual is different , it will affect the pattern of life in the field of education . Thus , the life of a variation or education will differ due to differences in thinking ability or IQ .

* Efforts to develop educational and career life

Parents need to understand the progress of education both at school and outside of school and outside the family . This is a high value , because the norms and conditions that are not too much different between home , school and community life harmony can be achieved .
a. Career development of adolescents

Career development of adolescents who think there ginzberg tentative period ( 11-17 years ) was marked by the widespread introduction of the child to a variety of problems in deciding what will work in the future kerjakannya . The tentative period includes four stages :
1 . Phase of interest ( age 11-12 years )
Teenagers already have a plan and possible career choices based on the interest .
2 . Phase capacity ( 12-14 )
Adolescents begin to use the skills and personal abilities as a consideration in making choices and career plans .
3 . Phase values ​​( 15-16 years )
In this stage of adolescence has been considered crucial role of personal values ​​in the process of career choice .
4 . Phase transition ( 17-18 years )
In this transitional phase of adolescence began to move from realistic considerations were still at the edge of consciousness into a more central position .
b . The problems faced
The problems and obstacles come from within itself , such as is often the case that the interest of teens not in accordance with his ability . To deal with the problem in choosing a career can do the following :
1 ) Know thyself ,
2 ) In what areas you find most difficult
3 ) Write your ideal plan and formally
4 ) Familiarize yourself with the demands of a particular job are you interested in?
5 ) Review and plan your career again talk about it with others
6 ) If it does not fit stop career choice
C. The development of adolescents with regard to family life
1 . Definition of family life

as has been described above that the adolescent growth Biologically has reached sexual maturity , which means that teenagers are biologically ready to do a production function . Maturity of the sexual function affect adolescent sexual and class has begun attracted to the opposite sex . With regard to efforts to establish a mate choice , social development of adolescent psychological marked by efforts to attract the opposite sex in ways that show in the form of behavior .
2 . The emergence of love and falling in love

Reasons or factors that mempengruhi someone to fall in love all kinds, include personality factors , physical factors , culture , family background , and ability factors .
3 . Society and marriage

The selection of a life partner is a task driven development of biological factors . In marital problems every society in the world has a legal and customary rules that guide the community in establishing a life partner . In addition to physical factors and psikologos , other factors are made ​​in consideration in determining the prospective spouses are similarities in terms of race, nationality , religion , and socioeconomic status . Psychologically many teens receive pengruh of environment on family life .

Taking into account the many factors of life that are in the neighborhood teens , then thinking about the education in the school and outside the school , in general, was held in the classical form . Some effort needs to be done in education , namely :
a. career guidance
b . Provide practical exercises
c . Preparation of a comprehensive curriculum

Gunarsa , S.D , and Singgih D. Gunarsa . Practical Psychology : children , adolescents , and families . Jakarta : PT CPC noble mountain , 1991.

Hurlock , E.B.psikologi development . Jakarta : publisher erlangga , 1990 .

Monks , et al . Developmental psychology : introduction in the air like parts. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 1988.

Suryabrata , Sumadi . Educational psychology . Jakarta : C.V eagle , 1991.