Monday, March 31, 2014

prevention of Anemia

So far there are four basic approaches prevention of iron deficiency anemia , namely ( Arisman , 2008)

The provision of iron tablets or injections of iron tablet Giving workers or longer supplementation for 3-4 months to increase hemoglobin levels , red blood cell lives for only about 3 months or erythrocyte life only lasts for 120 days , then 1/20 of erythrocyte cells must replaced daily or body require 20 mg of iron per day . The body can not absorb iron ( Fe ) from the food that much every day , then iron supplementation iron tablet is very important. Supplementation is executed by providing nutrients that can help to correct the state of nutritional anemia . Because according to the results of the study of nutritional anemia in Indonesia are mostly caused due to iron deficiency .
Education and effort that has to do with increased iron intake through food consumption of iron tablets can cause side effects that interfere so people tend to reject tablets given . To be understood , must be given proper education , for example about the dangers that may occur due to anemia , and must also be convinced that one of the causes of anemia is iron deficiency . Iron intake from food can be improved in two ways :
a. Ensuring adequate food consumption of calories that should be consumed .
b . Increasing the bioavailability of iron is eaten , is by way of promoting foods that can spur and avoid foods that can reduce iron absorption .
Treatment of infectious disease surveillance effective and timely manner to reduce the undesirable effects of nutrition . Although , the number of episodes of illness was not reduced, appropriate treatment services has been shown to shrink the long as well as the severity of the infection . The crucial action performed during ongoing disease patients is educating families about healthy eating during and after illness . Surveillance of infectious diseases requiring health measures such as the provision of clean water , improved sanitation and personal hygiene . If there is a parasitic infection , no doubt about it, that hookworm ( Ancylostoma and Necator ) and Schistosoma are the cause. While the role of other intestinal parasites which proved to be very small . There is plenty of written evidence , that the parasite parasites in large amounts can menggaggu absorption of various nutrients . Therefore , the parasite must be destroyed on a regular basis . However, if the destruction of intestinal parasites is not accompanied by cessation measures the source of infection , reinfection can occur that require more drugs . Culling the worm itself can be effective in terms of reducing the parasite , but the benefit in hemoglobin levels very slightly . If iron intake increases , either through supplementation or food fortification , although hemoglobin levels will increase parasite itself has not been eliminated .
Fortification of staple foods with iron fortification of food which is consumed and processed centrally at the core of anemia control in various countries . Fortification of food is one of the most powerful way in the prevention of iron deficiency . In industrialized countries , the product is a common Makana fortification of wheat flour and bread made ​​from corn meal and grits . In other developing countries have been considered for memfortifikasi salt , sugar , rice and fish sauce .

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