Monday, March 31, 2014

Basic Concepts Examination or Pregnancy Antenatal Care (ANC)

Understanding Pregnancy Examination
Antenatal care ( ANC ) is a prenatal care to optimize mental and physical health of pregnant women . Thus able to deal with labor , postpartum stage , preparation and award of ASI reasonable return of reproductive health ( Manuaba , 1998) . And according Prawirohardjo ( 2005 ) , antenatal care ( ANC ) is an examination of pregnant women both physically and mentally as well as saving the mother and child in pregnancy , childbirth and the postpartum period , so that their condition postpartum healthy and normal , not only physically but also mentally .
From the above understanding , the authors can draw conclusions about the notion that the examination Antenatal Care : examination of pregnant women to optimize mental and physical health of pregnant women and saving the mother and child in pregnancy , childbirth and the postpartum period , so the situation is healthy and normal postpartum and breastfeeding preparation and the return of reproductive health naturally .
Understanding Pregnancy Examination Regularly
Pregnant women should ideally carry a maximum of 13 prenatal care to 15 times . And at least 4 times , which is l times in trimester 1 , 1 times in the second trimester and 2 times on trimister III . But if there are abnormalities in pregnancy , the inspection frequency is adjusted according to individual needs . It can be concluded that if the expectant mother is said to regularly perform ≥ 4 antenatal visits , less regularly : 2-3 antenatal care visits and irregular pregnant women only if the pregnancy examination < 2 visits ( WHO , 2006) .
From the above understanding , the authors concluded that regular prenatal care prenatal care is carried out in accordance with the minimum inspection requirements performed during pregnancy is 1x to 4x in the first trimester ( gestation < 14 weeks ) , 1x in the second trimester ( 14-28 weeks ) , and 2x in the third trimester ( 28-36 weeks and over 36 weeks ) .
Purpose Of Pregnancy Examination ( ANC ) is as follows :
a. According Ayuray (2009 ) the purpose of prenatal care in general is :
1 ) Monitor the progress of the pregnancy to ensure maternal health and fetal growth .
2 ) Improve and maintain physical, mental and social mothers and babies .
3 ) Know the early presence of complications that may occur during pregnancy , including the defect history in general , obstetrics and surgery .
4 ) Prepare for full-term labor , giving birth to the mother and baby survived with minimal trauma .
5 ) that the mother Mempesiapkan puerperium was normal, and exclusive breastfeeding .
6 ) Prepare the role of mother and family in order to receive the birth of a baby grow and develop normally .
7 ) Reduce morbidity and maternal and perinatal mortality .
Special b.Tujuan examination Pregnancy ( ANC ) is :
According Manuaba (1998 ) Antenatal surveillance specifically aims to:

1 ) Identify and handle as early as possible when there are complications of pregnancy, childbirth , and postpartum .

2 ) Identify and deal with diseases that accompany pregnancy, childbirth , postpartum stage .

3 ) Provide advice and guidance relating to pregnancy , childbirth , postpartum stage , lactation , and aspects of family planning .

4 ) Reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and perinatal
Pregnancy Examination Schedule
According to Saifuddin (2005 ) , antenatal visits for monitoring and supervision of the welfare of mothers and children at least four visits , known as ( K1 - K4 ) during pregnancy in the future as follows : until the first trimester of pregnancy ( < 14 weeks ) one visit ( K1 ) , and the second trimester ( 14-28 weeks ) one visit ( K2 ) , and third trimester of pregnancy ie two visits at 28-36 weeks of age kahamilan one visit ( K3 ) and after 36 weeks ( K4 ) of the visits .
Prenatal care schedule that should be done is as follows : up to 28 weeks of pregnancy check every four weeks , 28-36 weeks of pregnancy need checks every two weeks , 36-40 weeks of pregnancy once a week ( Salmah , 2006) . Preferably each pregnant woman soon late check-up when her period of at least one month . Examination performed every 4 weeks until the pregnancy . after that , the examination is done every 2 weeks , and after 36 weeks ( Prawirohardjo , 2005) .
things - things Perform At The Examined Pregnancy Examination
Which became policy in Antenatal Care by Dewitree ( 2010) , namely : service / care minimum standards including " 10T " :
1 ) ( Weigh ) weight ,2 ) measuring ( High ) body ,3 ) Measure ( pressure ) of blood ,4 ) Measure ( High ) fundus ,5 ) ( Test ) Fetal Heartbeats
6 ) ( Test ) urine ,7 ) Provision of immunization ( Tetanus Toxoid ) TT complete ,8 ) Provision ( Tablet ) iron , minimum 90 tablets during pregnancy ,
9 ) ( Test ) against Sexually Transmitted Diseases / test ( TORCH ) , 10 ) ( Meeting ) speech in preparation for the referral .
Impact of Not Checking Regularly Pregnancy
Care / antenatal care has a good benefit to know the progress of pregnant women and the fetus in the womb , it can be achieved Juka maternal antenatal care regularly and if not then it would be risky for the mother and fetus in the womb , in Ratirochmat (2009 ) , described these impacts as follows :
a. Can not be pursued healthy pregnancy
Each pregnancy can develop into problems or complications that require monitoring for pregnant women to be pursued kahamilan healthy pregnancy .
b . Unable to make early detection of complications , perform initial management and referral when necessary preparation .
With no keamilan checked regularly then not be recognized early abnormalities or complications that may occur during pregnancy, including disease history in general so that the initial management and referral of preparation can not be prepared .
c . Preparation can not perform a clean and safe delivery
With no complications are detected early , it can have an impact on the delivery and postpartum problems.
d . Mother , husband and family can not know antisipstif planning and early preparation for referral in case of complications .

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