Definition : Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) According to some experts is :
Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries ( Anonymous ( f ) , 2004) ,
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a disease of heart abnormalities in blood vessels marked by an increase in blood pressure ( Mirliani and tantan , 2007)
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal being leveled by the systolic number (top ) and take numbers ( diastolic ) blood pressure on examination using a measuring device which is a combination of blood pressure cuff mercury ( spigmomanometer ) or other means of dig ital . ( Anonymous , 2009)
Hypertension can be classified into two kinds:
Primary hypertension is a condition in which the occurrence of high blood pressure as a result of lifestyle , environmental factors and genetic factors . Someone who pla uncontrolled eating and lead to overweight or even obese , an initial burst of high blood pressure disease . Similarly, someone who was dala environment or high stress conditions is very likely affected by the disease of high blood pressure , including those that lack of exercise was biased high blood pressure . Genetic factors in the estimate a prominent role in the development of primary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is a condition where the increase in high blood pressure as a result of someone experiencing or suffering from other diseases such as heart failure , kidney failure , or damage to the body's hormone system
Nutritional factors are highly correlated with the occurrence of hypertension
through several mechanisms . Atherosclerosis is a major cause of hypertension is related to a person's diet , although f actor age also play a role , due to the advanced age ( elderly ) blood vessels tend to be stiffer and less elastic . Presented at the Seminar of the Faculty of Medicine Student Senate Hypertension ( YARSI , 21 September 2002 ) ) She believed that hypertension is a disease that is very dangerous , because there are no symptoms or early warning signs as typical . Most people feel healthy and energetic despite hypertension . According to the results Riskesdas of 2007 , the majority of cases of hypertension in the community have not been detected . This situation is of course very dangerous , which can cause sudden death in the community . ( Hembing , 2001) . PermenkesMenkes added , hypertension and its complications can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and controlling risk factors . The trick , keep your weight under normal conditions . Adjust your diet , by eating eating low fat and low salt and multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits . Do exercise regularly . Overcome strees and emotions , stop smoking, avoid alcohol , and check blood pressure regularly. The Indonesian government , said Minister of Health , has given serious attention in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases including hypertension . This can be seen by the formation of Communicable Disease Control Directorate by the Minister of Health Regulation No. . 1575 of 2005 in implementing prevention and control of cardiovascular disease including hypertension , diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases , cancer , chronic illness and other generative diseases and disorders resulting from accidents and injuries . ( Riskesdas Balitbangkes 2007 )
handling ipertensi
Treatment of hypertension conducted in conjunction with a diet low in cholesterol or , a diet high in fiber and low-energy diet for patients with hypertension who are also obese . Hypertensive patients that consume a lot of fruits , vegetables , and low-fat diet may decrease tekanandarah . Changing lifestyle can be weight loss if overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life ( Willy , 2007) . Diets high in fiber have been shown to be effective in preventing and treating many forms of cardiovascular disease , including hypertension . Take a diet rich in high potassium foods ( vegetables and fruits ) and essential fatty acids . Daily intake of potassium should total 7 grams per day . Diet should be low in saturated fat , sugar and salt . In general , whole foods diet that emphasizes vegetables and family members garlic / onion should be consumed by the researchers tested the effects of nutrients in food on blood pressure . The results showed that blood pressure was reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits Excessive consumption of dietary sodium chloride ( salt ) , potassium foods coupled with reduced , causing an increase in fluid volume and interference mechanisms that regulate blood pressure . This leads to hypertension in susceptible individuals .
Diets low in sodium high - potassium reduces the increase in high blood pressure during mental stress by reducing blood vessel constricting effect of adrenaline . Sodium restriction alone does not improve blood pressure control , it must be accompanied by a high potassium intake . Increased risk of increasing the severity of hypertension occurs in moderate weight gain . But not all obesity can be affected by hypertension . Depending on each individual ± . Increased blood pressure above the optimal value is > 120/80 mmHg would increase the risk of cardiovascular disease Weight loss effective in reducing hypertension , weight loss of about 5 pounds can lower blood pressure significantly. Stress Relationship between stress and hypertension melalaui alleged that the sympathetic nerves can increase blood pressure intermittently . If prolonged stress can lead to persistent elevation of blood pressure , stress causes become hypertensive .. Physical activity People with high blood pressure and lack of activity , physical activity likely to effectively lower blood pressure . Physical activity helps with weight control . Aerobic sufficient as 30 ± 45 minutes of brisk walking every day helps lower blood pressure directly . Regular exercise can lower blood pressure in all groups , both hypertension and normotensih . Asupan1 ) Intake Sodium is the major cation in the extracellular fluid of normal serum concentration is 136 to 145 meg / L , Sodium role in maintaining fluid balance in the compartment and acid-base balance of the body and plays a role in nerve transfusion muscle dankontraksi
Measuring Blood Pressure Hypertension
Most people still think hypertension is a trivial thing , but seeing complications in case of high blood pressure in a person can lead to death . The next challenge is how to increase public awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers as described above , for example , 120/80 mm Hg ( millimeters of mercury ) . Blood pressure measurements are usually taken in the upper arm over the brachial artery . Then the blood pressure is classified as several categories : ( Anwar , 2008) .
Normal blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg
Pre - hypertension 120-139 / 80-89 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 1 ) 140-159/90-99 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 2 ) higher than 160/100 mmHg
hypertension is a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastolic ( Brunner & Suddarth , 2002) .
Hypertension Disease progression in Indonesia
Hypertension in Indonesia , which reported regularly check on the health center as much as 22.8 % , whereas as much as 77.2 % irregularly . Of hypertensive patients with a history of irregular control , blood pressure is not controlled reached 91.7 % , while claiming to control regularly in the last three months instead of 100 % was reported hypertension . These results are thought to have limited facilities at the health center , limited funds , limited available drugs and duration of administration of drugs that only about 3-5 days ( Anwar , 2008) .
Hypertension disease has become a major public health problem in Indonesia as well as in several countries in the world . It is estimated that approximately 80 % increase in cases of hypertension , especially in developing countries by 2025 of some 639 million cases in the year 2000 , the estimate to 1.15 billion cases in 2025 . This prediction is based on the current rates of hypertension and current population growth ( Kartari , 2000) .
For Indonesia 's own awareness and knowledge of hypertension is very low it is proven , people prefer fast foods are generally low in fiber , high fat , high sugar , and contain a lot of unhealthy eating garam.pola this is the trigger hypertension ( Austriani , 2008) . All patients with high blood pressure , approximately 90-95 % teryata yet unexplained mechanism of the disease occur properly . It is not known for sure how they are affected by the disease until blood pressure is a problem of the sufferer tinggi.yaini ( Hembing , 2001) .
Patients with hypertension are also not aware of the character arising drowning . When the patient is hypertensive dinyakaan could stop taking the medication because his blood pressure can be normal , she often considers kesembuhanpermanen.padahal once convicted of hypertension , the disease will continue to twist your body . In one or two years may be a normal blood pressure , but it definitely will visit in the next opportunity . In some cases it can be cured completely . But a small percentage . It was only mild hypertension . What you can do to control it by lowering drugs mengomsumsi hypertension and healthy lifestyle ( Lawrance , 2002. ) .
overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life
Clinical , is a very important method to assess the nutritional staus society . This method is based on the changes - changes associated with ketidakckupan nutrients . It is in liaht in epithelial tissues such as skin , eyes , hair , and thyroid gland ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biochemistry is an examination of the specimens tested in laboratory , which is done on various body such as blood jarinagn ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biophysical , a method of determining the nutritional status by looking kemempuan special functions by looking at changes in the structure of the network and the network ( Supariasa , 2001)
Assessment assessment data , activities determine the value of an object , and the like in accordance with the criteria or benchmarks that have been set previously include the doctor's diagnosis .
Planing planing data , calculate needs and plan activities pasaien menu covers , calculation keebutuhan nutrients and menu planning and nutritional counseling .
Estimated requirements Nutritional needs are many nutrients needed someone ( people) to achieve and maintain an adequate nutritional status . In addition to the nutritional needs according to age , gender , physical activity , and the conditions in sickness , the application should pay attention to the nutritional needs of the changing needs due to infection , metabolic disorders , chronic diseases , and other abnormal conditions . In this case the calculation should be done in particular nutritional needs and its application in the form of dietary modification or special diet .
Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries ( Anonymous ( f ) , 2004) ,
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a disease of heart abnormalities in blood vessels marked by an increase in blood pressure ( Mirliani and tantan , 2007)
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal being leveled by the systolic number (top ) and take numbers ( diastolic ) blood pressure on examination using a measuring device which is a combination of blood pressure cuff mercury ( spigmomanometer ) or other means of dig ital . ( Anonymous , 2009)
Hypertension can be classified into two kinds:
Primary hypertension is a condition in which the occurrence of high blood pressure as a result of lifestyle , environmental factors and genetic factors . Someone who pla uncontrolled eating and lead to overweight or even obese , an initial burst of high blood pressure disease . Similarly, someone who was dala environment or high stress conditions is very likely affected by the disease of high blood pressure , including those that lack of exercise was biased high blood pressure . Genetic factors in the estimate a prominent role in the development of primary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is a condition where the increase in high blood pressure as a result of someone experiencing or suffering from other diseases such as heart failure , kidney failure , or damage to the body's hormone system
Nutritional factors are highly correlated with the occurrence of hypertension
through several mechanisms . Atherosclerosis is a major cause of hypertension is related to a person's diet , although f actor age also play a role , due to the advanced age ( elderly ) blood vessels tend to be stiffer and less elastic . Presented at the Seminar of the Faculty of Medicine Student Senate Hypertension ( YARSI , 21 September 2002 ) ) She believed that hypertension is a disease that is very dangerous , because there are no symptoms or early warning signs as typical . Most people feel healthy and energetic despite hypertension . According to the results Riskesdas of 2007 , the majority of cases of hypertension in the community have not been detected . This situation is of course very dangerous , which can cause sudden death in the community . ( Hembing , 2001) . PermenkesMenkes added , hypertension and its complications can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and controlling risk factors . The trick , keep your weight under normal conditions . Adjust your diet , by eating eating low fat and low salt and multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits . Do exercise regularly . Overcome strees and emotions , stop smoking, avoid alcohol , and check blood pressure regularly. The Indonesian government , said Minister of Health , has given serious attention in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases including hypertension . This can be seen by the formation of Communicable Disease Control Directorate by the Minister of Health Regulation No. . 1575 of 2005 in implementing prevention and control of cardiovascular disease including hypertension , diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases , cancer , chronic illness and other generative diseases and disorders resulting from accidents and injuries . ( Riskesdas Balitbangkes 2007 )
handling ipertensi
Treatment of hypertension conducted in conjunction with a diet low in cholesterol or , a diet high in fiber and low-energy diet for patients with hypertension who are also obese . Hypertensive patients that consume a lot of fruits , vegetables , and low-fat diet may decrease tekanandarah . Changing lifestyle can be weight loss if overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life ( Willy , 2007) . Diets high in fiber have been shown to be effective in preventing and treating many forms of cardiovascular disease , including hypertension . Take a diet rich in high potassium foods ( vegetables and fruits ) and essential fatty acids . Daily intake of potassium should total 7 grams per day . Diet should be low in saturated fat , sugar and salt . In general , whole foods diet that emphasizes vegetables and family members garlic / onion should be consumed by the researchers tested the effects of nutrients in food on blood pressure . The results showed that blood pressure was reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits Excessive consumption of dietary sodium chloride ( salt ) , potassium foods coupled with reduced , causing an increase in fluid volume and interference mechanisms that regulate blood pressure . This leads to hypertension in susceptible individuals .
Diets low in sodium high - potassium reduces the increase in high blood pressure during mental stress by reducing blood vessel constricting effect of adrenaline . Sodium restriction alone does not improve blood pressure control , it must be accompanied by a high potassium intake . Increased risk of increasing the severity of hypertension occurs in moderate weight gain . But not all obesity can be affected by hypertension . Depending on each individual ± . Increased blood pressure above the optimal value is > 120/80 mmHg would increase the risk of cardiovascular disease Weight loss effective in reducing hypertension , weight loss of about 5 pounds can lower blood pressure significantly. Stress Relationship between stress and hypertension melalaui alleged that the sympathetic nerves can increase blood pressure intermittently . If prolonged stress can lead to persistent elevation of blood pressure , stress causes become hypertensive .. Physical activity People with high blood pressure and lack of activity , physical activity likely to effectively lower blood pressure . Physical activity helps with weight control . Aerobic sufficient as 30 ± 45 minutes of brisk walking every day helps lower blood pressure directly . Regular exercise can lower blood pressure in all groups , both hypertension and normotensih . Asupan1 ) Intake Sodium is the major cation in the extracellular fluid of normal serum concentration is 136 to 145 meg / L , Sodium role in maintaining fluid balance in the compartment and acid-base balance of the body and plays a role in nerve transfusion muscle dankontraksi
Measuring Blood Pressure Hypertension
Most people still think hypertension is a trivial thing , but seeing complications in case of high blood pressure in a person can lead to death . The next challenge is how to increase public awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers as described above , for example , 120/80 mm Hg ( millimeters of mercury ) . Blood pressure measurements are usually taken in the upper arm over the brachial artery . Then the blood pressure is classified as several categories : ( Anwar , 2008) .
Normal blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg
Pre - hypertension 120-139 / 80-89 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 1 ) 140-159/90-99 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 2 ) higher than 160/100 mmHg
hypertension is a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastolic ( Brunner & Suddarth , 2002) .
Hypertension Disease progression in Indonesia
Hypertension in Indonesia , which reported regularly check on the health center as much as 22.8 % , whereas as much as 77.2 % irregularly . Of hypertensive patients with a history of irregular control , blood pressure is not controlled reached 91.7 % , while claiming to control regularly in the last three months instead of 100 % was reported hypertension . These results are thought to have limited facilities at the health center , limited funds , limited available drugs and duration of administration of drugs that only about 3-5 days ( Anwar , 2008) .
Hypertension disease has become a major public health problem in Indonesia as well as in several countries in the world . It is estimated that approximately 80 % increase in cases of hypertension , especially in developing countries by 2025 of some 639 million cases in the year 2000 , the estimate to 1.15 billion cases in 2025 . This prediction is based on the current rates of hypertension and current population growth ( Kartari , 2000) .
For Indonesia 's own awareness and knowledge of hypertension is very low it is proven , people prefer fast foods are generally low in fiber , high fat , high sugar , and contain a lot of unhealthy eating garam.pola this is the trigger hypertension ( Austriani , 2008) . All patients with high blood pressure , approximately 90-95 % teryata yet unexplained mechanism of the disease occur properly . It is not known for sure how they are affected by the disease until blood pressure is a problem of the sufferer tinggi.yaini ( Hembing , 2001) .
Patients with hypertension are also not aware of the character arising drowning . When the patient is hypertensive dinyakaan could stop taking the medication because his blood pressure can be normal , she often considers kesembuhanpermanen.padahal once convicted of hypertension , the disease will continue to twist your body . In one or two years may be a normal blood pressure , but it definitely will visit in the next opportunity . In some cases it can be cured completely . But a small percentage . It was only mild hypertension . What you can do to control it by lowering drugs mengomsumsi hypertension and healthy lifestyle ( Lawrance , 2002. ) .
overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life
Clinical , is a very important method to assess the nutritional staus society . This method is based on the changes - changes associated with ketidakckupan nutrients . It is in liaht in epithelial tissues such as skin , eyes , hair , and thyroid gland ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biochemistry is an examination of the specimens tested in laboratory , which is done on various body such as blood jarinagn ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biophysical , a method of determining the nutritional status by looking kemempuan special functions by looking at changes in the structure of the network and the network ( Supariasa , 2001)
Assessment assessment data , activities determine the value of an object , and the like in accordance with the criteria or benchmarks that have been set previously include the doctor's diagnosis .
Planing planing data , calculate needs and plan activities pasaien menu covers , calculation keebutuhan nutrients and menu planning and nutritional counseling .
Estimated requirements Nutritional needs are many nutrients needed someone ( people) to achieve and maintain an adequate nutritional status . In addition to the nutritional needs according to age , gender , physical activity , and the conditions in sickness , the application should pay attention to the nutritional needs of the changing needs due to infection , metabolic disorders , chronic diseases , and other abnormal conditions . In this case the calculation should be done in particular nutritional needs and its application in the form of dietary modification or special diet .
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