understanding and impact of Pb ( Lead ) Against Health
Physical and Chemical Properties ( Lead )
Lead ( Pb ) is a metal that is soft bluish or silvery gray with a melting point at 327.5 ° C and a boiling point of 1,740 ° C at atmospheric pressure . Organic compounds such as Pb - Pb and Pb - tetraethyl - tetramethyl is important because many compounds are used as a fuel additive in gasoline in an effort to increase the octane number economically . PB - tetraethyl and tetramethyl Pb form of a solution to the boiling point , respectively 110 ° C and 200 ° C. Because the evaporation power of the two compounds is lower than the evaporation power of other elements in gasoline , then gasoline evaporation will tend to concentrate the levels of P - tetraethyl - and tetramethyl Pb . Both this compound decomposes at its boiling point in the presence of sunlight and other chemicals in the air such as acids or oxidizing compounds holegen .
Impact on Health
Exposure of Pb recorded but the industry has a lot of significance in masyarakatvluas still controversy Exposure , Levels of Pb in nature but extremely varied content in the human body ranged between 100-400 mg . Pb input source is food , especially for those who do not work or contact with Pb estimated averagePb enter through food is 300 mcg per day with a range between 100-500 mg per day . Average enter through drinking water is 20 mg with a range between 10-100 mg . Only the most intake (intake ) are absorbed through digestion . In adult humans for long-term absorption ranged between 5-10 % when the intake is not excessive Pb contents in the stool can be to estimate the daily intake as 90 % Pb removed in this way . Contribution of Pb in the air against the absorption by the body is more difficult to estimate . Particle size distribution and the particle solubility pb also be considered pb levels in the air are usually about 2 mg/m3 and assuming 30 % precipitate respiratory duct and absorption of approximately 14 mg / per day . This calculation may be considered too large and Pb particles emitted from motor vehicles turned out to join the carbon filaments and smaller than expected even though the aggregate is very small ( 0.1 mm ) the amount retained in the alveoli may be less than 10 % . Solubility test showed that Pb was in a soluble form . Almost all organs containing Pb and approximately 90 % found in the bones , blood content of less than 1% of the content in the blood is influenced by the new intake ( within last 24 Hours ) and By pelepan of the skeletal system . Humans with low exposure containing 10-30 mg g Pb/100 Human blood contains high levels of exposure received more than 100 mg/100 g of blood in the blood content of about 40 mg Pb/100g considered heavy or absorb Pb exposure is high enough , though not detected signs Symptoms of poisoning complaints . There are differences in the level of lead concentrations in offices and rural women tend to contain Pb lower than men , and higher in smokers than nonsmokers . The clinical symptoms of lead poisoning in adult individuals will not arise at lead concentrations in the blood contained below 80 mg g Pb/100 blood but obstacles to the synthesis of hemoglobin enzyme activity has occurred in the normal Pb content ( 30-40 mg ) . Lead accumulates in the hair so it can be used as an indicator to estimate the level of exposure or body content of Pb in children is a group of high risika direct Swallowing former Pb -containing paint is a source of exposure , in addition to industrial emissions and road dust from heavy traffic Pb poisoning may exist also to do with mental retardation , but there is no clear evidence . Pb organic compound is neurotoxic and causes anemia Almost all Pb - Pb tetraethyl converted into organic combustion of motor fuels and is released into the air . Effect of Pb in the body is not well known but need to be wary of long -term exposure Lead in bone is not toxic but in certain circumstances can be released due to infection or biochemical processes and providesymptoms of Pb salt complaint is not against human karsiogenik . Health problems are due to Pb reacting with sulfhydryl cluster of proteins that cause precipitation of proteins and inhibit the manufacture of hemoglobin , found symptoms of acute poisoning when ingested in large amounts can cause vomiting or abdominal pain of acute diarrhea . Symptoms of chronic poisoning can cause loss of appetite , constipation fatigue headache , anemia , paralysis of limbs , seizures and visual disturbances .
Physical and Chemical Properties ( Lead )
Lead ( Pb ) is a metal that is soft bluish or silvery gray with a melting point at 327.5 ° C and a boiling point of 1,740 ° C at atmospheric pressure . Organic compounds such as Pb - Pb and Pb - tetraethyl - tetramethyl is important because many compounds are used as a fuel additive in gasoline in an effort to increase the octane number economically . PB - tetraethyl and tetramethyl Pb form of a solution to the boiling point , respectively 110 ° C and 200 ° C. Because the evaporation power of the two compounds is lower than the evaporation power of other elements in gasoline , then gasoline evaporation will tend to concentrate the levels of P - tetraethyl - and tetramethyl Pb . Both this compound decomposes at its boiling point in the presence of sunlight and other chemicals in the air such as acids or oxidizing compounds holegen .
Impact on Health
Exposure of Pb recorded but the industry has a lot of significance in masyarakatvluas still controversy Exposure , Levels of Pb in nature but extremely varied content in the human body ranged between 100-400 mg . Pb input source is food , especially for those who do not work or contact with Pb estimated averagePb enter through food is 300 mcg per day with a range between 100-500 mg per day . Average enter through drinking water is 20 mg with a range between 10-100 mg . Only the most intake (intake ) are absorbed through digestion . In adult humans for long-term absorption ranged between 5-10 % when the intake is not excessive Pb contents in the stool can be to estimate the daily intake as 90 % Pb removed in this way . Contribution of Pb in the air against the absorption by the body is more difficult to estimate . Particle size distribution and the particle solubility pb also be considered pb levels in the air are usually about 2 mg/m3 and assuming 30 % precipitate respiratory duct and absorption of approximately 14 mg / per day . This calculation may be considered too large and Pb particles emitted from motor vehicles turned out to join the carbon filaments and smaller than expected even though the aggregate is very small ( 0.1 mm ) the amount retained in the alveoli may be less than 10 % . Solubility test showed that Pb was in a soluble form . Almost all organs containing Pb and approximately 90 % found in the bones , blood content of less than 1% of the content in the blood is influenced by the new intake ( within last 24 Hours ) and By pelepan of the skeletal system . Humans with low exposure containing 10-30 mg g Pb/100 Human blood contains high levels of exposure received more than 100 mg/100 g of blood in the blood content of about 40 mg Pb/100g considered heavy or absorb Pb exposure is high enough , though not detected signs Symptoms of poisoning complaints . There are differences in the level of lead concentrations in offices and rural women tend to contain Pb lower than men , and higher in smokers than nonsmokers . The clinical symptoms of lead poisoning in adult individuals will not arise at lead concentrations in the blood contained below 80 mg g Pb/100 blood but obstacles to the synthesis of hemoglobin enzyme activity has occurred in the normal Pb content ( 30-40 mg ) . Lead accumulates in the hair so it can be used as an indicator to estimate the level of exposure or body content of Pb in children is a group of high risika direct Swallowing former Pb -containing paint is a source of exposure , in addition to industrial emissions and road dust from heavy traffic Pb poisoning may exist also to do with mental retardation , but there is no clear evidence . Pb organic compound is neurotoxic and causes anemia Almost all Pb - Pb tetraethyl converted into organic combustion of motor fuels and is released into the air . Effect of Pb in the body is not well known but need to be wary of long -term exposure Lead in bone is not toxic but in certain circumstances can be released due to infection or biochemical processes and providesymptoms of Pb salt complaint is not against human karsiogenik . Health problems are due to Pb reacting with sulfhydryl cluster of proteins that cause precipitation of proteins and inhibit the manufacture of hemoglobin , found symptoms of acute poisoning when ingested in large amounts can cause vomiting or abdominal pain of acute diarrhea . Symptoms of chronic poisoning can cause loss of appetite , constipation fatigue headache , anemia , paralysis of limbs , seizures and visual disturbances .
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