Thursday, April 3, 2014

how to increase the intake of water so that we avoid dehydration

how to increase the intake of water so that we avoid dehydration
Every cell in our body needs water to live healthy . We lost about 3 liters of water through the disposal of urine , sweat , and water vapor . On average our need for water is 1.5 to 2.5 liters a day . If the sun is shining once or moderate exercise , it increases the need for water more than usual .
Here are various ways to increase the intake of water so that we avoid dehydration , namely :

Make a habit of drinking water while resting . When working at the computer , after 20 minutes , rest your eyes from the computer screen . Take a glass of water and gulp a few times .
Always start the meal with a bowl of soup
Do not forget , bring a bottle of mineral water in the car or in a bag if you are traveling on the bus .
Choose vegetables that contain water such as broccoli , carrots , apples , potatoes , and yogurt
Do not forget to drink after a meal . Please remember countless caffeinated coffee as water intake for you . The caffeine in the drinks is a diuretic , so you have to urinate alternating .
How Much Water Should We Drink Every Day ?
Water is essential to health , and of each individual requires different amounts . This guide can help ensure that you have sufficient water intake is needed .
How much water you drink every day ? A simple question with no easy answers . Studies have produced varying recommendations over the past few years , but in truth , your water needs are very different depending on many factors , including your health , how active you are and where you live . Though no single formula fits everyone, knowing more about your body water from our bodies help you estimate how much water to drink each day .

advantages of water for health and mempengatuhi factors in the body needs water

advantages of water for health and mempengatuhi factors in the body needs waterThe advantages of water for healthWater is the main component of the body , on average each person has 60 % of your weight . Every system in your body depends on water . For example , water will flush toxins out of vital organs , carries nutrients to body cells and tissues produce moisture for ear , nose and throat .
Lack of water in the body can cause dehydration , which is the situation arising due to lack of water so that the body can not function normally .
How much water is needed ?Every time you will lose water through breathing , perspiration , urine and bowel movements . For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water .
Two approaches to the water needs of an average adult :Replacement approach . Average adult urine output of 1.5 L a day . Water also DAPT out through breathing , sweating and bowel movements . Food usually accounts for 20 % of the total amount required , so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day ( about 8 glasses ) , then the fluid lost will be replaced .
Daily recommendations . The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume roughly 3 L ( 13 cups ) and women consume 2.2 liters ( about 9 cups ) of total beverages a day .
Another way to tell when you have a drink in sufficient amounts is if you rarely feel thirsty and produce one to two liters of urine is colorless or slightly yellow .
Factors that influence water needs
The amount of water needed purposes depends on the liveliness of the body , weather , health , and if pregnant or breastfeeding .
1 . Exercise . The more you exercise , the more water your body needs . Additional 1-2 glasses of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise , but when the old sport requires additional fluid . How much additional fluid is needed depends on how much you sweat during exercise , usually 2-3 glasses in an hour is enough , unless the air is very hot . Better to replace the water with a liquid electrolyte so that the electrolyte lost body ( sodium ) can be replaced with sweat .
2 . Lingkungan.Udara hot and humid can make you sweat and requires additional intake of fluid . Heated indoor air can also make the skin loses moisture . Altitude of over 2500 meters ( 8200 feet ) may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing , so that more fluid is wasted .
3 . The state of health and disease . Signs of illness such as fever , vomiting and diarrhea , can cause the body to dehydrate. If there is , then you need to drink more water and better if can replace electrolytes that out as well . Certain conditions such as bladder infections or urinary tract stones, also require increased water intake . condition

Definition of PH and how to decrease pH in water

Definition of PH and how to decrease pH in waterPHpH is an expression of the concentration of hydrogen ions ( H + ) in water . The amount stated in the minus logarithm of the concentration of ions H. For example , if there is a statement pH 6 , it means the concentration of H in the water is 0.000001 part of the total solution . Due to write 0.000001 ( imagine if pH 14 ) is too long then the number of people melogaritmakanthus widened -6 . But because there is a sign - ( negative ) behind the figure , the less practical , then multiply again by the sign - ( minus ) in order to obtain a positive number 6 . Therefore , pH is definedas " - ( minus ) the logarithm of the concentrations of H ions " .

pH = - log ( H + )Noteworthy is that the difference of one pH unit number that means kosentrasinya difference is 10-fold . Thus , if the difference of the numbers is 2 then the concentration difference is 10x10 = 100 times . For example, pH 5 shows the concentration of H as 0.00001 or one hundred thousandth ( a hundredth thousand ) while the pH 6 = 0.000001 or one millionth ( a millionth ) .Thus if we lower the pH from 6 to 5 means that we increase the concentration of H + IOB much as 10-fold . If we suppose that the pH of the sugar , then by lowering the pH from 6 to 5 , it means that the solution is now 10 times sweeter than before .
Not all creatures can survive the change of pH value , for that nature has provided a unique mechanism for the changes did not occur or did not occur , but by how slowly . This defense system known as the buffer capacity of early development .Ph is very important as a water quality parameter because it controls the rate of speed of reaction types and some of the material in the water . Besides fish and other aquatic creatures living in a certain pH interval , so that by knowing the pH value then we will know if the water is appropriate or not to support their lives .PH scale ranges from 0 ( very acidic ) to 14 ( very alkaline / alkaline ) . PH values ​​less than 7 indicate acidic environment whereas a value above 7 indicates alkaline environments ( alkaline ) . While pH = 7 is referred to as neutral .Fluctuations in the pH of water is determined by the alkalinity of the water . If alkalinitasnya high then the water will easily restore the pH to its original value , of any " disruption " for altering the pH .Thus the key lies in the handling of the pH decrease in alkalinity and water hardness . If this had been controlled by the decrease in pH would be easier to do .handling pHAs mentioned earlier , interference or alteration of the pH value would be more effective if the alkalinity ditanganai first. Here are some ways pangananan pH , which , if observed farther , likely to lead to hardness or alkalinity handling .The decrease in pHTo lower the pH , it must first be measured KH . If the value of KH is too high ( 12 or more ) then the KH terleibh first need to be lowered , which usually is automatically followed by a decrease in pH value . If nilia pH is too high ( more than 8 ) , while KH is quite good ( between 6 -12 ) then it is a reflection of the poor balance .The decrease in pH can be done by passing the water through the peat ( peat ) , generally used is peat moss ( peat moss derived from ) . can also be done with water and replaced them with lower berkesadahan water , rain water or boiled water , deionized water , or distilled water ( distilled water ) .Besides it can also be done by adding bogwood into akuairum . Bogwood is a kind of timber that can possess the ability to adsorb hardness . Ketapan same function as leaves , wood and the like acids .
Increasing the pHRaising the pH can be done by providing intensive aeration , water skipping past the coral fragments , fragments of shells or limestone pieces . Or by adding decorations such as tufa limestone -based , or coral sand . Or by water replacement

handling water hardness and alkalinity

handling water hardness and alkalinity
Handling Hard water
If your water is too hard to fish or plants , the water can be softened . Many ways can be done to lower the hardness . It's best to use a reverse osmosis ( RO ) or deioniser ( DI ) . Unfortunately this method is included in the method expensive . The results of reverse osmosis will have a hardness = 0 , therefore this water needs to be mixed with tap water in such a way so as to achieve the required hardness values ​​.
Commercial water softener resin can be used on a small scale , though not effectively used for large scale . Commercial products processing water for domestic use is generally not suitable , because they often use the principle of cation exchange in the process . In this prosoes sodium ( Na ) is generally used as an ion exchanger , so the sodium will eventually accumulate on the results of processed water . Excess sodium ( Na ) in the aquarium water is undesirable .
Dilution using distilled water ( distilled water / distilled water ) can also be used to lower the hardness .The decrease naturally can be done by using the services of organic acids ( humic / fulvik ) , the acid function exactly as seen in the deionization process is to capture the ions of water on gusus carbonyl groups present in organic acids ( farm ) . Some media that contains organic acids which are derived from Spagnum peat ( peat moss ) , leaves ketapan , Oak bark , etc. .
Process with peat and other organic materials usually will produce a brownish color water like tea water . Before the peat used to be boiled in advance is recommended , so that organisms undesirable missing .
Lowering hardness can also be done by planting " duck weed " or Egeria densa .
To increase the hardness can be done by providing decorations made ​​from limestone , such as tuff or coral sand . Or by passing water through the shards of marble ( marble ) or other calcareous materials .
Generally indicates alkalinity concentration of base or substance capable of neutralizing kemasamaan in water . In particular , the alkalinity is often referred to as a quantity that indicates the capacity bufffer early development of bicarbonate ions , and to a certain extent and hydroxide carbonate ions in the water . All three of the ions in the water will react with the hydrogen ions thereby reducing the acidity and raise the pH . Alkalinity is usually expressed in ppm ( mg / l ) of calcium carbonate ( CaCO3 ) . Water with calcium carbonate content of more than 100 ppm referred to as alkaline , whereas the water content of less than 100 ppm referred to as soft or moderate levels of alkalinity .
In general, a good environment for fish life is with values ​​above 20 ppm alkalinity .

source of water for humans and benefits

source of water for humans and benefitsCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONBACKGROUND
Water is a chemical substance that is essential for human life and other living things , and function for life will not be replaced by other compounds . Almost all human activities require water , ranging from self-cleaning ( shower ) , room cleaning homes , preparing food and beverages to other activities .
In living tissue , water is the medium for the various reactions and excretion processes . Water is a component uama in both plants and animals , including humans . The human body is composed of 60-70 % water . Transport of nutrients in the body all in solution with water solvent . Also nutrient - nutrient in the soil can only be absorbed by the roots in the form of the solution . By because it is not possible life can be maintained without water .
Most of the daily water requirements derived from ground water sources and rivers , the water that comes from the PAM ( tap water ) is also the raw material of the river , by the quantity because the rivers for water quality should be maintained .
The issues to be discussed are as follows :
I. Sources of Water
A. Air Space ( Rain )
B. Water Surface
C. Groundwater
II . usefulness of Water
A. Factors that influence water needs
B. Dehydration and Complications

The water that is in the earth 's surface can be derived from various sources based on the location of the source , the water can be divided into the sky water ( rain ) , surface water and groundwater .
A. Air Space ( rain )
Air space or rain water is the main source of water on earth . Although at the time of precipitation is the most clean water , water pollution is likely to experience when in the atmosphere . Pollution that takes place in the atmosphere that can be caused by dust particles , microorganisms , and gases , such as carbon dioxide , nitrogen , and ammonia .
Thus rain water is already up on the surface of the earth is not pure and lead to acidity .
B. Water Surface
Water surface water bodies include some kind of rivers , lakes , ponds , reservoirs , swamps , waterfalls , and surface wells , mostly from rainwater that falls to the surface of the earth . The rainwater will then undergo either by soil pollution , garbage , or other .
Sources of surface water from rivers , ditches, and trenches have similarities , which means flowing and can wash contaminated materials . Source water from swamps , dams and lakes contain natural sources of decay . For example , ganggan decaying plants , fungi , and others . Surface water from the ocean contains high levels of salt so if it is used for drinking water, it must undergo ion - exchange process .
C. Groundwater
Ground water is rain water that falls to the surface of the earth which then undergoes a percolation or absorption into the soil and undergo natural filtration process . The processes that have been experienced by the rain water , in perjalananya underground , making groundwater better and more murnih compared to surface water .

Ground water has several advantages compared to other water sources . First , the ground water is usually free of germs and disease and usually do not require purification or purification process . Groundwater supplies are also quite available all year round, even during the dry season . Meanwhile , ground water also has some disadvantages or drawbacks compared to other water sources . Groundwater containing substances in high concentration such as magnesium , calcium , some heavy metals such as iron can cause water hardness . In addition , to suck the water surface in need of a pump or bucket .
Water is the main component of the body , on average each person has 60 % of your weight . All systems in the body depends on water . One example , water will flush toxins out of vital organs , carries nutrients to body cells and tissues produce moisture for ear , nose and throat .
Water dissolves many kinds of substances in the body need . For example , dissolved oxygen is necessary first , before it can enter the blood vessels that surround arveoli . Similarly Hannya all food substances that can be absorbed if it can dissolve in the liquid covering the intestinal mucous membrane . All biochemical reactions in the human body / animal implemented in the aquatic environment . Water as a solvent , bringing all kinds of food throughout the body and take back all the waste for disposal. Water also participated maintain body temperature , due to the evaporation temperature can be decreased . Water is also used to clean the surface of the eye and smoothed , so that the motion of the eyelid becomes smooth . Briefly in all life functions such as reacting to any stimulus , grow , metabolize , reproduce , water has always played an important role .
Water is necessary for people's daily life looks from places on earth chosen people to live . Settlements are found in the surrounding waters such as rivers . Hence also the cities in the world is situated near the river . Human culture as makhlik also affected by the properties of the water environment , so as to develop the technology in order mendayagunakannya . Water stimulate people to make good containers of water from the soil , bronze , silver , and gold . Water also manstimulir people to make rafts , boats , ships , etc. , in order to utilize water as a transport medium . Nowadays people also use water for power generation , recreation , and other industries .
Of the many mangfaat water , the amount of water that actually consume a small fraction , ie belonging to the provision of drinking water or clean . However, even this group , which really consumed very little . For example, people only drink 2 L per day , as well as the amount of water consumed by animals and plants , just a little. Most are only used as a medium . For example , the water supply will return to the sphere as the water used to wash , then clean the house , the former poured dirt , the former baths , and others . So , it is inconceivable , were it not for available water , whether hygiene can be assured ?
Lack of drinking water in the body can cause dehydration , which is the situation arising due to lack of water so that the body can not function normalnya.setiap when you lose water through urine and sweat respiratory bowel movements , so that the body is functioning normally , the water lost must be replaced by consuming foods and beverages that contain water .
A. Advantages of Water For Human Health
Two approaches to the average water needs in adults are:
- Approach replacement . Average urine output for adults 1.5 L a day . Water also can come out melaului breathing , sweating and bowel movements . Food usually accounts for 20 % of the total number in need , so if you consume 2 liters of water or other drink in a day ( about 8 glasses ) , then the fluid lost will be replaced .
- Daily Recommendations . Instituse Of Medicine advises that men consume 3L ( 13 cups ) and women consume 2.2 liters ( about 9 cups ) of total minimum day. Another way to tell when you have a drink in sufficient quantities is when you are thirsty and produce rare merassa one to two liters of urine is colorless or slightly yellow .
1 . Factors that influence water needs .

The amount of water needed purposes depends on the liveliness of the body , weather , health , and if pregnant or breastfeeding .
- Sports : the more exercise , the more water is needed body . Additional 1-2 glasses of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise , but if the old sport requires additional fluid . How much additional fluid is needed depends on how much you sweat after exercise , usually 2-3 glasses of an hour is enough , unless the air is very good panas.lebih when using water with a liquid electrolyte so that the electrolyte lost body fluids can be replaced .
- Environment : hot and humid air can make you sweat and requires additional intake of fluid . Heated indoor air can also make the skin loses moisture so that more urine is wasted .
- The state of health and disease : signs of illness such as fever , Mutah and diarrhea , can cause the body to dehydrate. If there is , then you need to drink more water better when it can replace the electrolytes that out as well . Conditions requiring better when fluid can replace electrolytes lost juga.kondisi content such as urinary infections and urinary duct stones also need more fluids . Other conditions such as heart failure and some types of kidney , liver or adrenal disease can interfere with the excretion of water therefore needs to limit the intake of water .
- Pregnant and breastfeeding : women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need water to stay hydrated . A large amount of fluid is lost during nursing . The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 2.4 L ( 10 cups ) while breastfeeding is recommended that the 3.0 L ( 12.5 cups ) each day .
2 . Dehydration and Complications

Lack of water intake your body needs can lead to dehydration . Moderate dehydration ( loss of 1-2 % of body weight ) can reduce energy and make you tired . Common causes of dehydration include strenuous activity , excessive sweating , and diarrhea Mutah .
Signs and symptoms of dehydration are :
- Thirst
- Tired
- Headache
- Dry mouth
- Less urination
- Weak muscles ( sluggish )
- Dizziness
- Head feels light

Dehydration was rarely cause complications for lost fluid quickly replaced . Other cases can be life-threatening, especially in individuals who are young or old . In emergency situations the liquid electrolyte can be replaced intravenously .

Not good to make sense of thirst as an indicator for drinking . When feel thirsty , dehydration may have occurred . Furthermore , as you get older , the body will not be sensitive to dehydration . Excessive thirst and increased urination can be a serious medical condition .
Water is a chemical substance that is essential for human life and other living creatures , his function can not be replaced by anything .
In essence, water sources can be classified into three namely : rain water , surface water and groundwater . Examples of water for human life functions are : water will flush toxins out of vital organs , carries nutrients to body cells and tissues produce moisture on the ear, nose and throat in addition to the water is also used as means of transport , power plants and so forth