Thursday, April 3, 2014

Recent discoveries about the beauty of Indonesia

Recent discoveries about the beauty of IndonesiaIndonesia's natural wealth can not be doubted. From the land of Indonesia, " super fruit " grown and known by the name : the mangosteen .
The benefits of mangosteen is famous to the whole world . Mangosteen can combat ranging from free radicals cause aging , to harmful bacteria in the body . Here are some nutrients that are in the mangosteen fruit .
Xanthones : Serves to resolve inflammation and pain . Also useful to increase the immunity of the body as well as pain killers . Catechins : functions as an antioxidant potency five times that of vitamin C. Polysaccharides and Quinones : Functioning against harmful bacteria in the body , as well as anticancer agents . Stiebenes : Preventing the emergence of various fungi that harm the body .
Beauty therapist from Martha Tilaar Salon , Rostimin Rogi also shared tips for utilizing whole mangosteen fruit . The following statement.
" For skin care, women are advised to eat a mangosteen fruit regularly . Not only beautiful physically , strength and endurance increases , "
Women who nicknamed ' Mba Min ' it also reveals how to create beauty potions with the mangosteen fruit .
" Herb deterrent mushroom "
Material : Leather mangosteen , a warm water
Method: Scrape the inside of the mangosteen skin soft , then mix the results with warm water lukewarm . Soak the body parts of potentially infected fungi , such as the soles of the feet , for example . Soak for 3-5 minutes , then wash with a towel . This herb can also be used as a body wash water while bathing .

" Herb deterrent bacteria "
Material : Leather mangosteen , honey
Method: Scrape the inside of the mangosteen skin , then blend until smooth . Add honey to taste to taste sweeter . Drink the potion at least once a day , so that harmful bacteria are lodged in the body is lost . You can also beautiful inside and out
Caring for hair , face , and teeth With Apple Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apple juice . Usefulness very much . Nature can help neutralize acid skin , stained teeth cleaning as well . The following uses of apple vinegar that you can use as a beauty ingredient :
Apple cider vinegar can help add shine and hair health . Use an empty shampoo bottle , fill with ½ tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water . Use this mixture as a final rinse several times a week .
Apple cider vinegar can help regulate the pH balance in your skin . Combine apple cider vinegar with a ratio of 1:2 , dip cotton and apply on the face as a toner . Use this mixture in the evening after cleansing, and in the morning before applying a facial moisturizer . You can also apply apple cider vinegar directly on the black spots on the face , leave overnight to fade the color of blackness . But do not be used directly as a bleach in the entire facial skin , due to the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can damage the skin layers .
Hands and feet .
After a day of foot and hand fatigue , I wonder if there was a slight swelling . Indulge yourself with a private spa with a massage using a little apple cider vinegar to the area that is sore .
Teeth .
To remove stains on teeth , use apple cider vinegar directly on the teeth , and gargle .
After shave .

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as an aftershave . Fill an empty bottle of apple cider vinegar with water containing the same number of comparisons , and shake . Apple cider vinegar is also ready to be used as an after -shave fluid to relieve irritated skin lighter .
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Fruits for Beauty
To shed skin cells that have died , crushed papaya used as a mask , and let stand for 15 minutes . If in eating papaya can prevent wrinkles on the skin , because the substances in papaya can rejuvenate collagen .
Strawberries can calm the mind when eaten , also have bleach for dull skin , when in the split second rub the inside of the entire face and leave it overnight .
When mixed with butter to soften dry skin , mix one teaspoon of butter that has been heated by the taste of fresh strawberry juice , apply on face and leave for half an hour , wash your face using a mild soap , then Dab tonic .
White pomegranate skin is good for preventing vaginal discharge , how pomegranate skin in the sun , in finely crushed and brewed in hot water ( you can also boil the pomegranate skin ) and then drunk .
Tomatoes have a lot of vitamins and skin softening hand , how: mix tomato juice with lime juice 1:1 , and glycerine ( can be purchased at pharmacies ) , provide information on hand and do massage , with a motion as if to wash hands .
Fresh tomato juice containing asstringent good for oily face , summed up the pores of the skin to look smooth skin , mash two ripe tomatoes and fresh fruit with the skin , then apply to face , let sit 20 minutes , wash your face with warm water , then repeat with cold water .
Melon and Watermelon
Liquid melon and watermelon cold store the longest among fruit - other fruits , and well used compressed to kukit sunburned , sliced ​​flesh , then wrapped with gauze and put water on the face about 15 minutes , rinse your face with cold water .
Water and oil contained in the sweet orange peel is useful as a cleanser for normal and dry skin , orange peel enter into the warm water , then prick - puncture the orange peel with a knife edge , let the orange peel in water up overnight , and use it to wash your face the next morning .For bleach , mix 100 cc sweet juice with 1 tablespoon of 70% alcohol and 1 tablespoon of glycerin in a clean bottle , shake until well blended , and use as bleach or blackish blotches on the skin , apply 2 times a day .
Lime has a privilege as bleach and refresher especially for skin that looks lelah.Kocok an egg yolk ( for normal skin / dry ) or egg white ( fatherly oily skin ) , squeeze half the lemon juice , lemon peel enter into the mix and leave overnight so that the eggs absorb the oil from orange peel . Dab on face , except around the eye area , leave on for 20 minutes , rinse face with warm water , then cold water .
Lime can be used for the treatment of damaged hair , mix one tablespoon of lemon juice in 2 eggs , beat until smooth / fluffy then dab on hair that is clean and still wet , let stand for 20 minutes , then wash the hair with water warm , use once a week .To burnish hair , every time before washing the hair , scalp rub with lemon slices and let the new 30 minute wash hair .
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Tips and tricks Basic Care For Acne

Tips and tricks Basic Care For Acne
Beautiful face will be more visible when the canvas is clean and well maintained . Therefore do not be surprised if someone who feels less comfortable with the original color of his skin will be trying to cover up its shortcomings with thick makeup . In fact , when the skin is often overwritten with makeup , let alone the product is not right , it will be excruciating skin itself . The key lies in the selection of cosmetic products which will not damage the skin condition . Here are suggestions to skin care expert , Heidi A. Waldorf , MD , of Mount Sinai Medical Center on how to maintain basic acne skin beauty .

Before selecting a product ,
You should prepare yourself with the tools that help to makeup application . Prepare a set of makeup brushes are soft base , from eyeshadow brush , eyeliner , cheek , and face powder . Proper brush will make application easier and does not make the skin irritated . Brushes should be cleaned regularly, can baby shampoo or special washing liquid makeup brushes . Waldorf advised to use disposable applicators , to prevent the growth of bacteria that would damage the skin . Similarly, mascara , to avoid the spread of bacteria that colonized , it is advisable to replace mascara every few months.
One problem that often arises when dealing with acne skin care is a problem . Usually , acne appears because the skin is irritated by cosmetics , and is generally seen in women aged 20 - 30s . Scars that adorn the face normally would be covered with makeup , but when doing this , it can make a new acne . For these conditions , the Waldorf suggest to look for products that are safe for acne prone skin . However , unfortunately , though it was listed free of blackheads and acne free though , there are products that can cause acne , for this case , it is returned to the compatibility of the skin of each person . Of course , for skin problems such as this , should be avoided also oil-based makeup because it can clog the pores of the skin.
One of the most frequently encountered problems acne prone skin is produced by the oil sheen . When makeup is oil-free or water-based foundation mixed with sebum on the skin , the color will be distorted, and not close to perfect skin . Waldorf is advisable to choose a product that is labeled " oil control " . Because these products have a high concentration of substances to absorb oil . Special face powder ( loose facial powder ) can be a choice of powder after applying foundation or concealer to enhance the appearance of the face . Do not forget to always bring a facial oil absorbent paper ( blotting paper ) to reduce the appearance of oil without having to remove a lot of makeup on the sidelines of time .

It's important for those who have acne problems on his skin in order to discuss with a dermatologist in order to get the right drug for the topical daily . Waldorf said , many patients who complain that the topical medication given will often make makeup smeared afterwards feels slippery and does not stick to the skin . He explained that this is because the drug has not completely dried , the trick is to let the antiacne drugs seep perfect first. Because acne medication contains a lot of formulas . It is recommended to use products made ​​from gel or lotion that quickly absorbed .
Waldorf also said , that some therapies for acne prone skin will increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun . It is recommended , in order not to forget the use of sunscreen . If you do not like the material is heavy and sticky , can use a moisturizer that has a sun visor

Mother Concept In Family experts say

Mother Concept In Family experts sayMother Concept In Family

According Kartini Kartono (1999 ) family is the most important organization in the family social group is the most important institutions and the first responsibility in the community in ensuring social welfare and the preservation of human biologicalMost of the human children grow and develop and matured in a family environment . And since infancy child will inhale climate of affection and loyalty to the ideology of the family . This ideology begins with the name / customs, traditions , values ​​and emotions so thatserves as a binding unity in the family . It is not independent of the mother 's role as the main pillar of affection in the family . While the primary function of the mother for the family are :2.2.1 The role of wife and mother as a life partnerThis includes a robust attitude to life , to accompany her husband in that situation anyway . With mercy , love , loyalty and fidelity to his spouse , also encouraged her to pursue a career in a healthy way .2.2.2 The role of the mother as a sexual partnerWhich implies a variety of ways, as follows :1 ) The presence of sexual intercourse satisfactory Netero2 ) Signs dysfunction / sexual gergetan

There is an excess of sexual relations4 ) Do not hypersexual , nor lessThen established sexual life caused by psychological life healthy , well-balanced without any serious inner conflict and the willingness of partners to understand and are willing to sacrifice2.2.3 The role as mother and educateAs an educator for their children can be properly fulfilled , if the mother is able to create a healthy climate practical , joyous and free , so that the home atmosphere became lively and can provide a sense of security , free , warm and fun , along with affection . With so children and husband will feel at home , psychological climate loving , patience and calmness will give encouragement to the family , especially children growing up to stimulate a natural and happy .2.2.4 The role as a regulator of the householdIn this case there is a formal reactions and some sort of division of labor , which acts as a breadwinner husband . But the most important is the division of roles and mutual understanding between the two sides .2.2.5 Role as a life partnerHusband will definitely need people who can be invited to live forever , as career support and harbor discretion . That would look the same views , the feeling that there is blame in such a balanced and fidgety .

Definition and types of waste and garbage treatment principle 6

Definition and types of waste and garbage treatment principle 6
Garbage is a material that has no value or is not valuable for ordinary or main purpose in fabrication or use of the goods are damaged or defect in fabrication or manufacturing or material surplus or rejected or discarded " . ( Dictionary of Environmental Terms , 1994) . " Waste is a waste or discarded material sources result of human activities and natural processes that do not have economic value . " ( Environmental Terms for Management , Ecolink , 1996) . " Waste is anything that is not useful anymore , discarded by their owners or users of the original " . ( Tanjung , Dr. . M.Sc. , 1982) " Waste is a resource that is not ready-made . " ( Radyastuti , Prof. W. . Ir , 1996) .
According to the dictionary of environmental terms , the definition of a material having garbage that has no value , valuable materials for the usual purpose , the use of defective materials , defective goods in fabrication manufacturing , surplus material , or material that is rejected .
Garbage when viewed in terms of its type such as:
1 . Waste that can rot or wet waste ( garbage ) . Garbage is garbage that is easily decomposed because of the activities of spoilage microorganisms .
2 . Waste that does not rot or dry waste ( refuse ) . This type of waste can not be degraded by microorganisms , and its handling requires special techniques . Examples of this type of garbage is ketas , plastic , and glass ,
3 . Garbage in the form of dust or ash . This type of waste is usually the result of the combustion process . The litter size is relatively small at less than 10 microns and can enter the respiratory tract .
4 . Hazardous waste that waste type is often called junk B3 , said to be dangerous because it is based on the amount or concentration or because of physical or chemical properties or microbes can :
1 . Increased mortality and significant mobility or cause disease is not reversible or severe pain can not be recovered or reversible or which can be recovered .
2 . Potentially dangerous in current and future health or the environment if not processed , transported , stored and disposed of properly . Waste entering the waste that is classified as a type likely to cause poisoning both humans and fauna and flora in the environment , Slamet (1994 ) .
While Hadiwiyono , ( 1983) classifying garbage by two characteristics , namely :

1 . chemical
a. Organic .
Trash containing organic compounds or junk umsur composed of carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen , and phosphorus.
b . inorganic
Waste that can not be broken down by microorganisms , if bisapun requires a very long time .
2 . physics
a. Wet waste ( garbage )
Garbage is composed of the remnants of organic materials are easily weathered and rotting .
b . Dry waste ( rubbish )
Dry waste can be classified into two groups namely metals such as iron , zinc , aluminum and non- metallic types such as paper and wood .
c . trash soft
Trash soft has a special feature in the form of small particles that are lightweight and easily carried away by the wind .
d . Large trash ( bulkywaste )
This type of waste has a relatively larger size , for example, the former junk vehicle engine .
e . Hazardous waste ( hazardous waste )
This type of garbage consists of :
o Waste pathogen ( usually this kind of garbage coming from medical activities )
o toxic waste ( trash example pesticides , isektisida , drugs , sterofom )
o Waste explosion , misiu , the rest of the bombs and others
o Waste radioactive and nuclear materials .
C. Source of Waste
Based on the source , Wibowo . Arianto and Djajawinata . Darwin T. , ( 2007) divides waste into two groups:
1 . domestic rubbish
Is waste generated by human activities directly , eg household waste , market , school and so on .
2 . Non- domestic rubbish
Is waste generated by human activity indirectly , eg plant litter , industry and agriculture .
D. Nature of Waste
Based on the nature of the principal , the garbage is divided into two , namely :
1 . Degradabel ie garbage bodies are easily broken down by life or microorganisms .
2 . Non degradabel is naturally difficult trash outlined .
E. Waste Management
Techniques - techniques that can be used for the management of solid waste management are as follows :
1 . cumulation
With this method , the actual waste is not destroyed directly , but left to decompose into organic matter .
2 . Composting
How composting is a simple way and can produce fertilizer that has economic value . Biological trash , wet or organic compost can be used by landfill, the rubbish on the ground for a certain period of time to decompose .
3 . combustion
This method can dilakuakn only for waste that can be burned to the ground .
4 . Sanitary Landfill
This method is similar to the buildup , but the basin that has been filled up trash covered the ground , but this method requires a very broad specialty areas .
5 . Food and Feed .
Garbage in the form of fruits and vegetables that have not been fully damaged can be fodder or other animals bred .
6 . landfill
This type of waste management is to throw trash on the ground and accumulate in low areas that are open .
7 . Pulverisation
Pulverisation is a method of waste disposal directly into the sea after crushed into small pieces .
8 . Open dumping
Open dumping is a technique or method of waste management is conducted in a landfill simply by piling garbage dihamparan large land and then not do special management .
9 . Incineration / Incinerator
Incineration is a waste incineration method either with a simple and modern way to mass . This technology allows the results of the combustion energy is converted into electrical energy .

understanding and kind Sanitation and Hygiene

understanding and kind Sanitation and Hygiene
There is a saying " Men Sana in corpore Sano " , which means a healthy body , there will be a healthy soul . But still there are many people who are sick and usually because their lifestyle is not good and bad habits that can weaken and damage the body .Subject health is fairly easy to understand, but there are still many people who are sick due to lack of knowledge of the meaning of health or because of negligence .In the service of all the necessary requirements were ready , such as accommodation services , restaurant , bar , fitness center , transportation , etc. . All of these facilities are not only display quality , taste the cuisine , the comfort , but also a very important factor is the convenience and certainty regarding hygiene or guarantees to suit the purpose of the health facilities for survival is the "hygiene and sanitation " ( health and hygiene ) . To manage the entire facility must be offered in a professional manner in accordance with the applicable rules of health , so that service users get the pleasures himself with a health guarantee .In the end it came to pass in the hotel business , restaurant and catering competition in quality or service quality that includes hygiene as health insurance .
B. Hygiene
The word "hygiene " is derived from the Greek word meaning knowledge to establish and maintain health ( Streeth , JA and Taylor, HA , 1986) . In the history of Greece , Hygiene derived from the name of a goddess that is Hygea ( Goddess of disease prevention ) . Another meaning of Hygiene there are some that are essentially the same :
1 . Science which teaches ways to maintain physical health , spiritual and social well-being to achieve a higher level .
2 . A disease prevention efforts that focus on the health of individuals or human beings and their environment where the person is located.
3 . Circumstances in which a person , food , work or safety equipment ( healthy ) and free of pollution caused by bacteria , insects , or other animals .
4 . According to Brownell , hygine is how to maintain and protect the health of people .
5 . According Gosh , hygiene is a health science that covers all factors that help / encourage a healthy life both individually and through the community .
6 . According to Prescott , hygiene involves two aspects:
Relating to individuals ( personal hygiene)
Regarding the environment ( environment)
Hygiene is a concept related to medicine as well as to personal and professional care practices related to most aspects of living although it is most Often associated with cleanliness and Preventative Measures .
In the food industry / catering , application hgiene high standards in food processing needs to be done to be able to produce food that is safe for consumption . Safe means free from the things that harm , harm and free from damage .
C. Sanitation
Definition of sanitation there are some which are:
1 . Sanitation is a disease prevention efforts that focus on the business activities of the health of the human environment .
2 . Efforts to keep that person's maintenance , food , work , or equipment that hygienic ( healthy ) and free of pollution caused by bacteria , insects , or other animals .
3 . According Dr.Azrul Anwar , MPH , sanitary surveillance society is the way that focuses on the oversight of various environmental factors that may affect the health of society .
4 . According to Ehler & Steel , sanitation is the prevention od diseases by Eliminating or controlling the environmental factors roomates from links in the chain of tansmission .
5 . According to Hopkins , sanitation is a way of monitoring the environmental factors that have an influence on the environment .
From some of the above , it can be concluded that the reference to sanitation is a business that emphasizes disease prevention activities to the efforts of human environmental health . While hygiene is how people maintain and also protect themselves in order to stay healthy .
So in this case addressed to environmental sanitation , hygiene while addressed to the person .
Sanitation : prevenif health business to business activities that emphasize the health of the human environment .
Hygiene : preventive health efforts focus its activities to the individual health business , personal life and health of human effort .
Some of the benefits we can feel if we keep sanitation in our environment , for example :
Preventing infectious diseases
prevent accidents
Prevents odor
avoid contamination
Reducing the number ( percentage sick )
Environment to be clean , healthy and comfortable
D. Scope of Hygiene and Sanitation
Scope of Hygiene
Hygiene issues can not be separated from the problem of sanitation , and the food processing activities carried out sanitation and hygiene problems together . Hygienic practices , clean work very helpful in processing food clean anyway .
The scope of hygiene include :
1 . personal hygiene
2 . Hygiene of food and drinks
Scope of Sanitation
By understanding the meaning of sanitation is one that emphasizes disease prevention activities to the efforts of human environmental health . In the Health Act 23 of 1992 section 22 states that environmental health is held to realize the quality of a healthy environment , which can be done through increasing environmental sanitation , both concerning the place or the shape or form of the substantive form of physical , chemical , including changes in behavior or biological .
The quality of a healthy environment is the state of the environment that is free from the risk of harm to the health and safety of human life , through settlement among other houses and dormitories or the like , through the work environment between multiple offices and industrial areas or similar . While efforts should be made in protecting and maintaining the health of the environment is an object of sanitary covers all the places we live / work such as : kitchen , restaurant , parks , public areas , offices , home and so on.
From the description above it can be concluded that the scope of sanitation activities at the hotel include the following aspects :
1 . Provision of clean water / drinking water ( water supply )
Include the following :
Oversight of the quality and quantity
water use
Diseases transmitted through water
ways of processing
How to maintenance
2 . Waste management ( refuse disposal )
Include the following :
How / disposal system
Disposal of equipment and how to use them and how they are maintained
3 . Food and beverage processing ( food sanitation )
Include the following :
procurement of food ingredients / raw materials
Storage of food ingredients / raw materials
food processing
Transportation of food
food Storage
Presentation of food
4 . Supervision / control of insects and rodents ( insect and rodent control )
Covers how to control vector
5 . Covers occupational health and safety matters as follows :

Place / workspace
How it works
Labor / worker