Thursday, April 3, 2014

Respiratory System Anatomy understanding of the human body

Respiratory System Anatomy understanding of the human body1 . . RESPIRATORY SYSTEM

Humans need oxygen suply continuously for cellular respiration process , and remove excess carbon dioxide as a toxic waste product of prosestersebut.Pertukatan between oxygen with carbon dioxide gas is done so that the process of respiration selterus underway . Oxygen is needed for the process of cellular respiration is derived dariatmosfer , which provides oxygen gas content as much as 21 % of all gas yangada . Oxygen into the body through the mediation of a respirator that are outside . In humans , the alveoli are found in the lungs where the exchange serves as permukaanuntuk gas.Jalannya Air Breathing .
1 . Air enters through the nostrils
2 . passes through the nasopharynx
3 . passing oralfarink
4 . passing gloti
5 . entered into trake
6 . entry into the so-called branching trachea bronchus .
7 . entered into branching bronchi called bronchioles
8 . ends at the end of the bronchus air bubbles form called alveoli .
a. Sense of Sight
Visual apparatus consists of eyeballs, optic nerve , and additional tools mata.Bola eyes are round , just bidangdepannya anomalous bolasempurna because menonjolke cornea over the front . This happens because the part of the other parts lebihmelengkung ball mata.Titik front and center field areas belakangdinamakan polar front and rear lines connecting the polar axis is the axis of the eye or the eye can be distinguished penglihat.Bola walls and contents . The walls consist of three layers . Lapisluar is hard membrane , which is in front shifted to cornea . Tengahdinamakan layered membrane that lines the choroid tough membrane from the inside . Forward selaputkoroid not follow the cornea . At the transition point the choroid and iris membranes are thicker shape and is known as the ciliary body .
b . Sense of Hearing
Hearing aids consist of a listener outside , the listener and the listener dalam.Pendengar middle outer ear consists of leaves danliang outer ear . Sebuahlipatan earlobe skin is prone kupingkenyal order form . The outside of the outer ear canal berdindingrawan , the interior has dindingtulang . To the inner lining of the ear canal outside dibatasioleh gendangan.Pendengar gendangan the central cavity consists of a cavity gendangan associated with pharyngitis melaluitabung listeners Eustachian
3 . Digestive System
The digestive system is made ​​up of layers of horn cells flattened , while the innermost layer is called the seed layer which always makes epithelial cells baru.Kulit hides a connective tissue containing blood vessels - nerves dansaraf .
4 . SYSTEM Ekskresi
Humans have an organ or tools that serve excretion hasilmetabolisme dispose of waste products . Substance is the rest of the waste products of metabolism demolition nutrients , for example : carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , water ( H20 ) , ammonia ( NH3 ) , urea and dyes empedu.Zat the metabolic waste is no longer useful to the body and should dikeluarkankarena are toxic and can cause disease .
The nervous system is a coordinate system ( setting body ) form impulsaraf delivery to the central nervous system , nerve impulses and processing orders to give tanggapanrangsangan . The smallest unit of work implementation of the nervous system are nerve cells or nerves neuronCara Openness Work .
Anonymous . 2010.http :/ / / lesson - school / teaching - biology / human - nervous - system / . Online 11 April 2011Staff LIPI.2010.http :/ / / pangankesehatan / documents / artikel_kolesterol / system peredaran_darah_dan_sistem_ekskresi.pdf Online 11 April

understanding and treatment of Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) according to the experts

understanding and treatment of Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) according to the experts
A. Definition of diabetes mellitus ( DM )

Diabetes mellitus , DM (Greek : διαβαίνειν , diabaínein , translucent or shower water ) (Latin : mellitus , sweet taste ) , also known in Indonesia by the term sugar urine disease is a disorder caused by many factors metabolisyang , with simtoma form of chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins , as a result of :
1 . deficiency of insulin secretion , insulin activity , or both .
2 . glucose transporter deficiency .
3 . or both .
Various diseases , syndromes and can be triggered by diabetesmellitus simtoma , such as: Alzheimer's , ataxia - telangiectasia , sindromDown , penyakitHuntington , mitochondrial disorders , distrofimiotonis , penyakitParkinson , sindromPrader - Willi , sindromWerner , sindromWolfram , leukoaraiosis , dementia , hypothyroidism , hyperthyroidism , hypogonadism , and others.

B. Common symptoms
v simtoma hyperglycemia further induce three other classic symptoms :
- Polyuria - frequent urination .
- Polydipsia - always feel thirsty
- Polifagia - always feeling hungry
- Weight loss , often only in diabetes mellitus type 1
v and after long-term without adequate treatment , can lead to a variety of chronic complications , such as :
- Disorders of the eye with the potential result in blindness ,
- Disorders of the kidney to result in renal failure
- Cardiovascular disorders , accompanied by basement membrane lesions that can be identified by examination using electron microscopy .
- Disorders of the nervous system to autonomic nerve dysfunction , foot ulcers , amputation , Charcot joint and sexual dysfunction .
v and other symptoms such as dehydration , ketoacidosis , ketonuria and hyperosmolar non - ketotic which can result in stupor and coma .
- Rentanterhadap infection .
v The word diabetes mellitus itself refers simtoma called glycosuria , or diabetes , which occurs when the patient does not get treatment immediately .

C. Classification

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) classifies forms of diabetes mellitus based care and simtoma :
1 . Type 1 diabetes , which include simtoma ketoacidosis until the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas that caused or cause autoimmunity , and are idiopathic . Diabetes mellitus with unclear pathogenesis , such as cystic fibrosis or mitochondrial deficiency , not included in this classification .
2 . Type 2 diabetes , which is caused by a deficiency of insulin secretion , often accompanied by insulin resistance syndrome
3 . Gestational diabetes , which includes gestational impaired glucose tolerance , and gestational diabetes mellitus GIGT , GDM .
* And according to clinical stage without consideration of the pathogenesis , made ​​into :
1 . Insulin requiring for survivaldiabetes , as in the case of C - peptide deficiency .
2 . Insulin requiring for controldiabetes . At this stage , endogenous insulin secretion is not sufficient to achieve normoglicemia symptoms , if not accompanied by additional hormones from outside the body .
3 . Not insulin requiring diabetes .
Four classes are similar to the clinical stage classification of IDDM (English : insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus ) , while the fifth and sixth stages are members of the classification of NIDDM (English : non- insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus ) . IDDM and NIDDM is a classification that is listed on the International Nomenclature of Diseases in 1991 and the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases in 1992 .
Malnutrion - related classification of diabetes mellitus , MRDM , no longer used because , although malnutrition can affect the expression of several types of diabetes , has so far not found evidence that malnutrition or protein deficiency can lead to diabetes . MRDM subtypes ; Protein - deficient pancreatic diabetes mellitus , PDPDM , PDPD , PDDM , is still regarded as a form of malnutrition that is induced by diabetes mellitus and requires further research . Whereas other subtypes , Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes , FCPD , classified as exocrine pancreatic disease in Fibrocalculous pancreatopathy trajectory that induces diabetes mellitus .
Classification of Impaired Glucose Tolerance , IGT , now defined as the stage of defective glucose regulation , as can be observed in all types of aberration hiperglisemis . But no longer considered a diabetic .
Classification of Impaired Fasting Glycaemia , IFG , was introduced as the ratio simtoma fasting blood sugar is higher than the upper limit of the normal range , but still below the ratio defined as the basis of a diagnosis of diabetes .

D. Cause
In general melittus diabetes caused by damage to a small part or most of the beta cells of the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas that produce insulin function , resulting in insulin deficiency .
Besides melittus diabetes can also occur due to interference with the function of insulin in glucose enter into the cells . The disorder may occur due to obesity or other reasons as yet unknown
1 . Diabetes Type I :
- Genetic factors
Diabetics are not inherited type I diabetes itself ; but inherit a genetic predisposition or tendency toward the occurrence of diabetes mellitus type I. Genetic predisposition is found in individuals who have HLA antigen type .
- Immunological Factors
The presence of an autoimmune response in which antibodies directed an abnormal response to normal tissue of the body by way of reacting to such networks are considered as if they were foreign tissue . Ie autoantibodies against islet cells of Langerhans and endogenous insulin .
- Environmental factors
Virus or toxin may trigger certain autoimmune process that causes destruction selbeta .
2 . Diabetes Type II
The exact mechanism that leads to insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion in Type II diabetes is still unknown . Genetic factors play a role in the development of insulin resistance .
- Risk factors :
a. Age ( insulin resistance tends to increase at the age of 65 years )
b . obesity
c . family historyE. ComplicationsLong-term complications include cardiovascular disease ( double the risk ) , chronic renal failure ( the main cause of dialysis ) , retinal damage which can lead to blindness , and nerve damage that can cause impotence and gangrene with risk of amputation . More serious complications more common when poor control of blood sugar levels .- Diabetic ketoacidosisIn patients with type I diabetes , symptoms develop suddenly and can develop rapidly into a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis . Sugar levels in the blood is high , but because most of the cells can not use sugar without insulin , then these cells take energy from other sources . Fat cells are broken down and produces ketones , which is a toxic chemical compound that can cause the blood to become acidic ( ketoacidosis ) . Early symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis is thirst and frequent urination , nausea , vomiting , fatigue and abdominal pain ( especially in children ) . Breathing becomes deep and rapid as the body attempts to repair the blood acidity . Patient breath smells like acetone smell . Without treatment , diabetic ketoacidosis can develop into a coma , sometimes within just a few hours . Even after starting insulin therapy , type I diabetic ketoacidosis may develop if they miss a single injection of insulin or experiencing stress due to infection , accident or serious illness . Patients with type II diabetes may not show symptoms for several years . If more severe insulin deficiency , there arose a symptom of frequent urination and thirst . Rarely ketoacidosis . If blood sugar levels are very high ( up to more than 1,000 mg / dL , usually caused by stress such as infection or drugs ) , then the patient will experience severe dehydration , which can cause mental confusion , dizziness , seizures , and a condition called coma hyperglycemic - hyperosmolar non - ketotic .
In the extension of learning that is taking place or we will target extension in love as in RS , posiandu , and in places which can be convenient to provide counseling , so that people can receive it well. And preparing stages such extension ; The activity phase consisting of a preliminary phase ( introduction ) , stage presentation , and closing stages .
1 . preliminary stage
Is the preparation stage or early stage before entering the presentation of the material that will be taught . The extension phase Pd briefly describes the materials that will be conveyed . This stage is meant to mentally prepare participants to pay attention and study hard during the presentation phase . The introduction is usually 5-10 minutes , or 5 % of the time extension .
2 . stage presentation ( presentation) .
Which is the main process within counseling , therein included the following parts :
a. Description ( explanation) , both within the BTK verbal and non-verbal such as : the use of graphs , pictures , real objects , models , and or demonstrations motion .
b . Sample ( example ) and non- examples ( non example ) that the practical and concrete from the description that they are abstract concepts .
c . Exercise ( exercise) which is a practice for participants .
d . Most ( 80-90 % ) of the time extension activities used within this stage .
3 . closing phase (test and follow-up ) .
An extension is the final stage , this stage includes three activities , namely :
a. Implementation test results counseling , to be answered or done .
b . Feedback is information that the results of the test .
c . Follow-up reply in the form of clues about what to do next .
d . Concluding phase takes about 10-20 minutes , or 10-15 % of the time extension .
The method used is the extension .
The tools are in use such as leaflets and food samples .
Evaluations or tests they will be asked to answer orally or done by participants who appointed . example :
For friends, adek - adek , and here are all the same let us learn ,
1 . Come mother there , what understanding of diabetes mellitus was ? .......
2 . Father there what is the cause of diabetes mellitus that? ........
3 . Sister were there any symptoms of diabetes mellitus that? ...
4 . Let there Adek , what ingredients can not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus ? .....
5 . Come all , who could lift a hand yes , , , , how the classification of diabetes mellitus that? .
1 .
2 . IDF Chooses Blue Circle to Represent UN Resolution Unite for Diabetes Campaign , 17 March 2006
3 .
4 . Pathophysiology , Clinical concepts of disease processes , Sylvia A. price lorraine M , Wilson.penerbit medical book ( page ; 1110 )
5 . Pathophysiology clinical application inspection & management , valentine l . brashers , publisher of medical books ( page ; 157 )

A wide variety of diseases and medical care , wahyudi , publisher of the national effort Surabaya . ( Page ; 53 )
7 . Guyton human physiology and disease mechanisms , revised edition , publisher of medical books ( hlaman ; 699 )

Nursing Science ( verpleegkunde zv ) , part 2 , m . bouwhuaizen , alihbahsa : med drs Moelia king siregar EGC publisher of medical books ( hlaman ; 49 )

Idealism understanding of education

Idealism understanding of education
Idealism education in principle have a clear goal with the program and can be realized through formal and informal education . Realization of formal and informal education in the context of Indonesia obviously carry on towards the fulfillment of Indonesian human resources who are able to be utilized . It was all done in order to achieve high competency includes creative , innovative , skilled , intelligent , devoted to God Almighty , noble , and intelligent and able to compete globally .
Idealism education is necessary for Indonesia to pursue any pace across various sectors with other developed countries , including the neighboring countries . Idealism is education is that education should reflect the ideals of order of a society
the civilized , nurturing and respecting rights of fellow human beings .
Quality of Indonesian human resources and also the quality of education in Indonesia as seen from the macro indicators , namely the achievement of Human Development Index ( HDI ) and micro indicators ( in terms of the ability to read and write ) we still ranks 110 of 177 countries in the world . Even the ratings are declining year after year . As stated by Ilham Y. Wika ( 2007:1 ) reports that berdasarlkana Human Development Report 2005 by UNDP , HDI Indonesia increasingly slump since 1997 (ranked 99 ) , 2002 ( order of 102 ) , and in 2004 ( the order 111 ) . And by The World Economic Forum 2000 Swedish competitiveness Indonesia ranks 37 out of 57 countries in the world . Meanwhile , based on the Survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultant , the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12 of 12 countries in Asia . This ranking indicates that the field of education in Indonesia is still predicated as followerbukan as leader .
The education process is a process to educate and be educated . There is a process of learning and teaching , so evident in the educational process of the formation of a more human man or often called humanizing process . This is what confirms that
education has a fundamental nature of the so-called humanism intelectual . The process of educating and educated is a fundamental act ( fundamental ) , because in it there is a process and actions that change and determine a course of human life , both in terms of learners ( students ) and learners ( educators ) . In this process a learner ( educator ) means the people who make up the attitude , intelligence and personality , and learners ( educated ) is an established attitude , intelligence and personality as well as receiving an education to grow into complete human beings .
Many educational idealism becomes a chore we all , especially for the president as national stakeholders to achieve the MDG target of universal basic education so that it can be realized in 2015 , among others : the important agenda include ; ( 1 ) education and competencies of educators , ( 2 ) the professionalism of educators , ( 3 ) financial management education and human resource management , ( 4 ) political education , ( 5 ) education paradigm , ( 6 ) the development of educational organizations , ( 7 ) quality assurance education , and ( 8 ) education and gender equality .
Seriously an apparent effort by the government today is to increase the competence of educators . In Article 1 paragraph 6 of the National Education Law lays out the qualifications of educators are teachers , professors , counselors , officials learned , lecturers , tutors , instructors , facilitators and other designations are in accordance with peculiarities as well as participate in the educational menyelenggarkan . In an effort to improve the quality of education as an instrument to measure the competence of teachers and lecturers , for example , issued laws of teachers and lecturers that implementation is the implementation of teacher certification and certification of lecturers ,
In the context of the continued professionalism of teachers needed , Baedowi (2008 ) mentions , that the professional educator is an educator who has a lot of ability in ; 1 ) to plan , implement , and evaluate learning outcomes ; 2 ) improve the academic qualifications and competence on an ongoing basis ; 3 ) act in an objective and non-discriminatory on the basis of gender, religion , ethnicity, race , and specific physical conditions , or family background , and socioeconomic status of the students in learning ; 4 ) uphold the laws and regulations , and code of ethics of teachers , as well as religious values ​​and ethics ; and 5 ) maintain and foster national unity .

Qualifications ability of teachers as mentioned Baedowi (2008 ) above will be synergistic and supportive role as a teacher educator as if the terms of a good professional teacher can be met . Bebeberapa terms of professionalism among them ; 1 ) certified ; 2 ) physically and mentally healthy ; 3 ) piety to God Almighty and good conduct ; 4 ) responsible ; 5 ) the national spirit ( Ngalim Purwanto ( 2006:139-142 ) .
In terms of financial management education , the program must continue to be improved and maintained kestabilitasiannya is how to arrange all the activities of educational organizations that can continue to fund unmet needs and no clear process of how to obtain funding and manage the assets according to the educational level of the organization as a whole . Therefore , there must be done school management process and implementation of educational activities are planned and implemented vigorously reasonabl thorough and continuously conduct training on the operational costs of the school . So that educational activities more effectively and efficiently and help meet the goals of education through a good school management procedures , including ; input fund management , budget planning ( budgetting ) , the implementation process ( throw put) , and results (output ) .
Education related to financial management is the management of human resources should be an important factor in an organization . According to Schuler and Smart ( 1989 ) in Burhanuddin ( 2003 ) stated that human resource management is to be aware of ; 1 ) Planning human resource requirements , 2 ) the procurement of human resources and staff , 3 ) valuation and compensation , 4 ) appraisal and development , and 5 ) the creation and development of an effective working relationship . These five functions of human resource management is becoming earnest attempt field personnel who need a serious run and managed effectively and as well as procedural in order to achieve the expected goals .
In terms of political education that there is a common thread linking politics with education , because their relationship is not just mutual influence but also have a functional relationship . Educational institutions into places where setiapindividu , especially the younger generation learn the attitudes and feelings about the political system and the political role that is expected of them .
Talk politics of education , the politics of education in Indonesia is still not fully independent . It can be seen from the government's commitment that still must continue to be pumped in order to continue to improve access and equity in education , and MDG education for all should be the targets and priorities . Strategic Plan ( Strategic Plan ) government to education in 2008-2009 focused on three national educational development goals to be achieved , namely ; 1 ) improvement and expansion of educational equity , 2 ) increasing the quality and relevance of education , and 3 ) increased governance ( governance ) , accountability and public image we have of monitoring and evaluation .
Our only question is how far the success is to be achieved ? If not then there must be a channel of communication and control system that is accessible to the public and to the government .
Government efforts to realize continuous run political education , but education policies and practices in the field is still far from desirable . Data Enrollment ( AMP ) in 2008 showed that AMP SD / MI reached 95 % , SMP / MTs by 71.83 % while the Gross Enrolment Ratio ( GER) at the level of SMA / MA / SMK 2006 have amounted to 55.22 % and Higher Education APK only reached 16.70 % . Dropout rates at the primary level reaches 2.9 % , junior high school dropout rate of 2.42 % , 3.06 % and PT SMA 5.9 % . The high number of illiterate people of Indonesia recorded a total population of 15.4 million 211 063 000 population aged 15 years and above are illiterate with a ratio of 5.8 % of men and 12.3 % women were distributed in urban areas and 4.9 % 12.2 % rural . This situation illustrates that the political reality of education in Indonesia is not yet independent and well behind the demands of global competitiveness . Therefore, our education policy in the future to be able to provide concrete expectations of the progress of the nation in the future .
Paradigm of education in Indonesia must continue to prioritize new educational paradigm , because the old educational paradigm emphasizes education as a basic human need and right , then the paradigm of modern education now ( new ) promoting education as a future investment needs someone to gain prosperity alive .
Through education, the future of the nation , can be designed in a way to prepare the best possible quality human resources . With this basis we should strive for ; First , create a system of national education and democratic climate and quality , in order to
strengthen noble character , creative , innovative , insightful nationality , intelligent , healthy , disciplined , responsible , skilled and master of science and technology in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human . Second , improve the quality of the educational institutions developed by various parties effectively and efficiently , especially in the development of science and technology , arts and culture , thus stimulating a pro - active , creative , and always creative in all components . Third , develop human humanizing education , education which can develop human dignity , and prepare people become caliph . Fourth , in facing the actual tendencies no other alternative than to need realignment for education since primary education .
Education as a process of personal formation learner implemented in a systematic and systemic , and systematic . Therefore , an educational process takes place gradually and continuously ( procedural ) and systemic due to take place in situations in all environments dankondisi good family , school and community . Therefore , the challenges that must be done in the field of education should be pursued primarily improve the low quality of education in Indonesia at all levels and units of education, especially primary and secondary education as well as encouraging people to be fully aware that education is a fundamental requirement for any human life . If this is successful , then the government through the president's policies will gradually be able to complete the education for all .
Burhanuddin . Human Resource Management - Education , management is . Malang : State University of Malang . , 2003.
Baedowi . Quality Improvement Strategy and Competency . Directorate General Education Quality Improvement and Education Personnel . Jakarta : Ministry of Education. , 2008.
Huda , Atok Miftachul . " Collaborative Governance Regulation Qualified Toward Education . Journal Bestari UMM 40/Th.XXII edition number , from January to April 2009.
__________________ . " School Free : The Policy Concept Not Ready " . Seminar papers . Malang : UMM FKIP . , 2009.
Karwono . " Need for Paradigm Shift On Education " . http://karwono . accessed on 20 February 2009, at 18:30 pm .
Purwanto , M. Ngalim . Theoretical and Practical Education . New York: Publisher . Rosdakarya . , 2006.
Sirozi . M. Politics of Education : Dynamics of the Relationship Between Power and Interest Practice Education Organization . Jakarta : Publisher RajaGrafindo Persada . , 2005.
Staker , Peter . " We Speak Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) For his achievement in Indonesia " . , 2007.
Tinuk , Hariati . " Pave the way towards Civil Society Through Education Idealism " . Seminar papers . Malang : UMM MKPP Graduate Program . , 2009.
Veithzal Rival . Leadership and Organizational Behavior . Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada . , 2006.
Wika . Y. inspiration . " Reality and Idealism National Education " . Online . , accessible , 24 February 2009, at 19:00 pm .
Abdul Wahab Aziz . Anatomy of Educational Organization and Leadership . New York: Publisher Alfabeta . , 2008.

Sanitation Requirements pustak review Places of Worship according to experts

Sanitation Requirements pustak review Places of Worship according to experts
Speaking not only environmental issues deforestation , reforestation , flood and the like often is overlooked from the view of our discussion , which is actually very close to us and right in front of us , namely sanitation . Sanitation is always deemed to be trivial because lately and personal affairs . Talk sanitation can not be separated from the four issues of latrines , waste management , drainage and wastewater management . Sanitation shot this time focusing on two things , namely family sanitation and sanitation in public places . Family sanitation sanitation concerns among residents about housing , the practice of defecation ( BAB ) carelessly in the river , gardens , and ponds . While the general sanitation ie sanitation in public places like markets , terminals , schools , places of worship , and others .
The place of worship is one of the means of public places used for the gathering of the community to carry out religious activities .
Environmental health problems is a problem that needs attention and improvement. In this case the manager / caretaker places of worship are necessary and need to be given the knowledge of environmental health relating to public places ( places of worship ) to support efforts to improve the health of the environment through the efforts of basic sanitation , quality control of the environment in general , including environmental pollution control . With the participation of the management of places of worship are expected to :
1 . Changing or controlled or loss of all physical and environmental elements contained within the place of worship which can give bad effect on health
2 . Increasing the quality of environmental health places of worship .
3 . The realization of the awareness and participation of the community and other sectors in the preservation and improvement of environmental sanitation places of worship .
4 . Implementation of health education on improvement of environmental health .
5 . Regularly monitoring the implementation of sanitary places of worship .
A. Definition
o Place - a public place ( TTU ) is a place where people - people gather and activities ( school , parks , terminals , mosque , mosque , etc. )
o sanitary hygiene requirements are technical provisions set out the place / location , products , personnel , and equipment that meet the health requirements in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases or health problems
o A mosque is a place , including its facilities , where public , at the time - a time to gather certain Islamic religious worship . Basic implementation of the Environmental Health mosque is Kep . Menkes 288/Menkes/SK/III/2003 on Guidelines for Health Facilities and Public Buildings ( Anonymous , 2009) .
B. Requirements of Health Places of Worship ( Masjid / Mosque )
1 . Landmark / Location
- According to the city plan
- Not being in the direction of the wind from the source of pollution ( dust , smoke , odor and contamination lainx )
- There are at distance < 100 meters from the source of dust pollution , smoke , odors and other contaminants
2 . building
- Strong , sturdy and permanent
- Meeting of insects and rodents
3 . floor
- Strong , not made ​​of soil , clean , water tight , non-slip and easy to clean .
4 . wall
Clean walls , light-colored , water-resistant and easy to clean .
5 . roof
Closing buildings , strong , clean , quite gentle and does not leak
6 . Lighting / LightingBright lighting , spread evenly and not glaring ( min. 10 fc )
7 . ventilationAt least 10 % of the building area , cool and comfortable (non- stuffy and hot morbidly )
8 . doorMeeting of insects and rodents , closing the well and open outwards . Made from strong material and easy to clean .
9 . Sky - the sky
- Height of at least 2.4 m dr floor
- Strong , morbidly there lubang2
- Brightly colored and easy to clean
10 . fenceStrong , safe and can prevent nuisance animals entering
11 . page
Clean , morbidly dusty and muddy , there are puddles ill , there are enough bins . And there is ample parking space
12 . network installation
- Safe ( free cross conection )
- Shielded
13 . Sewerage
- closed
- Flowing smoothly ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
C. Sanitation Facilities
1 . Clean Water
- The number of insufficient / always available at any time
- No smell , no taste and no color
- The number of germs does not exceed NAB
- Levels of chemicals does not exceed NAB
2 . Sewerage
- There is a waste water storage insects Meeting
- Waste water flows smoothly
- Channel watertight
- Closed Channels
3 . Toilet / WC
- Net
- It does not relate directly to the main building
- There is enough water
- Available soap & dryer
- Separate male and female toilets
- The amount is sufficient for most visitors
- Waste water discharge channel is equipped with a retaining odors ( water seal )
- Hole penghawaan should relate directly to the outside air
4 . Peturasan
- Net
- Comes with cleaning faucets
- The amount is sufficient
5 . trash can
- Bins strong , watertight , tahankarat , and comes with a cover
- The number of bins sufficient
- Waste is transported to the landfill every 24 hours
- Capacity bins lifted by 1 person
6 . place of Wudu
- Net
- Separated from the toilet , peturasan , & space mosque
- Water ablution out through the faucet - faucet special & amount sufficient
- Ablutions pool closed ( tightly insects )
- There is no mosquito larvae in the pond water ablution
- Waste water flowing ablution
- The male and female ablution should be separate
7 . place of Prayer
- Clean , no smell that bad
- Free bedbugs and other insects
- Along the front of each sap installed a clean white cloth with a width of 30 cm as a place of prostration
8 . Place of sandals and shoes
- Available sandals & shoes are special
- Clean and strong ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
REFERENCESMahyuliansyah , 2009. Environmental Health Common Places , available in http:// keperawatankomunitas . . accessed Sunday, November 15, 2009 .
Anonymous , 2009. Sanitary Inspection Mosque , available in http:// environmental sanitation . WordPress . Com , accessed 1 May 2009 .
difference between the classical theory and the theory keynes
classic viewSubsistence pattern of economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the subsistence economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

The style of modern economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the modern economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

3 flow savings

4 flow loans

5 investment flows

Factors Determining the Interest Rate

danatuk amount of investment demand and savings , and the vertical axis shows bunga.keseimbangan tribes and among households desire to offer their savings and the desire of employers to invest in E.pada level achieved at the point of equilibrium is the sum of all the savings that will be made by households is equal to the entire investment will be done by entrepreneurs in the amount equal to Io So at this equilibrium level of interest rates is Ro.menurut classical economists , the state of balance between savings and investments as this is a state that always occurs in perekonomian.oleh because the amount of household savings in time the economy reaches full employment will always be equal to the whole number equal to the entire investment will be made by the employer , mak agrigat spending in the economy at full employment will always reach offer the same level with the use of labor agrigat full
in modern financial theory that was developed by keynes , the interest rate is determined by demand and supply of money the central bank and the banking system is the institution which will determine the amount of money at a time deals tertentu.sedangkan demand for money is determined by the public's willingness to hold money .
tringkat wages may undergo changes and this is another factor that will ensure the achievement of the level of energy use penuh.keynes also criticizes this and further show that , from the point of fact contained in a theory of society and that opinion is not true .

when compared perndapat classical economists that the actual reality in the form of a modern economy , it can be seen that the wage level is not easy to experience the consequences of unemployment penurunan.sebagai be preferred to abolish in the modern economy are labor unions always defend and fight for improvements nasiub workers . This effort termusuklah attempt to lower the wage rate that is given to the pekarja . This power causes the wage rate is not easy to be scaled .
expert view of classical economists regarding the determination tinkat negara.ia economic activity is considered as one of the leading economists in the history of economic thought because keynes shrinkage also create a new approach to economic analysis , namely yes analyze the activities undertaken in the economy as a whole sutu , and instead of analyzing small bagin bagin daripadanya.dan more importantly , keynes argued sutu theory that describes tentangbagaimana tinkat in a depressing economic activity in the country tntukan , and the factors that determine economic activity tersebut.pandanganya tinkat is very different from the classical economists expert


spending way to note is perhituingan or erabot value of finished goods that are sold at furniture store


calculation of net product that needs to consider additional values ​​embodied 4 kegatan economy due to avoid counting upwards 2 times the value of goods and services in produksikan and counted in national income

if personal income in kurngi by taxes to be paid by the recipient of the income , the value remaining in the call diposebel.dengan disposebel adalh income thus income used by the recipient , that all existing -home household in the economy , for goods and services mambeli services they ingin.tetapi not all income is used for tijian disposebel consumption , most of it in most other tubes used to pay interest on loans used to purchase goods in installments as been in terankan before this , consumers interest payments on loans to buy goods in installments is not included in national income because the loan was not made ​​by the consumer to create the National pandapatan
v difference between national income accounts

of the above can be concluded that
Ø How spending

National income data calculated by means spending picture will be members of the
a. Problems of the extent to which the poor economy in the face or the extent to which good growth rates achieved and the level of prosperity that is being enjoyed.
b . Provide information and data needed in the analysis of macroeconomic
Ø How the net product

In this way economic development in calculating national income by adding additional value embodied by Integration - companies in various business fields in the economy .
a. To determine the magnitude of the contribution in the various economic sectors in delivering national income .
b . As one way to avoid double counting is to simply calculate the net value of production embodied in the various stages of the production process .
Ø How income

The way of calculating the value of spending in the way of national income is obtained GNP or GNP GNP.terdapat on relationships and how to generate income calculation NI.sedangkan income ( national income) or NI .

To obtain a range of national income not to be deducted directly from the national product neto.sedangkan subsidies added .
v Relative differences in the classical theory and Keynesian theory
1 . Keynes's view of the relationship and get to know the level of investment
2 . Comparison of classical and Keynes's views on the major factors that determine the savings
3 . Keynes view of the determinants - the interest rate
4 . Keynes view of the wage rate .
1 . Differences classical theory and Keynesian theory
- The view of classical economists
In the opinion of the classical economists , the economy is set by market forces full employment level will always be achieved .
This view is based on the belief that in the economy there will be no shortage of demand .
- The views of economists Keynes
As an alternative Keynes put forward a different view of the process of determining the level of economic activity in a country .
In Keynes 's theory aimed that the level of economic activity does not always reach the level of full employment , sebiknya that always applies is : the economy is always facing Problems of unemployment and full employment is rarely applicable .

From the above it can be determined that there is a difference of opinion between the classical theory and Keynesian theory .
- Classical theory , namely : that the use of full employment in the economy will always be achieved .
- Theory Keynes argued : full employment is a rare condition , and it is caused due to lack of demand in the economy agrigat that form .
Their differences lie in the following two issues :

Factors - factors that determine the level of abungan , of interest rates in the economy .
Properties - properties between wages and related employment by employers

3 Ways to national income accounts there are three cara.jelaskan lies the difference .
v Method I calculation : how spending .
The calculation of national income by way of expenditure on goods and services to the right results in the economy in the A components namely :
- Household consumption
- Government spending
- Private sector capital formation ( investment ) and
- Net exports ( exports less imports ) .

Example : based on items that apply POB Indonesia in 2002 reached 1.610 trillion RP . Net factor income - appreciating the negative factors of production is equal to RP 77.8 trillion . GNP is smaller than POB only reached 1,532,2 RP trillion .

The largest component of aggregate expenditure is household consumption is as much as RP 1,138,3 billion which includes many POB.infetasi 70.7 percent from 20.2 percent of GDP include government expenditures role is smaller , covering only 8.2 percent of the POB .

PNB and PN data expressed by the equation .
Formulation is :
- PN : PNB - indirect taxes + subsidies - depreciation
But in the calculation of subsidies in Indonesia are not counted into :
v Method II calculation : how prodak net

Product net \ \ ( net ootcot ) means changing the value created in a second produksi.cara process for calculating national income is a way of calculating the value of

By summing the added value realized by companies diberba


Gai efforts in the fields of economy .
Example of calculating the value of the additional
- Cutting timber RP 50 RB
- Sawing board RP 200 - RP 50 : RP 150 RB
- Furniture maker RP 600 - RP 200 : RP 400 RB
- Prominent furnishings RP 800 - RP 600 : RP 200 RB
* The differences in calculation

In the way of spending that needs attention is the value of finished goods ( furniture ) that are sold in stores in the way of product net perabotan.sedangkan to note is the additional value embodied by economic activity above 4 .
v Calculation method III : how revenues

In microeconomics book has been explained that , factor - factor production in differentiated into 4 groups :
- Land
- Labor
- Capital
- Expertise keusahawan

If factors - factors of production used to create goods and services will be obtained in various types of income .

An example of such a form of income is earned income in the company - the company perseorangan.untuk a private company to a restaurant for example in kelolah 1.yang family members in their business profits is meant : a combination of salary , wages , interest, rent , and profits actually of the business done by the family .

In general, the classification of factor income follows:
1 . workers' earnings are: salaries and wages
2 . revenue from individual businesses ( sole proprietorships )
3 . income from rental
4 . net interest
5 . corporate profits
which are summarized in the two reflects the amount of salary and upah.bunga , rents and profits obtained company - a company run by the owner himself and his family .