Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wastewater impact on , the environment , society and economy

Wastewater impact on , the environment , society and economyWastewater treatment is less well will be negative consequences for the environment and public health . The resulting impact , among others . ( Sugiharto , 1987) .
1 ) Due to the environment
Wastewater discharges , among others, have physical, chemical and bacteriological which can be a source of contamination , so that if not treated properly will contaminate surface water , soil and other environmental , in addition to often cause unpleasant smell and an unpleasant sight .
2 ) Due to public health
Unhealthy environment due to polluted by waste water can cause disruption to public health . Waste water can be breeding grounds for pathogenic microorganisms media , mosquito larvae and other insects that can be a medium of transmission of disease , especially diseases that are transmitted through contaminated water .
3 ) Due to the socio-economic
Human environment not only physical health but also mental and social health . Environmental conditions that cause bad feeling uncomfortable and unpleasant . As a result, human health becomes distracted and less productive , while the development of society depends on the productive workforce . If the community is always going on diseases caused by environmental influences , then this will affect the ability of the economic and social circumstances .

Sources of water according to experts

Sources of water according to expertsAccording to the Water Resources Sutrisno T (2004 ) Water for daily use can be obtained from a variety of sources including :
a. water Surface
Surface water is rainwater that flows on the surface of the earth , in general, the surface water will get fouling during flow , after a process of contamination of surface water at some time will experience the process of cleaning the surface of the water itself consists of two kinds:
1 ) Water River
River water in its use as drinking water , needs to be a perfect processing given that the river water generally have a high degree of fouling . Discharge of water available to meet the need for clean water can mncukupi .
2 ) Water Swamp / Lake
Most of these colored swamp water caused by the presence of organic matter decomposing , eg humus acid soluble in water which causes yellow brown , with the decay of the high levels of substances that organization then in general levels of iron ( Fe ) and manganese ( Mn ) in the water will be high , which causes the solubility oksigan ( O2 ) in water is reduced ( anaerobic ) . The elements will be dissolved Fe and Mn in the presence of sunlight and O2 .
b . ground water
Consists of : shallow ground water , ground water and springs .
1 . Shallow Groundwater
Is due to the process of surface soil , sludge will last as well as most of the bacteria so that the ground water will be crystal clear , but many contain chemicals ( salts ) because through layers of soil that have certain chemical elements , as it also happens fouling in the soil during infiltration , especially in the face of water close to the ground surface . Upon encountering a meeting ground layer , the water will be collected groundwater which is used for various purposes . The shallow groundwater quality in terms of both quantity rather less pretty and depending on the season .
2 . In Groundwater
There is a meeting after layer of shallow groundwater . In this case should be used drill pipe and insert into it ( usually between 100-300 m ) so that we will get a layer of water . If the water pressure is great , the water can be spraying out and in these circumstances , protection of springs is called p1erlindungan artesian springs . If the water does not come out by itself , then use the pump to assist in the ground -water discharge . Groundwater quality is better than in shallow groundwater , because the filter is more perfectly free from bacteria , were in general sufficient quantity and little affected by the changing seasons .
3 . spring
The spring water is ground water that will come out by itself to the ground . Springs from the ground , is almost not affected by the season and the quality is the same as in the spring . Based on the discharge ( emergence from the soil surface ) is divided into :
a. Where water seeps out through the slopes .
b . Arise where the water came from a land surface .
c . Air Space consists of dew , snow , and rain water .
in general, if not contaminated rain water will be clean , sterile , and pure , it's just rain water easily corrosive to metals that can cause rust .

Water Relationships With Health

Water Relationships With HealthMost of the bodies of organisms , including humans consists of water . Globally , about 80 % of the human body is composed of liquid water in addition to that there are elements and minerals , the large is for human physical growth , such as Ca , Mg , Fe , Cu and other elements . In the human body there are about 33 % water in fatty tissues and bones , 77 % in meat , 80 % in the lung and kidney , 84 % in the nerve tissue , body fluids ( plasma ) 99.5 % ( David , 2008) .
The human body is mostly made up of water , approximately 60-70 % of their body weight . For its survival , the human body requires , among others, the amount of water depending on body weight . For adults require approximately 2,200 grams of water every day . Usefulness of water for the human body , among others for digestion, metabolism , transport of nutrients in the body , regulate body temperature and keep the balance not to body drought . If the body loses a lot of water then it will result in death ( Sutrisno , 2006) .
If it be the incidence of epidemic diseases transmitted through water is always associated with water quality used as human studies that have used John Snow in the UK in two centuries ago that the spread of various infectious diseases related to contamination of drinking water from local PAM ( David , 2008) .
Water is very closely related to human health , which means a huge role in human health . Some of the things that shows the relationship of water to health is the presence of pathogenic organisms in the water that can cause illness or health problems such as bacteria , protozoa , and viruses . Besides showing the relationship of water to health is the presence of non- pathogenic organisms such as actinomycetes , algae , and bacteria coliform ( Sutrisno , 2006) .
In countries that have developed water-related diseases are very rare , because of the water supply is very fuel-efficient . However, in developing countries may be as much as 2 billion live without safe drinking water ( save water ) and adequate sanitation , as a result, victims of water-related diseases in developing countries is high and even up to the level of scary .
A survey conducted by the WHO last shows the fact that every day 30,000 people have died from diseases caused by water . At any time there are approximately 400 million people suffering from stomach and digestive diseases ( gastroenteritis ) , 200 million people suffer from schistosomiasis , 160 million people suffer from malaria , and 30 million people suffer onchocrriasis . All the above types of disease can be attributed to water although other environmental factors influence .
Microorganisms contained in water derived from various sources such as air , soil , trash , mud , plants dead or alive ( carcass ) , human and animal waste , other organic materials and so on . Microorganisms may live in the water durable , long lasting or not live in water because the environment is not suitable .
Water can be a medium carrier of pathogenic microorganisms that are harmful to health . Pathogens are often found in water is mainly bacteria that cause infections such as Vibrio cholerae gastrointestinal causes penyakitkolera , shigella dysenteriae causes bacillary dysentery , typhoid and salmonella causes typosa S. paratyphi causes paratyphoid , polio and hepatitis virus and Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery . To prevent the spread of waterborne diseases is necessary to control water pollution .
The number and types of microorganisms contained in water varies depending on various factors . These factors are is as follows :

source of water
Components of nutrients in the water
toxic components
aquatic organisms
physical factors
Factor X is a chemical substance that dissolves easily in water and can cause problems as follows :

Chemical reactions that lead to :
Excessive deposition
Incidence of persistent foam , which is difficult to remove
The emergence of physiological responses that are not expected to change the taste or the effects of physical embodiment laxatif water .
The increase in population is not comparable to residential areas , the disposal of human waste increases . Seen is a problem as early as possible subject to the above , because human waste is a source of disease .

Type - Type of Clean Water

Type - Type of Clean WaterAccording to Director General of PPM and PLP (1990 ) type - the type of water supply systems commonly used are the following people :
a. Dug wells
Dug wells are taking water supply / use ground water by digging a hole in the ground by hand to get water . Holes were then given wall , flooring and lips closed and sewage .
b . piping
Means piping is building along with tools and equipment that produce , provide and distribute drinking water to people through a network of piping / distribution . The water used is groundwater or surface water with or without being processed .
c . The well Hand Pump ( SPT )
The well hand pump is taking water supply or use ground water by making a hole in the ground by using a drill . Based on the depth of the ground water and the type of pump used to raise water , artesian well differentiated form above :
1 ) Shallow Well Hand Pump ( SPTDK )
Shallow hand- pump wells are wells drilled making shallow water using pumps . This type of pump is able to raise the water to a maximum depth of 7 meters .
2 ) Hand Well Pump In ( SPTDL )
Hand pump wells are wells drilled in water retrieval using the pump . This type of pump is able to raise water from a depth of 15 meters to a maximum depth of 30 meters
d . Rainwater reservoir ( PAH )
Rainwater harvesting is a means of utilizing clean water for domestic water supply . Rainwater that falls on the roof of a house or other building water catchments , through channels or grass and then flowed ditamping in rainwater
e . Eye Protection Air ( PMA )
DG PPM and PLP (1995 ) , explains that the protection springs ( PMA ) is a building to store water and protect water sources from contamination . The shape and volume of FDI adapted to the layout , the situation is a source , close to the water and the water capacity is needed .
1 ) The layout is the distance to the source of pollutants such as toilets , dirty water , cages and landfills
2 ) The situation of water resources means that the source of the PMA should have protective coverings made ​​tubs channel outwardly from the tub , so as not to pollute the water coming into the tub catcher , has peluap pipe , cover tightly tub of water , has a bathtub floor that must be watertight and easy to clean and water tight SPAL and minimum slope of 2 % .
3 ) Near the water that is the source of water environment should be on springs , not the channel water from the springs that may have been contaminated .
4 ) The water capacity is needed , ie the spring discharge have utilized at least 0.3 liters / sec ( Anonymous , 2011) .

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria Definition

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria DefinitionWater is the most important in life after air . About three -quarters of our body consists of water and no human can survive more than 4-5 days without drinking water . In addition , water is also used for cooking washing , bathing , and cleaning the dirt around the house . Water is also used for industrial purposes , agriculture , firefighting , recreation , transportation and others. Diseases that infect humans can also be transmitted and propagated through the water . These conditions can lead to outbreaks of disease course everywhere ( Chandra , 2007 ) . Water is one among carriers of disease from the feces for up to humans . So that the water that enters the human body in the form of food and drinks do not cause disease , it is a good water treatment comes from the source , transmission or distribution network is absolutely necessary to prevent contact between the dung as a source of disease with water as needed ( Rohim , 2006) .
Understanding Bacteria Escherichia Coli

The bacterium E. coli is a parameter in the presence or absence of faecal matter in a very habitat required for the determination of water quality is safe . Especially for the bacteria E. coli , in the presence of water or food that is associated with human interests that are not expected . Due to the presence of microbial groups indicates that the food or water has been contaminated by fecal material , ie the material being with human feces or stool . Coliform is a group of bacteria that are gram-negative bacteria , not spore forming lactose fermenting at a temperature of 35o C or 37 ° C to produce acid , gas and aldehide within 24-48 hours . Once the fecal coliform group of bacteria has the same ability , except that it is more tolerant of higher temperatures , which is 44oC . The number of bacteria used as an indicator of water coliform/100cc or microbiological represent all groups , when in 100 ml of water sample contained 500 bacteria Escherichia coli gastroenteritis possibility of disease . Other bacteria in the coliform group is aerobacter and clebsiella that have properties such as E. coli but generally live in soil and water , not in the so -called nonfecal digestion and pathogens . The bacterium E. coli is this group that is more economical to use for laboratory examination ( Sutrisno , 2006) .