Indicator Examination Mercury In Humans
1 ) Direct Biology
Mercury can be measured from :
a) Blood
b ) Urine
c ) Hair
Because mercury has a short half- life time ( 3 days ) , blood analysis only on acute exposure to urine is the best specimen in a state of exposure can kronis.Rambut to analyze the presence of MeHg exposure .
For acute exposure at high levels , a blood test is a good indicator to determine the body burden ( and MeHg levels in the brain ) ; pemejanan plasma at low levels should in separate analisasecara . Blood samples should be given heparin , and stored in refrigator . In adults who do not normally exposed to levels of mercury in the blood of no more than 1.5 micrograms / dL ; when blood levels 5microgram/dL or more is the threshold for the onset of symptoms of poisoning .
2 ) indirect biological Indicator
When in the presence of suspected acute toxicity of inorganic mercury , baseline BUN , creatinine , electrolytes and urine analysis should dilakukan.Harus monitored for toxicity evaluation in the presence of beta2 - microglubolin ginjal.Harga and retinol binding proteins are useful in the determination ginjal.Juga functions necessary tests on liver function .
Mercury Pollution Problem Solving
According Heroine Fardiaz 1992.Sumber mercury pollution in the environment easily detected from industries that use mercury in prosesnya.masalah faced was how to prevent the occurrence of mercury pollution . Difficulty in preventing mercury pollution caused by mercury has the following properties :
1 ) Mercury is volatile so as to pollute the air .
2 ) Mercury is a liquid that is easy to spread on the surface of the water and hard to collect .
3 ) Mercury undergo translocation in plants and animals .
4 ) Mercury can be transformed by microorganisms present in the sea , rivers or lakes into components which are highly toxic metal mercury , where the presence of the food chain allows accumulate in the human body .
A report prepared by USEnvironment Protection Agency includes several recommendations to prevent mercury pollution in lingkungan.Beberapa recommendations are as follows :
1 ) Pesticides alkyl mercury should not be used anymore
2 ) Use of pesticides other mercury -containing components are restricted to certain areas .
3 ) All the industry- which uses mercury should dispose of industrial waste by first reducing the amount of mercury to the normal range .
Implementation of the recommendations are not entirely solve the problem of mercury pollution in lingkungan.Pencemaran mercury persists in the mud bottom of a river or lake , and produce CH3Hg + is released kebadan water around him . Some mercury decontamination method has been tried in Sweden , which are as follows :
1 ) Sediment at the bottom of the river or lake is covered with materials that have a high absorption capacity .
2 ) Sediment in the bottom of the river or lake is covered with inorganic materials that do not react .
3 ) Sediment containing mercury is removed by means of dredged or pumped
1 ) Direct Biology
Mercury can be measured from :
a) Blood
b ) Urine
c ) Hair
Because mercury has a short half- life time ( 3 days ) , blood analysis only on acute exposure to urine is the best specimen in a state of exposure can kronis.Rambut to analyze the presence of MeHg exposure .
For acute exposure at high levels , a blood test is a good indicator to determine the body burden ( and MeHg levels in the brain ) ; pemejanan plasma at low levels should in separate analisasecara . Blood samples should be given heparin , and stored in refrigator . In adults who do not normally exposed to levels of mercury in the blood of no more than 1.5 micrograms / dL ; when blood levels 5microgram/dL or more is the threshold for the onset of symptoms of poisoning .
2 ) indirect biological Indicator
When in the presence of suspected acute toxicity of inorganic mercury , baseline BUN , creatinine , electrolytes and urine analysis should dilakukan.Harus monitored for toxicity evaluation in the presence of beta2 - microglubolin ginjal.Harga and retinol binding proteins are useful in the determination ginjal.Juga functions necessary tests on liver function .
Mercury Pollution Problem Solving
According Heroine Fardiaz 1992.Sumber mercury pollution in the environment easily detected from industries that use mercury in prosesnya.masalah faced was how to prevent the occurrence of mercury pollution . Difficulty in preventing mercury pollution caused by mercury has the following properties :
1 ) Mercury is volatile so as to pollute the air .
2 ) Mercury is a liquid that is easy to spread on the surface of the water and hard to collect .
3 ) Mercury undergo translocation in plants and animals .
4 ) Mercury can be transformed by microorganisms present in the sea , rivers or lakes into components which are highly toxic metal mercury , where the presence of the food chain allows accumulate in the human body .
A report prepared by USEnvironment Protection Agency includes several recommendations to prevent mercury pollution in lingkungan.Beberapa recommendations are as follows :
1 ) Pesticides alkyl mercury should not be used anymore
2 ) Use of pesticides other mercury -containing components are restricted to certain areas .
3 ) All the industry- which uses mercury should dispose of industrial waste by first reducing the amount of mercury to the normal range .
Implementation of the recommendations are not entirely solve the problem of mercury pollution in lingkungan.Pencemaran mercury persists in the mud bottom of a river or lake , and produce CH3Hg + is released kebadan water around him . Some mercury decontamination method has been tried in Sweden , which are as follows :
1 ) Sediment at the bottom of the river or lake is covered with materials that have a high absorption capacity .
2 ) Sediment in the bottom of the river or lake is covered with inorganic materials that do not react .
3 ) Sediment containing mercury is removed by means of dredged or pumped