Friday, April 4, 2014

Indicator Examination Mercury In Humans

Indicator Examination Mercury In Humans
1 ) Direct Biology
Mercury can be measured from :
a) Blood
b ) Urine
c ) Hair
Because mercury has a short half- life time ( 3 days ) , blood analysis only on acute exposure to urine is the best specimen in a state of exposure can kronis.Rambut to analyze the presence of MeHg exposure .
For acute exposure at high levels , a blood test is a good indicator to determine the body burden ( and MeHg levels in the brain ) ; pemejanan plasma at low levels should in separate analisasecara . Blood samples should be given heparin , and stored in refrigator . In adults who do not normally exposed to levels of mercury in the blood of no more than 1.5 micrograms / dL ; when blood levels 5microgram/dL or more is the threshold for the onset of symptoms of poisoning .
2 ) indirect biological Indicator
When in the presence of suspected acute toxicity of inorganic mercury , baseline BUN , creatinine , electrolytes and urine analysis should dilakukan.Harus monitored for toxicity evaluation in the presence of beta2 - microglubolin ginjal.Harga and retinol binding proteins are useful in the determination ginjal.Juga functions necessary tests on liver function .

Mercury Pollution Problem Solving
According Heroine Fardiaz 1992.Sumber mercury pollution in the environment easily detected from industries that use mercury in prosesnya.masalah faced was how to prevent the occurrence of mercury pollution . Difficulty in preventing mercury pollution caused by mercury has the following properties :
1 ) Mercury is volatile so as to pollute the air .
2 ) Mercury is a liquid that is easy to spread on the surface of the water and hard to collect .
3 ) Mercury undergo translocation in plants and animals .
4 ) Mercury can be transformed by microorganisms present in the sea , rivers or lakes into components which are highly toxic metal mercury , where the presence of the food chain allows accumulate in the human body .
A report prepared by USEnvironment Protection Agency includes several recommendations to prevent mercury pollution in lingkungan.Beberapa recommendations are as follows :
1 ) Pesticides alkyl mercury should not be used anymore
2 ) Use of pesticides other mercury -containing components are restricted to certain areas .
3 ) All the industry- which uses mercury should dispose of industrial waste by first reducing the amount of mercury to the normal range .
Implementation of the recommendations are not entirely solve the problem of mercury pollution in lingkungan.Pencemaran mercury persists in the mud bottom of a river or lake , and produce CH3Hg + is released kebadan water around him . Some mercury decontamination method has been tried in Sweden , which are as follows :
1 ) Sediment at the bottom of the river or lake is covered with materials that have a high absorption capacity .
2 ) Sediment in the bottom of the river or lake is covered with inorganic materials that do not react .
3 ) Sediment containing mercury is removed by means of dredged or pumped

Effects and impacts as a result of exposure to mercury

Effects and impacts as a result of exposure to mercury
The reason why the mercury is one of the health problems due to mercury memliliki affinity ( holding capacity ) specific to the brain and nerve tissue so that exposure and intake of these substances can cause damage at the site tersebut.Terapi pengekatan ( chelating agent is a type of chemical that has a special affinity to the metal ) is necessary because the chelating has a "pull " stronger on the brain and nervous tissue than metilmerkuri.Oleh Therefore , if the poisoning successfully detected early , treatment can be conducted successfully .
The effect and impact caused by exposure to mercury is
1 ) Effect Physiology
The effects of mercury toxicity , especially in the CNS and kidneys where mercury accumulates . Duration , intensity and track as well as the form of mercury exposure affects the system what is effected . The main organs affected by the chronic exposure to mercury and organomerkuri element is the CNS , being the salt of mercury causes damage to the kidneys .
Being on acute poisoning inhaled mercury element have no effect on the respiratory system , is being ingested mercury salts have no effect on cardiovascular pencernaan.Sistem channel is a secondary effect .
2 ) Effects of Neurology
Central nervous system is the primary result of pemejanan element Hg vapor and MeHg . Senyawaini shape penetrate blood brain barrier and can cause irreversible brain damage .
MeHg ingestiakan slow CNS symptoms that may not manives after several months of exposure , and the first symptoms are often non -specific , such as malaes , blurred vision , ataupendengaran lost .
3 ) Effects On Kidney
After the inorganic salt or ingested phenylmercury accumulation will occur that will result in kidney tubular epithelial permiabelitas rise . Exposure to mercury vapor or mercury salts can result in nephrotic syndrome or protein noble , akuta tubular necrosis and renal failure occurs .
4 ) Effect On Growth
A study of MeHg levels in the blood of newborns in comparison with the mother's blood has a significant connection . Babies born to mothers in eating foods containing mercury can suffer brain damage MeHg manifestations :
a) Mental Retardation
b ) Deaf
c ) shrinkage of the visual field
d ) Microcephaly
e ) Ataxia
f ) Blind
g ) Swallowing disorders
5 ) Other Securities
Effects on the respiratory and digestive systems of food poisoning can occur at akut.Inhalasi of elemental mercury can lead to severe damage of the lung tissue , the outopsi found dilatation of the right ventricle resulting in failure of the respiratory system in children Hg.Gastritis steam inhalation and ulcers on the mucosa intestine can occur as a result of ingestion of inorganic salts . Liver damage has also been reported in salt poisoning mercury.Kenaikan or drop in blood pressure has been linked with exposure elemental mercury.Aberasi chromosome found in some workers with mercury

In Mercury Pollution in Water and Environment

In Mercury Pollution in Water and Environment
The use of mercury in industries often cause environmental pollution , either through waste water and air through the ventilation system . Mercury discharged into the river , beach , or body of water around the industry - the industry can then contaminate fish and other water creatures and plants including algae air.Selanjutnya small fish and other water creatures may be eaten by fish or other aquatic animals and larger animals or enter through the gills .
Shells can also mengumpulkanmerkuri in rumahnya.Ikan - fish and animals are then consumed by humans so that humans can collect his preformance mercury . Several studies have shown that all fish are not directly contaminated with mercury during its growth still contains mercury in the body at low concentrations , ie from 0.005 to 0.075 ppm .

Toxicity and Biological Methylation
Poisoning has occurred and is often quite serious poisoning because it can lead to death and disability seumuur living in the tables below shows the five mercury poisoning that claimed quite a lot and going on until 1968 . Poisoning - poisoning is mainly caused by the consumption of mercury-contaminated fish or consumption of grain treated with mercury .

locationyearVictim ( person )Bay of Minamata , JapanIraqwest PakistanGuatemalaNiigata , Japan1953-1960196119631966196843 dead , 68 disability / illness35 dead , 321 disability / illness4 dead , 34 CACT / pain20 dead , 45 disability / illness5 dead , 25 disability / illnessSource: Palar , 1995 .
Although the mechanisms of mercury poisoning in the body is not clear , but some things about the toxicity of mercury can be explained as follows :
1 ) All the components of sufficient quantities of toxic mercury in the body .
2 ) Each component has different characteristics of mercury in their toxicity , accumulation or distribution collection and retention time in the body .
3 ) biological transformation can occur in the environment or in the body where the mercury component is converted from one form into another form .
4 ) The effect of mercury in the body because it can inhibit the alleged action of the enzyme and cause cell damage due to the ability of mercury to be bound by sulfur -containing groups in the molecules present in the enzyme and the cell wall . This situation resulted in inhibition of enzyme activity and chemical reactions are catalyzed by enzymes in the body . The properties of the membrane of the cell wall will be damaged due to the binding of mercury so that normal activities will be disrupted .
5 ) Damage to the body caused by mercury is usually permanent , and has yet to be cured .
People - people who have potential exposure to mercury .
According to the Ministry of Health of Health , 1996 , people who have potential exposure to mercury ( Hg ) are:
1 ) Workers maker of chlorine and soda coustic
2 ) Factory worker batrey , fluorescent lamps , mercury lamps .
3 ) Metelurgis
4 ) miner and processor of HGS , gold , silver , copper and zinc
5 ) factory paint and pigment
6 ) Painters
7 ) Rollers paper
8 ) factory workers as well as spraying of pesticides and fungicides / user
9 ) Pharmaceutical Company
10 ) Plumbers
11 ) cosmetic products
12 ) Dental oersonel
13 ) Electroplators
14 ) Plant explosives
15 ) wool factory workers and tanners
16 ) machine operator sharpener
17 ) Ink Factory
18 ) Workers in hazardous waste site
19 ) Officers laboratory .
Fetuses , infants and children have a high risk for acquiring impact MeHG.MeHG Exposure can cross the placenta , nervous system sensitive to Hg poisoning . Due to high levels of MeHg in breast milk so nursing infants may be exposed . The workers were using mercury or mercury-containing products , and their family members may have a higher risk to mercury exposure , fetuses and children are at highest risk of exposure to the effects of methyl Hg .

Intestinal worms ( Ascariasis )

Intestinal worms ( Ascariasis )
Ascaris lumbricoides worms known as stomach disease is called Ascariasis , usually it can infect several channels associated with the gastrointestinal tract such as the pancreatic duct and bile duct . It also can infect the appendix as well . Usual treatment is done if the gastrointestinal tract is still in use that are crippling worms obat2an like pyrantel pamoate . Pyrantel pamoate will cause interference with the movement of the worm so easily removed through the anus . It can also be used piperazine And ideally combined with the hope laxantif like minyak2 telur2 also issued along with the adult worm worms .
I. Definition
Ascariasis is a disease caused by Ascaris lumbricoides pleh . Presvalensi disease is still quite high because his Cacina cause of this disease in the tropics , is cosmopolitan . ( everywhere ) . Transmission through the worm attached to the vegetables and the food is not clean contaminated worm eggs .
III . environmental component in disease transmission
Ascaris ( intestinal worms ) spread throughout the world , with the greatest frequency is in the humid tropical countries where prevalence rates sometimes reach above 50 % . The prevalence and intensity of infection are highest in children between the ages of 3 and 8 years . In the United States , Ascaris commonly found among immigrants from developing countries . Transmission occurs by swallowing the eggs are fertile of soil contaminated with human feces or from the raw product contaminated with soil containing worm eggs . Transmission does not occur directly from person to person or from fresh feces to people . Transmission occurs most frequently around the house , where the children , in the absence of sanitary latrine facilities , contaminating the area ; infections in children mostly due to ingesting contaminated soil . Contaminated soil helminth eggs can be carried away because it attaches to the foot or footwear into the house , transmission can also occur through the dust .
Eggs reach the ground through the feces , and developing ( embrionasi ) ; at summer temperatures they become infective after 2-3 weeks and then remain infective for several months or several years in soil under suitable conditions . Embrionasi eggs hatch in the intestinal lumen ingested , the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and reach the lungs through the circulatory system . The larvae grow and develop in the lungs ; 9-10 days after infection they enter the alveoli , trachea and swallowed penetrate to reach the small intestine 14-20 days after infection , in the small intestine they grow into adults , mate and begin laying eggs 45-60 days after ingesting eggs terembrionasi .
IV . period of communicability
Fertile adult female worms live in the intestines . Normal lifespan of adult worms was 12 months ; could be more than a maximum of 24 months , female worms can produce more than 200,000 eggs a day . In conditions in which eggs can survive in the soil for many years .
A. Preventive measures :
1 . Educate the public to use the toilet facilities that meet the health requirements .
2 . Provide adequate facilities for proper sewage disposal and prevent contamination of the soil in the area immediately adjacent to the home , especially where children play .
3 . In rural areas , create a public latrine construction in such a way so as to prevent the spread of Ascaris eggs by running water, wind , and others . Compost made ​​from human excrement for use as fertilizer may not kill all the eggs .
4 . Push behave hygienic habits in children , for example, teach them to wash their hands before eating and handling food .
5 . In endemic areas , keeping the food is always closed so as not exposed to dust and dirt . The food that has fallen to the floor should not be eaten unless they have been washed or heated .
B. Treatment
specific : mebendazole ( Vermox ® ) and albendazole ( Zentel ® ) ( also effective against Trichuris trichiura and hookworm , trichuriasis and hookworm see ) . Both of these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy for granted . Deviations Papers worms Disease ( Ascariasis ) migration of ascaris worms have been reported after administration of mebendazole therapy ; but it may also occur with other drugs or therapies migration irregularities may also occur spontaneously in severe infections . Pyrantel pamoate ( Antiminth ® , Combantrin ® ) is also effective in a single dose given ( these drugs may also be used for hookworm , but not for T. trichiura ) .
C. Control of patient , contacts and the immediate environment :
1 . Report to local health authority : official report is usually not done , Class 5 ( see petenteng Reporting) .
2 . Concurrent disinfection : the sewerage sanitary latrines .
3 . Investigation of contacts and source of infection : search and find other people who need diberpengobatan . Note the polluted environment is the source of infection , especially around the homes of people .
4 . Epidemic measures : do the prevalence survey in highly endemic areas , provide public education on environmental sanitation and personal hygiene and provide treatment facilities

Guide How eradication Vector

Guide How eradication VectorDefinition :
Efforts to control vector populations by reducing , preventing bites , prevent mosquito becomes infective ( formed sporozoites in the salivary glands ) or change the environment so it is not suitable for breeding or resting place of vectors.
type of Activity
1.Pengenalan Region ( GR = Geographical Reconnaissance ) .
2.Penyemprotan house with insecticide
3.Pemolesan Netting .
4.Larviciding .
4.Penebaran mosquito larvae -eating fish .
Environmental 5.Modifikasi .
- Hoarding .
- Drying .
Environmental 6.Manipulasi .
- Cleaning of vector breeding places
(removal of moss ) .
- Creation of a liaison channel .
- Drying rice periodic
Introduction Region ( GR = Geographical reconnaissance )
A keg . which includes mapping , census penddk & extra needful For familiar situations village / hamlet that will be covered keg . spraying the house and active case detection ( ACD = Active Case Detection )
As the basis for operational planning and facilitate field officers know where the target activity and facilitate the supervision and evaluation of activities .
target Locations
Villages / hamlets which will be spraying the house and active case detection ( ACD ) .
House spraying ( IRS )
An activity with a certain dose of insecticide spraying evenly outwardly home that must be sprayed by using a syringe with a standard eradication of Malaria .
prevent mosquito becomes infective ( formed sporozoites within the salivary glands ) so there is no transmission .
target-target Locations
- Regional / high malaria endemic villages
- Location outbreaks
? ? Target Building
- All buildings at night is used as - a place to stay or other activities ( mosque , patrol substation , )
Large cattle enclosure surrounding the home stay
Spraying Effective When :
• Transmission occurs in the home ( indoor biting , the incidence of positive baby )
• Vector resting on the wall
• Residents receive spraying and ill in the night outdoors
• Spread the morbidly complicate spraying operations .
polishing Netting
An activity dyeing nets with insecticide solution given certain doses pd .
target Locations
• Rural / high malaria endemic village .
• The village / hamlet outbreak .
• In areas where spraying is not effective house .
• All residents in one hamlet / village ,
Event Effective When
• Transmission occurs in the home
• biting habits of malaria vectors within the house with the peak bite after 22:00 hours ;
• Residents do not sleep until late at night ( watching tv , and other activities within the home ) , and ill be outside the house the night . People want to use mosquito nets
Stocking fish eaters Flick
A larva -eating fish stocking activities / mosquito larvae on potential breeding places .
• The villages focus / endemic malaria where there is a potential vector breeding places of permanent water .
• The breeding
- Springs .
- Children of the river .
- Drains in terraced rice fields
- Dams for rice / water .
- Inland marshes .
- Swamp coastal areas with brackish water .
Accumulation vector breeding place
An activity that is performed to eliminate vector breeding places by landfill .
? ? Village / hamlet which has a high malaria endemic puddles and potential as a vector breeding places .
? ? Regional development priorities .
Breeding places :
? ? Extent limited and can be managed technically and economically .
? ? Potential as breeding places and the radius vector mosquito flight range of the residential areas ( 1 km ) .
Spraying Needs Plan
Requirement calculation Spray -can :
The number of homes in a single year targetsHKS 25 X 8 home / person / day ( Output )
ex :
HKS 25 x 8 rmh / person / day
= 10 spray -can
perhitungsn Total Power Sprayers
The number of homes in a single year targetsOutput X HKS
ex :
2000 homes8 x 25 = 10 sprayers
Note : The head of the team in charge of 5 power sprayers
Calculation of working days spray
The number of homes in a single year targetsOutput X number of sprayers Ex :
2000 homes8 x 10
= 25 HKS
Insecticides calculation
Jlh rmh targets within 1 yr x average rmh wide x Dose x 100insecticide formulations to be used
Ex : Bendiocarb ( Ficam 80 WP )
2000 x 200 x 0.2 x 100/80 = 100,000 lb ( 100 kg )
Ex : Lamdasyhalotrin 10 WP ( Icon 10 WP )
2000 x 200 x 0,025 x 100/10 = 100,000 lb ( 100 kg )
Fulfillment dose used
ex :
Number rmh sprayed in the village of A = 630 rmh
Jlh Bendiocarb in use = 95 kg ( 95000 g )
Average Housing area = 200 m2
Fulfillment dose = 95000

-------------- X 80/ 100 630 X 200

= 0.6 g
? ? things that must be considered :
Clothing Sprayers : at least 2 sets ? ? Tool Kit : 1 team 1 set ? ? Direct Supervision : Because there is no trace ? ? Clincher supervised :
- Preparation of Spraying
- Mixing , pumps , etc.
- How Carrying Spraycan
- Begin Spraying