Friday, April 4, 2014

Discussion Understanding Sanitary Landfill Sanitary Landfill

Discussion Understanding Sanitary Landfill Sanitary Landfill can be seen in the post below :
Sanitary Landfill Ad / : A way to the place where the garbage disposal is low and covered with soil to meet the requirements - sanitary requirements . Garbage is transported and disposed of to a place that is far away from settlements with backfilled soil layer after layer , after the first litter and the soil compacted .
Important aspects in the operation of the sanitary landfill
1 . The election of factors that should be considered :

The land area required ( Age Sanitary Landfill , Total Trash ) .
distance haulage
The state of the ground
Ground water
geology and hydrology .
Environmental conditions
End use after completion of the Sanitary Landfill ( parking lot , Golf Course , warehouse etc. )
2 . The reaction that occurs in SL who have perfect
3 . Various methods of sanitary landfills
4 . Gas and leachate from landfills
Technical requirements of the sanitary landfill

Compacting garbage every day ( Daily Cell of refuse )
Landfill every day as thick as ± 15 CM after compacted ( Daily earth cover )
After reaching a certain height , it is the final cover of soil about 70 cm when compressed ( top earth cover )
Requires ventilation ( perforated pipe - hole ) for chemical processes , biological and physical decay during and stabilizing .
Equipment and facilities for Sanitary Landfill

Tractor equipped Bucket and Shovel . 1 piece for a max of 50,000 inhabitants , and each additional 50,000 residents require the addition of a tractor .
Place u / rest and where u / store equipment , as well as a complete office with wc and water supplies .
fire brigade
Water trucks and water pumps
Traffic signs
Insects and insecticide spraying equipment
Fencing to prevent trash strewn .
Equipment weighing vehicles and garbage .
Failure sanitary landfill
In general sanitary landfill is influenced by :
1 . season
2 . Frekueni garbage collection ( scavengers )
3 . Lack of tools and fire costs , accidents and t4 biological vector
Advantages & Disadvantages of Discussion Sanitary Landfill
1 . profit

When the available land is very economical method ( sanitasix )
Once completed it can be used as lpngn parking , airport etc.
Lower initial capital investment compared with other methods
The gas produced from the decomposition process if managed properly can be utilized as energy .
2 . loss

Land that is not available in areas of high population density
A decrease in the surface , so it requires regular maintenance
Should be closed every day that require power .
Combustible methane gas and other gaseous decomposition results may pose danger

Medical Waste Trash hospital medical

Medical Waste Trash hospital medical
A. Definition of Medical Waste
Ad medical waste / litter derived from medical, nursing , dental , veteranary , pharmaceutical at / birds of a feather , research , treatment , care , research at / education that uses materials that are toxic, infectious , dangerous or potentially dangerous unless done certain safeguards .
According to the MOH . Medical Waste ad / various types of hospital discharges resultant & health care units according to which interchangeable harm and cause health problems for the visitors , especially public officials handle y .
Medical Waste ad / generally 10-15 % of waste that is generated o / health care facilities .
B. Categories of Medical Waste
? ? Waste pharmaceuticals ad / waste that contains pharmaceutical ingredients . Exemplarily : drugs that expire at / not needed anymore , which contaminated items at / containing the drug .
? ? Pathological waste ad / network at / pieces of the human body . Example : body parts , blood and other body fluids that termaasuk fetus .
? ? Waste citotoksik ad / material that is contaminated at / may be contaminated with citotoksik drugs during compounding , transporting at / action citotoksik therapy .
? ? Chemical Waste ad / generated from chemical use within the medical act , vetenary , laboratory , sterilization process and research . Example : reagents in the laboratory , the film u / x-rays , disinfectants which expired at / been dispensable , solen . This waste category of hazardous waste if it has some properties ( toxic , corrosive ( PH12 ) , absolute burning , reactive (explosive , react dg water , prone gocangan ) , genotoxic .
? ? Radioactive waste ad / material that is contaminated with radio-isotopes derived from medical use at / research radionukleida . Origin is a waste / l of acts of nuclear medicine , radio immunoassay and bacteriological pervasive form of solid , liquid , and gas . Example : Unresponsive unused liquid from terapiradioaktif at / research in the laboratory .
? ? Waste plastic ad / plastic material cast- o / clinics , hospitals and other health care facilities such as dissposable goods which is made of plastic and also coating equipment and medical supplies .
? ? Waste with high content of heavy metals such as battery weight , which broke the thermometer , blood pressure gauges .
? ? Pressurized containers such as anesthetic gas cylinders , gas cartridges gas , aerosol cans , respiratory therapy equipment , gaseous oxygen at / liquid .
C. Management of Medical Waste
1 . Hoarding ( Separation & Reduction )

The process of selecting and waste reduction should be a continuous process that must take into consideration that its implementation : the smooth handling and waste collection , treatment with a reduction in the volume of waste separation and non B3 B3 and B3 avoid the use of chemicals , packaging & labeling that is clear from the various types of waste u / cost efficiency , personnel and disposal .
2 . reception
The waste collection containers that are strong , easy morbidly leak at / mossy , avoid tearing at break, having closed and morbidly overload .
Polling conducted within medical management waste treatment standards such as bags and containers by using a variety of colors such as bags that have been established within Permenkes RI no . 986/Men.Kes/Per/1992 where yellow bag with biohazard emblem u / trash infectious , purple bag with symbol citotoksik u / citotoksik waste , red bag with symbol raioaktif u / radioactive waste and black bag with the words " domestic "
2 ) External Transportation :
ü Transportation to place medical waste disposal outside ( off-site ) .
ü Transportation memerluakan external implementation procedures that must be followed precisely and that the officer involved .
ü These procedures include meeting local transportation regulations .
ü medical waste transported within a special container , to be strong and ill leak .
3 ) . Treatment & Disposal
The method that is used u / processing and dispose of medical waste depends pd special factors peculiar to the institutions with which associated with the prevailing regulations and environmental aspects that affect the community .
Medical waste treatment technology ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
3 ) The technology of processing medical waste ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
? ? Incenerasi
? ? With hot steam sterilization / autoclaving ( pd -temperature saturated steam conditions of 121 ° C )
? ? Sterilization with gas ( gas that is used in the form of ethylene oxide at / formaldehyde )
? ? Chemical disinfection process with grinding ( to use as a chemical liquid ( disinfectant )
? ? High temperature inactivation
? ? With ultraviolet radiation at / ionizing radiation such as Co60
? ? microwave treatment
? ? Grinding and shredding ( homogenization process at the shape / size of the bins )
? ? Compression / compaction , with the goal u / reduce the volume of which is formed

Functions home to Man

Functions home to Man

a. Home function for humans by Anwar (1999), among others

1) As a place to unwind, relax after a tired day-to-day obligations.

2) As a place to hang out with family or builder a sense of family for all the family there.

3) As a place to protect themselves from possible dangers that come threatening.

4) As a place for social status owned.

5) Sebgai place to release or store valuables they have.

b. According to Gunawan (1979), APHA has researched and formulated four basic functions of the function are:

1) As a place to meet physical needs

2) As a place to meet spiritual needs.

3) As a place of protection against the transmission of infectious diseases.

4) As a place of protection against tampering or accidents.

Psychological Requirements healthy home

Psychological Requirements healthy home
Psychological requirements
Healthy home should have a good division of space , the arrangement of furniture is neat , not over cowding , and so on . Psychological requirements over cowding cause negative effects on physical health , mental , and moral . The spread of communicable diseases are rapidly occurring solid occupants . In addition , areas like this , the bustle and noise will increase , which will cause disturbance to tranquility , whether individuals , families , and entire communities around it . In addition , tranquility and confidentiality (privacy ) of each individual will be protected and will result in decreased morale accesses . Housing legislation in some developed countries authorize the government to menaggualangi problems like this . Home or residence revealed over cowding when the number of people who slept at home that shows the following .
1 ) Two individuals of different sexes , and the age of ten years and not bersetatus as husband and wife , slept in one room .
2 ) The number of persons in the household than the floor area exceeds the specified provisions . Healthy home is a house that is not over crowding the tranquility and comfort of a person could be disrupted if the residence or house belonged to the over- crowding

Biogas Formation Process

Biogas Formation Process
Biogas is produced from the decay process in the field of raw materials in the digester tank . Biogas is a byproduct HSIL than the decay of organic matter . Decay process can be aerobic or anaerobic . In the process of aerobic decomposition , aerobic bacteria use oxygen and produce ammonia , anaerobic bacteria remodel organic material into biogas , dirt , and organic fertilizer
liquid . The process of decomposition of organic matter is carried out by microorganisms in the fermentation process . Work processes rather than the bacteria can be divided into three stages , namely polymer breakdown stage ( Stage 1 ) , organic acids pembentuka phase ( Phase 2 ) and methane production phase ( Phase 3 ) .
Phase 1 ( Solving polymer )
At this stage a group of microorganisms to decompose organic substrates . This decomposition is done by various types of bacteria . The bacteria that play a role , among others, have cellulolytic enzymes , lipolytic and proteolytic . The resulting enzyme hydrolysis accelerates the polymer becomes soluble monomers which is a substrate for microorganisms second stage . Cellulolytic bacteria play a role in this stage . The optimum working temperature is 50-60 ° C ( bacteria thermophilik ) and temperature 30
- 40 ° C ( bacteria mesophilik ) . Both groups cellulolytic working in a pH range of six to seven . In this process the possibility of a decrease in pH can occur due to the formation of organic acids . This needs to be stabilized by the addition of lime solution . If the bacteria stage 2 and stage 3 have been working and equilibrium reactions in the pH range from seven systems . Working synergistically always occur among the various kinds of bacteria in the breakdown of the polymer becomes soluble monomers . One study showed that the rate of breakdown of the polymer was higher in medium containing a mixture of cellulolytic bacteria and nonselulolitik than in medium containing pure cultures of cellulolytic bacteria . The monomer formation stage is the stage of decomposition of the waste time in controlling this . It is caused by bacteria fermenter working very slow compared with the bacteria working stage 2 and stage 3 . The decomposition rate depends on temperature , type of substrate and pH of the system .
Phase 2 ( Formation of Organic Acids )
Bacteria at this stage produces organic acids are formed from soluble monomer compounds . The results of this greatest of bacteria asetogenik is acetic acid , propionic acid and laktet . Methanogenic bacteria largely utilized acetic acid . Several species of methanogenic bacteria can produce methane from hydrogen gas
and carbon dioxide , which is where this material be produced during the decomposition of carbohydrates . Besides methane can also be produced by reduction of methanol or other byproducts during the breakdown of carbohydrates . Microbiology in ditahap process is not yet clear . Some species of bacteria work in this stage , and the proportion of acid , hydrogen gas , carbon dioxide and alcohol produced depends on the existing fra and environmental conditions .
Phase 3 ( Methane Production )
Methanogenic bacteria are very sensitive to the environment . This is because the bacteria must be in a state of the anaerobic , then a small amount of oxygen can hinder pertumbuhanny . Not only that , these bacteria are also conserved to a compound that has a high oxidation state such as nitrite and nitrate . These bacteria are also sensitive to changes in pH . The optimal pH range for the production of methane is 7.0 to 7.2 , but the gas is still reproduced in the range of 6.6 to 7.6 . if the pH is below 6.6 will be a limiting factor for bacteria and pH below 6.2 will eliminate the ability of methanogenic bacteria . In such circumstances asetogenik bacteria remain active until pH 4,5 - 5.0, so that the necessary buffer to neutralize the pH . Some compounds are toxic to the bacteria . The compounds include ammonia ( over 1500 -3000 mg / l ) , total ammonia nitrogen at pH above 7.4 , ammonium ions ( more than 3000 mg / l of total ammonia nitrogen at pH sedmbarang ) , dissolved sulfide ( more than 50-100 mg / l ) and salt solution of some metals such as copper , zinc and nickel .