impact due to the depletion of the ozone layer in the air
Ozone hole
The Antarctic ozone hole is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer between a certain height around the Antarctic in the spring . The formation of ' holes ' that occurs every September and recovered to normal on through the spring or early summer .
In October 1987 , 1989, 1990 and 1991 , the ozone hole has been traced throughout extensive Antarctic with 60 % increase in ozone reduction compared with the pre - ozone hole surface . In October 1991, the lowest level ever recorded atmospheric ozone have occurred across Antarctica .
Deterioration of the global ozone
Background and satellite measurements showed a significant reduction in the number of column ozone in the winter and summer for both the northern and southern hemispheres at middle and high latitudes . This downward flow was found in 1980 is rather large when compared with 1970. There was no statistically significant flow can be determined for the tropics during the 1980s . With the advancement of computer models for stratospheric ozone destruction can explain the observation of the flow of the amount of ozone in the mid- height of the summer , but only a portion of it in the cool season . This is significant for the future of the global ozone changes can not be predicted anymore .
The use of satellites around the pole like a NASA satellite that carries equipment Nimbus7 " Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer " ( TOMS ) have revolutionized the monitoring of ozone since 20 years ago . Good notch above the horizon and the ability of each satellite to travel landscape around the world , providing better coverage of the ground stations . This is a very high value to determine the global flow . The accuracy of satellite sensors use the same principle with the Dobson spectrophotometer .
Dobson spectrophotometer
Spectrophotometer was first created in 1920 by Gordon Dobson to measure the amount of ozone . Today there are approximately 80 types of tools to use throughout the world in measuring the amount of ozone . Dobson ozone spectrophotometer measure by comparing the amount of UV radiation at a distance of two . One powerful traceable wavelength with ozone when the other one does not . The difference between the sum of the two beams is directly related to the amount of ozone .
ozone sonde
Ozone sonde is an electrochemical cell and a radio conductor that is attached to a balloon containing hydrogen gas that can reach a height of approximately 35 km . Air put in a small cell with a pump . Solvents mixed with ozone in the cell , producing currents that yield electrically equal to the amount of ozone . Cues from the top of the code and the modified cells delivered to the recipient via a radio station . From the release of balloons to failure , typically about 35 km , is providing a sprinkling uprise sonde ozone .
Measures world
In 1975, human activity is feared would threaten the ozone layer . By the request of the " United Nations Environment Programme " ( UNEP ) , WMO Global Ozone Research and start Monitoring Project to coordinate monitoring and investigations of ozone in the long run .
All data from monitoring the worldwide footprint delivered to the World Ozone Data Center in Toronto , Canada , is available to the international scientific community .
In 1977 , UNEP expert meeting to take action against the World Plan of the ozone layer ; in 1987, UNEP Montreal Protocol took over materials that reduce the ozone layer .
This protocol introduces a set of capacities , including a schedule of actions , overseeing the production and the release of CFCs into the environment. This allows the level of use and the associated production of CFCs to descend to the level during 1986 in 1989 , and a reduction of as much as 50 % in 1999
Ozone hole
The Antarctic ozone hole is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer between a certain height around the Antarctic in the spring . The formation of ' holes ' that occurs every September and recovered to normal on through the spring or early summer .
In October 1987 , 1989, 1990 and 1991 , the ozone hole has been traced throughout extensive Antarctic with 60 % increase in ozone reduction compared with the pre - ozone hole surface . In October 1991, the lowest level ever recorded atmospheric ozone have occurred across Antarctica .
Deterioration of the global ozone
Background and satellite measurements showed a significant reduction in the number of column ozone in the winter and summer for both the northern and southern hemispheres at middle and high latitudes . This downward flow was found in 1980 is rather large when compared with 1970. There was no statistically significant flow can be determined for the tropics during the 1980s . With the advancement of computer models for stratospheric ozone destruction can explain the observation of the flow of the amount of ozone in the mid- height of the summer , but only a portion of it in the cool season . This is significant for the future of the global ozone changes can not be predicted anymore .
The use of satellites around the pole like a NASA satellite that carries equipment Nimbus7 " Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer " ( TOMS ) have revolutionized the monitoring of ozone since 20 years ago . Good notch above the horizon and the ability of each satellite to travel landscape around the world , providing better coverage of the ground stations . This is a very high value to determine the global flow . The accuracy of satellite sensors use the same principle with the Dobson spectrophotometer .
Dobson spectrophotometer
Spectrophotometer was first created in 1920 by Gordon Dobson to measure the amount of ozone . Today there are approximately 80 types of tools to use throughout the world in measuring the amount of ozone . Dobson ozone spectrophotometer measure by comparing the amount of UV radiation at a distance of two . One powerful traceable wavelength with ozone when the other one does not . The difference between the sum of the two beams is directly related to the amount of ozone .
ozone sonde
Ozone sonde is an electrochemical cell and a radio conductor that is attached to a balloon containing hydrogen gas that can reach a height of approximately 35 km . Air put in a small cell with a pump . Solvents mixed with ozone in the cell , producing currents that yield electrically equal to the amount of ozone . Cues from the top of the code and the modified cells delivered to the recipient via a radio station . From the release of balloons to failure , typically about 35 km , is providing a sprinkling uprise sonde ozone .
Measures world
In 1975, human activity is feared would threaten the ozone layer . By the request of the " United Nations Environment Programme " ( UNEP ) , WMO Global Ozone Research and start Monitoring Project to coordinate monitoring and investigations of ozone in the long run .
All data from monitoring the worldwide footprint delivered to the World Ozone Data Center in Toronto , Canada , is available to the international scientific community .
In 1977 , UNEP expert meeting to take action against the World Plan of the ozone layer ; in 1987, UNEP Montreal Protocol took over materials that reduce the ozone layer .
This protocol introduces a set of capacities , including a schedule of actions , overseeing the production and the release of CFCs into the environment. This allows the level of use and the associated production of CFCs to descend to the level during 1986 in 1989 , and a reduction of as much as 50 % in 1999