Thursday, April 3, 2014

sense - the sense of beauty in some countries

sense - the sense of beauty in some countriessense - the sense of beauty according to some beautiful country is very desirable for every woman ever to understand more details on the challenge can see there is a beautiful post below from various countries :

Japan .
In Japan , the skin is the key to beauty . Women in Japan have soft & beautiful skin with no scars , especially on their face . This is because Japanese women like to consume foods and beverages that contain collagen . In Japan , collagen is very easy to find in supermarkets , even many restaurants that provide meals that contain collagen . Their goal is to consume collagen in order to keep their skin smooth , because collagen is the major protein that make up 75 % of skin area and serves to provide strength and smoothness to the skin . Caucasian woman in Japan is fine , but still not feel complete without the straight hair , straight hair because it is considered beautiful in Japan , and most Japanese women hairs were indeed straight . Straight hair is likened to a beautiful girl in Japan .
Taboo .
In Burma and Thailand , members of the Kayan tribe begin their beauty rituals from a young age . At the age of 5 years , they 've put a circular bracelet around his neck . The neck bracelets continue to be added along with their growth , and it makes them more long neck like a giraffe 's neck . For them , a long neck with a bracelet that shines is a sign of their position and grandeur . Heavy bracelet neck can reach 22 pounds or about 10.5 pounds .
India .
Definition of Female Beauty in India mix turmeric , lemon , and honey to rub into their skin , in the days of celebrations such as weddings or family events . They always wear jewelry , and brightly colored clothes and a red mark on their foreheads at certain moments . Red mark on their foreheads called kumkum and they think it makes them more menarik.Hampir around the world know , that women in India have beautiful skin and hair , and it has been helping women in the United States ( U.S. ) who want to lengthen their hair with a hair clamp technique . What do beautiful hair in India with the women in the U.S. ? Approximately 25 % of false hair in the U.S. come from the results of the sacrifice of the women in India . The women in India sacrifice their hair for Hindu religious ceremonies , and they believe that they really like the hair gods . The Hindu Temple of automated arrival of a lot of hair , then, do all the hair ? The hair turns out they are selling to the market , and profit as much as 18 million dollars per year ( $ 1 = U.S. $ 10,340 ) . an expert hairdresser said that the quality is the best quality Indian hair .
Iran .
For women in Iran , beauty is to have tiny sharp nose . The women in Iran are very happy with the beautiful , petite nose , because in Iran women usually wear clothes that cover the body from head to toe , except the face . But the question is " Does everyone have a beautiful nose and petite ? " the answer is " No. " Indeed most women in Iran have a big nose , and therefore , they are willing to do everything they can to fix their noses . Usually they do surgery to beautify their noses , and therefore , the state of Iran is the country with the largest number of nose jobs in the world . It turns out that in addition to beauty, they also determine the status or position , and they usually wear some sort of plaster on their noses as a sign that they have nose surgery . The funny thing is , a lot of women in Iran who wears nose tape even though they do not perform surgery .
Brazil is the largest consuming a diet pill in the world , because the women in Brazil wants to have a slim body . In addition to eating a diet pill , brazil women also love fitness and perform surgery . Just as women in Iran who likes to do nose surgery , Brazilian women also often perform plastic surgery . Plastic surgery in Brazil is the largest plastic surgery in the world , to the point that many magazines in Brazil that specifically discusses plastic surgery . Operation and beauty is very important in Brazil and strangely , you can perform operations in Brazil in installments / credit , so you will not be surprised the poor can also operating in Brazil . Brazilian women have spent three quarters of his salary just for beauty treatments .
Secret Beauty in Indonesia is slim . In Indonesia there is a post- pregnant body slimming method using stagen . Stagen wrapped around the body , to suppress stomach and large waist after pregnancy . Wearing stagen make the wearer feel a little sick , because of the pressure exerted stagen hard enough .

understanding and kind Mobilization

understanding and kind Mobilization
A. Definition of Mobilization

Mobilization is the ability to move freely , regularly to meet the needs of healthy living to independence Mobilization : Early mobilization is wisdom guiding patients as soon as possible to get out of bed and walking as soon as possible to guide him ( Soelaiman , 1993) . According to Carpenito ( 2000) , early mobilization is an important aspect in the physiological function because it is essential to maintain independence . Both of these definitions can be concluded that early mobilization is an effort to maintain independence as early as possible by guiding the patient to maintain physiological function . The concept of early mobilization - originally derived from an early ambulation returns gradually - gradually to earlier mobilization stage to prevent complications ( Roper , 1996)

Mobilization is divided into 2 , namely :

1 . Namely active exercise on bones and joints that can be done alone without the help of perawata or family
2 . Passive is a passive mobilization exercises given to clients who experience muscle weakness in the form of an arm or leg muscle exercise on bones and joints where the client can not do it alone , so clients need assistance or family caregivers . Passive mobilization should be done since the first day the client is not allowed to leave the bed or clients who rarely moves resulting in stiffness in the muscles , so in this case the passive mobilization

B. Benefits Mobilization

Maintain the flexibility of the spine and sendis
Guard against the fragility tulangs
Increase strength otots

C. - Things To Look For In Mobilization

Consider the general state of the patient , whether to feel fatigue , dizziness or kecapaians
Make sure the rings and jewelery removed to prevent swelling and lukas
Make sure the clothes in a state longgars
Do not do to people with broken tulangs
Do not do physical exercise as soon as the patient makans
Use the correct body movements to avoid strain or injury to the sufferers
Use the power with a comfortable grip when doing latihans
Movement of body parts smoothly , quietly and beriramas
Avoid movements that are too sulits
If a seizure during exercise , hentikans
If there is stiffness in the local press that stiff , continue training with perlahans

D. Movement - movement mobilization

1 . Hold the movement of the shoulder and elbow sufferers a hand movement , and lift shoulder-width apart , rotate outward and dalams Put your hands on the head of the movement in the elbow , then back to position awals
Hand movements with the arm closer towards the body , until hands reach lains

2 . Create a movement of the elbow angle of 90 0 to the last movement of the arm above the elbow and down to make the movement a half lingkarans arm movement by bending your elbows close to dagus

3 . Hold the patient's hand movements such as shaking hands , and turn your wrist tangans hand movement while bending bawahs hand to hand movement while bending the hand keatass
4 . Turn the movement of the fingers of the hand fingers persatus In doing thumb movement away from the index finger and closer , and then hold the finger - a different finger .

5 . Hold the movement of the foot below the ankle and knee and lift up to 30 o and putars
Movement by bending the knee to 90 feet and hold your os kekaki Lift one foot and then move menjauhs Turn to preformance and to luars Perform an emphasis on the soles out and kedalams toes bend - bend and in turn

6 . Hold the patient's neck movement and the movement of the left cheek and neck movement kekanans bend forward and backward

Source: Erb , Kozier , Olivier . , 1997. Fundamental Of Nursing , Concept , Process and Practice , Fourth Edition , Addison Wesley , S

Free Radicals & ; antioxidants

Free Radicals & ; antioxidantsFree Radicals
Free radicals are defined as atoms / molecules / compounds containing one or more unpaired electrons . Because of chemical , molecular unpaired , free radicals tend to react with a molecule of the cell body . Then the compounds cause abnormal ( free radical new, more reactive ) and start a chain reaction that can damage vital cells . Some parts of the body that are susceptible to free radical attack , among others ; damage DNA , cell membranes , proteins , lipid peroxide , and autoimmune human aging process . In the medical field , it is known that free radicals are the culprit various pathological conditions such as liver disease , coronary heart disease , cancer , diabetes , cataracts , heart disease , and premature aging processes .
Examples of free radicals are superoxide ( O2 - ) , hydroxyl ( OH - ) , nitrous oxide ( NO ) , hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) , hypochlorous acid ( HOCl ) , Thill ( RS - ) and others . The degree of strength of each different free radicals , and the most dangerous compounds are hydroxyl radical ( OH - ) because it has the highest reactivity . Free radicals present in the body over a variety of ways , but generally arise due to a variety of biochemical processes in the body , a byproduct of the process of cell oxidation or combustion takes place at a time breathing , cell metabolism , excessive exercise , inflammation , or when the body is exposed environmental pollutants such as car exhaust , cigarette smoke , pollutants and solar radiation .
Based on the above explanation, it means our bodies are highly susceptible to free radical attack , especially from free radicals in the body's natural and environmental pollution . But why not all of us get diseases that harm the body ?
This is because of the presence of neutralizing free radicals in our bodies or are called antioxidants . These antioxidants will stop the chain reaction of free radicals in the body depends on the type of antioxidant . Primary antioxidants will work to prevent the formation of new free radicals by converting free radicals into molecules that have less negative impact . Examples of primary antioxidants are Superoxide Dismustase ( SOD ) , glutathione peroxidase ( GPx ) , and metal -binding proteins . The second is a secondary antioxidant which works by mengkhelat metal that acts as a pro - oxidant , capturing radicals and prevent the occurrence of a chain reaction . For example : Vitamin E , Vitamin C , b -carotene . And lastly tertiary antioxidants that work to repair the damage caused by free radicals biomolecules . Examples of enzymes that repair DNA and methionine reductase sulfosida .
That is why our bodies are still healthy even though very susceptible to free radical attack at every second . And that should continue to be considered is the supply of antioxidants in the body must be available in sufficient quantities . For that antioxidant supplements from outside is needed to prevent the ill effects of free radicals .
But you should not worry too much , beyond antioxidant supplements in question here does not merely mean synthetic supplements or supplement the results of human products that are sold on the market such as butylated hydroxyanisole , vitamin supplements , minerals , food supplements or polyphenols are widely available in beverage products . because basically consciously or unconsciously , every day you have to consume antioxidants . Various antioxidants have been found naturally mainly in vegetables , fruits , spices , and a little in animal products .
Natural antioxidantsHere are some plants that potentially contains natural antioxidants and is all around us :plantKind of Efficacious AntioxidantsVegetablesBroccoli , Cabbage , Radish , Carrots , Tomatoes , Spinach , Chili , Beans , Pare , Leunca , Corn , Kale , takokak , CucumberFruitsGrapes , Avocado , Orange , Kiwi , Watermelon , Passion Fruit , Apple , Carambola , Papaya , CoconutspiceGinger , Ginger , Turmeric , galangal , Temumangga , Temuputih , Powder , Cardamom , Bangle , temugiring , Pepper , Clove , Nutmeg , Tamarind , Kandis acidother plantsTea , Sweet Potato , Soybean , Potato , Keluwak , Yellow Pumpkin , Pete China

Source: Hernani and Mono Rahardjo (2006 )
From the above table it is known that a lot of plants that we eat every day contain antioxidants . The antioxidant compounds scattered in various parts of plants such as roots , stems , bark , twigs , leaves , flowers , fruits , and seeds . This natural antioxidant function as a reducing agent , suppressing singlet oxygen , free radical trapper , and as metal chelators . Chemically natural antioxidants found in plants is mainly derived from the class of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids derivatives , derivatives hidroksiamat acid compound , coumarin , tocopherol and organic acids .
The antioxidant activity of various plants above are estimated to have moderate to high strength . Some plant extracts that have been known to have high antioxidant activity , among others from the class of spices such as clove extract , ginger , turmeric , ginger , cinnamon , and nutmeg . Then offcinalis Rosmarinus flower extract , cayenne extract , tea leaf , leaf god , red fruit is also known to have high antioxidant activity . Especially for spices , antioxidant activity of dried spices are generally more active than fresh herbs .
Dinna Sofia . , 2005. Adan Antioxidants Free Radicals . ACID Magazine , State University of Lampung Edisis III / Year V / May 2005 , ISSN : 1410-1858 . Lampung
Fesenden and Fesenden . , 1982. Organic Chemistry Volume 2 . Erland . Jakarta
Hernani and Mono Rahardjo . , 2006. Antioxidants Efficacious plants . Self spreader . Jakarta
Online Mind . , 2008. Antioxidants , Antiaging Din Magical Substances

Muscle System pda human anatomy and blood peredarah system in the human body

Muscle System pda human anatomy and blood peredarah system in the human body

The muscular system is the body system that has fugnsi like to tool motion , determine the store glycogen and body posture . Consists of smooth muscle , the muscle jantungdan rangka.Arti muscle definition / understanding Network is a group of cells that have the shape , structure and function the same . So the muscle tissue is a group of muscle cells . To move our limbs , muscular system is needed . The muscular system is composed of several parts separated from each other called muscles . Most of the skeletal muscle kitamelekat . Muscles can contract and can also be tightened . Olehkarena , muscle arrangement is a system tool for control of active motion and posisitubuh us . At every muscle seen some jerked the active part mengerut.Otot is active locomotor able to move the bones , skin danrambut after receiving stimulation . Muscles have three special abilities are:
Ø kontraktibilitas : the ability to contract / shorten 2 . Extensibility : the ability to perform the opposite movement of gerakanyang generated during contraction
Ø Elasticity : the ability of the muscle to return to its original size after contraction . When returning to the original size of the state of muscle relaxation disebutdalam According to its location , the muscle can be divided into the muscles of the body trunk , limb muscles and the muscles of the head . Body trunk muscles consist of the abdominal muscles , back muscles , chest muscles and neck muscles . Back muscles are not visible from permukaantubuh . Back muscles function to spinal movements . Terentangantara abdominal muscles and the pelvic girdle to the chest . These muscles can be shortened actively .
According to the type of muscle while essentially consists of :
A. The parts of muscle :
· Sarkolema : the membrane that lines the muscle cells that function as a protective muscle
· Sarcoplasmic : liquid muscle cells whose function is to be a place where myofibrils danmiofilamen
· Myofibrils is in the muscle fibers .
· Miofilamen : benang-benang/filamen refined from myofibrils . Miofibrilterbagi on 2 kinds , namely : miofilamen homogeneous (located on smooth muscle ) danmiofilamen heterogeneous (located in the heart muscle / muscle and in skeletal muscle cardiak / ototlurik ) . Miofilamen In the kontaraktil proteins are called aktomiosin ( aktindan myosin ) , and tropomyosin tropopin . When muscles contract ( shorten ) the protein actin is working and if we do a muscle relaxation ( lengthening ) the myosin at work .
Muscle tissue consists of : 1 . Plain muscle ( voluntary muscles )
· Other names : muscle tools in / visceral / musculus nonstriated / involuntary muscle
· Structure : long fibers such as coil shape , with a pointed end , amounted to one located dibagiann denganinti middle .
· Contraction : not according to the will or outside the control of the central nervous system , slow motion , rhythmic and not easily tired .
· Smooth muscle is one muscle that has a smooth shape and bergelondong . How it works is not realized ( not as desired ) / invontary , has a nucleus which is located in the center of the cell . This muscle is usually a digestive padasaluran such as the stomach and intestines .
Circulatory system

Human circulatory system is composed of the heart as the center peredarandarah , blood vessels and blood was sendiri.A.JantungJantung has four chambers : two perfect split foyer ( the atria ) and two chambers ( ventricles ) and is located in the upper chest cavity sebeh .
a) DarahPembuluh blood vessels consist of arteries and veins . Denganvena directly related artery in the capillaries and venules are connected by a section of its endothelium . Located adjacent arteries and veins . Artery walls thicker than vein wall . The walls of arteries and veins have three layers , namely the inner layer which Consist endothelium , the middle layer is composed of smooth muscle with elastic fibers danlapisan outermost consisting of connective tissue coupled with elastic fibers . Cabangterkecil of arteries and veins called capillaries . Yangsangat capillaries have a diameter small and only has a single layer of endothelium and a human circulatory basal.Sistem membrane consists of :
a) Small Circulatory
· Through : The right ventricle
· Pulmonary Artery
· Lungs - pulmonary
· Vena pulmonalig
· Atrium kiri.Atau : Heart
· Lungs
· Heart
b ) Through the Great Blood Circulation : The left ventricle
· Aorta
· arteries
· arteriole
· Capillary
· venules
· Veins
· Venacava the superior and inferior vena cava
· Atrium kanan.Atau : Heart
· Whole body
· Heart

the types of Foods Containing Antioxidants

the types of Foods Containing Antioxidants
Lately a lot often discussed issues important antioxidants , naturally our bodies naturally produce aktioksidan already , but as we age and the decline in the body's metabolism , we also need to take external sources of antioxidants our body .
Among the antioxidant function is to stabilize excess free radicals in the body . Without enough antioxidants , the negative reactions caused by free radicals can damage or destroy cells throughout your body . Although there has been no follow-up studies , however, free radicals are believed to trigger a variety of diseases when you step on a certain age . So do not be surprised if this antioxidant referred to as nutrients to the cells in our bodies .
There are some foods that are a source of antikosidan . Ie foods that contain Vitamins A , C , E , melatonin , beta-carotene such as vegetables , beans , corn , soybeans and fruit . Available today and supplements that contain antioxidants . Meat contains many oxidants , so you should multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruit .
Vitamins E and C are known as a potent antioxidant and widely consumed . Recent research based on the results of epidemiological studies show daily intake of vitamin E over 400 IU would increase the risk of death and should be avoided . While the dose of vitamin E for adults is quite normal 8-10 IU per day .
During this time on the market in vitamin E and C supplements are generally sold in relatively high doses . Some products contain vitamin C 1,000 mg per tablet . In fact , the nutritional adequacy of vitamin C per day for adults who live quiet , no stress or other conditions that are not healthy , is about 60-75 mg per day . For those who live in big cities full of pollution , such as Jakarta , a dose of 500 mg can be accepted .
In addition there are several compounds in plants are also beneficial , one of which is felonik compounds contained in vegetables , fruits , spices , and so on . Various studies have shown curcumin from turmeric phenolic compounds and polyphenol catechins from tea is protective against cancers of the stomach and intestines . Or another example is that a lot of the isoflavones found in soy , ginseng , fruits and vegetables , can reduce the risk of breast cancer .
Other useful compounds are compounds abundant carotenoid in tomatoes . Residents of the Mediterranean countries , such as Italy , Greece , Spain , Egypt , Cyprus and Morocco have a tradition of eating tomatoes . Epidemiological studies in several regions in Italy and Greece showed a low incidence of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer such as colon , breast , and prostate .
Well , maybe from now on you need to add a list of foods that contain antioxidants in your daily menu , as is well known that antioxidants serve to combat heart disease , cancer , premature aging and many more functions. For your convenience , any kind of food that contain antioxidants , you can probably check below , and make sure it is in your daily menu . May be useful ..

Apples , with the skin
Legumes , such as beans, lentils and various kinds of nuts
Blackberries , not the mobile version ya .. :)
Blueberries , either fresh or dried
fruit Cherries
Cranberries (cooked )
Plum , both the black and the red
sweet potatoes
Vegetables such as broccoli , cabbage , cauliflower .
Tea , both black and green tea
red wine