Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sanitation Requirements pustak review Places of Worship according to experts

Sanitation Requirements pustak review Places of Worship according to experts
Speaking not only environmental issues deforestation , reforestation , flood and the like often is overlooked from the view of our discussion , which is actually very close to us and right in front of us , namely sanitation . Sanitation is always deemed to be trivial because lately and personal affairs . Talk sanitation can not be separated from the four issues of latrines , waste management , drainage and wastewater management . Sanitation shot this time focusing on two things , namely family sanitation and sanitation in public places . Family sanitation sanitation concerns among residents about housing , the practice of defecation ( BAB ) carelessly in the river , gardens , and ponds . While the general sanitation ie sanitation in public places like markets , terminals , schools , places of worship , and others .
The place of worship is one of the means of public places used for the gathering of the community to carry out religious activities .
Environmental health problems is a problem that needs attention and improvement. In this case the manager / caretaker places of worship are necessary and need to be given the knowledge of environmental health relating to public places ( places of worship ) to support efforts to improve the health of the environment through the efforts of basic sanitation , quality control of the environment in general , including environmental pollution control . With the participation of the management of places of worship are expected to :
1 . Changing or controlled or loss of all physical and environmental elements contained within the place of worship which can give bad effect on health
2 . Increasing the quality of environmental health places of worship .
3 . The realization of the awareness and participation of the community and other sectors in the preservation and improvement of environmental sanitation places of worship .
4 . Implementation of health education on improvement of environmental health .
5 . Regularly monitoring the implementation of sanitary places of worship .
A. Definition
o Place - a public place ( TTU ) is a place where people - people gather and activities ( school , parks , terminals , mosque , mosque , etc. )
o sanitary hygiene requirements are technical provisions set out the place / location , products , personnel , and equipment that meet the health requirements in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases or health problems
o A mosque is a place , including its facilities , where public , at the time - a time to gather certain Islamic religious worship . Basic implementation of the Environmental Health mosque is Kep . Menkes 288/Menkes/SK/III/2003 on Guidelines for Health Facilities and Public Buildings ( Anonymous , 2009) .
B. Requirements of Health Places of Worship ( Masjid / Mosque )
1 . Landmark / Location
- According to the city plan
- Not being in the direction of the wind from the source of pollution ( dust , smoke , odor and contamination lainx )
- There are at distance < 100 meters from the source of dust pollution , smoke , odors and other contaminants
2 . building
- Strong , sturdy and permanent
- Meeting of insects and rodents
3 . floor
- Strong , not made ​​of soil , clean , water tight , non-slip and easy to clean .
4 . wall
Clean walls , light-colored , water-resistant and easy to clean .
5 . roof
Closing buildings , strong , clean , quite gentle and does not leak
6 . Lighting / LightingBright lighting , spread evenly and not glaring ( min. 10 fc )
7 . ventilationAt least 10 % of the building area , cool and comfortable (non- stuffy and hot morbidly )
8 . doorMeeting of insects and rodents , closing the well and open outwards . Made from strong material and easy to clean .
9 . Sky - the sky
- Height of at least 2.4 m dr floor
- Strong , morbidly there lubang2
- Brightly colored and easy to clean
10 . fenceStrong , safe and can prevent nuisance animals entering
11 . page
Clean , morbidly dusty and muddy , there are puddles ill , there are enough bins . And there is ample parking space
12 . network installation
- Safe ( free cross conection )
- Shielded
13 . Sewerage
- closed
- Flowing smoothly ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
C. Sanitation Facilities
1 . Clean Water
- The number of insufficient / always available at any time
- No smell , no taste and no color
- The number of germs does not exceed NAB
- Levels of chemicals does not exceed NAB
2 . Sewerage
- There is a waste water storage insects Meeting
- Waste water flows smoothly
- Channel watertight
- Closed Channels
3 . Toilet / WC
- Net
- It does not relate directly to the main building
- There is enough water
- Available soap & dryer
- Separate male and female toilets
- The amount is sufficient for most visitors
- Waste water discharge channel is equipped with a retaining odors ( water seal )
- Hole penghawaan should relate directly to the outside air
4 . Peturasan
- Net
- Comes with cleaning faucets
- The amount is sufficient
5 . trash can
- Bins strong , watertight , tahankarat , and comes with a cover
- The number of bins sufficient
- Waste is transported to the landfill every 24 hours
- Capacity bins lifted by 1 person
6 . place of Wudu
- Net
- Separated from the toilet , peturasan , & space mosque
- Water ablution out through the faucet - faucet special & amount sufficient
- Ablutions pool closed ( tightly insects )
- There is no mosquito larvae in the pond water ablution
- Waste water flowing ablution
- The male and female ablution should be separate
7 . place of Prayer
- Clean , no smell that bad
- Free bedbugs and other insects
- Along the front of each sap installed a clean white cloth with a width of 30 cm as a place of prostration
8 . Place of sandals and shoes
- Available sandals & shoes are special
- Clean and strong ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
REFERENCESMahyuliansyah , 2009. Environmental Health Common Places , available in http:// keperawatankomunitas . . accessed Sunday, November 15, 2009 .
Anonymous , 2009. Sanitary Inspection Mosque , available in http:// environmental sanitation . WordPress . Com , accessed 1 May 2009 .
difference between the classical theory and the theory keynes
classic viewSubsistence pattern of economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the subsistence economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

The style of modern economic activity

circulation revenue stream in the modern economy

salaries and wages , rent, interest and profit .

flow 1 company

2 streams household

3 flow savings

4 flow loans

5 investment flows

Factors Determining the Interest Rate

danatuk amount of investment demand and savings , and the vertical axis shows bunga.keseimbangan tribes and among households desire to offer their savings and the desire of employers to invest in E.pada level achieved at the point of equilibrium is the sum of all the savings that will be made by households is equal to the entire investment will be done by entrepreneurs in the amount equal to Io So at this equilibrium level of interest rates is Ro.menurut classical economists , the state of balance between savings and investments as this is a state that always occurs in perekonomian.oleh because the amount of household savings in time the economy reaches full employment will always be equal to the whole number equal to the entire investment will be made by the employer , mak agrigat spending in the economy at full employment will always reach offer the same level with the use of labor agrigat full
in modern financial theory that was developed by keynes , the interest rate is determined by demand and supply of money the central bank and the banking system is the institution which will determine the amount of money at a time deals tertentu.sedangkan demand for money is determined by the public's willingness to hold money .
tringkat wages may undergo changes and this is another factor that will ensure the achievement of the level of energy use penuh.keynes also criticizes this and further show that , from the point of fact contained in a theory of society and that opinion is not true .

when compared perndapat classical economists that the actual reality in the form of a modern economy , it can be seen that the wage level is not easy to experience the consequences of unemployment penurunan.sebagai be preferred to abolish in the modern economy are labor unions always defend and fight for improvements nasiub workers . This effort termusuklah attempt to lower the wage rate that is given to the pekarja . This power causes the wage rate is not easy to be scaled .
expert view of classical economists regarding the determination tinkat negara.ia economic activity is considered as one of the leading economists in the history of economic thought because keynes shrinkage also create a new approach to economic analysis , namely yes analyze the activities undertaken in the economy as a whole sutu , and instead of analyzing small bagin bagin daripadanya.dan more importantly , keynes argued sutu theory that describes tentangbagaimana tinkat in a depressing economic activity in the country tntukan , and the factors that determine economic activity tersebut.pandanganya tinkat is very different from the classical economists expert


spending way to note is perhituingan or erabot value of finished goods that are sold at furniture store


calculation of net product that needs to consider additional values ​​embodied 4 kegatan economy due to avoid counting upwards 2 times the value of goods and services in produksikan and counted in national income

if personal income in kurngi by taxes to be paid by the recipient of the income , the value remaining in the call diposebel.dengan disposebel adalh income thus income used by the recipient , that all existing -home household in the economy , for goods and services mambeli services they ingin.tetapi not all income is used for tijian disposebel consumption , most of it in most other tubes used to pay interest on loans used to purchase goods in installments as been in terankan before this , consumers interest payments on loans to buy goods in installments is not included in national income because the loan was not made ​​by the consumer to create the National pandapatan
v difference between national income accounts

of the above can be concluded that
Ø How spending

National income data calculated by means spending picture will be members of the
a. Problems of the extent to which the poor economy in the face or the extent to which good growth rates achieved and the level of prosperity that is being enjoyed.
b . Provide information and data needed in the analysis of macroeconomic
Ø How the net product

In this way economic development in calculating national income by adding additional value embodied by Integration - companies in various business fields in the economy .
a. To determine the magnitude of the contribution in the various economic sectors in delivering national income .
b . As one way to avoid double counting is to simply calculate the net value of production embodied in the various stages of the production process .
Ø How income

The way of calculating the value of spending in the way of national income is obtained GNP or GNP GNP.terdapat on relationships and how to generate income calculation NI.sedangkan income ( national income) or NI .

To obtain a range of national income not to be deducted directly from the national product neto.sedangkan subsidies added .
v Relative differences in the classical theory and Keynesian theory
1 . Keynes's view of the relationship and get to know the level of investment
2 . Comparison of classical and Keynes's views on the major factors that determine the savings
3 . Keynes view of the determinants - the interest rate
4 . Keynes view of the wage rate .
1 . Differences classical theory and Keynesian theory
- The view of classical economists
In the opinion of the classical economists , the economy is set by market forces full employment level will always be achieved .
This view is based on the belief that in the economy there will be no shortage of demand .
- The views of economists Keynes
As an alternative Keynes put forward a different view of the process of determining the level of economic activity in a country .
In Keynes 's theory aimed that the level of economic activity does not always reach the level of full employment , sebiknya that always applies is : the economy is always facing Problems of unemployment and full employment is rarely applicable .

From the above it can be determined that there is a difference of opinion between the classical theory and Keynesian theory .
- Classical theory , namely : that the use of full employment in the economy will always be achieved .
- Theory Keynes argued : full employment is a rare condition , and it is caused due to lack of demand in the economy agrigat that form .
Their differences lie in the following two issues :

Factors - factors that determine the level of abungan , of interest rates in the economy .
Properties - properties between wages and related employment by employers

3 Ways to national income accounts there are three cara.jelaskan lies the difference .
v Method I calculation : how spending .
The calculation of national income by way of expenditure on goods and services to the right results in the economy in the A components namely :
- Household consumption
- Government spending
- Private sector capital formation ( investment ) and
- Net exports ( exports less imports ) .

Example : based on items that apply POB Indonesia in 2002 reached 1.610 trillion RP . Net factor income - appreciating the negative factors of production is equal to RP 77.8 trillion . GNP is smaller than POB only reached 1,532,2 RP trillion .

The largest component of aggregate expenditure is household consumption is as much as RP 1,138,3 billion which includes many POB.infetasi 70.7 percent from 20.2 percent of GDP include government expenditures role is smaller , covering only 8.2 percent of the POB .

PNB and PN data expressed by the equation .
Formulation is :
- PN : PNB - indirect taxes + subsidies - depreciation
But in the calculation of subsidies in Indonesia are not counted into :
v Method II calculation : how prodak net

Product net \ \ ( net ootcot ) means changing the value created in a second produksi.cara process for calculating national income is a way of calculating the value of

By summing the added value realized by companies diberba


Gai efforts in the fields of economy .
Example of calculating the value of the additional
- Cutting timber RP 50 RB
- Sawing board RP 200 - RP 50 : RP 150 RB
- Furniture maker RP 600 - RP 200 : RP 400 RB
- Prominent furnishings RP 800 - RP 600 : RP 200 RB
* The differences in calculation

In the way of spending that needs attention is the value of finished goods ( furniture ) that are sold in stores in the way of product net perabotan.sedangkan to note is the additional value embodied by economic activity above 4 .
v Calculation method III : how revenues

In microeconomics book has been explained that , factor - factor production in differentiated into 4 groups :
- Land
- Labor
- Capital
- Expertise keusahawan

If factors - factors of production used to create goods and services will be obtained in various types of income .

An example of such a form of income is earned income in the company - the company perseorangan.untuk a private company to a restaurant for example in kelolah 1.yang family members in their business profits is meant : a combination of salary , wages , interest, rent , and profits actually of the business done by the family .

In general, the classification of factor income follows:
1 . workers' earnings are: salaries and wages
2 . revenue from individual businesses ( sole proprietorships )
3 . income from rental
4 . net interest
5 . corporate profits
which are summarized in the two reflects the amount of salary and upah.bunga , rents and profits obtained company - a company run by the owner himself and his family .

Sanitation literature review Hotel

Sanitation literature review Hotel
A. The concept of theory
Hotel is an industry or business services that are managed commercially . This means providing regular services also dsebut as "product " to prospective customers in order to gain maximum profit . Product services provided by the hotel generally consists of two forms of tangible products ( Tangible Product ) which includes facilities such as hotel bedrooms , restaurant , bar , swimming poll , coffee shop , laundry / loundry and other intangible products ( Intangible Product ) which includes services such as food and beverage services , room cleaning service , front office services and so forth . Tangible product more emphasis on the provision of facilities and supporting infrastructure ( physical facilities of the hotel) , Intangible product was more emphasis on the implementation of the services performed by officers or employees of the hotel to tamu.Terkait foregoing , Soekadijo ( 1995:92 ) argues that :
· To carry out the provision of such services that the hotel provides facilities and services that the subjects in the form of : A place to rest and bedroom , place and space to eat and drink ; restaurant , bar and coffee shop .
· The toilets and bathrooms of public services to meet all sorts of other needs of the guests
Hotel as a service business is a means of supporting the activities of tourism , where management is done professionally and is supported by staff who have the competencies / skills both in the field of hospitality . With involvement as a means of supporting tourism hotel is expected to open up and expand employment for masyarakat.Sejalan with the description, Spillane ( 1994:135 ) argues that :
Development of tourism products is a continuous effort to improve the quality and service of various elements of the tourism product , such as lodging services , tourist transport services , entertainment services , food , tour services and so on . Coaching can be a combination of various efforts such as education and training , regulation / government direction , giving the stimulus , or the creation of a climate of fair competition conditions that encourage quality improvement of products and services
Based on the above , the presence of personnel who have a good competence in the field of hospitality , especially at the hotel would provide or bring benefits for the hotel which will thus be able to provide satisfactory services to the customers themselves , in this case the food service and beverages held hotel .
2 . Definition , Functions and Role Kitchen Hotel
Processed food in the hotel kitchen is very much the type and amount. At a hotel or restaurant will certainly larger process more food types and amounts anyway , so that more employees or cook also required . The cook should be grouped into sections with the duties and responsibilities are clear, and this can be seen in the organizational structure of the kitchen . However, the organizational structure of each hotel varies adjusted to the size of a hotel and depend on :
· Type of processed foods or menu
· The amount of food production
· State of foodstuffs that can be bought in the market .
According to Syamsul Rijal ( 2000:14 ) the kitchen is a special room designated as a place to cook food . The kitchen can be found both in the home , shop , eat home , restaurant or hotel . Medium Bagus Putu Sudiara ( 1996:1-4 ) mentions the understanding and position in a hotel kitchen as follows : The kitchen is a room or other space ( as a wall or area of ​​special building) with facilities for cooking . In short it can be said that a kitchen is a room or a special place that has supplies and equipment to process food .
The characteristics of the kitchen are:
apart from the other room and did not relate to the outdoors
v. kitchen floor is made of water-resistant material and are not slippery
v. kitchen walls coated with water-resistant material
v. kitchen ceiling is made with bright colors
v. kitchen lighting should be good . It is intended to maintain and pay attention to hygiene and food safety presentation to tamu.Selanjutnya , the kitchen serves as :
v where the food processing
v characteristic of a hotel in terms of the ability of food -processing workers ( chefs ) which can be seen from the aspect of creating the kind of creativity and variety of food that will be sold at the restaurant
v promotional tool to introduce the culture of the nation through the typical culinary arts area . With this function , the kitchen was instrumental in promoting and enhancing the reputation of the hotel through the culinary arts
3 . Management of Food Ingredients
Food is an essential requirement in everyday human life . Everyone needs food varies depending on age , sex , occupation, and others. To meet the body's need for nutrients we need to know the amount and kinds of foods as described diperlukan.Makanan Hanifa and Luthfeni ( 1994:7 ) has the function :
v give tanaga and hot body
v repair damaged cells and Maintain Health also gives a sense of satisfaction and a Kenyan .
Moderate food eaten has a considerable influence on the health and our lives are:
1 . The emergence of various diseases as a result of :
· The food does not meet the nutrients needed by the body .
· Meals are eaten inadequate in number .
· Meals are eaten often contain toxins or germs .
2 . Less normal body growth , small body , thin , weighs less as it should when compared to umurnya.Berdasarkan above description , it can be concluded that the food is very important for human life to maintain health and physical growth .
Intent management of food hygiene sanitation implementation in this case is the handling and treatment of the officer processing the food that will be processed by applying various methods / techniques of processing . Methods / techniques in food processing can be carried out fast food , fried , boiled , grilled , roasted , and so forth . The purpose of the processing of raw materials into prepared foods inter alia facilitate digestion , free from germs , add flavor , improve the form of food that will be cooked , and improve the appearance of the food .
4 . Sanitation and Hygiene
1 . hygene
In essence, "Hygiene " and " Sanitation " has the sense and purpose of achieving similar health prima.Putu Sudira ( 1996:17 ) based on the book Theory of Catering which stated that : Hygiene is the science of health and prevention of disease . Hygiene discuss issues more bacteria as the cause of disease . A cook should be able to process in addition to great-tasting food , attractive appearance , should also be eaten . For that food should be free of bacteria or germs that endanger human health , more attention is being Sanitary hygiene issues to achieve health .
According Shadily ( 1989:289 ) "Hygiene is a science that studies health . Closely related to individual hygiene , food and drinks because it is a requirement to achieve the level of health . Medium sanitation by WHO is an attempt to oversee some of the factors that influence the physical environment to humans , especially to things that have deleterious effects physical development , health , and survival .
Differences of hygiene sanitation and hygiene is more direct human activity , while senitasi more focused on the environmental factors of human life . The objective of the effort senitasi and hygiene is to prevent the onset of disease and poisoning as well as other health problems as a result of the interaction of environmental factors of human life .
Hygiene as described Soekresno ( 2000:3 ) can be grouped as follows ;
1 . The scope of sanitation and hygiene in the workplace include :
v individual Hygiene
The most important thing to consider in the implementation and management of personal hygiene of food is in this case the officer or employee in direct contact with foodstuffs , both before , and after being processed foodstuffs , so that dihasilkanpun food is food that is safe, free from contamination and bacteria or other that might arise from a series of activities .
Personal hygiene covers all aspects of employee personal hygiene ( food handlers ) is. Maintain personal hygiene means keeping a clean living habits and maintain a healthy entire body which include :
· Bathing regularly , clean and healthy before entering the room the kitchen
· Wash hands before and after handling food
· Nails cut short and not in the paint ( kutex ) ,
· Short hair and clean ( always wear carpus ( cook special hat or other head covering .
· Face ; not use excessive cosmetics
· Nose ; not fumble nose while working and do not wipe your face with hand but using a handkerchief ,
· Mouth ; oral and dental hygiene , do not smoke while preparing food , do not cough facing the food , do not taste the food directly from the cooking appliance
· Foot ; use the appropriate size shoes , socks changed daily , fingernails should be cut short .
v food hygiene
Food ingredients used in food processing are mostly plant foods derived from plants such as vegetables , fruits . Medium animal ingredients derived from animals such as meat , poultry , fish and others. Animal foods easier rotten / damaged when compared to plant foods . However, with today's technological advances , many found food preservation techniques so as to maintain and memperpannjang the foodstuff storage period . Storage of food materials grouped by ;
· Durable material ( Groceries )
· Durable materials ; rice , sugar , dried herbs , cooking oils , and foods in cans or bottles
· Materials are easily damaged ( Perishables )
· The material is mostly composed of ingredients fresh and perishable foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables , eggs , fresh milk , meat and poultry , fish and other seafood .
v sanitation and hygiene at work
Work clothes should be clean and tidy condition . Not use excessive accessories and fragrances using body odor is not too sharp and stinging ... when will serve food , food we check beforehand , to avoid the presence of impurities such as dust or hair in the food .
v Sanitation and hygiene goods and equipment
As has been stated that if hygiene focuses on health and personal hygiene and food , are being focused on sanitation and environmental equipment kerja.Setiap execution of an activity must still there is a shortage . It is also found in the management of food in the kitchen Yasmin Hotel Makassar review of aspects of sanitation and hygiene , but not as things that greatly affect the health and safety aspects of food hygiene diolah.utamanya of employees . There is still a regular employee who does not complete his work clothes or is not in accordance with the environmental conditions of the kitchen , and it usually occurs in practice students / interns . Shoes that should be used is rubber shoes , but they generally use the shoe leather . But I always scolds work in order to avoid accidents due to the slippery kitchen floor .

Astuti , Lilian Suryati . , 2007. Sanitation and Hygiene procedures in the work place . Learning Module . London: Department of Secondary and Higher Education Establishments . ( / )
Bagus Putu Sudira . , 1996. Catering . Jakarta : Departememn Education and Culture . Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education . Directorate of Vocational Education . Non Technical Education Project II .
Syamsu Rijal . , 2000. Improved Human Resources Business Accommodation and Restaurant . Cooperation Makassar Tourism Academy and District Tourism Office Selayar .
Spillane , J. James . , 1994. Tourism Economics . London: Canisius .

Literature Review Bread Factory Sanitation experts say

Literature Review Bread Factory Sanitation experts sayA. Definition of Sanitation
According to Wikipedia Indonesi Sanitasiadalah intentional behavior in civilizing living clean with intent to prevent direct manusiabersentuhan with dirt and other harmful waste material in the hope this venture will maintain and improve kesehatanmanusia . This danger might happen physically , microbiological and chemical agents or biological -related disease . Waste material that can cause health problems consist of tinjamanusia or animal , the rest of the solid waste material , waste material domestic water ( washing , urine , bath or laundry waste material ) , industrial effluents and agricultural waste material . How to clean prevention can be done by using a technical solution ( eg, laundry care and the rest of the liquid effluent ) , simple technologies ( eg latrines , septic tanks ) , or personal hygiene . Another definition of sanitation are all efforts that
made to ensure the realization of the conditions that meet the health requirements . While some other definition focuses on breaking the chain of transmission of germs from source and environmental control ( Indonesi Wikipedia ) .
Ø The scope of sanitation and safety;
In planning treatment unit : sanitation and safety is a sector to watch out for
( 1 ) Company - > use of human resources - > all the effort that will be run should not be mengkorbankan safety and human health . Safety and potential hazards during the \ company - > should be informed , be prevented / minimized the dangers arising
( 2 ) Safety in industrial companies include bangunanm equipment , leakage process . Sanitation : water supply , prevention of contamination , sanitation in the channel , disposal of waste materials
( 3 ) Building : function - > protect employees , equipment from environmental factors : heat , cold , securing not only pay attention to the beauty of the building but need to pay attention to : construction , prevention of fire hazards , ventilation , lighting , conduit , presence of convenience for workers , prevention to the dangers of electric current .
( 4 ) Equipment : Good placement and the right tools , the use of the tool in accordance with its function , protective fences for a dangerous tool , alarm - > note ( PHK A3 - TIP UGM , 2006)
B. Theory of Food Industry
In an industry , sanitation is important . Kemajuansuatu industry should be coupled with good sanitation . Sanitation merupakanupaya bertumbuhdan precaution against the possibility of spoilage microorganisms and the proliferation of pathogens in food , beverage , equipment and buildings that can damage human food danmembahayakan ( Law no. 7Tahun 1996) . Sanitation can also describe a way to prevent contamination of foods during kegiatanpenanganan , processing , storage and distribution . Sanitation is done with the purpose melindungikesehatan community through the reduction or penghilangancemaran in foodstuffs ( Hariadi and Dewanti , 2009 ) .
Sanitation and hygiene workers also need to be considered . This is because workers are a potential source in perpindahancemaran . Jadiprogram sanitation and hygiene workers are workers who mutlak.Sanitasi include health workers , sanitation workers body sampaikebersihan semuaperlengkapan used by workers ( Hariadi danDewanti , 2009) . Sanitasipekerja also set by Act No. 7 of 1996 yangmenyatakan that orangperseorangan dealing directly and immediately atausecara are within the activity or process of production , storage, transportation and distribution of food or shall meet sanitary requirements .
C. Food Hygiene and Sanitation
Food is a basic human needs required at all times and requires good management and the right to benefit the body . According to the WHO , which meant the food was : " Food include all substances , Whether in a natural state or in a manufactured or preparedform , wich are part of the human diet . " Limitation of the food does not include water , medicines and substances necessary for medicinal purposes .
Food consumed should meet the criteria that the food is edible and does not cause disease , including :
1 . Being in the desired degree of doneness
2 . Free of contamination at each stage of production and subsequent handling .
3 . Free from physical changes , chemical unwanted , as a result of the influence of enzymes , microbial activity , rodents , insects , parasites and damage due to pressure , cooking and drying .
4 . Free of microorganisms and parasites that cause disease are delivered by food ( food borne illness) .
Understanding hygiene according to the Ministry of Health is health efforts by maintaining cleanliness and protecting individual subjects. For example, hand washing hygiene to protect hands , wash dishes to protect the cleanliness of the plate , discard the damaged parts of the food to protect the integrity of the overall diet .
Ø Food Sanitation Industry
Sanitation of food is the cornerstone of all sanitary science because so much of our environment either directly or indirectly related to the human food supply . This has been recognized from the beginning of human sejarahkehidupan where food preservation efforts have been made ​​such as salting , marinating , and others .
In the food industry , sanitation activities include aseptically in the preparation , processing and food product pengkemasan ; cleaning and sanitation plant and the plant environment and workers' health . Activities related to food products include quality control of raw materials , storage of raw materials , good water supply , prevention of contamination at all stages of the processing of berbagaisumber contamination , as well as pengkemasan and storage of the final product .
Food sanitation is one of the prevention efforts that focus the activities and actions that need to free food and drinks from any dangers that may disturb or health cooking , starting from before the food is produced , during the processing , storage, transportation , until the time when food and the drink is ready to be consumed to the public or consumers . Food sanitation aims to ensure the safety and purity of foods , preventing consumers from illness , prevent the sale of foods that will hurt the buyer . reduce damage / wastage of food . In food processing there are 6 principles that need to be noticed , namely :
1 . The state of food ingredients
All jeis foodstuffs require attention physically and freshness guaranteed , especially materials perishable foods or damaged as meat, fish , milk , eggs , canned food , fruit , etc. . Baham good food sometimes is not easy to find, because the network is passage of food through jarngan begirtu panjangdan trade is so vast . One effort to get groceries that baika dalah avoid the use of food ingredients derived from unclear sources ( wild ) because less can be justified by its quality .
2 . How to storage food ingredients
Not all foods are available directly consumed by the public . Raw foods are not immediately processed primarily for catering and organizing food storage needs good hospital , given the material properties of different foods and can rot , so the quality can be maintained . How safe are eligible hgiene food sanitation are as follows :
- Storage should be done in a special place ( warehouse ) is clean and qualified
- The goods that are arranged properly so easily taken , not given a chance insects or rodents to nest , protected from flies / mice and for perishable products or defective so that stored at cold temperatures ,

I. Temperature penimpanan good
Each material has a specification of food in storage and will depend on the amount of food and storage. Most can be grouped into :

Food types of meat , fish , shrimp and other dairy
Store up to 3 days : -50 to 00 C
Storage for 1 week : -190 to -50 C
Storage over 1minggu : below -100 C
Food types of eggs , milk and other dairy
Storage of up to 3 days : -50 to 70 C
Storage for 1 week : below -50 C
Longest storage for 1 week : below -50 C
Vegetable foods and beverages with a maximum storage time of 1 week is 70 to 100 C
Flour , grains and tubers dry at room temperature ( 250C ) .

II . How to deposit
a. Each yan stored foodstuffs set thickness , meaning that the temperature can be evenly keselutuh part

Each foodstuff placed separately by type , in a container ( container ) , respectively . Containers can be tubs , plastic bags or different cabinets .
Food stored in the storage room so that happens with good air circulation so that the temperature evenly throughout . Filling cabinets that are too dense storage will reduce benefits because the temperature does not suit your needs.
3 . The processing
In the process / method of food processing there are three things that need attention are:
a. Place food processing
Food processing is a place where food is processed , the processing is often called the kitchen . The kitchen has an important role in the processing of food , because the cleanliness of the kitchen and the surrounding environment should always be maintained and cared for . Good kitchen must meet sanitary requirements .
b . Power food processing / food handlers
Food handlers according to MOH (2006 ) is a person who is directly connected with food and equipment ranging from preparation , cleaning , processing, transporting to the presentation . In food processing , the role of food handlers is very big role . This food handlers have the opportunity to transmit the disease . Many infections are transmitted by food handlers , antaralain Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted through the nose and throat , the bacteria Clostridium perfringens , Streptococcus , Salmonella can be transmitted through the skin . Therefore, food handlers should always be in keadansehat and skilled .
c . How food processing
How good is not processing the food damages as a result of processing the wrong way and attended a rules or principles of good hygiene and sanitation or called GMP ( good manufacturing practice) .
4 . Way of transporting food that has been cooked
Transportation meal from the processing facility to the presentation or storage need attention in order to avoid contamination either from insects , dust and bacteria . The containers used must be intact , strong and does not rust or leak . Freight for a long time should be set Shunya in hot conditions 60 C or 4 C remain wort
5 . How to cook the food storage
Storage of cooked food can be classified into two , namely the storage of food at room temperature and storage at cold temperatures . Perishable food should be stored at a cool temperature is < 40C . For food served more than 6 hours , stored in a temperature -5 s / d - 10C
6 . How to cook the food presentation
When serving food to note is that the food is protected from contamination , equipment used in good and clean condition , serving officers must be polite , and always maintain the health and cleanliness of the clothes ( King , 2009) .
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures D. ( SSOP )
SSOP is pelaksanaans anitasi standard procedures that must be met by the food industry to prevent contamination of the product is done diolah.Hal to develop effective work culture in food processing units berkaitandengan all processing facilities , sanitary facilities , personnel and the environment as outlined in the SSOP design , sanitary conditions specified function :
a. Danes water supply water quality monitoring is used at least 6 months 1 times .
b . Peralatandan work clothes
- Surface equipment in direct contact with the product are made of corrosion-resistant material and does not react with the product , does not damage the product and easy to clean .
- Work clothes including pelaratan other processing must be guaranteed cleanliness .
- Work clothes are washed every day
- Shoes are washed with a chlorine solution ( 150 ppm )
- All pelaratan stored in a clean place .
c . Prevention of cross-contamination / Lay out the factory
- Construction , design and lay out the unit pengolaha
- Hygiene employees , including work clothes
· Activity and behavior of employees
· Separate cooking products and raw products
· Sanitary conditions of processing units and equipment
d . Storage and maintenance of packaging materials
a. toilet
- Amount ; 10-15 people per toilet
- Pots , soap
- There is a vent
- The door does not absorb water and rust resistant
b . Washbasin
- Warm water
- Materials and dryers sanititer
- Strategically place easily accessible , near restrooms and entrance , jumlahcukup
- Levels of chlorine : 50 ppm handwashing ,
- Washing the feet of 100-200 ppm
e . employee health
- The health condition of the employee monitored by company
- For those who suffer from pain and could be expected to contaminate the product banned from working in the unit process
Anonymous , 2007. Worshoop sanitary work environment . http://workshopsanitasi . , accessed December 13, 2007 .
Anonymous , 2009. - environmental sanitation . Retrieved January 25 , 2009.
Anonymous , 2011. Work Environment Sanitation Hygiene Food Industry . , Monday , 19 December 2011
King , 2009. storage - and - transport and food - principles - http :/ / putraprabu . . accessed January 05-2009 .
Indonesian Wikipedia .