Sanitation Requirements pustak review Places of Worship according to experts
Speaking not only environmental issues deforestation , reforestation , flood and the like often is overlooked from the view of our discussion , which is actually very close to us and right in front of us , namely sanitation . Sanitation is always deemed to be trivial because lately and personal affairs . Talk sanitation can not be separated from the four issues of latrines , waste management , drainage and wastewater management . Sanitation shot this time focusing on two things , namely family sanitation and sanitation in public places . Family sanitation sanitation concerns among residents about housing , the practice of defecation ( BAB ) carelessly in the river , gardens , and ponds . While the general sanitation ie sanitation in public places like markets , terminals , schools , places of worship , and others .
The place of worship is one of the means of public places used for the gathering of the community to carry out religious activities .
Environmental health problems is a problem that needs attention and improvement. In this case the manager / caretaker places of worship are necessary and need to be given the knowledge of environmental health relating to public places ( places of worship ) to support efforts to improve the health of the environment through the efforts of basic sanitation , quality control of the environment in general , including environmental pollution control . With the participation of the management of places of worship are expected to :
1 . Changing or controlled or loss of all physical and environmental elements contained within the place of worship which can give bad effect on health
2 . Increasing the quality of environmental health places of worship .
3 . The realization of the awareness and participation of the community and other sectors in the preservation and improvement of environmental sanitation places of worship .
4 . Implementation of health education on improvement of environmental health .
5 . Regularly monitoring the implementation of sanitary places of worship .
A. Definition
o Place - a public place ( TTU ) is a place where people - people gather and activities ( school , parks , terminals , mosque , mosque , etc. )
o sanitary hygiene requirements are technical provisions set out the place / location , products , personnel , and equipment that meet the health requirements in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases or health problems
o A mosque is a place , including its facilities , where public , at the time - a time to gather certain Islamic religious worship . Basic implementation of the Environmental Health mosque is Kep . Menkes 288/Menkes/SK/III/2003 on Guidelines for Health Facilities and Public Buildings ( Anonymous , 2009) .
B. Requirements of Health Places of Worship ( Masjid / Mosque )
1 . Landmark / Location
- According to the city plan
- Not being in the direction of the wind from the source of pollution ( dust , smoke , odor and contamination lainx )
- There are at distance < 100 meters from the source of dust pollution , smoke , odors and other contaminants
2 . building
- Strong , sturdy and permanent
- Meeting of insects and rodents
3 . floor
- Strong , not made of soil , clean , water tight , non-slip and easy to clean .
4 . wall
Clean walls , light-colored , water-resistant and easy to clean .
5 . roof
Closing buildings , strong , clean , quite gentle and does not leak
6 . Lighting / LightingBright lighting , spread evenly and not glaring ( min. 10 fc )
7 . ventilationAt least 10 % of the building area , cool and comfortable (non- stuffy and hot morbidly )
8 . doorMeeting of insects and rodents , closing the well and open outwards . Made from strong material and easy to clean .
9 . Sky - the sky
- Height of at least 2.4 m dr floor
- Strong , morbidly there lubang2
- Brightly colored and easy to clean
10 . fenceStrong , safe and can prevent nuisance animals entering
11 . page
Clean , morbidly dusty and muddy , there are puddles ill , there are enough bins . And there is ample parking space
12 . network installation
- Safe ( free cross conection )
- Shielded
13 . Sewerage
- closed
- Flowing smoothly ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
C. Sanitation Facilities
1 . Clean Water
- The number of insufficient / always available at any time
- No smell , no taste and no color
- The number of germs does not exceed NAB
- Levels of chemicals does not exceed NAB
2 . Sewerage
- There is a waste water storage insects Meeting
- Waste water flows smoothly
- Channel watertight
- Closed Channels
3 . Toilet / WC
- Net
- It does not relate directly to the main building
- There is enough water
- Available soap & dryer
- Separate male and female toilets
- The amount is sufficient for most visitors
- Waste water discharge channel is equipped with a retaining odors ( water seal )
- Hole penghawaan should relate directly to the outside air
4 . Peturasan
- Net
- Comes with cleaning faucets
- The amount is sufficient
5 . trash can
- Bins strong , watertight , tahankarat , and comes with a cover
- The number of bins sufficient
- Waste is transported to the landfill every 24 hours
- Capacity bins lifted by 1 person
6 . place of Wudu
- Net
- Separated from the toilet , peturasan , & space mosque
- Water ablution out through the faucet - faucet special & amount sufficient
- Ablutions pool closed ( tightly insects )
- There is no mosquito larvae in the pond water ablution
- Waste water flowing ablution
- The male and female ablution should be separate
7 . place of Prayer
- Clean , no smell that bad
- Free bedbugs and other insects
- Along the front of each sap installed a clean white cloth with a width of 30 cm as a place of prostration
8 . Place of sandals and shoes
- Available sandals & shoes are special
- Clean and strong ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
REFERENCESMahyuliansyah , 2009. Environmental Health Common Places , available in http:// keperawatankomunitas . . accessed Sunday, November 15, 2009 .
Anonymous , 2009. Sanitary Inspection Mosque , available in http:// environmental sanitation . WordPress . Com , accessed 1 May 2009 .
Speaking not only environmental issues deforestation , reforestation , flood and the like often is overlooked from the view of our discussion , which is actually very close to us and right in front of us , namely sanitation . Sanitation is always deemed to be trivial because lately and personal affairs . Talk sanitation can not be separated from the four issues of latrines , waste management , drainage and wastewater management . Sanitation shot this time focusing on two things , namely family sanitation and sanitation in public places . Family sanitation sanitation concerns among residents about housing , the practice of defecation ( BAB ) carelessly in the river , gardens , and ponds . While the general sanitation ie sanitation in public places like markets , terminals , schools , places of worship , and others .
The place of worship is one of the means of public places used for the gathering of the community to carry out religious activities .
Environmental health problems is a problem that needs attention and improvement. In this case the manager / caretaker places of worship are necessary and need to be given the knowledge of environmental health relating to public places ( places of worship ) to support efforts to improve the health of the environment through the efforts of basic sanitation , quality control of the environment in general , including environmental pollution control . With the participation of the management of places of worship are expected to :
1 . Changing or controlled or loss of all physical and environmental elements contained within the place of worship which can give bad effect on health
2 . Increasing the quality of environmental health places of worship .
3 . The realization of the awareness and participation of the community and other sectors in the preservation and improvement of environmental sanitation places of worship .
4 . Implementation of health education on improvement of environmental health .
5 . Regularly monitoring the implementation of sanitary places of worship .
A. Definition
o Place - a public place ( TTU ) is a place where people - people gather and activities ( school , parks , terminals , mosque , mosque , etc. )
o sanitary hygiene requirements are technical provisions set out the place / location , products , personnel , and equipment that meet the health requirements in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases or health problems
o A mosque is a place , including its facilities , where public , at the time - a time to gather certain Islamic religious worship . Basic implementation of the Environmental Health mosque is Kep . Menkes 288/Menkes/SK/III/2003 on Guidelines for Health Facilities and Public Buildings ( Anonymous , 2009) .
B. Requirements of Health Places of Worship ( Masjid / Mosque )
1 . Landmark / Location
- According to the city plan
- Not being in the direction of the wind from the source of pollution ( dust , smoke , odor and contamination lainx )
- There are at distance < 100 meters from the source of dust pollution , smoke , odors and other contaminants
2 . building
- Strong , sturdy and permanent
- Meeting of insects and rodents
3 . floor
- Strong , not made of soil , clean , water tight , non-slip and easy to clean .
4 . wall
Clean walls , light-colored , water-resistant and easy to clean .
5 . roof
Closing buildings , strong , clean , quite gentle and does not leak
6 . Lighting / LightingBright lighting , spread evenly and not glaring ( min. 10 fc )
7 . ventilationAt least 10 % of the building area , cool and comfortable (non- stuffy and hot morbidly )
8 . doorMeeting of insects and rodents , closing the well and open outwards . Made from strong material and easy to clean .
9 . Sky - the sky
- Height of at least 2.4 m dr floor
- Strong , morbidly there lubang2
- Brightly colored and easy to clean
10 . fenceStrong , safe and can prevent nuisance animals entering
11 . page
Clean , morbidly dusty and muddy , there are puddles ill , there are enough bins . And there is ample parking space
12 . network installation
- Safe ( free cross conection )
- Shielded
13 . Sewerage
- closed
- Flowing smoothly ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
C. Sanitation Facilities
1 . Clean Water
- The number of insufficient / always available at any time
- No smell , no taste and no color
- The number of germs does not exceed NAB
- Levels of chemicals does not exceed NAB
2 . Sewerage
- There is a waste water storage insects Meeting
- Waste water flows smoothly
- Channel watertight
- Closed Channels
3 . Toilet / WC
- Net
- It does not relate directly to the main building
- There is enough water
- Available soap & dryer
- Separate male and female toilets
- The amount is sufficient for most visitors
- Waste water discharge channel is equipped with a retaining odors ( water seal )
- Hole penghawaan should relate directly to the outside air
4 . Peturasan
- Net
- Comes with cleaning faucets
- The amount is sufficient
5 . trash can
- Bins strong , watertight , tahankarat , and comes with a cover
- The number of bins sufficient
- Waste is transported to the landfill every 24 hours
- Capacity bins lifted by 1 person
6 . place of Wudu
- Net
- Separated from the toilet , peturasan , & space mosque
- Water ablution out through the faucet - faucet special & amount sufficient
- Ablutions pool closed ( tightly insects )
- There is no mosquito larvae in the pond water ablution
- Waste water flowing ablution
- The male and female ablution should be separate
7 . place of Prayer
- Clean , no smell that bad
- Free bedbugs and other insects
- Along the front of each sap installed a clean white cloth with a width of 30 cm as a place of prostration
8 . Place of sandals and shoes
- Available sandals & shoes are special
- Clean and strong ( Mahyuliansyah , 2009) .
REFERENCESMahyuliansyah , 2009. Environmental Health Common Places , available in http:// keperawatankomunitas . . accessed Sunday, November 15, 2009 .
Anonymous , 2009. Sanitary Inspection Mosque , available in http:// environmental sanitation . WordPress . Com , accessed 1 May 2009 .