Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Type - Type of Clean Water

Type - Type of Clean WaterAccording to Director General of PPM and PLP (1990 ) type - the type of water supply systems commonly used are the following people :
a. Dug wells
Dug wells are taking water supply / use ground water by digging a hole in the ground by hand to get water . Holes were then given wall , flooring and lips closed and sewage .
b . piping
Means piping is building along with tools and equipment that produce , provide and distribute drinking water to people through a network of piping / distribution . The water used is groundwater or surface water with or without being processed .
c . The well Hand Pump ( SPT )
The well hand pump is taking water supply or use ground water by making a hole in the ground by using a drill . Based on the depth of the ground water and the type of pump used to raise water , artesian well differentiated form above :
1 ) Shallow Well Hand Pump ( SPTDK )
Shallow hand- pump wells are wells drilled making shallow water using pumps . This type of pump is able to raise the water to a maximum depth of 7 meters .
2 ) Hand Well Pump In ( SPTDL )
Hand pump wells are wells drilled in water retrieval using the pump . This type of pump is able to raise water from a depth of 15 meters to a maximum depth of 30 meters
d . Rainwater reservoir ( PAH )
Rainwater harvesting is a means of utilizing clean water for domestic water supply . Rainwater that falls on the roof of a house or other building water catchments , through channels or grass and then flowed ditamping in rainwater
e . Eye Protection Air ( PMA )
DG PPM and PLP (1995 ) , explains that the protection springs ( PMA ) is a building to store water and protect water sources from contamination . The shape and volume of FDI adapted to the layout , the situation is a source , close to the water and the water capacity is needed .
1 ) The layout is the distance to the source of pollutants such as toilets , dirty water , cages and landfills
2 ) The situation of water resources means that the source of the PMA should have protective coverings made ​​tubs channel outwardly from the tub , so as not to pollute the water coming into the tub catcher , has peluap pipe , cover tightly tub of water , has a bathtub floor that must be watertight and easy to clean and water tight SPAL and minimum slope of 2 % .
3 ) Near the water that is the source of water environment should be on springs , not the channel water from the springs that may have been contaminated .
4 ) The water capacity is needed , ie the spring discharge have utilized at least 0.3 liters / sec ( Anonymous , 2011) .

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria Definition

Understanding water and Escherichia Coli Bacteria DefinitionWater is the most important in life after air . About three -quarters of our body consists of water and no human can survive more than 4-5 days without drinking water . In addition , water is also used for cooking washing , bathing , and cleaning the dirt around the house . Water is also used for industrial purposes , agriculture , firefighting , recreation , transportation and others. Diseases that infect humans can also be transmitted and propagated through the water . These conditions can lead to outbreaks of disease course everywhere ( Chandra , 2007 ) . Water is one among carriers of disease from the feces for up to humans . So that the water that enters the human body in the form of food and drinks do not cause disease , it is a good water treatment comes from the source , transmission or distribution network is absolutely necessary to prevent contact between the dung as a source of disease with water as needed ( Rohim , 2006) .
Understanding Bacteria Escherichia Coli

The bacterium E. coli is a parameter in the presence or absence of faecal matter in a very habitat required for the determination of water quality is safe . Especially for the bacteria E. coli , in the presence of water or food that is associated with human interests that are not expected . Due to the presence of microbial groups indicates that the food or water has been contaminated by fecal material , ie the material being with human feces or stool . Coliform is a group of bacteria that are gram-negative bacteria , not spore forming lactose fermenting at a temperature of 35o C or 37 ° C to produce acid , gas and aldehide within 24-48 hours . Once the fecal coliform group of bacteria has the same ability , except that it is more tolerant of higher temperatures , which is 44oC . The number of bacteria used as an indicator of water coliform/100cc or microbiological represent all groups , when in 100 ml of water sample contained 500 bacteria Escherichia coli gastroenteritis possibility of disease . Other bacteria in the coliform group is aerobacter and clebsiella that have properties such as E. coli but generally live in soil and water , not in the so -called nonfecal digestion and pathogens . The bacterium E. coli is this group that is more economical to use for laboratory examination ( Sutrisno , 2006) .

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

10 masks mainstay

Masks of this type has been proven to be effective since the days of Cleopatra . Instant products using mineral extracts that serves as a detoxifying mud . Because it is made from natural ingredients , are generally suitable for all skin types . It also contains vitamin C and a good Castrol Oil to nourish the skin .
The basic ingredients of this mask relaitif generally the same , such as almonds , oatmeal , and honey . Properties nourish the skin and generally fit in all types of skin . This mask effectively overcome the tired skin while restoring skin vitality .
Famous citrus extract rich in vitamin C. Efficacious cleanse and remove dead skin cells . Because of its mencerahnya , hence suitable for use on tired and dull skin , or skin that is too long in the air conditioned room .
In addition to refreshing the skin , this mask is also suitable for treating oily and combination skin . Cucumber mask can keep moisture and oils in the skin , shrink pores , while improving its texture .
CO2 Powder
This mask is new , but already popular in the world of beauty . Effective skin care for very oily or acne worse . Co2 in it efficacious dampen inflammation caused by bacteria trigger acne .
Hot Mask
For owners of the much Komeda oily skin , this type of mask should be tried . The form of powder mixed with water . In it there is the content of various herbs and mint .
This mask is moisturizing , in that it contains a variety of plants such as bitter and shy daughter . You also are given additional seaweed to give a cold sensation on the face , as well as relax the facial muscles are tense . Suitable for use by all skin types , especially skin that requires extra moisture in the skin tissue .
Mask with nutritious content of collagen improves the elasticity of the skin as well as moisturize and add to the water content in the skin . It is recommended for a special day , such as a party or before the wedding day .
Gel mask
Its texture is chewy and cold provide a relaxing effect on the stress fair skin and oily . In addition to shrink pores , these masks are also anti-irritant , skin softening reasonable refresh tired skin
As the name implies , this mask gives the sensation of cold . Suitable for refreshing and toning the skin that are often exposed to sunlight , the skin is exposed to pollution or stress for too long in a room full roko .

Trimming Beauty Rituals

Beauty rituals you live every day might be time consuming . You do not have to get up early in order to take care of skin and dress up every time you go to work . With these three ways , you can still take care of facial skin well and has an attractive appearance , but with a shorter time .
1 . Save Three MinutesFind the makeup products that can be multitasking . " Buy a lipstick which acts as a moisturizer and lip color , to simplify the contents of your bag , " Especially for the morning ritual makeup , no need to linger with eye liner . You can still get an attractive appearance , especially in the area of ​​the eyes with mascara , and continue to wear while waiting for her clothes to dry . This will speed up the time make up , especially in the eyes .
2 . Save 7 minutesThis facial skin care equipment you must have. You can still take care of facial skin well , but in a practical way and a shorter time . Choose a facial cleanser with exfoliating at the same function , so you no longer need a scrub and toner . The facial cleanser can more effectively meet the needs of the skin . Next, apply a lotion with antioxidants that also serves as a foundation so that you do not need to linger dress . How short is more effective facial skin care because it can cut six every morning beauty rituals
3 . Save 20 minutesDry your hair after washing it can take a long time . To dry , blow dry the roots of your hair first. This section holds a lot of water after washing the hair . By drying this part , you save time 20 minutes when blow drying .

10 Habits That Can Damage the Brain

1 . No BreakfastThose who do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels , which consequently supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less .
2 . OvereatToo much to eat , let alone a high fat content , can result in hardening of the brain blood vessels due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall . As a result, the ability of the brain to decrease .
3 . smokeSubstances in the inhaled cigarette will quickly lead to brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease .
4 . Consuming Too Much SugarConsumption of too much sugar will cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients , causing nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development
5 . Air PollutionThe brain is the largest oxygen consumer in the human body . Inhaling polluted air lowers the oxygen supply to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency of the brain .
6 . Sleep DeprivationThe brain needs sleep as a time to rest and restore capabilities . Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the deterioration of brain cells .
7 . Closing Head While SleepingThe habit of sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that can cause brain damage effects .
8 . Using Mind When SickWorking too hard or forced to use our mind when we are sick can cause a reduction in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain .
9 . Less Stimulating MindThinking is the best way to train our brain . The lack of stimulation to the brain can cause our brains wrinkle .
10 . rarely CommunicateCommunication is necessary as a means of spurring ability of the brain . Communicate intellectually can trigger brain efficiency . The scarcity of intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be poorly trained .