Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Natural ingredients reduce acne and scars

Acne and scars in the form of black spots can also be alleviated with natural ingredients . The following are among the natural ingredients that you can use :
orangeAcne can be healed scars in the form of black spots on the face . To reduce it , try using lemon juice . Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C which is the best antioxidant for the skin .How to : make a juice of one lemon sized fruit . Then take cotton , dip it in lemon juice , and stick - on spots black spots acne scars in the face . Let stand for 10 minutes , then rinse thoroughly .
BAKING SODAAcne usually appears on the skin oily . Therefore, reduce the oil on the face can prevent the appearance of acne . One is to use baking soda . In addition , baking soda is also good as a facial cleanser to alleviate acne condition .Method : Take two tablespoons of baking soda , dissolved in two cups of water . Stir until well blended . Take a cotton swab and dip it in a solution of baking soda before, and then used to compress the face with acne . Lift the cotton after let stand for 15 minutes . Next, set aside a solution of baking soda was used to rinse the face , then dry using a soft towel . Do this treatment three times a week until the condition of mild acne .
PINEAPPLEOverview maybe you do not believe that pineapple can be used to relieve acne . Sore ? you might think it's definitely the first time . However , many studies have shown , pineapple can relieve acne . content of ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid in pineapple can relieve acne and black spots can fade acne scars .How to : Prepare a medium -sized pineapple , peeled , then wash clean . Cut into pieces , then shredded up into a pineapple pulp . Add a teaspoon of honey . Stir until smooth, then apply on the face with acne . Let stand for 15 minutes . Then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft towel .
whiteAcne is still flushed certainly will feel sore . To relieve , you could use a mask of egg whites that contain lots of protein , so it can accelerate the healing of acne .Method : Take one egg . Separate the white and yolk , and only use the white part only . Put in bowl . Then take little by little using your fingers , apply to the face with acne . Let stand for 15 minutes . Subsequently wash the egg white mask using a towel that has been dyed warm water to facilitate cleaning .
OATMEALOatmeal is not only good but the body is consumed to maintain a healthy and slim , but also proven to alleviate acne . Therefore , oatmeal contains a lot of protein , magnesium and potassium which can reduce drying oil and acne is inflamed . Use oatmeal as a face mask .Method : Take two tablespoons of oatmeal , put it in a special container . add a little warm water to dissolve it . Stir gently until it resembles a paste . Then apply on face evenly . Remember , do not rub the skin with acne oatmeal . Simply paste alone . Let stand 10-15 minutes , then lift with a soft towel that has been dipped in warm water . Once clean , rinse again in cold water .If the acne has healed , oatmeal mask may be used for scrubbing , because oatmeal can also remove acne scars .
ALOE VERAEfficacy of aloe vera for beauty was no doubt . including to relieve acne . Aloe vera contains high antioxidants are good for relieving acne quickly .How to : Use aloe vera to relieve acne should be done directly from the plants to get the nutrients intact . Take a large aloe rod . Cut the skin , then immediately stick to the facial acne . Let stand for 15 minutes . Then rinse off using warm water . After a clean face , use aloe vera pulp that has been smoothed as a mask . Let stand for five minutes , then wash your face using cold water . Fruit pulp of aloe vera is also useful for removing black spots acne scars .

Monday, March 31, 2014

Definition of agribusiness

Definition of agribusiness

Basically every human being must have a variety of needs to continue to run their lives . Human needs can be fulfilled through a variety of goods or services . In this modern era every human being no longer meet their needs in a way to produce or generate its own all the goods or services that are in need, but human beings with each other doing various activities such as exchanges , trading , buying and selling , leasing , and so forth . All these activities that describe what is meant by AGRIBISNIS .
Agribusiness is an activity that occurred starting from the upstream - downstream process which over time affects the lives of every person . Agribusiness produce most of the goods and services consumed by each person .
The main purpose of business is to make a profit / income . Profit can motivate businesses to take the risk to invest to run a business and work hard and sacrifice time and to expand its business .
From the above objectives can be taken laba.Laba notion is money remaining after subtracting the company's costs to produce and market goods and services from penerimannya .
In conducting business activities should require earnings because :
1 . Rewards for business owners who have taken the risks that may occur in the ownership of a business .
2 . For the growth of the business itself
3 . Attract new investors , in order to encourage economic growth , job creation , and economic welfare increases
4 . Profit as a spur to work more efficiently
5 . Profits will constitute income for the government , due to increasing business profits , it also increases government revenue through the taxation system
The ability of a company to generate profit is determined by the activities undertaken by the company such as production , sales , research and development , distribution and many other activities . Implementation of these activities require performance is use of resources .
A. Natural Resources
Is any decree anything tangible and can be used to run agribusiness development , decree anything tangible is to be developed on the land of resources or natural resources that are in it . Soil may serve for agribusiness development process because the land is the natural riches contained therein serves as a residence , place of doing business, and as a raw material to obtain other goods .
B. The pattern of agriculture as the base for building agribusiness
The natural environment is an important factor for tersediannya inputs / raw materials in the production process . The quality of the natural environment will determine the quality of the output / product that created the company .

Various pollutants contaminating the natural environment such as air pollution , water pollution and energy crisis may threaten the survival of the company . Companies in developed countries have anticipate this natural deterioration among others by avoiding environmental pollution such as using environmentally friendly machines and operate recycling system to treat waste production .

Healthy Paradigm for Health and Safety at Work by experts

Healthy Paradigm for Health and Safety at Work by experts
By prof . Dr. . Tri Martiana , dr . , MS
Professor of Occupational Health and SafetyInauguration Date : 30-01-2010Faculty : Public HealthSpeech : K - 3 Revitalization Through Healthy Paradigm ( For Optimizing Prevention of Accidents and Diseases Employment )
Every job in this world is almost certainly no one was at risk . Like the proverbial wet water play , play fire charred . Accidents and occupational illness has become a risk any person who does the job , be it farmers , fishermen , factory workers , miners , and even office employees .
Throughout 2009 , the government recorded have occurred as much as 54 398
cases of occupational accidents in Indonesia . Although it showed a downward trend , but the figure is still high . Accidents at work in a sugar factory in Central Java, causing four workers killed in Tuban, East Java and one died and two others were wounded splashed hot dust while working in a cement factory is one of the few examples of cases of occupational accidents resulting in loss of lives even to eliminate .
Losses due to accidents is not only felt by the workers themselves , but also can have an impact on the surrounding community . Hence the need for the implementation of a safety and health management system (SMK3 ) workplace -based health paradigm .
It 's becoming an urgent need given the amount of labor in Indonesia in 2009 amounted to 104.49 million , work in the formal sector by 30.51 % , while 69.49 % worked in the informal sector , with 41.18 % of the distribution of work in the field agriculture , industry 12.07 %, trading at 20.90 %, transport , storage and communication of 5.69 %, 4.42 % increase in construction , financial services and 14.44 %, as well as mining , electricity and gas 1.3 % ( Press Release 2009) . From the data in 2007 are known workplace accident occured on construction labor and industry respectively 31.9 % and 31.6 % .
Prof . DR . Tri Martiana , dr . , MS . , Professor University Press Science Occupational Safety and Health which was confirmed on Saturday ( 30/1 ) at Rector Building Airlangga University , said that the health paradigm in the community is now beginning to fade . Health paradigm that is more emphasis on preventive perspective ( prevention ) and promotive health problem in saw still less attention in the field of occupational safety and health .
According to Prof . Tri , this time most of the companies prefer to pay for treatment and care for workers who are sick ( curative ) rather than seek a system of management of K - 3 are well within the company for the prevention of accidents and occupational illness . On the pretext of costs incurred for preventive - promotive efforts greater . Yet , if employment falls ill , it will be more losses will be borne by the company .
In addition to the loss of funds for the cost of care and treatment , loss of productivity, the company will also work . And for the government it is a burden , as more and more workers who are sick or disabled as a result of work will reduce the quality and quantity of human resources development for the betterment of the nation .
Factors basic cause of workplace accidents is the poor management of K - 3 , the absence of a firm commitment to implement SMK3 and work environment factors . These three things are cause unsafe action ( unsafe acts ) and the unsafe condition ( unsafe conditions ) which is a factor not directly cause accidents. While the onset of factors directly cause workplace accidents is the lack of risk control measures and the presence of potential hazards in the workplace . 80 % of accidents caused by unsafe actions , such behavior was not wearing a helmet construction workers as well as the habit of not wearing a mask and gloves during work by workers dealing with chemicals . To prevent unsafe action is to attempt preventive - promotive , equip the workforce of the knowledge of K - 3 and is supported by the K - 3 culture in the workplace .
As optimizing the health paradigm in the prevention of accidents and diseases carried by appointing a working relationship expert assistance for all K - 3 industry . Problems still facing today is the lack of human resources experts namely K - 3 as a builder SMK3 implementation in the company , due to the low numbers of college graduates or college field K - 3 .
"We need to increase cooperation of all sectors and professional organizations to provide input to the government in the form of groundbreaking efforts in the field of K - 3 , " said the woman born in Surabaya .
The breakthrough for example, provide recommendations to the government related issues Threshold Limit Value ( TLV ) is used to determine the potential hazards of a material exposure to physical , biological or chemical in the workplace . During the NAB was adopted from the National Institute for Occupational standards Safety and Health ( NIOSH ), which is actually less appropriate when applied in Indonesia , because the climate and conditions are different from Americans .
" There needs to be encouragement to conduct further research in this regard and then be recommended to the government " he added . Cooperation of various sectors in question , for example, between departments of agriculture, fisheries and the health department . The three agencies that can make the Joint Decree ( SKB ) as the foundation for efforts to provide protection for the K - 3 informal sector workers , such as farmers and fishermen are still less attention .

Source of Vitamins in food

Source of vitamins :
Sources of vitamins are vegetables and fresh fruits every day akonsumsi kit . However, the levels of vitamins in the diet depends on the type of food , how penyimpaan and processing methods .

Vitamin A is produced by the two compounds are converted by the body into vitamin . Vitamin A derived from animal ( provitamin A ) are available in the form of retinol , while derived from vegetable available in the form of beta-carotene . Beta-carotene which we consume in the small intestine is converted to vitamin

Vitamins can not be manufactured by the body but must be added through the food we eat . It is no wonder that today many vitamin or multivitamin products sold in pharmacies and drug stores . One of the common vitamins
for sale is a vitamin B complex . These vitamins are sold in the form of multivitamins , milk , and food additives
Ubi contained many vitamins , fiber and minerals that are useful to the body such as vitamin C , vitamin E , vitamin B , vitamin Potassium words have been proposed by an expert biochemical Poland in 1912.Vita nation in Latin bemaksud life and mine - amine is the addition of the amine is word ; crowded you indulge in those who thought bahawa all vitamins are amines and now these errors are into disedari .
Values ​​for consuming certain foods have been known to perpetuate kesihatan long before vitamins are known for sure . People do know that ancient Egyptians gave pesakit eat liver will help treat night blindness , which is now known due to lack of vitamin A. In 1747 , Scotland surgeon , James Lind menyedari bahawa citrus foods helped stymie beriberi (scurvy ) ,
capable of carrying a deadly disease in which collagen is not formed, and the characteristics that emerge are slower to heal wounds , bleeding gums , and excessive pain . In 1753 , Lind published his Treatise on the Scurvy . What results is met , however, is not widely accepted . For example , an expedition to the Arctic Sea Tentera Di Raja in the 19th century , it is widely believed bahawa beriberi be abducted by good personal hygiene on board , senaman periodically , and perpetuate moral accomplice ship , instead of the food permakanan fresh . This resulted Tentera sea expedition it was attacked by the disease beriberi . When Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to Antarctica to do two at the beginning of the 20th century , when it was perubatan theory beriberi disease caused by contaminated food in tin .
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in humans called " deficiency " . A deficiency of certain vitamins would show the typical symptoms that may be caused by the absence of the vitamin in foodstuffs or available in sufficient quantity , but only a few are absorbed in the digestive system
The things that cause vitamin in foods is lost
1 . The longer foods are stored the more vitamins are lost
2 . Wash your food too long in the water
3 . Food items that have been cut into pieces so that the surface is not directly cooked food so that it can come into contact with contaminated dirt .
4 . In the cooking process uses high temperatures
5 . Using too much water boiled cooking process so much time is wasted .
Loss of vitamins in cooking can be prevented by
1 . Using the temperature is not too high
2 . Cooking time not too long
3 . Using a little cooking water may
4 . Cutting food is not too small so that the vitamins in foods is not much coming out .
5 . Pot should be closed when cooking
6 . Remaining water boilers used for other dishes .

understanding and impact of Pumblum/PB ( Lead ) Against Health

understanding and impact of Pb ( Lead ) Against Health
Physical and Chemical Properties ( Lead )

Lead ( Pb ) is a metal that is soft bluish or silvery gray with a melting point at 327.5 ° C and a boiling point of 1,740 ° C at atmospheric pressure . Organic compounds such as Pb - Pb and Pb - tetraethyl - tetramethyl is important because many compounds are used as a fuel additive in gasoline in an effort to increase the octane number economically . PB - tetraethyl and tetramethyl Pb form of a solution to the boiling point , respectively 110 ° C and 200 ° C. Because the evaporation power of the two compounds is lower than the evaporation power of other elements in gasoline , then gasoline evaporation will tend to concentrate the levels of P - tetraethyl - and tetramethyl Pb . Both this compound decomposes at its boiling point in the presence of sunlight and other chemicals in the air such as acids or oxidizing compounds holegen .
Impact on Health

Exposure of Pb recorded but the industry has a lot of significance in masyarakatvluas still controversy Exposure , Levels of Pb in nature but extremely varied content in the human body ranged between 100-400 mg . Pb input source is food , especially for those who do not work or contact with Pb estimated averagePb enter through food is 300 mcg per day with a range between 100-500 mg per day . Average enter through drinking water is 20 mg with a range between 10-100 mg . Only the most intake (intake ) are absorbed through digestion . In adult humans for long-term absorption ranged between 5-10 % when the intake is not excessive Pb contents in the stool can be to estimate the daily intake as 90 % Pb removed in this way . Contribution of Pb in the air against the absorption by the body is more difficult to estimate . Particle size distribution and the particle solubility pb also be considered pb levels in the air are usually about 2 mg/m3 and assuming 30 % precipitate respiratory duct and absorption of approximately 14 mg / per day . This calculation may be considered too large and Pb particles emitted from motor vehicles turned out to join the carbon filaments and smaller than expected even though the aggregate is very small ( 0.1 mm ) the amount retained in the alveoli may be less than 10 % . Solubility test showed that Pb was in a soluble form . Almost all organs containing Pb and approximately 90 % found in the bones , blood content of less than 1% of the content in the blood is influenced by the new intake ( within last 24 Hours ) and By pelepan of the skeletal system . Humans with low exposure containing 10-30 mg g Pb/100 Human blood contains high levels of exposure received more than 100 mg/100 g of blood in the blood content of about 40 mg Pb/100g considered heavy or absorb Pb exposure is high enough , though not detected signs Symptoms of poisoning complaints . There are differences in the level of lead concentrations in offices and rural women tend to contain Pb lower than men , and higher in smokers than nonsmokers . The clinical symptoms of lead poisoning in adult individuals will not arise at lead concentrations in the blood contained below 80 mg g Pb/100 blood but obstacles to the synthesis of hemoglobin enzyme activity has occurred in the normal Pb content ( 30-40 mg ) . Lead accumulates in the hair so it can be used as an indicator to estimate the level of exposure or body content of Pb in children is a group of high risika direct Swallowing former Pb -containing paint is a source of exposure , in addition to industrial emissions and road dust from heavy traffic Pb poisoning may exist also to do with mental retardation , but there is no clear evidence . Pb organic compound is neurotoxic and causes anemia Almost all Pb - Pb tetraethyl converted into organic combustion of motor fuels and is released into the air . Effect of Pb in the body is not well known but need to be wary of long -term exposure Lead in bone is not toxic but in certain circumstances can be released due to infection or biochemical processes and providesymptoms of Pb salt complaint is not against human karsiogenik . Health problems are due to Pb reacting with sulfhydryl cluster of proteins that cause precipitation of proteins and inhibit the manufacture of hemoglobin , found symptoms of acute poisoning when ingested in large amounts can cause vomiting or abdominal pain of acute diarrhea . Symptoms of chronic poisoning can cause loss of appetite , constipation fatigue headache , anemia , paralysis of limbs , seizures and visual disturbances .