Monday, March 31, 2014

Formula food for sportsmen

Formula food for sportsmen Sports solely intended to maintain a healthy body. But now through the activity of many people expect not only healthy, but also can keep fit throughout each day. To achieve these expectations must be followed by the exercise correctly, good quality, quantity and diet. For if not, the sport does not trigger the formation of radical-radikalbebas toxic and in turn will lead to krusakan aksidatifpada muscle, liver, heart, and other tissues. Setidiknya until there are three main things that happens when you exercise, the reduction of water and body fluids, the body's use of energy resources and consumption of oxygen.

Loss of water and body fluids
The water in the body, as well as the media, the venue for a variety of biochemical reactions, as well as the thermoregulatory, ie maintain and mangontrol body temperature. When exercising, we will lose water and body fluids (electrolyte) through perspiration. The amount of water lost depends on the long and wide exercise will be undertaken. In strenuous exercise (sternous), kehilanganya can reach three liters per hour. In addition to the loss of water, exercise also deplete the body's reserves of energy, either in the form of glycogen and fats to be converted into energy of motion. The results of a research in which many know the store glycogen peolahraga initially as much as 90% or more energy is taken from the next karbohidarat after a few hours of exercise taken 70-80% energy from fat. As with any other combustion processes, the generation of energy in the body also requires oxygen. Oxygen supply to the muscle fibers during exercise can increase 100-200 times. Dissolved oxygen will circulate within and throughout the body, especially on the parts that do muscle movement. This is where oxygen can be transformed into the relative oxygen compounds bercun, if the body is not enough to have a number of anti-oxidants. From the above discussion it yng strategy can be applied to make food and drinks for peolahraga formula is able to replace the lost water, body fluids and waterwheel and can provide adequate anti-oxidants.
Penganti Water and Body Fluids
Drinks are suitable for peolahraga isotonic drinks. Because this drink is designed so that it has the same osmotic pressure of human blood pressure. Thus, so drink in sips dapaat heartbeat absorbed by the body. As substitutes water loss, these drinks can be made with up to 98% water content. Jug of water serves as a solvent release thirst and other nutrients. As for replacing lost body fluids, it can be supplemented with a drink. Cl Na (Sodium chloride / citrate), P (potassium phosphate), Mg (trimagnesium citrate) and Ca (calcium lactate), as isotonic drinks beverages to peolahraga should have properties which are rapidly emptying stomach and high applicability in the gut. Both of these properties are influenced by the extent and type of carbohydrate / sugar used in the drink. Because krbohidrat levels of less than 5% did not provide enough calories to improve the efficiency of the sport. Similarly, if more than 10% will prevent the emptying of the stomach. Types of carbohydrate, such as glucose, sucrose, and maltodextrin relatively faster in the appeal application fructose. In addition to the energy source, the sugar is also useful as a sweetener. Vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin, besides vitamin C among the B vitamins are involved in energy production is B1, B2, B6, niacin, and vitamin initernyata pantotena.peranan acids act as coenzyme, not a protein compound was also not metal, which required enzymes for metabolism running.
Radical antidote
Humans need about 2500 kcal of energy and oxygen consumed, 90-95% is converted into water, while the rest can be transformed into a compound of oxygen relative (SOR). In SOR normal amount of benefit to, for example body to kill pathogenic microbes and regulate cell growth. However, if excessive and ati oxidant defenses less memedai body, it will cause oxidative stress or damage jarinagn-body tissue. Oxidative stress is likely to occur, especially in muscle tissue during olahrga driven. Therefore, preferably in the beverage peolahraga supplementation with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, E, and b-carotene. Selan can counteract free radicals, the compounds known to lower lipid perodiksidasi. By consuming the drink above, dihrapkan peolahraga gain the following advantages: in short time to avoid dehydration and excessive energy deficiency, whereas in a long time to optimize energy metabolism, prevents tissue damage due to oxidative stress and can menambh vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal body health.
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Hypertension ( high blood pressure )

Definition : Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) According to some experts is :

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries ( Anonymous ( f ) , 2004) ,
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a disease of heart abnormalities in blood vessels marked by an increase in blood pressure ( Mirliani and tantan , 2007)
Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal being leveled by the systolic number (top ) and take numbers ( diastolic ) blood pressure on examination using a measuring device which is a combination of blood pressure cuff mercury ( spigmomanometer ) or other means of dig ital . ( Anonymous , 2009)
Hypertension can be classified into two kinds:

Primary hypertension is a condition in which the occurrence of high blood pressure as a result of lifestyle , environmental factors and genetic factors . Someone who pla uncontrolled eating and lead to overweight or even obese , an initial burst of high blood pressure disease . Similarly, someone who was dala environment or high stress conditions is very likely affected by the disease of high blood pressure , including those that lack of exercise was biased high blood pressure . Genetic factors in the estimate a prominent role in the development of primary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is a condition where the increase in high blood pressure as a result of someone experiencing or suffering from other diseases such as heart failure , kidney failure , or damage to the body's hormone system
Nutritional factors are highly correlated with the occurrence of hypertension
through several mechanisms . Atherosclerosis is a major cause of hypertension is related to a person's diet , although f actor age also play a role , due to the advanced age ( elderly ) blood vessels tend to be stiffer and less elastic . Presented at the Seminar of the Faculty of Medicine Student Senate Hypertension ( YARSI , 21 September 2002 ) ) She believed that hypertension is a disease that is very dangerous , because there are no symptoms or early warning signs as typical . Most people feel healthy and energetic despite hypertension . According to the results Riskesdas of 2007 , the majority of cases of hypertension in the community have not been detected . This situation is of course very dangerous , which can cause sudden death in the community . ( Hembing , 2001) . PermenkesMenkes added , hypertension and its complications can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and controlling risk factors . The trick , keep your weight under normal conditions . Adjust your diet , by eating eating low fat and low salt and multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits . Do exercise regularly . Overcome strees and emotions , stop smoking, avoid alcohol , and check blood pressure regularly. The Indonesian government , said Minister of Health , has given serious attention in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases including hypertension . This can be seen by the formation of Communicable Disease Control Directorate by the Minister of Health Regulation No. . 1575 of 2005 in implementing prevention and control of cardiovascular disease including hypertension , diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases , cancer , chronic illness and other generative diseases and disorders resulting from accidents and injuries . ( Riskesdas Balitbangkes 2007 )
handling ipertensi
Treatment of hypertension conducted in conjunction with a diet low in cholesterol or , a diet high in fiber and low-energy diet for patients with hypertension who are also obese . Hypertensive patients that consume a lot of fruits , vegetables , and low-fat diet may decrease tekanandarah . Changing lifestyle can be weight loss if overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life ( Willy , 2007) . Diets high in fiber have been shown to be effective in preventing and treating many forms of cardiovascular disease , including hypertension . Take a diet rich in high potassium foods ( vegetables and fruits ) and essential fatty acids . Daily intake of potassium should total 7 grams per day . Diet should be low in saturated fat , sugar and salt . In general , whole foods diet that emphasizes vegetables and family members garlic / onion should be consumed by the researchers tested the effects of nutrients in food on blood pressure . The results showed that blood pressure was reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits Excessive consumption of dietary sodium chloride ( salt ) , potassium foods coupled with reduced , causing an increase in fluid volume and interference mechanisms that regulate blood pressure . This leads to hypertension in susceptible individuals .
Diets low in sodium high - potassium reduces the increase in high blood pressure during mental stress by reducing blood vessel constricting effect of adrenaline . Sodium restriction alone does not improve blood pressure control , it must be accompanied by a high potassium intake . Increased risk of increasing the severity of hypertension occurs in moderate weight gain . But not all obesity can be affected by hypertension . Depending on each individual ± . Increased blood pressure above the optimal value is > 120/80 mmHg would increase the risk of cardiovascular disease Weight loss effective in reducing hypertension , weight loss of about 5 pounds can lower blood pressure significantly. Stress Relationship between stress and hypertension melalaui alleged that the sympathetic nerves can increase blood pressure intermittently . If prolonged stress can lead to persistent elevation of blood pressure , stress causes become hypertensive .. Physical activity People with high blood pressure and lack of activity , physical activity likely to effectively lower blood pressure . Physical activity helps with weight control . Aerobic sufficient as 30 ± 45 minutes of brisk walking every day helps lower blood pressure directly . Regular exercise can lower blood pressure in all groups , both hypertension and normotensih . Asupan1 ) Intake Sodium is the major cation in the extracellular fluid of normal serum concentration is 136 to 145 meg / L , Sodium role in maintaining fluid balance in the compartment and acid-base balance of the body and plays a role in nerve transfusion muscle dankontraksi
Measuring Blood Pressure Hypertension
Most people still think hypertension is a trivial thing , but seeing complications in case of high blood pressure in a person can lead to death . The next challenge is how to increase public awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers as described above , for example , 120/80 mm Hg ( millimeters of mercury ) . Blood pressure measurements are usually taken in the upper arm over the brachial artery . Then the blood pressure is classified as several categories : ( Anwar , 2008) .

Normal blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg
Pre - hypertension 120-139 / 80-89 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 1 ) 140-159/90-99 mmHg
High blood pressure / hypertension ( stage 2 ) higher than 160/100 mmHg
hypertension is a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastolic ( Brunner & Suddarth , 2002) .
Hypertension Disease progression in Indonesia
Hypertension in Indonesia , which reported regularly check on the health center as much as 22.8 % , whereas as much as 77.2 % irregularly . Of hypertensive patients with a history of irregular control , blood pressure is not controlled reached 91.7 % , while claiming to control regularly in the last three months instead of 100 % was reported hypertension . These results are thought to have limited facilities at the health center , limited funds , limited available drugs and duration of administration of drugs that only about 3-5 days ( Anwar , 2008) .
Hypertension disease has become a major public health problem in Indonesia as well as in several countries in the world . It is estimated that approximately 80 % increase in cases of hypertension , especially in developing countries by 2025 of some 639 million cases in the year 2000 , the estimate to 1.15 billion cases in 2025 . This prediction is based on the current rates of hypertension and current population growth ( Kartari , 2000) .
For Indonesia 's own awareness and knowledge of hypertension is very low it is proven , people prefer fast foods are generally low in fiber , high fat , high sugar , and contain a lot of unhealthy eating garam.pola this is the trigger hypertension ( Austriani , 2008) . All patients with high blood pressure , approximately 90-95 % teryata yet unexplained mechanism of the disease occur properly . It is not known for sure how they are affected by the disease until blood pressure is a problem of the sufferer tinggi.yaini ( Hembing , 2001) .
Patients with hypertension are also not aware of the character arising drowning . When the patient is hypertensive dinyakaan could stop taking the medication because his blood pressure can be normal , she often considers kesembuhanpermanen.padahal once convicted of hypertension , the disease will continue to twist your body . In one or two years may be a normal blood pressure , but it definitely will visit in the next opportunity . In some cases it can be cured completely . But a small percentage . It was only mild hypertension . What you can do to control it by lowering drugs mengomsumsi hypertension and healthy lifestyle ( Lawrance , 2002. ) .
overweight ; limiting alcohol consumption , regular exercise , reduce salt intake , consumption retain sodium, calcium , magnesium enough , and quit smoking . In addition, patients with hypertension should also have knowledge of and attitude to be able to adjust the compliance management of hypertension in everyday life

Clinical , is a very important method to assess the nutritional staus society . This method is based on the changes - changes associated with ketidakckupan nutrients . It is in liaht in epithelial tissues such as skin , eyes , hair , and thyroid gland ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biochemistry is an examination of the specimens tested in laboratory , which is done on various body such as blood jarinagn ( Supariasa , 2001)
Biophysical , a method of determining the nutritional status by looking kemempuan special functions by looking at changes in the structure of the network and the network ( Supariasa , 2001)
Assessment assessment data , activities determine the value of an object , and the like in accordance with the criteria or benchmarks that have been set previously include the doctor's diagnosis .
Planing planing data , calculate needs and plan activities pasaien menu covers , calculation keebutuhan nutrients and menu planning and nutritional counseling .
Estimated requirements Nutritional needs are many nutrients needed someone ( people) to achieve and maintain an adequate nutritional status . In addition to the nutritional needs according to age , gender , physical activity , and the conditions in sickness , the application should pay attention to the nutritional needs of the changing needs due to infection , metabolic disorders , chronic diseases , and other abnormal conditions . In this case the calculation should be done in particular nutritional needs and its application in the form of dietary modification or special diet .

Definition and Function of amino acids. and the essential amino acid / nonessential

Amino acids are compounds that have one or more karbosil group ( - COOH ) and one or more amino groups ( - NH2 ) , one of which is located on adjacent carbon atoms are karbosil group . Amino acids differ by peptide bonds that continued ties between groups karbosil one amino acid with the amino acids from amino acids beside ( Sudarmaji , 1996 in Persulessy , 2010) .
By Anonymous 2010b , Amino Acid Functions include:

Constituent proteins , including enzymes .
The basic framework is important in the metabolism of a number of compounds ( mainly vitamins , hormones , and nucleic acids )
Important metal fastener in need in the enzymatic reaction ( cofactor ) .
Amino acids come from protein sources . Proteins are organic compounds consisting of one or more amino acids . Protein is in getting through the daily diet in the form decomposed in digestion of amino acids . Every living cell contains protein . Proteins organic compounds essential for living organisms and the highest concentration in the muscle tissue of animals . Proteins are the essential ingredients that support life. Skin , bone , muscle , blood , hormones , enzymes and organs are all made up of protein . According to Anonymous , 2010b there are 20 amino acids which are divided into two groups: non enensial amino acids and essential amino acids . Amino acids are the essential amino acids that are not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food , are as follows :

Tryptophan ; are essential amino acids , it is getting from some source in carbohydrates . Tryptophan found in eggs , meat , skim milk , banana , milk , and cheese .
Threonine : found in foods such as milk , and meat .
Methionine : is esencial . Therefore , it should be taken from food . The main sources of methionine hádala fruits , meat ( chicken, beef , fish , milk ( whole milk , some types of cheese ) , saturan ( spinach , garlic , corn ) , as well as legumes ( peas , pistacio , cashew nuts , red bean , tofu ) .
Lysine ; contained in soy protein , bici legumes , and fish . Average lysine requirement is 1-1.5 g per day .
Leucine ; widely available on the high-protein foods , such as meat , milk , brown rice and soybeans . In the soy milk products are also commonly found leucine content .
Isoleucine ; required for optimal growth . Development of intelligence . Maintain nitrogen balance of the body .
Phenylalanine ; an essential amino acid which is the raw material for the formation of catecholamines . Catecholamines is known as alertness enhancers important for the transmission of nerve impulses . Phenylalanine found in chicken, beef , fish , eggs , and soy .
Valin ; contained in livestock products such as meat , eggs , milk and cheese . In addition , this essential amino acid found in grains that contain oils such as peanut , sesame , and gentil ) .
Histidine, for humans , histidine is an essential amino acid for children .
Nonessential amino acid is an amino acid which can be synthesized by the body , among other things :

Tyrosine ; was first found in cheese . In humans , these amino acids are not esencial , but pembentukanya use of raw materials by the enzyme phenylalanine phehidroksilase . According to research conducted by the Environmental Health Research Institute USA 1988, tyrosine also serves as a stimulant and sedative drugs are effective to improve mental and physical performance under pressure , with no side effects . Tyrosine is contained in chicken liver , cheese , avocado , banana , yeast , fish and meat .
Cysteine ​​; cysteine ​​is also found in foods such as chili peppers , garlic , onions , broccoli , and core grain .
Serin ; first time in the isolation of the protein silk fiber in 1865 .
Proline ; function in the know as the most important protein components .
Glycine ; protein itself does not contain many glycine ( except on the collagen -containing glycine than two-thirds of the womb ) . The human body produces sufficient amounts of glycine .
Glutamate ; glutamate used in the flavoring industry . In everyday life found in the form of a salt derivative known as monosodium glutamate or MSG .
Aspartate ; function in plants known as neurotransmitters in the brain and muscle nerves . Aspartate is also possible to play a role in resistance to fatigue .
Ariginin ; among children , ariginin very important . Ariginin main source of food found in livestock products such as meat , milk , eggs , and various processed . Meanwhile, from plant products , ariginin found in chocolate and peanut seeds .
Alanine ; are found in other forms of food such as meat , fish , milk , eggs , and nuts .
Glutamine ; an amino acid that is also known as acid glumatik . These amino acids serve as fuel for the brain that controls excess ammonia formed in the body as a result of biochemical processes . Naturally , glutamine is found in wheat and soybeans .
Asparagine ; required by the nervous system necessary to maintain equilibrium and also in the transformation of the amino acids . Asparagine also found in meat ( all kinds of sources ) , eggs and milk ( and products turunanya ) .
Lately, non-essential amino acids are divided into two groups: non- essential amino acid that is conditional groups nonessential amino acids , amino acids can be sufficient for the growth of an adult , but not sufficient for the growth of children and amino acids that are not really essential ( Almatisier , 2002 in Persulessy , 2010) . Sources : ( Almatisier , 2002 in Persulessy , 2010) . Summaries do not forget to read other material on this blog :

Iodine Deficiency (IDD)

The cause of IDD

Food and water, which is used every day for a healthy life, not / (Less) containing iodine seeds
Family habits that do not use iodized salt in the daily diet, especially families who berdaerah mumps
Enlarged adenoids
For children causing bottlenecks in physical and mental growth that could lead to a state body, the midget, dumb, retarded or stupid
Due to the IDD

Developmental abilities of children and the level of intelligence of children stunted (low IQ)
Stunted physical growth:
Height almond hampered
neurological movement disorder in all his movements are very slow.
hearing loss sufferers severe level of deafness in disorder, sufferers experience cretin patients have an enlarged thyroid gland in the neck, if pregnant women suffer from IDD possibility to suffer miscarriage or her baby die in childbirth
How to prevent IDD Do iodized salt through Every time cooking a family meal in the use of iodized salt
How Do Countermeasures IDD problems through the provision of iodized oil capsules on all WUS, and elementary school children in endemic areas.

Understanding the benefits Colostrum and colostrum

Definition of Colostrum
Colostrum ( early milk ) is milk that came out in the first days after birth , yellowish and thicker , because it contains a lot of vitamin A , protein and antibodies that are important to protect infants from infectious diseases . Colostrum also contains vitamins A , E and K as well as some minerals such as sodium and Zn ( MOH, 2005) .
benefits of Colostrum
According to the MOH (2005 ) , colostrum benefits are :

Colostrum contains antibodies mainly ( IgA ) to protect infants from infectious diseases , especially diarrhea .
Colostrum contains proteins , vitamins A high carbohydrate and low fat , so according to the nutritional needs of infants in the first days after birth .
The amount of colostrum produced , varies depending on the baby sucking on the first days of the birth , although a little but enough to meet the nutritional needs of infants . Therefore , to be given to the baby .
Colostrum helps expenditures meconium , the first baby poop greenish-black .