Monday, March 31, 2014

Understanding the benefits of breastfeeding and breast milk

Definition of breastfed
Mother's Milk ( ASI ) is the best and natural food for infants . Breastfeeding is a natural process , but often unsuccessful mothers to breastfeed or stopping breastfeeding early before the age of six months . Hence mothers need help to make the process successful exclusive breastfeeding . Many reasons dikemukan mothers , among others , the mother felt that her milk is not enough , the milk does not come out in the first days of a baby 's birth . Indeed it is not caused because the mother was not confident enough that their milk to the baby . Information about the ways good and proper breastfeeding , exclusive breastfeeding has not reached the majority of mothers ( MOH, 2005) .
benefits of breastfeeding
The benefits of breastfeeding ( breast milk ) , is the best nutrition for babies because of the composition of nutrients in it is able to ensure optimal growth of the baby's body . In addition , the quality of breast milk nutrients are also best for easily digested and absorbed by the baby's gut . Protein content of breast milk ( 0.9 mg / 100 ml ) was lower than the levels of protein in formula ( 1.6 gram/100 ml ) . However , breast milk is very high quality protein and contain essential amino acids needed by the baby's digestion ( Widjaja , 2004) .

Understanding Anemia by the Expert

Anemia is a condition in decreasing levels of hemoglobin , hematocrit and red blood cell count below the normal value is pegged to the individual ( Arisman , 2008) . Anemia is a condition where a low hemoglobin levels due to pathological conditions . Iron deficiency anemia is one cause , but not the only cause of anemia ( Fatmah in the Faculty of Public Health , 2007) .
According Nursalam , Anemia is a decrease in the levels of erythrocytes ( red blood cells ) and hemoglobin ( Hb ) in each cubic millimeter of blood in the human body . Almost all disorders of the circulatory system is accompanied by anemia characterized by paleness of color on the body , decrease in physical labor , lower resistance . The causes of anemia include an assortment of iron deficiency anemia ( Murgiyanta , 2006) .
According Wirakusumah , anemia is a condition to a decrease in hemoglobin concentration , hematocrit and red cell count below normal . In pendertita anemia more often called anemia , red blood cell levels or hemoglobin below normal . The reason could be due to lack of iron , folic acid and vitamin B12 . But what often happens is anemia caused by iron deficiency . Iron deficiency anemia is anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body , so the need for iron for erythropoiesis is not enough , which is characterized by red blood cells , hypochromic picture - mikrositer , levels of serum iron and transferrin saturation decreased , elevated total iron binding capacity and iron reserves in the bone marrow as well as another place very little or nothing at all ( Oppusungu , 2009) .
According Soekirman , iron deficiency anemia is a condition where a decline in iron storage in the liver , thereby decreasing the amount of blood hemoglobin below normal . Before the iron anemia , beginning first with the state of malnutrition iron ( KGB ) . If iron stores in the liver decreased but not severe , and the amount of hemoglobin is still normal , then the person is said to be malnourished iron ( not accompanied by iron anemia ) . The state of ongoing malnutrition and iron will result in more severe iron deficiency anemia , in which the body no longer has enough iron to form hemoglobin in the cells needed new blood ( Wulansari , 2006) .

Signs and Symptoms of Anemia

Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
Signs and symptoms of anemia usually is not typical and is often not obvious , such as pallor, fatigue , palpitations and shortness of breath . Pallor can be checked on the palms of the hands , nails and conjunctiva palbera . Typical Signs include anemia , angular stomatitis , glossitis , dysphagia , hipokloridia , koilonychia and pafofagia . Signs that are less typical form of fatigue , anorexia , increased susceptibility to infections , certain behavioral disorders , intellectual performance and the ability to work decreases ( Arisman , 2008) .
Early symptoms of anemia such as iron weakness, fatigue , lack of energy , poor appetite , decreased concentration , headache , easily infected with the disease , decreased stamina , and view dizzy - especially when rising from a seat. In addition , the face , mucous membranes of the eyelids , lips , and nails the patient was pale . If anemia is very severe , can result in shortness of breath even a weak heart ( Zarianis , 2006) .
Symptoms caused by insufficient oxygen supply to these needs, varies . Anemia can cause fatigue , weakness , lack of energy and the head was floating . If anemia gain weight , can lead to a stroke or heart attack . Symptoms of weakness, fatigue , lethargy , fatigue , weak or commonly called 5l is also one of the symptoms of anemia . Other symptoms are dizzy eyes , reduced concentration and immune deficiencies ( Wikipedia , 2007) .
Early symptoms of iron deficiency anemia is a complaint weakness, fatigue , lack of energy , poor appetite , decreased concentration , headache , dizzy often view particularly of state sitting then standing . Another sign of the eyelids , face , lips and fingertips usually looks pale ( Syafitri , 2008) .

prevention of Anemia

So far there are four basic approaches prevention of iron deficiency anemia , namely ( Arisman , 2008)

The provision of iron tablets or injections of iron tablet Giving workers or longer supplementation for 3-4 months to increase hemoglobin levels , red blood cell lives for only about 3 months or erythrocyte life only lasts for 120 days , then 1/20 of erythrocyte cells must replaced daily or body require 20 mg of iron per day . The body can not absorb iron ( Fe ) from the food that much every day , then iron supplementation iron tablet is very important. Supplementation is executed by providing nutrients that can help to correct the state of nutritional anemia . Because according to the results of the study of nutritional anemia in Indonesia are mostly caused due to iron deficiency .
Education and effort that has to do with increased iron intake through food consumption of iron tablets can cause side effects that interfere so people tend to reject tablets given . To be understood , must be given proper education , for example about the dangers that may occur due to anemia , and must also be convinced that one of the causes of anemia is iron deficiency . Iron intake from food can be improved in two ways :
a. Ensuring adequate food consumption of calories that should be consumed .
b . Increasing the bioavailability of iron is eaten , is by way of promoting foods that can spur and avoid foods that can reduce iron absorption .
Treatment of infectious disease surveillance effective and timely manner to reduce the undesirable effects of nutrition . Although , the number of episodes of illness was not reduced, appropriate treatment services has been shown to shrink the long as well as the severity of the infection . The crucial action performed during ongoing disease patients is educating families about healthy eating during and after illness . Surveillance of infectious diseases requiring health measures such as the provision of clean water , improved sanitation and personal hygiene . If there is a parasitic infection , no doubt about it, that hookworm ( Ancylostoma and Necator ) and Schistosoma are the cause. While the role of other intestinal parasites which proved to be very small . There is plenty of written evidence , that the parasite parasites in large amounts can menggaggu absorption of various nutrients . Therefore , the parasite must be destroyed on a regular basis . However, if the destruction of intestinal parasites is not accompanied by cessation measures the source of infection , reinfection can occur that require more drugs . Culling the worm itself can be effective in terms of reducing the parasite , but the benefit in hemoglobin levels very slightly . If iron intake increases , either through supplementation or food fortification , although hemoglobin levels will increase parasite itself has not been eliminated .
Fortification of staple foods with iron fortification of food which is consumed and processed centrally at the core of anemia control in various countries . Fortification of food is one of the most powerful way in the prevention of iron deficiency . In industrialized countries , the product is a common Makana fortification of wheat flour and bread made ​​from corn meal and grits . In other developing countries have been considered for memfortifikasi salt , sugar , rice and fish sauce .

Function / Use Hemoglobin (Hb) and the structure of hemoglobin (Hb)

Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues and bring back carbon dioxide from whole cells to the lungs and expelled from the body . Myoglobin acts as a reservoir of oxygen : accept , store and release oxygen in muscle cells . A total of approximately 80 % iron in the body is in hemoglobin ( Sunita , 2001) .
According to MOH as for hemoglobin , among others :

Regulate the exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide in the body tissues .
Take oxygen from the lungs and then carried to all tissues of the body to be used as fuel .
Brings carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body as a result of metabolism to the lungs to waste, to determine whether a person is deprived of blood or not , can be determined by measuring hemoglobin levels . The decrease in mean hemoglobin levels of normal blood deficiency called anemia ( Widayanti , 2008) .
Structure of Hemoglobin ( Hb )
At the center of the molecule consisting of a heterocyclic ring , known as porphyrins that hold one atom of iron , the iron atom is the site / local bonding of oxygen . Iron -containing porphyrin called heme . The name is a combination of hemoglobin heme and globin , the globin as a generic term for globular proteins . There are several proteins containing heme and hemoglobin are the most well known and widely studied .
In adult humans , hemoglobin is a tetramer ( containing 4 submit a protein ) , which consists of two of each of the alpha and beta subunits are non- covalently bound . Sub- units are structurally similar and similarly sized . Each subunit has a molecular weight of approximately 16,000 Dalton , so that the total molecular weight of 64,000 Dalton tetramernya be . Each subunit of hemoglobin contains one heme , so the overall capacity of hemoglobin has four oxygen molecules ( Wikipedia , 2007) .