rates of maternal morbidity and mortality in many developing countries
is mainly caused by childbirth bleeding , eclampsia , sepsis , and
complications of miscarriage . Most of the major causes of maternal morbidity and mortality that could be prevented through effective prevention efforts . Maternal health care during the past two decades focused on : family planning to more prosperous members of society . Trfokus
neonatal care to monitor the progress of the pregnancy symptoms and
signs of danger , provide labor and willingness to face complications . Post- abortion care for emergency containment procedures miscarriage
and complications as well as responsive to the needs of other
reproductive health services .
and safe delivery as well as prevention studies and scientific evidence
shows that care delivery is clean , safe and on time is one of the
effective measures to prevent morbidity and mortality . Management
of complications that occurred before , during and after
persalinan.dalam efforts to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality
should be anticipated limitations on the ability to manage the
complications of certain service levels . Competence attendant , the introduction of the type of complication
and the availability of relief to be decisive for the success of the
general management of complications will always be according to the
circumstances and the degree of occurrence .
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Basis Theory Pengerian Childbirth
Childbirth is the process of spending komsepsi results ( janing and
uri ) who had just months or can live outside the womb through the birth
canal or by other means , with the help or without help ( force
yourself ) ( Manuaba , 1998) .
Normal delivery is the birth of the fetus to the mother 's own power ,
without the aid of tools and not to hurt the mother and baby were
generally lasts less than 24 hours .
Normal delivery by farer ( 2001 ) is labor that has the following characteristics .
1 . Occurs in pregnancy at term , not prmatur or postmrur .
2 . Have a spontaneous onset , is not due to induction .
3 . Completed after 4 hours and before 24 hours from the time of onset , instead of parturition Precipitate or prolonged labor .
4 . Single Janing with vertex presentation and no part of the occiput anterior pelvis .
5 . Accomplished without the help artifial .
6 . Not terdapatkomplikasi .
7 . Includes birth normal placenta .
Signs Symptoms of Labor
1 . Signs and symptoms of labor permualaan by Mochtar (1994 ) . Before the actual lifeboat labor , some women entered the week before
your due day of the call when the preliminary ( preparatori stage of
labor) with signs following .
a. Lightening or settling or dropping , the head down into the pelvic inlet .. in primigravida occurring before the 36th week . Lightenig caused by :
· Braxton Hicks contractions ;
· The tension of the abdominal wall ;
· Tension rotumdum ligament ;
· Gravity fetus .
When the incoming head of the inlet , the mother will feel a sense of
misguided in the upper abdomen and the lower part is reduced tightness .
a. Look more dilated stomach and fundus down .
b . Frequent or difficult urination micturition .
c . Pain in the waist and belly .
d . Cervical start flabby and flat . In the multi- picture is less clear , because the fetal head had entered the pelvic menjelalan delivery .
e . The beginning of his or his fake . The nature of his false is :
· Mild pain in the lower part ;
· The data is irregular ;
· Short duration ;
· There is increased with no change in activity in the cervix .
2 . Signs of labor is as berrikut inpartu .
a. His labor occurs , with the characteristics :
· Waist pain that radiates forward ;
· The nature of the pain on a regular , shorter intervals , and greater strength ;
· Impact of change of the cervix ;
· With the move kekuan growing .
b . Passage of mucus mixed with blood .
c . Sometimes the rupture itself .
d . The results of the examination ( PD ) indicates the occurrence of softening , landings , and the opening of the cervix . Uterine contractions or his characteristics to note are : the strength of contraction / intensity , frequency , and duration . Each contraction of the uterus consists of three phases as follows .
· Incement , namely ketikabintensitas or contraction force was formed .
· ACEME , the maximum peak of the contraction .
· Decrement , when the muscles of the uterus to start contracting .
The duration of uterine contractions measured from the beginning to the end Incement decrement . frequency is calculated from the initial Incement or decrement until early next contraction .
Theories Regarding the Delivery Process
The cause of birth is not known with certainty , so several theories stating the possibility of the delivery process . According Manuaba (1998 ) , the notion of labor is as follows .
1 . Decreased Hormone Theory
A few days before parturition a decline in levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone . So that the uterine muscles are sensitive to oxytocin . Decreased levels of progestron pda certain level causing uterine muscle contraction Molai .
2 . theory Kerengangan
Uterine muscle has the ability to stretch a limited extent . If the limit is exceeded, there will be a contraction , so that delivery can commence .
3 . Placenta Theory Being Old
Parents often semmakin placenta with increasing gestational age will
mmenyebabkan fall of estrogen and progesterone , so the blood vessels
spasm and the resulting contraction of the uterus .
4 . Mechanical irritation Theory
On the back of the cervix is located ganglion servikale / fleksus Fran Kenhauser . If the ganglion is shifted and suppressed or depressed to the fetus , then there will be a contraction of the uterus .
5 . Oxytocin theory Interna
According progesterone concentration due to her pregnancy resulted in
increased oxytocin activity and frequent Braxton Hicks contractions ,
thus persalian can begin .
6 . theory Prostaglanndin
Prostaglanndinn issued by decidua konssentrasinya meninggkat since the age of 15 weeks gestation . Prostaglandins regarded as a trigger of labor , prostaglandin
administration during pregnancy can cause muscle contraction pregnant .
Important Factors in Childbirth
There are several factors that play a role in labor ( Stencheveer and Sorensen , 1995 ) .
1 . Push the fetus out strength ( power )
a. His ( contraction utterus ) .
b . Prut wall muscle contraction .
c . Contraction of the pelvic diaphragm .
d . Keteganga and ligament contraction .
e . The Effectiveness force push .
f . Duration of labor .
2 . Type ( Passenger )
a. location of the fetus
b . Fetal position .
c . Presentation of the fetus .
d . Placental location .
3 . Cross type ( Passage )
a. The size and type of the pelvis .
b . Ability serviksuntuk open .
c . Ability vaginal canal and vaginal introitus to aft .
4 . Psycho ( Psyche )
a. Physical preparation for childbirth .
b . Childbirth experience .
c . Support people nearby.
d . Intergitas emotional .
Delivery mechanism
The process consists of four phases of labor / time .
First stage : the start time of the cervix opens up a complete opening of 10 cm .
Kala II : spending time fetus .
Third stage : the release time of the placenta and the expulsion of the placenta .
Kala IV : take one to two hours after delivery of the placenta .
1 . The first stage ( stage opening )
The onset of labor is marked by the release of mucus mixed with blood because the cervix begin to flatten and open . Kala du opener divided into phases ( Mochtar , 1994 ) .
a. Latent phase : cervical dilatation lasted lambbat , until the opening of 3 cm which takes place in seven to eight hours .
b . The active phase lasts six hours selanma divided into three subvase , among others .
· Acceleration period , opening to 4 cm berllangsung dive two hours .
· Maximum dilatation period , ie within 2 hours of opening to 9 cm .
· The period of deceleration , ie re- opening llambat occurred within two hours of the opening of 9 cm reach 10 cm complete . The duration of the first stage to last for 12 hours primigravida while multigravida about 8 hours . Friedman curve calculated Bardasarkan primigravida opening is 1 cm per hour and for multigravida 2 cm per hour . With these calculations , the time can be estimated pembuaan lengkkap
2 . The second stage ( when spending )
Mochtar ( 1994 ) , when expenditures on a fetus , his coordinated ,
strong , 2-3 minute intervals with a duration of 50 to 100 seconds . At
the end of the first stage will rupture the amniotic fluid accompanied
spur spending , the fetal head entered the room down the flanks,
resulting in pressure on the pelvic floor muscles which will lead to a
desire to push. Therefore, the suppression of fleksus Franken Hauser , mom feel like a bowel movement because of pressure on the rectum . Signs of the second stage ( Farrer , 2001) , among others :
· Vaginal examination the cervix is fully dilated .
· Usually amniotic membrane has ruptured .
· His or uterine contractions strong long lasting , and not so often instead of 2-3 minutes longer , but about 3-5 minutes.
· There may be a trickle of blood from the vagina .
· Women experience a strong urge to push.
· Sphincter ani looks berlilatasi .
· Perineum stood out .
3 . The third stage ( Uri release )
After the second stage , uterine contractions stopped about 5 to 10 minutes . Schultze
the release of the placenta is usually no perarahan before delivery of
the placenta and many bleed after delivery of the placenta . While
the expulsion of the placenta way Duncan is separated from the edge of
the placenta , blood usually flows out between the membrane ketuan (
Mochtar , 1994 ) . Release of the placenta is predictable by looking at the signs :
a. Uterine be round ;
b . strong contraction of uterine fundus ;
c . Uterine pushed upwards due to placenta lepass lower uterine segment ;
d . increased cord length ;
e . bleeding occurred
4 . Kala IV ( Observation )
stage IV is intended for observation postpartun bleeding . Most ; often occurs pendarhan pad first two hours , which need to be observed are :
a. Level of consciousness ;
b . Vital signs ;
c . Contraction of the uterus ;
d . Bleeding bleeding considered normal if the amount is not more than 500 ml .
PartografPartograf is a record chart for monitoring the progress of labor objec mother and fetus . Partograph can be regarded as an early warning system '' that will
help make decisions earlier when a mother must diujuk , accelerated , or
terminated labor.
Partograph based on the following principles ( sudraji , 1993) .
1 . Active phase of labor , starting at pembuakn 3 cm .
2 . Latent phase of labor , should last no more than 1 cm per hour .
3 . Grace cwaktu 4 hours between delivery and dimbilnya slowing action
will not harm the fetus or mother , to avoid an unnecessary tingdakan .
4 . Check in should not be made to overly frequent ( direkomdasikan per hour ) .
5 . Should use existing partographs suda uwaspada lines and lines tindakanya .
Component Component Patograf partographs consists of the following three things :
a. Note the fetus ;
b . Note the progress of labor ;
c . Maternal calendar notes .
Progress Notes Childbirth
Components of the graph memusatka attention to the opening of the
cervix according to time , which as become the latent phase and the
active phase .
Latent phase : latent phase of labor begins early in labor to reach
the opening of 3 cm , if this phase is more than 8 hours denganhasil
twice in 10 minutes , then labor will tend to have trouble .
Phase Active : Immediately after striking 3 cm opening , then will enter the active phase of labor . At 90 % premigravida , cervix will open with a speed of 1 cm per hour or faster in the active phase . Alert line drawn from 3 cm to 10 cm are memgambarkan keecepatan opening . If the opening moves to the right of alert line melmbaat , it indicates the presence of barriers to delivery . Kemjuaan other deliveries also need observation , eg fetal head descent and his quality . Carefully monitoring the state of the fetus include fetal heart rate and fetal membrane . Mother state examination conducted regularly by recording temperature , pulse , blood pressure , and urine .
Observations were recorded on the partograph The following are the things that need to be recorded on the partograph .
1 . progress of labor
a. The opening of the cervix .
b . The fall head : palpation . Stomach ` fifth fetal head is palpable .
c . His : frequency of every 10 minutes and turasinya drawn with shading .
2 . The state of the fetus
a. The frequency of fetal heart rate .
b . Color , number , and length of rupture kutuban .
c . maulasse fetal head .
3 . The state of the mother
a. Pulse , temperature , and blood pressure .
b . Orine : volume , protoin , and acetone .
c . Drugs and intravenous fluids .
d . Penberian oxytocin .
Contraindications The following is the implementation partographs kontraindukasi of implementation partographs .
1 . Pregnant women with kuran height 145 cm .
2 . Antepartum bleeding .
3 . Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia .
4 . Premtur delivery .
5 . Former labor sectio Caesaria ( SC ) .
6 . Maternity pregnant with twins .
7 . The location of the abnormality .
8 . State of fetal distress .
9 . Labor induced .
10 . Pregnant with severe anemia .
11 . Alleged narrow pelvis .
Advantages and disadvantages of implementing partographs Advantages and disadvantages of the use of partograph is as follows .
a. profit
1 . There is enough time to do the referral ( 4 hours ) after delivery trip over the line alert .
2 . At the health center enough time to take action .
3 . Reduce infection due to the limited examination .
a. loss
Possible too fast for referral , which can actually be implemented in place .
curves Fridedman
1945 , Friedman conducted research on a large number of mothers in the
United States that produce patterns of normal cervix . Fridedman
labor functionally divide into two , namely , the latent phase which
lasts 8-10 hours until the opening of 3 cm , which is followed by an
active phase is characterized by the acceleration of the acceleration of
the opening of 3 to 8-9 cm , and then ends with a phase deselarasi /
deceleration of 9 cm to the complete opening ( 10 cm )
reference sources :Hakimi , M. 1990. Obstetrics : Pathology and Physiology Labor . Foundation Esentia MedikaManuaba , Ida Bagus . , 1998. Obstetrics , Gynecology and Family Planning . Jakarta : EGC .Mochtar , Rustam . , 1994. Synopsis of Obstetrics . Jakarta : EGCPrawiroharjo , Sarwono . , 1997. Obstetrics . 3rd edition . Jakarta : Yayasan Bina LibrarySumapraja , Sudarji . , 1996. WHO partograph . Jakarta : Center for Faculty KdokternUI Publisher