Friday, April 4, 2014

Drinking Water Monitoring System Packaging

Drinking Water Monitoring System Packaging
a) Vehicles transporting water should not be transporting other materials , should be in a locked or sealed keaadaan and not opened during the trip .
b ) Material tank transporting materials should not release toxic substances into the water as food grade containers sfell or quilted poly carbonate .
c ) Do washing with tap water disinfection of drinking -water discharge valve on the tank car and charging the water depots , as well as pipelines for water in the tank and depot .
d ) Before water flowed into depots , filling faucet pipe flushing should be done . Suppliers by letting the water wasted while a new pipe is inserted into the filling water faucet depot .
In Tools
a) On the Water Tandon
1 . Reservoir water sheltered from the sun , touch insects , rodents and do not become breeding places of mosquitoes .
2 . Materials tendon or food drade stanless fuel tank .
3 . Retention time maximum of 1 ( one ) month .
4 . Supervision properties of water that must be seen transparently to the bottom of the tendon .
b ) On the Tube filter and microfilter
1 . Quality filters emotion got the recommendation from food grade materials .
2 . Supervision of quality filters regularly to ensure the filter works fine .
c ) In Pewadahan Bottle
1 . Bottles are allowed guaranteed clean bottle .
2 . Washing is done in all parts of the bottle that is part of the inner surface , the neck and the mouth of the bottle by means of spray ` hot water , a solution of water containing ozone or ultraviolet irradiation with
At Disinfectant .
At the disinfectant used in the process penggolahan bottled water .
a) Ultraviolet ( UV )
Ultraviolet rays are the rays that are on the spectrum bands . Ultraviolet light can be derived from nature ie matahar , working principle as desinvektan ultraviolet drinking water is ultraviolet DNA ( Dioksiribosa Nukleid Acid ) of the organism in the cell , and eventually inhibits reproduction . Noteworthy is the operator for its use eye protection and do not look directly kesinar ultraviolet .
b ) Ozone
Ozone or O3 is easily soluble in water and easily composed . Ozone is able to eradicate the organisms such as viruses and other forms cysts and be a good solution to eliminate the odor , taste and color of the water . Ozone works in water with ozone gas in a manner infect the depth of water flow through an injector that produces fine bubbles which controls the mixing ( dissolution ) of ozone gas with water . Once evenly mixed , ozone gas does not add chemicals in the water . Composition change is the increase in the oxygen content of pure water ( Retno , 2008)

Factors associated with the use of personal protective equipment PPE

Factors associated with the use of personal protective equipment PPEdiscussion of the factors associated with the use of PPE can be seen in the post below
a. knowledge
Knowledge is the result of know and this occurred after people perform sensing ( mostly obtained from the S. Indrah and ears ) to the specified object . According Notoatmodjo (1997 ) knowledge of the most important domains merepukan formation of one's actions (overt behavior) and knowledge can be measured by conducting interviews . behavior based on the knowledge and awareness of the more lasting than the behaviors that are not based on science and consciousness .
Knowledge which includes therein 6 ( six ) levels, namely ( Notoadmodjo , 1993) :
1 . Know ( Know ) is defined as a material that has been given in the previous study .
2 . Understanding ( Comprehension ) is defined as an ability to explain properly about the objects in knew.
3 . Application ( Application ) is defined as the ability to use a material that has been studied in a situation or condition of the area ( in fact ) .
4 . Analysis ( Analysis) defined an ability to describe an object or material tehadap components but still within an organizational structure and still no relation to each other .
5 . Sintesin ( Synthesis ) refers to the ability to place or connect the parts in a whole new form .
6 . Evaluation ( evalution ) this is related to the ability to conduct an assessment of the justification or a material or object
Measurements can be done with the interview or questionnaire stating about the content material of the measured objects. The depth of knowledge that you want to know or can we adjust the measured levels above ( Notoatmodjo , 1993) .
a. attitude
According Notoatmodjo ( 1993 ) attitude is a reaction or response from someone who is still closed to a stimulus or object . Manifestations of attitude can not be seen directly , but can only be interpreted in advance of trtutup behavior . According to Newcomb cited by Notoatmodjo (1997 ) that attitude is a readiness / willingness of a person to act as an object in a particular environment as an appreciation of the object .
According to Ahmadi ( 1990 ) cited by Notoatmodjo ( 1997 ) attitude can be divided into :
a. A positive attitude , namely : attitude shows or shows accept or acknowledge , approve the applicable norms in which individuals live .
b . Negative attitudes , namely : indicates rejection or not approve the applicable norms in which the individual was brtada .
As with knowledge , attitude also terdsiri of various levels namely ( Notoatmodjo , 1993) :
1 . Receiving ( Receiving ) defined person ( the subject ) and want to pay attention to a given stimulus ( object ) .
2 . Responding ( Responding ) is defined as giving an answer when asked work and complete the task given.
3 . Appreciate ( Valuing ) is defined as invite others to work and discuss a problem .
4 . Responsible ( Responsible ) is responsible for everything that has been chosen with all the risks .
DAPT attitude measurements are made directly or indirectly . Can direct the respondent expressed the opinion or statement of an object , it can not be done directly with the hypothetical questions , then ask the opinion of the respondents .
c . age
According to Gilmer cited by Swita ( 2001 ) which states that there is influence of age on work performance and so on will be related to the level of performance . In human development will undergo physical and mental changes will be used depending on the type of work . In general, workers who have a relatively old age her physical power is more limited than young workers .
d . education
Education affects one's way of thinking in the face of the work . Partie De Santis (1996 ) cited by Laurenta (2001 ) in his research which proves that education is one of the factors that affect a person's income and ways of working .
Education factor is one thing that is very big influence on productivity improvement work done . The higher the education level the more likely workers to work and do the job ( Ravianto , 1990) .
e . future work
Experience for vigilance against accidents increase with age , years of service in the company and length of work in the workplace is concerned . new labor environment usually do not know in depth the ins and outs of work and safety , in addition to the new workforce is often concerned with the completion of a job that is given to them so that safety is not enough to get their attention . In a new company less experienced workers often have accidents so that special attention needs to be given to them . The old one's work can be attributed to the experience gained in the workplace . The longer a person works the more experience and higher knowledge and skills ( Silalahi , 1985 ) .
Working lives greatly affect a person's work experience and environment in which he worked , the longer he worked more and more experience . This will affect the perception , attitude , doing more controlled ( Ravianto , 1a990 ) . According to the banner ( 2001 ) workers who have long working lives will be more skilled and experienced in their work so that the results will be better and safer

The types of personal protective equipment ( PPE )

The types of personal protective equipment ( PPE )
types of personal protective equipment consisting of : head protection equipment , eye protection , ear protection equipment , respiratory protective equipment , protective gear hand , foot protectors , and others . Including protective clothing and other protective equipment such as straps and seat belts are used in workers associated with altitude and depth .
d . Type Ear Protective Equipment ( Siswanto , 1983)
Ear protective devices ( APT ) serves as a barrier between the noise in the ears . In addition , this tool protects the use of the danger of sparks or hot metals ( g ) , for example, the explanation of ear protective devices can generally be divided into 2 types:
1 . Ear plugs ( Ear Plugs )
Ear plugs ( ear plug ) can be made ​​from natural rubber and synthetic plastic . According to the manner of differentiated types of ear plugs go in the outer ear ( spring insert type) and cover the entire outer ear canal ( insert type) and cover the entire outer ear canal ( insert type) .
According to how to use differentiated disposable ear plugs, ear plug that is used for once. Then dumped example of cotton earplugs and night ( WAX ) used non- disposable for a long time made ​​of rubber or molded plastic .
Advantages :
a. Easy to below as the small size .
b . Relatively more comfortable to wear comfortable workplace
c . Do not restrict the movement of the head
d . Relatively cheap price of the cap ear ( ear muff )
e . Can be used effectively without being affected by the use of goggles , earmuffs , earrings and hair .
Disadvantages :
a. Require a longer time than closed ear for proper installation
b . The level of protection is smaller than the ear flap
c . It is difficult to monitor the use of labor whether or not its use is therefore difficult to be seen by inspectors
d . Can only be used for healthy ears
e . When the hands are used to mount the dirty ear plugs ear canal will be susceptible to infection due to irritation
2 . Close Ear ( ear muff )
Close the ear ( ear muff ) consists of two pieces tuduk to close the ear , can be a liquid or foam that serves to absorb high-frequency sounds . In common usage long ears decreased efficacy due to the hardened bearings and bearing materials shrink as a result of reactions with skin oils and sweat . This reaction also occurs in the ear plugs , it is advisable to choose the type larger .
Factors affecting efektfitas ear protective devices as follows :
a. Air leakage
b . Propagation of sound waves through the material protective equipment
c . Vibration tool itself
d . Sound conduction through bone and tissue .
e . Use of the APT problem
1 . Workers do not want to wear the reasons:
a. Can not wait / do not understand
b . hot
c . crowded
d . Not good use
e . Unsightly
f . weight
g . interfere with work
h . Not in accordance with the existing hazard
i . There is no doubt
2 . Not provided by the company
a. lack of understanding
b . Pretended not to understand
c . reason danger
d . Considered useless ( because workers do not want to wear )
3 . Procurement by company
a. Not in accordance with the existing hazard
b . Originally purchased ( especially choosing the cheap )
Besides the issue of the use of ear protective devices mentioned above , some of the problems that may occur in the labor environment due to ear protective devices that encourage workers not to wear is :
a. risk of infection
b . communication difficulties
c . feel teridolasi
d . Headaches too strong jaws
e . uncomfortable
f . Reducing the distance capability suspect
g . Skin irritation .

Definition of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) and Standard Usage

Definition of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) and Standard Usage
a. Definition of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE )
Personal protective equipment is equipment that ahrus provided by agencies , employers for each worker ( employee ) . Personal protective equipment is safety equipment that should be used by workers when in dangerous work environment . ( Cahyono , 2004)
The purpose of the use of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) is to protect labor and the risk of injury by creating a barrier of workplace hazards , personal protective equipment ( PPE ) , not to swap Good Engineering or administrative or best practice based biosafety information / safety manuals / oasis home .
Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) can cause discomfort restrict its use sensory perception of movement . Therefore, controlling the hazardous working environment should always be sought to address hazards within the workplace . For the technically control technology at the source of the danger itself is considered the most effective . For example, the installation of Car Muff on the noise source or Local xhauter the dust source , the security fence on rotating machines and others . However, given the various limitations that it can not know the extent to which such control can be achieved . Because of the above then use / wear personal protective equipment ( PPE ) be the last option . ( Siswanto , 1983)
b . Standard use of PPE
According to ( Cahyono , 2004) in the use of personal protective equipment ataua agency employers should carefully provide it .
For workers and meet the following requirements :
1 . Personal protective equipment should be able to provide strong protection against a specific hazard or hazards faced by workers .
2 . Weight of the appliance must be as light as possible , and the device does not cause excessive discomfort .
3 . Tools need to be flexible facing .
4 . form should be interesting .
5 . Personal protective equipment must be resistant to long service
6 . Personal protective equipment does not pose additional dangers to users and hazards due to improper form or as wrong in its use .
7 . Protective equipment must meet the standards
8 . The tool does not restrict the use of movement and sensory perception
9 . Tribes should be readily available reserves in order to facilitate maintenance.

Medical waste treatment technology ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /

Medical Waste Trash hospital medical
A. Definition of Medical Waste
Ad medical waste / litter derived from medical, nursing , dental , veteranary , pharmaceutical at / birds of a feather , research , treatment , care , research at / education that uses materials that are toxic, infectious , dangerous or potentially dangerous unless done certain safeguards .
According to the MOH . Medical Waste ad / various types of hospital discharges resultant & health care units according to which interchangeable harm and cause health problems for the visitors , especially public officials handle y .
Medical Waste ad / generally 10-15 % of waste that is generated o / health care facilities .
B. Categories of Medical Waste
? ? Waste pharmaceuticals ad / waste that contains pharmaceutical ingredients . Exemplarily : drugs that expire at / not needed anymore , which contaminated items at / containing the drug .
? ? Pathological waste ad / network at / pieces of the human body . Example : body parts , blood and other body fluids that termaasuk fetus .
? ? Waste citotoksik ad / material that is contaminated at / may be contaminated with citotoksik drugs during compounding , transporting at / action citotoksik therapy .
? ? Chemical Waste ad / generated from chemical use within the medical act , vetenary , laboratory , sterilization process and research . Example : reagents in the laboratory , the film u / x-rays , disinfectants which expired at / been dispensable , solen . This waste category of hazardous waste if it has some properties ( toxic , corrosive ( PH12 ) , absolute burning , reactive (explosive , react dg water , prone gocangan ) , genotoxic .
? ? Radioactive waste ad / material that is contaminated with radio-isotopes derived from medical use at / research radionukleida . Origin is a waste / l of acts of nuclear medicine , radio immunoassay and bacteriological pervasive form of solid , liquid , and gas . Example : Unresponsive unused liquid from terapiradioaktif at / research in the laboratory .
? ? Waste plastic ad / plastic material cast- o / clinics , hospitals and other health care facilities such as dissposable goods which is made of plastic and also coating equipment and medical supplies .
? ? Waste with high content of heavy metals such as battery weight , which broke the thermometer , blood pressure gauges .
? ? Pressurized containers such as anesthetic gas cylinders , gas cartridges gas , aerosol cans , respiratory therapy equipment , gaseous oxygen at / liquid .
C. Management of Medical Waste
1 . Hoarding ( Separation & Reduction )

The process of selecting and waste reduction should be a continuous process that must take into consideration that its implementation : the smooth handling and waste collection , treatment with a reduction in the volume of waste separation and non B3 B3 and B3 avoid the use of chemicals , packaging & labeling that is clear from the various types of waste u / cost efficiency , personnel and disposal .
2 . reception
The waste collection containers that are strong , easy morbidly leak at / mossy , avoid tearing at break, having closed and morbidly overload .
Polling conducted within medical management waste treatment standards such as bags and containers by using a variety of colors such as bags that have been established within Permenkes RI no . 986/Men.Kes/Per/1992 where yellow bag with biohazard emblem u / trash infectious , purple bag with symbol citotoksik u / citotoksik waste , red bag with symbol raioaktif u / radioactive waste and black bag with the words " domestic "
2 ) External Transportation :
ü Transportation to place medical waste disposal outside ( off-site ) .
ü Transportation memerluakan external implementation procedures that must be followed precisely and that the officer involved .
ü These procedures include meeting local transportation regulations .
ü medical waste transported within a special container , to be strong and ill leak .
3 ) . Treatment & Disposal
The method that is used u / processing and dispose of medical waste depends pd special factors peculiar to the institutions with which associated with the prevailing regulations and environmental aspects that affect the community .
Medical waste treatment technology ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
3 ) The technology of processing medical waste ( medical waste ) which may be applied ad /
? ? Incenerasi
? ? With hot steam sterilization / autoclaving ( pd -temperature saturated steam conditions of 121 ° C )
? ? Sterilization with gas ( gas that is used in the form of ethylene oxide at / formaldehyde )
? ? Chemical disinfection process with grinding ( to use as a chemical liquid ( disinfectant )
? ? High temperature inactivation
? ? With ultraviolet radiation at / ionizing radiation such as Co60
? ? microwave treatment
? ? Grinding and shredding ( homogenization process at the shape / size of the bins )
? ? Compression / compaction , with the goal u / reduce the volume of which is formed