Monday, March 31, 2014

Factors Influencing Work Productivity

According to the Son , labor productivity is influenced by factors derived from the labor itself and that comes from the corporate environment . These factors include ( Elviana , 2001) :

Nutrition and Health
For humans in the works , nutrients such as carbohydrates , proteins and fats serve as a source of energy and vitamins , minerals and iron act as a protector . Activities that may be strongly influenced by humans is consumed nutrients and health . Adequate nutrition and a healthy body is a prerequisite for high productivity . For heavy physical labor , adequate nutrition with calorie a key condition that determines the productivity of labor . Between health , physical resilience and productivity of work there is a very real correlation . University of North Sumatra
Education and Training
Person's ability to work begins with the education and training they experienced . Education and training coupled with constant practice will increase one's skills , work quality and will be completed quickly, in other words to increase productivity . Higher levels of education provide opportunities of higher income and higher productivity . This is evident from the higher average level in developed countries and high productivity .
Income and Social Security
Wages that can be interpreted as labor remuneration in the form of money working relationships . Rewards that cater for most needs fulfillment himself and his family . Minimum wage just to meet the minimum standard of living . At the level of wages sufficient to meet the needs of decent , had the opportunity to work productivity increased .
Opportunities available for someone to do a better , creative and innovative is also a requirement for the improvement of labor productivity . Opportunity in this regard as well include employment opportunities , which work in accordance with the education and skills and interests and the chances to excel and develop your own potential . University of North Sumatra
Labor productivity is also affected by the company's management of the organization's leadership . The managerial factors affect the morale of the workforce through leadership style , wisdom and company regulations .
Government Policy
Efforts to improve productivity can be boosted by investment policy , investment , technology , management , monetary and credit and boost exports that create a business climate that stimulates productivity improvement .

understanding Productivity

Productivity is defined as the relationship between the physical and tangible results ( goods and services ) with the inclusion of the actual . Productivity is a measure of productive efficiency . A comparison between the output ( output ) and input ( input ) . Feedback is often constrained by labor input , while the output is measured in physical unity of form and value ( Muchdarsyah , 2008) .
According to L. Greenberg , productivity as the ratio between the totality of expenditure at a given time divided by the totality of inputs during the period. Productivity is defined as ( Muchdarsyah , 2008)
a. Comparison of the size of the input and output prices
b . The difference between the total expenditure and the collection of input expressed in the unit ( unit ) general .
Productivity is a universal concept that aims to provide more goods and services to more people , using real sources are fewer and fewer ( Muchdarsyah Oslo Conference in 2008 ) .
According Kussrianto , productivity is a comparison between the results achieved with the participation of labor here is use resources effectively and efficiently ( Sutrisno , 2009) . According to Aigner , that philosophy on productivity has been around since the beginning of human civilization , because the meaning is the desire for productivity and human effort to always improve quality of life and livelihood in all areas . In other words, productivity is the philosophy of the human desire to make today better than yesterday and make tomorrow better than today ( Sutrisno , 2009) .
Productivity is generally defined as the relationship between the output ( goods and services ) with inputs (labor , materials , money ) . Productivity is a measure of productive efficiency . A comparison between the output and input . Input is often limited by manpower , while the output is measured in physical unity , form and value ( Sutrisno , 2009) .
According to Webster , which imposes limits on productivity ( Sutrisno , 2009) :
a. Physically divided the whole business unit of production
b . The effectiveness of managers in the use of industrial activity for the production of
c . Effectiveness in the use of labor and equipment .
According to the National productivity council , general productivity implies a comparison or ratio between the overall results achieved with the resources used ( Oppusungu , 2009) .
According Suprihanto , productivity is defined as the ability of a set of economic resources to produce something or be interpreted also as a comparison between the sacrifice ( input ) with income ( output ) ( Pajar , 2008) .
According simanjuntak , productivity implies a philosophical , a working definition , and technical operations . Philosophically , produktivitasmengandung sense view of life and mental attitude are always trying to improve the quality of life ( Pajar , 2008) .

Method / way Examination hemoglobin levels (Hb)

Among the most commonly used method in the laboratory and the simplest is the Sahli method , and a more sophisticated method is cyanmethemoglobin . ( Bachyar , 2002) In the Sahli method , hemoglobin dihidrolisi with HCl into globin ferroheme . Ferroheme by oxygen in the air is oxidized to ferriheme will immediately react with Cl ions forming ferrihemechlorid also called hematin or hemin brown . Color formed is compared with standard colors ( only with the naked eye ) . For ease of comparison , standard colors are made constant , which changed the color of hemin is formed . Hemin color change is made in a way such that the dilution of the same color with the standard color . Because of that compares is with the naked eye , the very subjectivity of North Sumatra University influential . In addition to currency factors , other factors , such as sharpness , exposure and so can affect the readings . Nevertheless for inspection in areas that do not have sophisticated equipment or inspection in the field , Sahli method is still adequate and trained late when examination results are reliable . More sophisticated methods are methods cyanmethemoglobin . In this method, the hemoglobin is oxidized by potassium ferrosianida into methemoglobin which then reacts with cyanide ion to form cyan - methemoglobin in red . The intensity of the color is read and compared with the standard photometer . Because comparing electronic device , then the result is more objective . However , photometers are still quite expensive , so not all laboratories have it .
Inspection procedures by the method of Sahli

reagents :
0.1 N HCl
distilled water

Equipment / facilities :
pipette hemoglobin
tool Sahli
pipette pastor

Working procedures :
Enter 0.1 N HCl into the tube until the number 2 Sahli
Clean the fingertip blood to be taken with a disinfectant solution ( 70 % alcohol , betadin and so on) , then prick with a lancet or other device
Sip with hemoglobin pipette over the limit , clean the pipette tip , and then drops of blood to mark the boundary by shifting the pipette tip to the filter paper / tissue paper .
Insert the pipette into a tube containing blood hemoglobin , until the pipette tip attached to the bottom of the tube , then blow gently . Try to keep the air bubbles do not arise . Rinse the rest of the blood is attached to the wall by sucking HCl pipette and blow it out again as much as 3-4 times
Mix well and let stand for about 10 minutes .
Put it in the comparator , dilute with distilled water dropwise until the color of the solution ( after mixing until homogeneous ) the same color as the glass of the comparator . When you are together , read hemoglobin levels on a scale tube .
Inspection procedures with the cyan - methemoglobin method

Reagnesia :
Ferrosianida potassium solution ( K3Fe ( CN ) 6 0.6 mmol / l
Solution of potassium cyanide ( KCN ) 1.0 mmol / l University of North Sumatra

Equipment / facilities :
pipette blood
tube cuvettes

Working procedures :
Enter as many as 5 ml reagent mixture into cuvettes
Take capillary blood as the Sahli method as 0.02 ml and put into cuvettes above , shake and let stand for 3 minutes
Read the colorimeter at lambda 546

calculation :
Hb = absorbs x 36.8 gr/dl/100 ml
Hb absorbs x = 22.8 mmol / l

Types of Childbirth Pregnancy

Menjelang masa persalinan, ibu hamil tentulah menginginkan persalinan dilakukan dengan cara normal. Karena persalinan normal merupakan cara terbaik untuk melahirkan si buah hati ke dunia, dimana resiko dan efek yang dihasilkan sangat minim bahkan mungkin tidak ada. Namun meskipun demikian, jika persalinan tidak berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan, maka petugas medis akan melakukan beberapa tindakan dengan menggunakan peralatan guna mendukung kelancaran proses persalinan. Berikut jenis-jenis persalinan yang biasa dilakukan yang perlu diketahui oleh para ibu hamil dan tindakan seperti apa saja yang dilakukan dari tiap-tiap jenis persalinan tersebut (Prawirohardjo, 2005), diantaranya:
a. Persalina normal
Persalinan normal adalah bayi lahir melalui vagina dengan letak belakang kepala/ubun-ubun kecil, tanpa memakai alat bantu, serta tidak melukai ibu maupun bayi (kecuali episiotomi). Proses persalinan normal biasanya berlangsung dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam.
Terjadinya persalinan membutuhkan tiga faktor penting, yaitu kekuatan ibu saat mengejan, keadaan jalan lahir, dan keadaan janin. Ketiganya harus dalam keadaan baik, sehingga bayi dapat dilahirkan. Dengan adanya kekuatan mengejan ibu, janin dapat didorong kebawah, dan masuk kerongga panggul. Saat kepala janin memasuki ruang panggul,posisi kepala sedikit menekuk sehingga dagu dekat dengan dada janin. Posisi ini akan memudahkan kepala janin lolos melalui jalan lahir, yang diikuti dengan beberapa gerakan selanjutnya. setelah kepala keluar, bagian tubuh janin yang lain akan mengikuti, mulai dari bahu, badan, dan kedua kaki.
b. Persalinan dengan seksio sesaria
Seksio sesaria adalah pembedahan untuk melahirkan janin dengan membuka dinding perut dan dinding uterus. Dikenal beberapa jenis seksio sesaria, yakni : 1) seksio sesaria transperitonealis profunda, 2) seksio sesaria klasik atau saksio sesaria corporal, dan 3) seksio sesaria ekstraperitoneal.
c. Persalinan Menggunakan Alat
Jika pada fase kedua/ kala dua persalinan tidak maju dan janin tidak juga lahir, sedangkan ibu sudah kehabisan tenaga untuk mengejan, maka dokter akan melakukan persalinan berbantu, yaitu persalinan dengan menggunakan alat bantu yang disebut forsep atau vakum. Jika tidak berhasil maka akan dilakukan operasi sesar.
Vakum adalah suatu alat yang menggunakan cup penghisap yang dapat menarik bayi keluar dengan lembut Cara kerjanya sangat sederhana, yaitu vakum diletakan diatas kepala bayi, kemudian ada selang yang menghubungkan mangkuk ke mesin yang bekerja dengan listrik atau pompa. Alat ini berfungsi membantu menarik kepala bayi ketika ibu mengejan. Jadi tarikan dilakukan saat ibu mengejan, dan saat mulut rahim sudah terbuka penuh dan kepala bayi sudah berada dibagian bawah panggul.
Persalinan dengan vakum dilakukan bila ada indikasi membahayakan kesehatan serta nyawa ibu atau anak, maupun keduanya. Jika proses persalinan cukup lama sehingga ibu sudah kehilangan banyak tenaga, maka dokter akan melakukan tindakan segera untuk mengeluarkan bayi, misalnya dengan vakum. Keadaan lain pada ibu, yaitu adanya hipertensi (preeklamsia) juga merupakan alasan dipilihnya vakum sebagai alat bantu persalinan. Dengan keadaan demikian, ibu tidak boleh mengejan terlalu kuat karena mengejan dapat mempertinggi tekanan darah dan membahayakan jiiwa ibu. Vakum juga dikerjakan apabila terjadi gawat janin yang ditandai dengan denyut jantung janin lebih dari 160 kali permenit atau melambat mencapai 80 kali permenit yang menandakan bahwa bayi telah mengalami kekurangan oksigen (hipoksia).

According to Varney's Midwifery Management Theory (1977)

Management is often referred to midwifery care or obstetric management is a method of thinking and acting in a systematic and logical in providing midwifery care , so that both parties benefit both clients and caregivers . Obstetric management was adapted from a concept developed by Helen Varney Varney 's Midwifery in the book , the third edition in 1997, describes the process of midwifery care management which consists of seven successive steps in a systematic and cyclic .
Step I : Basic data collection
In the first step the assessment is done by collecting all the data is performed to evaluate the patient's condition fully . In the first step of data that must be collected includes data komporhensif subjective , objective , and results of the examination , so as to describe the condition of the actual client and Valid .
A. Subjective Data
1 . Biodata which includes the identity of the patient
a) The name , clear and complete
b ) Age , recorded in the year
c ) Religion , to determine the patient's beliefs in order to guide or direct the patient to pray
d ) Education , to determine the extent of the intellectual level of the patient , so that midwives can provide counseling in accordance with education
e ) Tribe / Nation , affect the customs / daily habits - today
f ) Work to identify and measure the economic level . This effect on the level of patient nutrition
g ) address , to facilitate home visits when necessary
h ) No Rmh / Hp , to facilitate communication with patients
2 . The main complaint
To find out the problems faced with regard to puerperal period , for example, feel stomach ache , pain in the birth canal because of the presence of sutures on perenium
3 . medical history
a. Past medical history to determine the possibility of a history or acute illness suffered
b . Knowing the health history is now possible illness at this point that has to do with her ​​baby during childbirth and
c . Knowing the family history of disease the possibility of the influence of the family on the patient's health problems and her baby
4 . History of Marriage : How many times married , married status
5 . Obstetric History
a. History of pregnancy , childbirth and postpartum ago , how many times inu pregnant , if ever abortion , number of children , the last mode of delivery , birth attendants , postpartum state ago
b . Labor history now , persalinanjenis date of delivery , sex of the child , the state of the baby ( BB , PB ) birth attendants ,
6 . History KB
To determine whether the patient ever used family planning or not , what type , how long , if there are complaints when using it and plan family planning after childbirth period and what the desired type .
7 . Social and cultural life
To know the patients and families who embrace the traditions that will favor or disfavor particular patient at the time of parturition ( eg eating habits )
8 . Psychosocial Data
To study the response of mothers and families of the babies
9 . Data knowledge
To find out how far the development of knowledge about the patient's care after giving birth so profitable during the puerperium
10 . The pattern of daily fulfillment - the
a. Nutrition : On the pattern of eating and drinking , frequency , number , type, food taboos
b . Elimination : About secretory function is bowel and bladder habits , frequency , amount , odor , color , consistency
c . Rest : On rest and sleep patterns of patients ( number of hours )
d . Personal hygiene : Whether mother always maintain the cleanliness of the body , especially in the genital
e . The pattern of activity of the patient's daily activities - day
B. Objective Data
In the face of a patient during childbirth , the midwife must collect data to ensure that the patient is in stable condition . Components are included in the assessment of objective data is
1 . Signs - vital signs
Aimed to determine the state of the mother related to her condition
a. Temperature / temperature
b . Pulse and breathing
c . blood pressure
2 . physical examination
a. State of the breasts and nipples ( symmetric / no , consistency , no swelling / no , puttingmenonjol / no , blisters / no )
b . The state of the abdomen ( normal uterus : sturdy , good contract , not when the fundal height above the immediate postpartum period . Uterus is abnormal : soft , fundal height above the time period immediately post- parturition )
c . Bladder ( to defecate / no )
d . The state of the genitalia ( Normal :
- Lochea ( red black : lochea rubra , unusual smell , no blood clots or grains - grains of frozen blood , the amount of light bleeding or less. Abnormal : bright red , foul odor , frozen bleeds , heavy bleeding ,
- The state of perenium : edema , hematoma , scar episiotomy / laceration , hecting .
- The state of the anus : hemorrhoids .
- The state of ekstreminitas : varicose veins , edema
Step II : Interpretation of the data base
In this step the identification of the diagnoses or problems based on accurate interpretation on the basis of the data that has been collected . Basic data that has been collected , interpreted so as to formulate a diagnosis and specific problem . Diagnosis and problem formulation , both used because the problem can not be identified as a diagnosis , but still need to be addressed . The problem is often associated with things that are being experienced by women who are identified by the midwife in accordance with assessment results . The problem is also often accompanies the diagnosis .
a. With regard to the diagnosis Midwifery , abortion , live child , mother's age and state of puerperal basic data include :
1 . Subjective data ( mother's statement about the amount of labor , whether or not abortion ever , information about the mother's complaint )
2 . Objective data on TFU and contraction palpation , vaginal examination of expenditures , the results of TTV
b . Constraint problem statement munculberdasarkan patients . Basic data include subjective data (data obtained from the patient anamneses ) and objective data ( data obtained from the results of the examination
Step III : Identifying Diagnosis or potential problems
In this step we identify problems or other potential diagnoses and diagnoses based on a series of issues that have been identified . This step requires the prevention of anticipation whenever possible done while observing the patient , the midwife is expected to be prepared when the diagnosis of potential problems actually occur .
Step IV : Identify and define the needs that require immediate treatment
Identifying the need for immediate action by the midwife or doctor and or / to be consulted or dealt with by other health team members in accordance with the client's condition . The fourth step of the process reflected the continuity of midwifery penatalaksanan earlier . So its management not only in the course of antenatal visits . But continuously until the women maternity and finish times nifasnya safely .
Step V : a comprehensive Care Plan
In this step menyuluruh planned care , determined by the previous steps . This step is a continuation of the diagnosis or management problems that have diindentifiakasi or anticipated . In this step the information / data base that is incomplete can be fitted . In this step midwife task is to formulate a plan of care and make a deal with patients in accordance with the results of the discussion with the patient's care plan before melaksanaknnya.adapun things - things that need to be done yaiyu include :
a. observation :
umu state of the patient , awareness , signs - vital signs , TFU , uterine contraction , encourage the mother to urinate immediately , early mobilization observation
b . Personal hygiene
1 . Keep your entire body , especially the genital area
2 . Change the bandage every other day , or every time after urinating
c . break
1 . Simply break
2 . Give understanding of the benefits of rest
3 . Back homework a day - day
d . nutrient
1 . Eat nutritious food , quality and enough calories
2 . Drink 3 liters of water a day or a glass after every feed
3 . Drinking tablets Fe / iron ( 40 tabs / day ) and Vit A
e . breast care
1 . Keep a Breast
2 . Give infants exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age
f . sexual intercourse
Give definition of sexual intercourse may be performed anytime
g . family Planning
Instruct the mother to follow the KB according to his
Step VI : Implementing the plan
In this step a comprehensive care plan dilakukankan efficiently and safely . This plan can be carried out entirely by midwives or in part by the patient , or other health care team members . Although the midwife did not do it himself he still bears responsibility for directing .
a. Observed include :
1 . The general state
2 . awareness
3 . TTV ( measuring blood pressure, temperature , pulse and respiration )
4 . TFU , uterine contractions
5 . Encourage the mother to urinate immediately because if a full bladder inhibits uterine involution process
6 . Encourage the mother to mobilasi lochea early to expedite expenditure , accelerate blood circulation
b . personal hygiene
1 . Maintain cleanliness of the entire body , especially the genital area
2 . Changing pads every other day or every time after urinating
c . break
1 . Giving advice to the mother for a nap enough not to be too tired
2 . To alert the mother , if the lack of rest can lead to the production of less milk production , involusio running slow process that can lead to bleeding
3 . Advocate the mother to return to work a day job - the
d . nutrient
1 . Consuming nutritious food and enough calories quality mothers should eat foods that contain protein , vitamins and minerals
2 . Drink 3 liters of water a day or after every glass of breastfeeding
3 . Drinking tablets Fe / iron for 40 days after delivery
4 . Drinking vitamin A ( 200 . 000 units ) in order to provide vitamin A to infants through breast milk
e . breast care
1 . Keep a Breast
2 . Give infants exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age
f . Giving Sexual intercourse sense when don'ts
g . Family Planning Advise the mother to immediately follow the KB after childbirth period elapsed in accordance with the wishes
Step VII : evaluation
At this step to evaluate the activeness of the care that has been given include the fulfillment of a need for help , whether truly fulfilled in accordance with the needs which have been identified as the problem and diagnosis . The plan can be considered effective if it is really effective in pelaksannaanya There is a possibility that some of these plans have been effective while others have not been effective .