Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tips tackle oily scalp

Who would not be annoyed if the oily scalp , hair so easily soiled , limp and damp . But do not rush to buy expensive beauty products hair or go to a salon every time to care . try using the traditional way at home with a glance to your kitchen . Because the materials that you will use must always be available there , which is salt .
Yes salt , salt who says only serves as herbs , in fact salt can also be used to clean the hair . Salt capable mengeyahkan oil and dirt on the hair without wetting the hair .
Clean your hair dry with salt . The salt will absorb the oil , bacteria , and skin kepala.Caranya stand in the shower or outdoors , massage the scalp to the hair with 1 tablespoon coarse salt ( for long hair , use 2 tablespoons of salt ) . Let stand for 15 minutes . To clean the salt out of the hair and scalp , you can use a natural bristle brush is dry .
When thinning finance , you have to prioritize critical needs rather than spend the money to go to a salon . It never hurts to take a little time to try the tips above , your partner will be guaranteed a big smile because this month you have a budget surplus and do not worry , you will tetep really beautiful ..

Tips cope with dry skin

Do you long to be in the air indoors can make our skin dry ? ? as well as sunlight and air pollution , in addition to making the skin loses moisture also can make skin unhealthy and lost her beauty .
Beautiful skin , healthy and gentle certainly an honor for us women . This article will give you some tips to overcome your beautiful skin to keep awake and not kelembababnya becomes drier :
1 . Drink lots of water
drink at least 2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration .
2 . Bath and cleanse the skin with the right
Choose a soap that contains moisturizer , do not rub the skin too hard , as much as possible reduce hot bath too often as it will only make the skin more dry .
3 . Use sunscreen and skin moisturizer
If you must work outdoors in the sun or in a refrigerated room always wear sunscreen cream SPF and moisturizing body cream or moisturizer .
4 . Drink vitamin - E , vegetable and fruit
Eat more vegetables , fruits and do not forget to consume Vit E if necessary . Vitamins and minerals are able to make our skin more healthy and beautiful .
5 . diligent exercise
Try to exercise regularly at least 3 times a week . Exercising can make our body healthy and fit also makes our skin look fresher .
Hopefully this article can harden resolve your problem .. :)

Tips create a mask of fruit bengkoang

anyone who does not want to have white skin, clean and not dull. various ways to get it done, than wear cheap whitening products until the prices of millions. although we do not know the Halal or Secure products for skin and our health in the future.

to get skin clean and beautiful let's make your own mask whitening of yam safe and natural home.

how: 1 small piece grated yam, then apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with water and dry.

good luck with ya .. :)

anyone who does not want to have white skin, clean and not dull. various ways to get it done, than wear cheap whitening products until the prices of millions. although we do not know the Halal or Secure products for skin and our health in the future.

to get skin clean and beautiful let's make your own mask whitening of yam safe and natural home.

how: 1 small piece grated yam, then apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with water and dry.

good luck with ya .. :)

Tips to remove stains on clothing turmeric

to remove turmeric stains on your favorite clothes ..

1. With Whiting

Take whiting, put the stained sections, and dub-dub rinse with clean water and dry using regular detergent. But if turmeric stains still stuck try soaking overnight with whiting, then wash with soap.

2. with Salt

Wet a piece of clothing that turmeric stains with clean water, then sprinkle salt on top of dub-dub. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly

3. With lemon

Take one lemon, sliced ​​with a knife and then rub the turmeric stains on your clothes. Then wash with regular detergent and dry

Good luck

Tips Beautiful With Coffee Body Scrub

Who does not want to have smooth skin, soft and smooth. surely every woman perform a variety of ways to make it happen. One of them is by using a scrub or peeling of the skin of the body.

But sometimes we do not have the time to just relax and berlulur at the spa or body treatment center. Why do not you try to make yourself at home scrub.

One way is to use coffee. Coffee has properties as discharge toxins on the skin, can remove scars or mosquito bites, smooth the skin and make the skin smooth and taut strong.

how to make:

2-3 tablespoons brewed coffee powder pulpy. If you are a fan of coffee should be drunk his coffee. : D then take the waste rub on the skin that you want to scrub, wait half dry, massage, massage gently until the dirt and coffee grounds apart.

This scrub did 2 weeks to get the desired results. Good luck. :)