Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fear Men In Sex

Fear Men In SexWhat exactly makes a man worry during intercourse ? Not a man's ability to satisfy their partner to be one cause .
Sense of inferiority , depression , bringing the pair to the peak of orgasm and small penis size or impotence is a sexual problem that men feared .
Sexual problem itself is not just a matter of mere men , therefore women must understand that sex between men and women are always different . From the biological side , for example , men are more sensitive . That is, when men see a woman naked , he will feel aroused . In contrast , women are generally more visible stimulation of seduction and physical touch .
" The ability to cause stimulation of the male partner , such as the ability foreplay , cause stimulation of the secondary sex organs , for example sweep in the lips and other parts " .
In the women's skin are nerve points that are very delicate , and when touched gently easily lead to a stimulus . Unfortunately, most men tend to be impatient and rude , even though the action was actually reduce the desire of women , making it difficult to reach orgasm .
Own psychological issues also contribute to determine the sex life , because Mr. P and erection are two things that are closely related , which is between the mind and sex organs . If the mind is upset because of various problems , anger or a sense of inferiority , we can be sure passion will immediately drop .
" Sense of inferiority can be caused due to problems in the office or fatigue , so when a couple invites nerhubungan intimate , the man has been exhausted "
In addition, the role is more dominant partner in the family can also lead to a sense of inferiority in men .
" Maybe because of her fierce , wife's income is greater than or spouse has become a rising star while husband mediocre , it could affect a man 's sex life " .
This requires mutual understanding between the pair and perform variations to avoid monotony in sex.
" Clever treating yourself to always look beautiful and cooks husband 's favorite menu can add romance in sex " .
Similarly, a husband to always keep the romance with her ​​partner . For example , giving a flower to his wife when I go home , try different variations of the sex style and do it at any time in the hotel .

Tips for Long Lasting Printer

Tips for Long Lasting PrinterYour printer is rarely used ? The printer also needs to be treated and maintained in order to continue long lasting . Consider the following tips .Today the display devices is expanding with a range of sophistication . But it would be useless if you waste precious money then can not properly maintain the printer . Try the following tips to make your machine more durable .1 . Do not let stand the ink in a long time . Moving ink can make the print head jammed . The best solution , turn the printer on a regular basis once a week in order to dilute the ink because the printer head back warm again .2 . Avoid leaving empty cartridges . Even if you plan on storing your printer , try the ink cartridge in a charged state .3 . Do not use paper that is too thick while printing . It makes the motor work too hard printer , until the wheel towing is not running normally.4 . When not in use , try to leave the printer neatly closed . This is to prevent dust from entering and accumulate inside the printer . Of course dust can also affect the working printer .5 . If not used , the printer is off course better . Do not let the printer is in the long term .6 . Do not buy ink injection frequency and flipping brand ink cartridges when filling . Because if there is a leak , the printer will be damaged .( smbr : detik.com )

benefits of orange peel

benefits of orange peelNot just any lemon fruit that has many benefits , but also the skin . With lemon peel some problems can be solved easily . There are 16 Benefits of lemon zest that you should know .

01 . Eliminate oil stains

Take a look around and observe , anything that looks oily around your kitchen . Is it a frying pan , stove or kitchen counter suburb , before cleaning with water , soap and fabric , use lemon oil to repel stains . Sprinkle a pinch of salt to the juice of half a lemon and rub it into the oily areas , then wash with a cloth . ( be careful using lemon on marble surfaces or other materials that are sensitive to acid ) .

02 . Cleaning stains of tea and coffee

To clean a used tea and coffee are stuck in a glass or pitcher , you can fill a pitcher with water , add a handful of pieces of lemon peel and bring to a boil . Turn off the stove and let stand up to 1 hour . Discard the water and rinse the inside of the teapot . For the coffee pot , add ice , salt and lemon zest into a jug , whisk 1-2 minutes , rinse the new exhaust .

03 . Cleaning the microwave

Instead of using chemical cleaners are not environmentally friendly , a good idea to switch to natural ingredients to clean dirt in the oven . The trick lemon peel enter into a microwave bowl , fill the bowl with half the water , then cook in a high temperature for 5 minutes . Let the lemon peel seethe water condenses on the inside of the microwave chamber and removed after the bowl , you just wash it alone .

04 . Eliminate the smell of garbage

Lemon peel can be used to eliminate odors in the area around the garbage disposal in the kitchen .

05 . Rubbing chrome material

Mineral deposits in tap water or other items made from chrome material can be smoothed by rubbing half a lemon . When finished , rinse and dry with a cloth .

06 . Copper polish

Copper cookware from the material can be made shiny by rubbing using a mixture of half a lemon , salt or baking soda . Stay rub , let sit for 5 minutes , rinse with warm water and pat dry .

07 . Cleaning the sink of stainless steel

The method is not much different from when cleaning chrome material .

08 . repel insects

Many pests abhor the nature of the acid in the lemon . You can chop up a lemon peel , then put it close to the hole , window , or any area that is an entry point for any ants or other small animals .

09 . air freshener

Put the piece of lemon peel into a container filled with water , and simmer over low heat to moisturize and scent the room .

10 . sterilize cutting board

Because the pH is low enough lemon , then lemon contains anti- bacterial that can sterilize cutting boards . After washing , rub the surface of the cutting board , let stand a few minutes , rinse .

11 . Soften brown sugar

Not only a piece of apple that could soften brown sugar , lemon zest but also . Just be sure to clean the skin first before putting it in the bag of sugar . Humidity lemon peel texture will soften hard brown sugar .

12 . flavor enhancer

Either fresh lemon peel , dried , frozen up though , everything can menyedapkan processed foods , naturally again . You can add chopped lemon zest in salads , fish , bread until serving .

13 . garnish the dish

Length of the cut lemon peel can be formed into a spiral , flower , or other shape to decorate food and drinks .

14 . Lemon extract powder

Where it came powder lemon extract if not from the lemon itself. Chopped lemon peel , make sure you throw the white sari ( usually bitter ) , and dry it by putting it on a plate for 3-4 days . Put it in a blender and crushed to form a powder . Again, this one can extract menyedapkan food .

15 . lemon sugar

Same way with making extracts of lemon on top . You just add the sugar mixture and store in a jar . Sugar has a lemon flavor in an instant .

16 . lemon pepper

Not much different from the lemon sugar , pepper you can if you mix lemon taste with pepper extract . Try it

Fruit Mask To Shine

Fruit Mask To ShineHair loss , damaged , wrinkled, cracked, and dull , is a common problem faced by many people . Poor hair growth is caused by poor diet , unhealthy lifestyle , the selection of hair care products that is not right , and pollution .
Solutions that can be done to maintain the beauty and health of hair , among others, by drinking plenty of water , choosing the right hair products , and do hair spa . If you like to do their own hair care , hair mask you can make from fruit to get strong and shiny hair naturally .

Masks Banana And Milk Curd
Bananas are one of the most effective fruit for treating damaged and dull hair in a natural way . This mask can be used once a week . Method: Mash some banana ( depending on hair length ) . Then add a little curd of milk ( condensed milk ) and lemon juice . Stir them together to form a paste , then use on the hair and let sit 20-30 minutes . Once done , rinse with cold water and shampoo . This mask will also help eliminate dandruff and moisturize the scalp .
Guava And Honey
Guava contains vitamin A, which increases the growth of new hair . Method: Take a ripe guava , then destroy. Mix with honey and a few drops of lemon juice ( if your hair dandruff ) . Mix and apply on the hair , leave on for 15 minutes and wash with shampoo , then rinse thoroughly .
Papaya and Milk
Papaya fruit serves as a natural exfoliator for skin hair . Method: Combine milk , curd , and honey until smooth . Then apply this mask on your hair and leave on for 25-30 minutes . After washing it with shampoo to clean .
Strawberry and Lemon
This mask effectively treat scalp problems such as dandruff , itchy scalp , oily scalp , scalp odor , and cope with hair loss . how to make : Take some strawberries , then to puree . Add a few drops of honey , milk , and lemon juice . Stir until it becomes a paste hair . Let stand for 15 minutes , and wash with shampoo to clean .
Peach and Yogurt
This mask is useful to overcome the scalp dry and itchy . Method: Puree the peaches and add some plain yogurt into it . This mask can also be combined with other fruits such as oranges or papaya for best results . Let stand for 20-25 minutes , then wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly with cold water .

How to Overcome Acne

How to Overcome AcneThe emergence of acne is certainly very disturbing , because it affects the beauty of women . No wonder when they wanted to eliminate acne in many ways .
Unfortunately , the action taken is often not appropriate . As a result , acne rather than lost , but got worse and eventually leaves black spots the increasingly disturbing appearance . Therefore , acne should be dealt with appropriately .

Explained that basically acne is caused by inflammation of the sebaceous duct blockage in the gland . Acne can be divided into two , namely the non- inflammatory acne and inflammation .
Inflammatory acne without any form of blackheads , which can be divided into two , namely open comedones ( blackheads ) and closed comedones ( whiteheads ) . " Blackheads could be the early stages of the occurrence of acne . Nevertheless, not all blackheads can turn into pimples , if not carrying the bacteria , blackheads will not turn into pimples . Based on this , sometimes not classified as acne comedones . "

While acne with inflammation , can include papules , pustules , and abscesses . Inflammatory papules under the skin is characterized by the appearance of a reddish color . Pustules are more severe inflammation than papules , as it spread up under the skin eruptions are accompanied by bumps , and feels pain when touched . While the abscess is very severe acne , because it was accompanied by pus . "Most people feel disturbed when new papules appeared . Though, actually , when it starts up blackheads also had to be dealt with appropriately so as not to worsen or become a pimple . "
HOW TO OVERCOMETreatment of acne should be done properly so as not to even severe mertambah and leave spots on the face . Suggested treatment is done in accordance with the cause .
Among other blockage of the sebaceous glands , excess oil gland production , genetic or hereditary , certain racial type , hormonal changes such as puberty and pregnancy, cuacar too hot , and a good lifestyle .
Well , based on these causes , acne treatment can be done as follows :

Reduce Blockages
When a blockage occurs because the sebaceous glands are advised to reduce the blockage using acne medications that are keratolytic . " This acne medicine works as an exfoliating , to remove the blockage . Acne medicine is keratolik can include medications containing salicylic acid , sulfu , vitamin A acid , resorcinol , peroxide and benzoyl . These are topical acne medicine , or use topically on the area acne . " For rules of use, you should consult a dermatologist , because acne is usually adapted to the conditions . "
Reduce the oil gland activity
Reducing the activity of the oil glands do with hormonal therapy , through the administration of drugs that contain estrogen and oral antiandrogens . " Of course, this action should also be carried out by a specialist , including rules and dose. "
Reduce the Number of Bacteria
Bacteria are able to trigger the appearance of acne . However, the presence of bacteria in the skin is normal , and in every person . " However, if the amount is too much or excessive bacteria , plus the presence of dirt or environmental conditions favorable to accelerate breeding , certainly can cause skin problems including acne . " Well , to reduce acne , can be done by reducing the amount of bacteria on the skin . How to use topical or oral antibiotics .
Reduce Inflammation
Reducing inflammation can be done using anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids . How to use is by way of injection . As a result, acne will quickly dry and gradually disappear . " But the only anti-inflammatory injection done on acne that has become pustules or abscesses . "

AVOIDDespite remedial action has been carried out correctly , as long as acne has not sembu right to keep doing the treatment , so that the results truly optimal handling . Therefore, avoid the following:

Squeezing Pimples
People often impatient , want acne disappear soon . Because of this , they often squeeze pimples . Or , if you're daydreaming , inadvertently , fingers touching or holding the acne and tried scratching . It should be avoided . Therefore , a hand to hold , feel , or squeeze is not necessarily clean . Dikhawaatirkan so dirty and bacteria in jaari hand fingers will stick in the acne area and increase the number of bacteria existing in acne . As a result , acne will get worse and peyembuhan process so much longer .
Applying Acne Medication Too Much
Acne is very disturbing , so everyone wanted to get rid of it. On that basis , there are some people who are applying acne medication - many .